How To Prevent Ice Burns

Ever try to ice a strain or other injury with an ice pack only to find that it has caused an ice burn? Learn how to prevent ice burn when treating injuries.

Ice burns happens frequently. Whether it is a case of forgetting that ice or an ice pack is being applied or that the ice or ice pack is too cold, it has happened to many people. An ice burn happens when ice is applied directly to the skin for too long. It has the same properties as frost bite and can cause the same results.

What is an Ice Burn?

Ice burns are like frost bite to a specific area where ice has been applied for too long or at too low of a temperature. The blood in the skin of the affected area is slowed to a point where the applied ice can start to freeze it. Left for too long, this can cause serious tissue damage. This can happen very quickly, in only 10-20 minutes.

How to Prevent an Ice Burn

Ice burn can be prevented in a number of ways. One method is to put a barrier between the skin and the ice. Wrap the ice in a tea towel or something similar to prevent the ice coming into direct contact with the skin. Direct contact with the skin is the fastest way that ice burns happen. Another good tip for avoiding ice burn is to only ice the area for a short time. Many professionals suggest leaving the ice on for 20 minutes, then taking it off for 20 minutes.

How to Tell if an Ice Burn Has Occurred

An ice burn can be identified by examining the area. The skin will be white, rough and icy to the touch. There may be no feeling on the spot where the ice was applied. After some time, a bit of color may come back to the area, but sometimes in more severe cases color will not come back for longer.

How to Treat an Ice Burn

Treating an ice burn is very similar to treating frost bite. The affected skin needs to be brought back up to normal body temperature. Do not massage the area, as this may cause cell damage to the skin. Running a bath and slowly increasing the temperature is the most common way of treating frost bite. The more gradually the skin is brought back up to the right temperature, the better. Once brought back up to the correct temperature, use a burn ointment and wrap the burned area in a gauze cloth to prevent any contaminants from getting to the area.

Sometimes the skin will turn black and blue, as it is likely that a bruise due to the rupturing of blood vessels has formed. If the next day the skin is still black or purple, go to a doctor as there may be severe damage to the area. If left untreated, ice burns resulting in blisters can become infected.

As with all first aid, be careful, especially when using ice, as many people don’t think it could hurt, when in fact is has the potential to cause very serious issues. If there are any concerns about the health of skin or the severity of an ice burn, do not hesitate to go to a doctor.

How To Self Love

Tapping into and expressing the wisdom within the soul is the ultimate of love stories.

The ways in which folks often think of and practice self love are normally very limiting. One person may purchase material items to fill a void and another may have collection of boyfriends to meet her ever growing search and need for happiness. These examples of methods that people often utilize only bring short term satisfaction and never fulfill one’s true need and desire; to quench the spiritual thirst for balance, wholeness, peace, joy and endless love.

What is the Way to Lasting Self Love?

Some believe that the way to lasting self love is to honor the divine within. The divine within is that aspect of self which exists in the realm of the infinite, the home of the all encompassing creator. This aspect of self is often called the ” higher self.” One can connect with higher self through the soul.

What is the Soul?

The soul is considered to be the whole aspect of a person in their expression in this life, and is that part of us that lives through all our earth lives, incarnating in different bodies. It is aware of the expanded version of self which lives outside of space and time constraints. The soul acts as a bridge to higher self.

When accessed, the higher self or spirit ushers in to help in the growth process from human evolution to divine realization. The goal is to bring in light and allow for higher achievements in growing spiritually in consciousness. This not only helps the person doing the exercise, but also helps the all.

How to Honor the Divine Within

There are several ways to honor the divine aspect of self, the soul. Spending time each day to connect on this level deepens the love of self, which in turn many feel is the act of also awakening the God within. Loving self in this way has been known to open the doors to one’s fullest potential.

1. Appreciate the unique soul within self; recognize, contemplate and express in a journal this love.
2. Call upon the soul for guidance and intuition concerning what is best for growth and spiritual evolution.
3. Trust this inner wisdom to reveal how much sleep is necessary, how much outdoor sun time is beneficial, what to eat and which activities are most regenerative for body, mind and spirit.
4. Only allow thoughts and feelings of higher frequency; love, joy, appreciation, gratitude, sharing, caring etc.
5. When a negative though arises, turn the other cheek. Reach for a better feeling thought, ask your soul to show you a better feeling thought.
6. Loving and accepting self right in the here and now. In the present moment, supporting and loving and forgiving self.
7. When a situation arises, know that the soul, connected to higher self, is pouring love upon the issue if given the green light to do so. Know that the soul holds tremendous love that is accessed by opening up to it. Methods for opening up to soul love: meditation, intention, asking or imagining the soul pouring light into any issue or creation to bring it to its highest.

