30 Day Traffic Blueprint – Get More Page Views

Need blog traffic? Then you need the 30 Day Traffic Blueprint. If you follow these ideas, you’ll have new website visitors in 30 days or less!

30 Day Traffic Blueprint Pinterest Pin

30 Day Traffic Blueprint

One of the most frustrating things for an online entrepreneur is the fact that they possess the necessary drive and passion to lead a niche, but in spite of their eagerness to learn, end up confused or struggling to generate traffic for their site.

You can have the best products or services imaginable, and content that rivals any professional publication – but if you can’t get eyes on your site pages, your success will grow stagnant until you can figure out this all-important element.

Website traffic is a combination of pulling people to your site based on what you’ve put there and how you’ve purposefully built it – and pushing them there from offsite using strategic plans that get people clicking on your links.

They can be both free and paid measures, and once you know how to integrate a blueprint of best traffic practices, you’ll find your financial success soaring thanks to the expedited traffic tactics you’ve been using.

Below, you’ll find a 30-day implementation plan that allows you to integrate bite-sized traffic methods that both push and pull traffic to your site pages, allowing you to build a list or sell your products and services with ease.

Day 1: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Getting Your SEO in Order

Before all else, from day one, you want to adhere to a traffic-positive SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. SEO ranges from basic measures to more advanced elements, but you can start by doing simple things that help search engines correctly index your site so it’s presented to the correct audience.

This includes everything from categorizing and tagging your posts for relevancy to making sure your settings encourage search bots to visit and index your pages. You’ll want to build an interlinking structure between pages periodically and organically, too.

Even something as simple as uploading a sitemap for search engines can help them navigate your domain so that you have a higher chance of the right pages showing up for your target audience.

SEO is as much about things you shouldn’t do as it is things you should. For example, keyword stuffing is something to be avoided, as is thin content or duplicated content on your domain.

Day 2: Push Traffic to Your Site By Creating a YouTube Video

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Internet next to Google. If you want to get traffic flowing to your site from an outside source, creating a channel filled with videos on this social media platform is a great way to do it.

YouTube videos don’t have to be excessive and length. You typically just need to optimize your channel in each video for search engines and make sure you provide valuable and interesting content that makes people want to watch and listen.

In order to push traffic to your site through the use of YouTube videos, you want to make sure you provide a link to the page you want them to go to, along with a call to action that guides them in what to do.

You can send viewers to your lead magnet page in order to build a list, to a specific blog post that dives deeper into a topic, or even to a sales page for a product that you have launched or are an affiliate for.

Day 3: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Writing a Long-Tail Keyword Post

Today, you will be pulling traffic into your site by focusing on writing a long tail keyword post. Too many bloggers focus on broad keywords, such as diet. While these are great words to rank for, they are harder to get traction with.

Instead of starting out with broad keywords, it’s better to create a focus on long tail keywords that have less competition and are easier to rank for. A good example of this would be a keyword phrase such as diet for women over 50.

You can find long tail keywords by starting with a broad keyword using a keyword tool that is free or paid. Even if you types the word diet into Google, you will see a long tail automated result that says diet plan for weight loss.

You want to use the long tail keyword phrase in the title of your blog post, in the URL of the post, and sprinkled a couple of times within your post, along with additional similar phrases.

A similar phrase to the one above might be something such as weight loss diet plan. you don’t want to stuff the post full of keyword phrases to the point where it doesn’t make sense or it is obvious.

You should soon see traffic coming into your site after the search bots have indexed it and are presenting it to interested parties who search for that phrase on their search engine.

30 Day Traffic Blueprint Instagram

Day 4: Push Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Pin

Today you’re going to be working on pushing traffic to your site using Pinterest. Pinterest is a great viral social networking site because it allows people to search and share bookmarks to sites that have information they want.

The bookmarks are created in the form of an image, usually vertical, that includes some sort of text to entice people to pin it to their own board to save it. These pins are categorized into a relevant topic.

For instance, a user may have a board for their weight loss, home decor, parenting tips, recipes, and more. Getting your pin shared virally across many different boards for your niche is a great way to push traffic to your site.

If you aren’t familiar with how to create a Pinterest pin, you can use a tool such as Canva, which has readymade templates you can use with your own image and text before sharing it on Pinterest.

