Day 3 Freedom Plan Blog Challenge – Imagine Your Perfect Day

blog-challenge-badge-12I’m participating in the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge. If you would like to join me, do so HERE! The challenge is all about action and getting clear on what your ideal lifestyle really is so that you can get focused on it and move towards it.

Today is Day 3 and the challenge of the day is ” Now that you know what a Perfect Day is, I want you to visualize yours and write it down as a blog post. Start with the moment you wake up, through to the time you go to sleep.”

My morning begins with no alarms. I wake to the light shining through my window and the room smells of essential oils. The entire room is completely organized and full of light. I’m laying beside my husband who wakes as I do effortlessly. We struggle to get out of our bed because it’s so damn comfortable, but after a few moments we begin stretching and ultimately standing up. We both have a bottle of water by the bed and we start drinking it to rehydrate from the night and we slip on some workout clothes to walk the dogs.

After the walk and some more water we cook a beautiful breakfast together in our gorgeous, and impeccably organized kitchen. During breakfast we make a game plan for the day and discuss our top priorities for our two virtual businesses.

Once breakfast ends, we clean our mess and head off to our joint office. I check in with my VAs about how things are working with my sales funnels, assign new tasks to my team and then I work on my top priority to-do list item.

Around 1 or so my husband and I walk to a little restaurant down the street and have a scrumptious lunch. We take silly pics of our meals and post to social media.

Once lunch is over we walk back home to knock out of second and third priorities for the day. I do an interview with a podcast and my husband handles some IT consulting remotely. We wrap up just in time to head to an exercise activity – me Zumba or aquafit class, him a soccer game or an hour of racquetball/tennis.

Finally, after a good work out and shower we head to a restaurant for a blogger tasting. If there’s no tasting that night we make dinner together and watch something fun on Netflix. Then, it’s nonfiction reading time until bed. What a perfect day!!!