To honor the divine within is to connect on a soul level. To connect on a soul level is to carry out this love thyself. Loving self is to appreciate to the soul, trust in inner wisdom, to entertain only joyful and blissful thoughts as best as possible, to know that endless love is always available, and to remember to stay present in the moment.

How To Make Exercise More Fun

There are many great ways to make exercising more fun. One of the best methods that I use that always makes my exercise workouts more fun is very simple. It is just listening to music while I workout.

Listening to music while I workout always makes exercising quite a lot more fun for me and always makes the time fly by very fast. Also, listening to music while I workout helps me to keep myself from focusing too much on any pain or discomfort that I might encounter during my workout, such as cramps, strains, etc. And in order to be able to listen to music while still retaining the ability to efficiently perform and and every kind of exercise workout, I usually choose to wear a relatively small in size MP3 player with earbud speakers.

This setup has always worked exceptionally well for me and I continue to use it each and every day. Another great way to make exercising more fun is just to perform your workouts in an environment that you enjoy.

For instance, if you are a person that enjoys being in the outdoors more than he likes being inside, I would recommend that you perform your exercise workouts in the outdoors, This will enable you to be able to enjoy your environment while you exercise. This will really help you to stay focused and to overlook any small amounts of discomfort that you might encounter.

Yet another way to make exercising more fun is to choose whether or not you are a person who enjoys working out alone or with a friend / friends. If you like working out with your friends, you should try to invite your friends along every time you workout. Or if you like to exercise alone, you should try to find some time in your schedule when you can just be alone. This will really make exercising more fun.

And of course, the individual types of exercises that you perform in your workouts can have a profound effect upon how much you enjoy excercising. For example, if you are a person who enjoys a great deal of rapid physical movement and you do not like to sit still, I would highly recommend that you partake in a great deal of running / jogging workouts. Or if you like to do a lot of weight – lifting, I recommend that you try to incorporate more of this in your exercise workouts.

Either way, if you try to incorporate into your workouts the individual types of exercises that you like the most, you will find that you will find your excersing to be quite a lot more fun and entertaining.

Benefits Of Drinking Water With Meals

Did you know that drinking water with your meals can help improve digestion and absorption of food? Find out more benefits of drinking water with meals here!

Everyone knows that drinking water with your meals is a good habit to get into. However a wide majority of these people do not know the facts that make this information true.

It is better to be informed with the reasoning as to why you are doing something before you blindly go do it. The benefits of drinking water with every meal range all the way from dietary benefits all the way to general health benefits.

The first benefit of drinking water with every meal is perhaps the simplest of them as well, and that is the fact that water keeps you hydrated. While there are other things you could drink with your meals that would keep you adequately hydrated, none of them are as effective as water.

This is because water is the basis of everything else that hydrates you, and it saves your body from having to break down all the other ingredients in juices and soda before it can begin doing its job. While this is not only a benefit of drinking water with meals, but rather a benefit of drinking water with meals, it is still a great reason to drink water with meals.

If you are trying to lose weight chances are you are looking to cut down on calories. This makes water an excellent choice to drink with your meals because it contains no calories. If you were to drink a soda or other drink with every meal you ate every day, you are in taking a much greater number of calories than if you were to just drink water with each meal. Combine this reduced number of calories with a steady diet and exercise plan and you will be on your way to losing weight in no time at all.

Drinking water with your meals will also help prevent overeating. When the body receives water the digestive system starts its process to digest food. Once these processes start, the body sends signals telling your body that it doesn’t need too much more food to complete what it needs to get done and as a result your body doesn’t give you the desire to eat as much as had your digestive system not been activated before eating.

While drinking a different type of liquid with your meals will not kill you, drinking water definitely has a few clear advantages over other types of drinks. These benefits range from diet help to simple quality hydration. If you don’t like water, try buying flavor packets that can be added to water from the store. They are usually low in calories and relatively healthy for you.

Advantages Of Eating Small Meals Through The Day

Do you like to eat little and often, or do you prefer to ‘pig out’ once or twice a day? If you tend to eat big meals, you may find several health benefits by switching to 5 or 6 small meals, spread evenly through the day.

Many weight loss experts counsel that you should eat small meals throughout the day, rather than a couple of large meals. Small and often boosts the metabolism, and keeps blood sugar levels balanced, so you shouldn’t get an attack of the ‘munchies,’ as you never go very long between meals. This method of eating is often termed ‘grazing.’

Eating little and often helps the digestive system to work at its best, as it can be more efficient if it hasn’t got a mountain of food to process. The body is an efficient and prudent machine, and always keeps in mind that starvation could be just around the corner.

Therefore, if you eat more calories than your body needs at that time, it will store the extra energy in fat cells for later. By grazing, you’re not adding to the fat bank, so instead of adding to the balance, your body will be forced to make a withdrawal and burn off existing fat stores, which will boost your weight loss.

