The Way to Make Your Wishes Come True

I’ve been saying to my husband for years that I want to make 6 figures a year. When I say things like this he generally replies with a snarky comment like “I want a Mustang convertible” or “I want to fly to the moon.” I usually reply back with a snarky comment of my own and that’s the end of the conversation.

Last night, however, I had had enough. We ride together because we work in the same building right now and on our way home from work we were chatting together about life and our goals and I once again said “I want to make 6 figures a year by the end of this year.”

Just like always the snarky comments began. I got so mad I just about lost my cool but I forced myself to stay calm and I asked him why when I tell him my goal is to earn 6 figures a year he acts sarcastic like that instead of giving me words of encouragement. What he said back hit me so hard I nearly had to pull the car over (I was driving) because I realized just how right he was.

He said, “You say all these goals and wishes and dreams all the time but you never say HOW you are going to accomplish any of them.”

Whoa! He’s right. I say things like “I wish I was thinner, I wish I was richer, I wish I worked out more often, I wish I cooked more at home, I wish we were debt free, I wish…” but it’s only when I put together a plan for anything that I ever FOLLOW THROUGH.

A goal is just a wish/pipe dream until you have a plan to make it happen. So, today I’m going to sit down and begin brainstorming about HOW I will make 6 figures a year and PLAN it out on paper to make it happen. I’ll break it down into tasks I can accomplish to make my fantasy my reality.

What’s your wish? Make a plan to make it come true!
