Exercise To Burn Those Calories

Exercise can mean anything from running a marathon to Samba dancing. When building exercise into your schedule, it doesn’t always have to mean signing up for a gym membership. A night out dancing is a great way to have fun as you burn calories. Walking the dog burns calories, so make the route a little longer! Engaging in a variety of activities will keep the pounds coming off more easily with less boredom.

Have a Plan Before You Start a Weight Loss Program

It is important to get organized and have a plan in order for your weight loss program to succeed.

 Consult with your physician if you have been sedentary
 Buy vitamin supplements that will assist in your weight loss program
 Clear out foods from the pantry that might tempt you to go off track
 Shop and stock up on healthy foods.
 Determine what exercise activities you will commit to.

Determining your starting point is also important. How many calories are you currently burning? What is your starting weight? What exercise are you doing? How will you track your progress?

Free Internet Tools for Losing Weight

No matter which diet or program you have decided to follow, the “Calorie Count” Website is an amazing, free website with a wealth of diet and health information to help you get started and keep your program on target. With free registration, it provides a daily log for tracking your food intake, activity, and weight.

At registration, the website asks pertinent questions about your weight, height, activity level, etc., to customize the tools in their site specifically for you. It will tell you how many calories will maintain your current weight and how much you will need to cut back to reach your ideal weight. They even have great recipes!

When you enter into your food diary, the site’s program estimates your food entry’s calorie count and breaks it down by fat, carbs, and protein. When you enter activities, it will add in the calories burned. At the end of the day, you’ll have your total day’s analysis and receive a grade.

Another website to check out is “The Health Status” website. This website has a multitude of tools and calculators that can measure your health status. You can take various assessments to determine cardiac risk, diabetes risk, fitness level, and more. They have calculators that estimate body fat, body mass index, frame size, and even blood alcohol!

Calorie Burning Activities

Health Status has a tool that estimates calories burned by activity also. Simply enter your weight and the exercise duration into the box next to the exercise activity to calculate calories burned. Using their calculator, the following are some examples for a woman who weighs 150, exercising for 30 minutes. (It’s important to incorporate at least 30 minutes 3-4 times per week to lose weight).

Calories burned during a gym workout – Many people. When trying to get into shape, they will visit a gym or purchase exercise equipment to help them burn those calories. Here’s an example of calories burned during a typical half-hour workout.

 Low Impact Aerobics – 206
 Weight lifting – 117
 Pilates Intermediate – 175
 Stair Step Machine – 238
 Step Aerobics – 238
 Elliptical trainer 386
 Jumping jacks – 153
 Water Aerobics – 135
 Yoga - 297

Calories burned during outdoor exercise – Others prefer getting out in the sunshine in their neighborhood for their thirty minutes of exercise:

 Running 5 mph – 288
 Bicycling leisurely – 135
 Badminton – 153
 Walking 4 mph – 175
 Hiking – 202

Calories burned around the house – Most of us don’t realize the calories we burn around the house. Here are a few examples.

 Walking up stairs – 274
 Housework – 99
 Brushing teeth – 85
 Ironing – 76
 Cooking – 90
 Mopping – 153
 Raking Lawn – 135
 Gardening – 184

Calories burned and have Fun – There are many hobbies and activities that help us burn calories as we are just having fun!

 Dancing - 170
 Bowling – 103
 Shopping – 80
 Billiards – 85
 Frisbee playing – 103
 Table tennis – 135
 Sex – 144

Getting healthy and losing weight requires the same planning as taking a trip; Know where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there. Then, once you’ve gotten started, you might even enjoy the journey!