Grazing means that your body is getting regular intakes of protein, which is needed to maintain muscles and vital organs. Muscles burn off more calories than fat, so by building up muscles, you’re using more of the calories you eat. And if you have smaller meals, you won’t be ‘full to bursting’ and therefore unable to get up and start burning off the energy you’ve just taken in.

According to a study published in the ‘British Medical Journal,’ it appears that eating small and often is also good for your heart. People who ate six small meals had average cholesterol readings of 5 per cent lower than those who ate two large meals. The grazers also had lower levels of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. Researchers attributed this result to increased metabolism, although they are not absolutely sure why this should be.

The main advantage of eating small meals, whether or not you’re trying to lose weight, is that you’ll have more energy, because your body is getting a constant supply of fuel, albeit in small doses. Hunger pangs will be a thing of the past. You’ll feel better and look better, and that’s a bonus we can all appreciate!

Dieting Facts Dieting Meals Healthy Fat Loss

Discover the facts on dieting. Learn what types of foods are good or bad for you, how to lose weight fast, how your body reacts when it’s hungry and much more!

Dieting, is it really that hard? Perhaps not, but to effectively lose weight must be because more than half of America are on a diet and not losing! Here are five tips that will help you to a slimmer body in no time.

Pay Attention to Your Metabolism!

Biologically speaking, your metabolism is defined as biological process that uses the heat (calories) that you store for energy. Most people focus on eating less, which isn’t particularly bad if you have a habit of binge eating.

However, focusing on increasing or speeding up your metabolism will result in long term success because you’ve trained your body to use up more calories. For example, let’s say you are trying to lose weight, and you consume a sleazy 1000 calories per day.

This little calories may not be enough for your body and you will feel tired and less active as a result; since you’re eating less and not focusing on your metabolism, you may lose a small weight just to gain it back because your body thinks that you are starving in the desert and start actively accumulating fat in your body to save for later.

Now, let’s say if you consume 2,500-3000 calories per day but you feel great and full of energy. This energy will get you moving, and your metabolism speeding up, which in effect burns your calories at a faster rate!

Change How You Relate to Food.

This may sound funny but studies shows that by eating more, your metabolism may actually get a boost and help you lose weight at a faster rate. Most of us undergo a vicious cycle when we diet; we tend to fall back into the old routine of motivation, diet, failure and depression.

We must change this habit before we are able realistically lose weight, keep it off, and not miss what we’ve lost. Stable weight loss can only be achieved by allowing ourselves to look at food in a different light. Food is there for us, it’s good for us. We need food to survive, food is not evil, too much may not be healthy, but it’s something that we need and is a part of our life processes.

You can starve yourself, or hate food for the rest of your life, just to find that you have to come running back to it, binge on it, and then be with filled with regret as floods of failure pours through you. We all know about the forbidden apple, the more our mind label it evil, the more tempting it appears and thus, the more we become obsessed with it.

Eat breakfast

This is very, very important! Eating breakfast not only starts your metabolism on the right track; it actually helps rid of bad breath as well. Eating breakfast can do tons of wonder in giving you a brain and productivity boost, starting your day off right, and controlling your appetite as well.

I normally don’t notice it, but when friends take notice that my appetite seems to wane after a humongous breakfast, or that during lunch, I don’t go seem to have weird ice cream and cake cravings, it usually correlates with the days I eat breakfast. Although this is just a personal experience, this is also biologically proven and you can ask the doctor the next time you visit him or her!

Eat in Smaller Portions but Multiple Times per day.

When you eat in smaller portions, your metabolism has to work harder because the initial energy is used many times and it’s the initial energy that burns the most calories.

Keep Track of Your Body’s Reaction to Drugs

Many times, we get so busy trying to lose weight that many of us fail to look at patterns in our weight fluctuations. Pay more attention to the food that tends to add a pound or two to your weight as well as medications like birth control pills, anti-depressant, herbal remedies, etc. These medications may also play a role in weight gain if not properly analyzed.

Consume more fruits and vegetables with high levels of antioxidant to help with your energy levels. Green tea, pomegranate Juice, and green leafy vegetables are health foods that will fight radicals and protect your body. This will keep it active and help you to deal with stress levels and lose weight at the same time.

Benefits Of Drinking Water With Meals

Did you know that drinking water with your meals can help improve digestion and absorption of food? Find out more benefits of drinking water with meals here!

Benefits Of Drinking Water With Meals

Everyone knows that drinking water with your meals is a good habit to get into. However a wide majority of these people do not know the facts that make this information true.

It is better to be informed with the reasoning as to why you are doing something before you blindly go do it. The benefits of drinking water with every meal range all the way from dietary benefits all the way to general health benefits.