There are many marketers and entrepreneurs who collaborate in an effort to get their site more traffic. all you have to do is join a collaborative board where you will pin one or two of your pins to your site, and share several of someone else’s pins to your own board so they can do the same for you.

Day 5: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Popular Product Review

Today, you will be working on pulling traffic into your site by creating an in depth review on a popular product. Find a product that is relevant to your niche that is selling well with consumers.

Then, create an in depth product review that covers the product features, benefits, drawbacks, and any tips or hacks you have on how to use it. It’s best if you can find something that is just now taking off in popularity, rather than something that has been on the market for years.

When it’s a new product that is coming out and consumers are showing a lot of interest in it, you will be able to capitalize on the buzz surrounding the product by having one of the first or only blog posts that details everything about it before the customer spends money.

You can use a mixture of generic keyword phrases, such as best digital camera for beginners, and specific brand keyword phrases, such as Canon EOS Rebel SL3 review. This will allow you to pull in people who don’t yet know what to buy as well as those who just need reassurance that what they’re about to purchase is the right decision.

If you are able to pull in traffic using product reviews, you may want to have a lead magnet in the form of a buyer’s guide. That way, if they land on your site to read one product review, you can get them on your list by providing a comprehensive and helpful downloadable guide.

Day 6: Push Traffic to Your Site By Sharing Links on Facebook

Today’s traffic push will be built by linking to your content on Facebook. There are three different ways you can generate traffic using this social media site. First, you can use your own personal profile.

This may or may not be effective depending on who you have friended on the site. However, you can also use a Facebook page that you have created for your brand. If you are consistently sharing content on your page and keeping consumers interested, this could be a great way to share links to your blog posts, products or lead magnets whenever you have something new.

Another place you can share links to your site on Facebook is in groups that you have created. You may also be able to share in groups that someone else created, but you will need to check the rules and make sure that you abide by them.

If you are sharing from a group that you created, it’s often better to keep the group public. That way, whenever someone in your group enjoys the content, they can share your post in the group with their own followers and increase the traffic to your site.

Day 7: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Offering a Free Niche Report

Everyone likes to get something for nothing. You can create a free niche report that you either offer in a blog post or on a lead magnet page that address is a pressing concern for your target audience.

You can create a PDF that your target audience can download whenever they visit your site that can help them learn a new skill, solve a problem, or achieve a goal that they have been pursuing.

If you create a blog post about this free nature report, you can use certain keywords such as free weight loss plan, for example. Then, you can explain in the blog post what is in the report and how they can download it by signing up to your list.

Day 8: Push Traffic to Your Site By Using Instagram’s Link in Bio

Instagram is a site that is based on a certain aesthetic that you provide to your target audience. It is where you can create an account primarily fueled by images that are paired with text, along with short videos.

Instagram allows you to include a link in your bio, so you should strategically choose where you send your followers. Ideally, you will be pushing them to a place on your domain that allows you to build a list.

You may also want to send them to a specific blog post that it helps you earn money through the promotion of your products or those of someone else using an affiliate link, but make sure you always reference the opt in offer.

Whenever you create an effective Instagram post, not only will you want to tag it with the most relevant hashtags, but you will also want to remember to include your call to action that has readers navigate to your “link in bio.”

Day 9: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Writing a Pillar Blog Post

If there’s one great way to pull traffic into your site, it’s by spending a day thoughtfully developing a pillar blog post. these are long blog posts that are not only optimized for search engines, but written specifically to dive deep into a topic for your target audience.

This is a place where you will showcase the level of your expertise and influence within a niche. You want to make sure that your pillar blog post has a goal in mind, such as cementing your brand message, helping you build a list, or make sales.

These are called pillar blog post because they are supposed to be created as a foundation for your blog that can support the rest of your content and goals. This should be one of the most interesting posts that you have created to date.

Make sure you are not simply regurgitating a bunch of facts and numbers in this post, but instead engaging your audience and even using a multimedia approach that combines text, images, and video.

Day 10: Push Traffic to Your Site By Creating TikTok Snippets

Pushing traffic to your site does not have to be a task that takes a long time. In fact, there are video snippets on social media apps like TikTok that are only 15 seconds long, yet have the potential to generate traffic to your site.

You can go viral on this app by using trends, songs and sounds that puts you on the for you page of your target audience. You want to make sure that you have a link back to your site in your profile’s bio and use a short call to action to get viewers there.

Day 11: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Post About a Competitor

The competition in your niche is made up of individuals who keep a close eye on what is being said about them. Savvy entrepreneurs know that they need to keep an eye on the messaging that is presented to the target audience about their brand, products, and services.

 You can pull traffic to your website by creating a blog post about a competitor in your niche. This should be a positive blog post, not one where you are bashing the other person. When you do this, the competition will be aware of your post and share it with their email subscribers, social media followers, and customers.

Anything that elevates their status as a niche leader will be something worthy of a promotion to your domain. Don’t worry about speaking positively about someone who is your competition.

You are putting yourself in a position to form joint ventures with this person and capture the names and email addresses of their audience, which should be the same as yours, so it’s w in-win situation for all.

Day 12: Push Traffic to Your Site By Offering to Guest Blog for Others

Guest blogging is a tactic that many marketers used for years as a way to get backlinks. However, in addition to the SEO benefits it provides, it’s also a great traffic generator. Other online bloggers will welcome the break they receive from allowing you to blog in their place for a day.

There’s not one entrepreneur alive who doesn’t have a mile long list of tasks they need to handle. The key is to find a blogger whose audience is a close match for your own, and then create a blog post that showcases your worth as a niche leader.

You want to make sure you have it in your agreement that the blog post will link back to your own site, where you will hopefully send them to a lead magnet page so you can capture their contact information and market to them in the future.

Day 13: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Mentioning an Influencer

Influencers are in great demand these days for the promotion of products. But they also need to position themselves well in order to get those promotion opportunities that pay well.

Therefore, you can leverage their name in one of your blog posts about them in a positive light to generate targeted traffic to your pages. For example, if you are in the weight loss niche and you know of an influencer who has a large following, you can create a post about their niche knowledge and influence in the community and how much you admire their passion for it.

Make sure they are made aware of the post by sending them a link, and you will often find that they then share the link to your blog with their fans and followers because it’s something that shows them in a good light as a leader.

Influencers aren’t necessarily product creators or even affiliates. They often start out organically simply sharing their passion or interest in a topic with others. Then relevant brands take notice of their ability to sway others and offer them money in exchange for a promo on their social channel.

Day 14: Push Traffic to Your Site By Using Paid Ads

There are many marketers who will advise you to stay away from using paid advertisements to generate traffic for your site. However, anyone can get a boost for their site without risk if they simply set a budget for their ad campaigns that does not go above and beyond what they can afford.

You might want to consider learning the ropes for paid ads on sites like Facebook and apps like Instagram and TikTok. You never want to go into it blindly until you take a course or watch videos on how to succeed with paid ads.

You can also put a little money into traffic generation using solo ads, which are emails that are sent out to another marketers list, where you have paid for a specific message to be sent on your behalf.

Day 15: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Interviewing an Expert

If you are an individual who has an interest or need to know something in a particular niche, you will often look for experts to guide you. As a niche blogger, you can pull your target audience into your site by showcasing your interview skills and the knowledge of another expert.

Many niche experts enjoy being asked to conduct an interview, because it heightens their position as a leader. For your interview, you can conduct it via text, video, or audio, depending on what you and the expert you’ll be interviewing most comfortable with.

Similar to guest blogging and influencer traffic, expert interviews have the same ego boosting effect, where the other person is likely to showcase the interview on your site to their own followers and subscribers.

Before you conduct your interview, you want to make sure you spend a little time adequately understanding what this particular person believes and is known for so that you can tailor your questions for them, rather than simply asking broad niche questions.

Day 16: Push Traffic to Your Site By Sending Out an Email

Today, you are going to push some traffic to your site by simply sending out an email to your subscribers. This is something many marketers forget to do, believe it or not. They go through the effort of creating a lead magnet and building their list, but only email them when there is something they want to sell or promote.

In addition to making money from your email subscribers, you also want to get them used to visiting your blog posts to absorb the information you’ve provided. They will often use the social sharing buttons you’ve enabled to help your content go viral.

Day 17: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Creating Content Based on Site Statistics

Today’s traffic generating task will be to focus on the statistics your site provide you with and do more of what is getting you noticed. You can go into your cPanel and see which keywords and phrases are pulling in traffic at this time.