The first benefit of drinking water with every meal is perhaps the simplest of them as well, and that is the fact that water keeps you hydrated. While there are other things you could drink with your meals that would keep you adequately hydrated, none of them are as effective as water.

This is because water is the basis of everything else that hydrates you, and it saves your body from having to break down all the other ingredients in juices and soda before it can begin doing its job. While this is not only a benefit of drinking water with meals, but rather a benefit of drinking water with meals, it is still a great reason to drink water with meals.

If you are trying to lose weight chances are you are looking to cut down on calories. This makes water an excellent choice to drink with your meals because it contains no calories. If you were to drink a soda or other drink with every meal you ate every day, you are in taking a much greater number of calories than if you were to just drink water with each meal. Combine this reduced number of calories with a steady diet and exercise plan and you will be on your way to losing weight in no time at all.

Drinking water with your meals will also help prevent overeating. When the body receives water the digestive system starts its process to digest food. Once these processes start, the body sends signals telling your body that it doesn’t need too much more food to complete what it needs to get done and as a result your body doesn’t give you the desire to eat as much as had your digestive system not been activated before eating.

While drinking a different type of liquid with your meals will not kill you, drinking water definitely has a few clear advantages over other types of drinks. These benefits range from diet help to simple quality hydration. If you don’t like water, try buying flavor packets that can be added to water from the store. They are usually low in calories and relatively healthy for you.

Dieting Facts Dieting Meals Healthy Fat Loss

Discover the facts on dieting. Learn what types of foods are good or bad for you, how to lose weight fast, how your body reacts when it’s hungry and much more!

Dieting Facts Dieting Meals Healthy Fat Loss

Dieting, is it really that hard? Perhaps not, but to effectively lose weight must be because more than half of America are on a diet and not losing! Here are five tips that will help you to a slimmer body in no time.

Pay Attention to Your Metabolism!

Biologically speaking, your metabolism is defined as biological process that uses the heat (calories) that you store for energy. Most people focus on eating less, which isn’t particularly bad if you have a habit of binge eating.

However, focusing on increasing or speeding up your metabolism will result in long term success because you’ve trained your body to use up more calories. For example, let’s say you are trying to lose weight, and you consume a sleazy 1000 calories per day.

This little calories may not be enough for your body and you will feel tired and less active as a result; since you’re eating less and not focusing on your metabolism, you may lose a small weight just to gain it back because your body thinks that you are starving in the desert and start actively accumulating fat in your body to save for later.

Now, let’s say if you consume 2,500-3000 calories per day but you feel great and full of energy. This energy will get you moving, and your metabolism speeding up, which in effect burns your calories at a faster rate!

Change How You Relate to Food.

This may sound funny but studies shows that by eating more, your metabolism may actually get a boost and help you lose weight at a faster rate. Most of us undergo a vicious cycle when we diet; we tend to fall back into the old routine of motivation, diet, failure and depression.

We must change this habit before we are able realistically lose weight, keep it off, and not miss what we’ve lost. Stable weight loss can only be achieved by allowing ourselves to look at food in a different light. Food is there for us, it’s good for us. We need food to survive, food is not evil, too much may not be healthy, but it’s something that we need and is a part of our life processes.

You can starve yourself, or hate food for the rest of your life, just to find that you have to come running back to it, binge on it, and then be with filled with regret as floods of failure pours through you. We all know about the forbidden apple, the more our mind label it evil, the more tempting it appears and thus, the more we become obsessed with it.

Eat breakfast

This is very, very important! Eating breakfast not only starts your metabolism on the right track; it actually helps rid of bad breath as well. Eating breakfast can do tons of wonder in giving you a brain and productivity boost, starting your day off right, and controlling your appetite as well.

I normally don’t notice it, but when friends take notice that my appetite seems to wane after a humongous breakfast, or that during lunch, I don’t go seem to have weird ice cream and cake cravings, it usually correlates with the days I eat breakfast. Although this is just a personal experience, this is also biologically proven and you can ask the doctor the next time you visit him or her!

Eat in Smaller Portions but Multiple Times per day.

When you eat in smaller portions, your metabolism has to work harder because the initial energy is used many times and it’s the initial energy that burns the most calories.

Keep Track of Your Body’s Reaction to Drugs

Many times, we get so busy trying to lose weight that many of us fail to look at patterns in our weight fluctuations. Pay more attention to the food that tends to add a pound or two to your weight as well as medications like birth control pills, anti-depressant, herbal remedies, etc. These medications may also play a role in weight gain if not properly analyzed.

Consume more fruits and vegetables with high levels of antioxidant to help with your energy levels. Green tea, pomegranate Juice, and green leafy vegetables are health foods that will fight radicals and protect your body. This will keep it active and help you to deal with stress levels and lose weight at the same time.