This will give you some insight into what people are interested in enough to click through a link and go to your domain. You can either take that particular keyword phrase and put a spin on it so that it is slightly different for more traffic or do something related to the same topic.

You might be able to look at other statistics and gather information that will help you as well. For example, if you notice a certain geographic location or demographic that is visiting your site and consuming your information more, you can hone in on that data and tailor your content for them.

Day 18: Push Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Blog-Hosted Paid Product

Today is a traffic task that will require a little more effort than some others. When you have a blog, you have the option to create posts that are public or password protected. Most people simply use the public option.

However, you can create a simple product that is hosted on your blog and send buyers there to login and access the information they have paid for. For example, you might create a 30 day weight loss challenge, where each day includes a tip and motivation behind a password protected blog post.

Even though they are password protected, Google and other search engines can still index the page to some degree. It will simply show up as a protected page, but the title of the post will still be visible to whoever is searching for the information.

So for instance, you might title your blog post: 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge Day 1. when visitors land on your site and see that they need a password, they can use your contact form to get in touch about how they can access the information.

Not only does this help you get sales, but it’s always a good idea to have your customers revisiting your blog on a regular basis where they can see your most current blog post in the sidebar as well as the engagement you are getting, if you are using those widgets.

Day 19: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Response Blog Post

Blogging is not just about coming up with your own ideas to pull in traffic. Another good way to generate interest in your site is to respond to someone else on your blog. This is frequently done on video social sites such as YouTube.

Someone will make a video, and another person will make a video response to the original video. You can do the same with blog posts. If another site or blogger has published content that you want to expand on or that you disagree with, you can create a response blog and link back to the original blogger.

That way, both posts are ranking in social media and you are able to siphon off some of the people who are searching for that information, yet still being ethical enough to link back to the original content.

Day 20: Push Traffic to Your Site By Using News Aggregators

As a site owner, one way that you can push traffic to your domain is to make sure it’s available for news aggregators. People will subscribe to a feed based on keywords or certain publications, so that they don’t miss anything.

You can submit your site to news or content aggregators such as Feedly, Panda, GetPocket, Google News or Flipboard. For most news aggregators, you’ll create a publisher account and enter a description of the content with an RSS feed.

Day 21: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Capitalizing on Trends and News

One great way to bring traffic into your site is to pay attention to what is going on in your niche on a regular basis. You want to be the first one blogging about certain trends or news that is hitting the online airwaves.

We just talked about submitting your own site to news aggregators, but you also want to be subscribed to those that will alert you to breaking news and information about your niche.

You can also log in daily to find something on a consumer or trade site, but you also want to pay attention to press releases and news outlets that will be discussing what’s happening in your niche that you can discuss in a way that helps you bring new visitors to your domain.

For example, if you have a diet blog, you might search for that word on Google, go to the news tab, and see an article about a study that says a plant based or Mediterranean style diet adds 10 years to your lifespan.

This would be a good opportunity for you to showcase the news that has just come out by giving your opinion about this idea or by sharing tips on how people can adopt that specific diet with ease.

Day 22: Push Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Press Release

Press releases put out by companies and brands in your niche are a great way to get a jump start on traffic when you watch for news coming out. But you can also be the one creating press releases for your own brand and business to gain the attention of others.

You can create a press release for a new site, project or product you have launching and submit it to PR sites like Newswire. There are templates you can find for press releases so that it will be easy for you to write one, since they’re written more like a news release than a blog article.

Day 23: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Curating with Links

Curation is a fantastic form of information sharing that allows you to pull in traffic from other source’s content. This is not a situation where you are plagiarizing other sites, but instead gathering short snippets of information from their content to quote or share and contribute to them with an active link.

You can create something like a blog post that showcases a dozen experts in your niche. You can quote each of the sites or bloggers that you curate from and then add your own commentary about what you’ve shared from them.

For example, if you curate from one expert who shares a great tip about mindful eating and listening to your hunger cues, you can add your own thoughts about how initially, the audience may end up throwing away food, but eventually, they’ll learn to plate less.

Bloggers pay attention to incoming links, so when your blog post contributes the share to them, they’ll see it, and usually share the blog post with their followers as a way to highlight their expertise.

You can curate many forms of information – from text quotes to images, video and audio. You never want to curate anything fully, like an entire article or podcast. Instead, take a small, bite-sized taste of what they have to offer, share it with the link to the full original one, and add your $0.02.

Day 24: Push Traffic to Your Site By Self-Publishing on Amazon

Becoming a published author is a great way to increase branding and exposure in your niche. Self-publishing on Amazon in digital format is a quick and easy way to drive traffic to your site.

There are step-by-step instructions on Kindle showing you how to go through the technical steps, and you can create a publication that’s a short read (as little as 15 minutes) or a full-length book if you want to.

You’re able to link to your site and social accounts within your Kindle book. Make sure your topic is something that will be in-demand. If you want to, you can also put the item on other self-publishing platforms, too.

Day 25: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Outperforming Top Ranking Blog Posts

Right now, pick a topic in your niche and search for it on Google. You want to look at one of the top performing blog posts on that topic and dissect the post to see what they’re doing so that you can not only emulate their success, but overpower it.

For example, let’s say you typed in “how to make money as an influencer.” You can see several blogs in the top search results page and you want to reverse engineer how they did it.

You’ll be able to look at certain elements, such as the title (and what keywords are used in it), keyword phrases used throughout, the tone and style of the writing, what elements they’re using such as a table of contents, what inter-site links they are using, the length of the post, any examples and images they’re sharing, and more.

You want to create a checklist of sorts that allows you to do all of the same things in terms of keywords, length, and widgets or plugins. But you want to also notice what’s missing – what they haven’t done – so that you can add to your post to make it out-perform the competition.

Day 26: Push Traffic to Your Site By Networking with the Right People

Networking is very important to the traffic success of a site. You can push people to your posts by simply getting to know the right people. These are the niche leaders who are good at sharing with their audience.

They’re the ones who know how to find great content, tag the right people and highlight the best of what you have. You don’t want to network with people and spam or tag them to the point they block you – but be strategic about networking and share your content organically in your feed on social media so they’ll pick up on it and help you generate more traffic.

Day 27: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Repurposing Your Existing Content

Repurposing content is one of the easiest ways to increase traffic for your site. It’s all about turning one piece that you created into multi media formats. So let’s start with a text blog post.

You can use it as a transcript and record an audio podcast episode to embed on your blog. You can do the same with video, and either be on the screen or use a slide presentation to highlight the bulletpoints.

You can even use content as an image, in the form of infographics paired with summary text that help bring more traffic to your blog. You can, of course, do the opposite with all of these – start with a video you made and turn it into a text blog, and so on.

Day 28: Push Traffic to Your Site By Using Podcasts

Podcasts are growing in popularity, and you can easily drive traffic to your blog by creating a marketing plan for your show. You need to have interesting topics and guests to build an audience.

Once you’ve secured those, make sure you include a mention of the site in the beginning and end of your episode, and place a live hyperlink in the show notes so people can find their way to your blog to learn more.

Day 29: Pull Traffic to Your Site By Creating a Case Study or Series

If you want to make your site more sticky and get more eyes on your posts, you might want to consider creating a series or case study to share. Blogs are often informative and educational, but a series or case study keeps people coming back.

You can buy a course and implement it, sharing your results in a case study format. Or, simply create a numbered series, such as 14-day series that they can follow along with as you teach.

This gives you the opportunity to interlink on your site because you’ll be linking to the previous and next parts of the case study or series on each blog post. Plus, they can sign up to your list to get notifications of when the next part is ready.

Day 30: Push Traffic to Your Site By Participating in Forums

Forums are often overlooked by marketers. But it’s where the average person goes to feel safe discussing issues with others who have the same problems and concerns. That’s where an expert like you can step up and serve the audience, providing thoughtful replies to their posts.

Traffic will come from your signature file, which is a text or image-based hyperlink back to your site that shows up under every comment or post that you make. Make a plan to show up once a day or a couple of times per week.

Generating traffic to your site, or pulling it in organically, is a task that simply requires a commitment of time and creativity. You can’t do any step once and expect it to pay off for months and years to come.

You may even want to outsource some of these ideas to others, such as having a freelance service provider write and submit a press release about your blog or products to certain sites – or having them repurpose your content for you to free up some of your time.