A Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas for Almost Any Niche!

Need blog ideas? You’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’m sharing A Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas for Almost Any Niche!

One of the most important tasks you will have as an online entrepreneur is to produce consistent, valuable content for your target audience. This comes in many different forms, including info products, email autoresponders, social networking posts, and blog posts.

You might be enthusiastic about your topic when you first get started, only to find yourself struggling to come up with additional content ideas weeks or months down the road.

Instead of letting your blog go stagnant or ripping off ideas from other niche content producers, you want to have a list of possible slants at your disposal that you can turn to whenever you need a fresh topic.

Below, you will see a list of 52 content ideas that work for just about any niche you can imagine. In fact, in addition to the slant provided, you will also find three examples given for the diet niche, success niche, and survival niche.

This will give you a better understanding of how to take the topic suggestion and mold it to whatever niche you happen to be in. With 52 slants, you will be able to easily create at least one valuable blog post per week for an entire year.

However, if you would like to blog more frequently, even daily, you can simply cycle through the ideas and use them repeatedly over the course of time – but with a fresh approach.

All you will need to do is tweak the suggestion to cover something that you haven’t covered before. For example, if the slant is about providing a shortcut or hack for your audience, you can cover dozens of these on different days and use that suggestion over and over again.

You might also consider combining some of them, too. For example, if one suggestion if a product review blog post, then you might combine that with the suggestion about using a news story.

1. Share a #1 Overall Most Important Tip with Your Readers

Whenever you are leading a niche audience, you will often find many of your followers coming to you with a concern about focusing on the most important thing they should know.

Many of them will know that they need to understand many different concepts, but they want to start with the vital things in the very beginning. Much of this stems from their desire to avoid taking any missteps at the start of their journey.

In just about every niche, there is one hard and fast rule that everyone should know and understand. You can find these lessons as the main topic of many different books in your niche.

You can look in forums and see the same questions being asked again and again, or the same advice being offered repeatedly. You can use your own experience to look back on your journey and think about what you wish you had known from the very beginning.

If you are in the dieting niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The Single Most Important Things You Can Do to Lose Weight.” One of the most obvious tips we see in the diet niche is that you have to drink enough water.

So your blog post might detail the importance of drinking plenty of water when they are trying to lose weight. It can talk about the amount of water they should drink, how drinking a glass of water before meals helps them eat fewer calories, and more.

If you are in the success niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Make to Succeed.” One of the things you may have witnessed in your own journey, either by others or even yourself, is that a lack of confidence can hold people back from putting themselves out there as a niche leader.

Therefore, your number one tip could be to work on their level of confidence so that they can project themselves appropriately as experts in their field and lead their niche without hesitation.

If you are in the survival niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The #1 Most Important Survival Supply You Need.” Many people who are not experienced preppers automatically think about food when it comes to survival purposes.

But you can set the record straight by explaining to them how water is the most important supply they should stock up on. Teach them how they can live longer without food than they can without hydration.

You can also use your blog space to teach them about how to store water for long term purposes, including adding bleach or water purifying drops, which containers they should use, and where it should be stored.

2. Give Them Advice About Taking a Shortcut or Making Something Easier

Everyone loves to find out about a simple shortcut or hack that can make things take less time or make them easier to carry out. In just about every niche, you can come up with some sort of shortcut that will help your audience.

If you don’t know of any, simply go to your search engine of choice and type in the name of your niche and the word hack or shortcut. This will deliver a variety of ideas that you can then explain in your own words without even reading someone else’s work to ensure that you don’t plagiarize their content.

For example, if you are in the dieting niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “Easy Diet Hack That Helps You Feel Full.” There are many different ways to do this, such as how we mentioned drinking a glass of water before the meal.

However, you might also use a hack such as learning how to put the fork down between bites or put the piece of food down, such as a hamburger. This simple tip will keep people from continually shoving food into their mouth and allow them to recognize the signal of fullness.

If you are in the success niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “Use an Egg Timer to Push Your Productivity and Eliminate Long Work Hours.” This might be a tip that you have used yourself, or something you have seen others do.

Productivity and time management is a very common problem, and you can teach them about an egg timer, or a strategy such as the Pomodoro method that can help them focus on working in shorter increments of time so that they achieve more each day.

If you are in the survival niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “Stock Food that Doubles as a Quick Fire Starter.” Many people don’t want to choose between carrying fire-starting materials and food.

One good hack that has been shared among survival preppers is that you can carry greasy foods, such as Frito chips and use those as kindling to get your fire going. Obviously, you can also teach them that the use of flint and steel would be a better option long term, but this is a hack that can work in a pinch.

3. Make Them Aware of Recent News in Your Niche

As a niche leader, it is your job to stay informed about the news that is relevant to your audience and to share it with them. You can easily find this by going to news sites directly or by using a search engine to type in your niche topic and then clicking on the news tab.

You don’t want to simply parrot the news verbatim. What you want to do is let them know what’s going on and then discuss it with your audience so that they know how to absorb and digest this information and what to do about it.

People don’t like to be informed about something that could affect them without having a plan of action. So whenever you release information that you have learned, always make sure you include an action step for them to take.

Whenever you are discussing a news story, you can link out to that story (make sure it opens into a new tab) and discuss a little bit about what you read and what your thoughts are about it.

You might disagree with the author of the story, or have some advice for your readers about what they should do with this information. If you are in the dieting niche, you might want to share a slant such as, “New Dietary Guidelines Released for Good Health.”

It’s been 15 years since the national dietary guidelines were updated, so for those who adhere to them religiously, it would be important for them to know how things have changed.

For example, one of the changes that has taken place is that they now have recommendations for infants and toddlers included. Therefore, you might add advice for healthy nutrition for a younger audience and discuss how childhood food habits may have played a role in your readers’ weight gain.

If you are in the success niche, you might want to share a slant such as, “Most Kids Prefer the Option of Being Solo Entrepreneurs Instead of College Graduates.” By conducting a simple Google search, you could find an article on CNBC about how interest in four year colleges has plummeted since the pandemic and tie that into the alternative of being your own boss.

If you are in the survival niche, you might want to share a slant such as, “Luxury Survival Becoming More Prominent Among Preppers.” Again, on CNBC, there is an article about doomsday preppers stocking up on luxury items, including supplies as well as luxury homesteads and communities.

4. Tie Your Blog Post Into Budgeting

In just about every niche, a budget is somehow associated with it. Whether it’s a hobby they want to spend money on, a strategy they need to implement, or a tool that might make their life easier, they will likely have a budget that they need help deciding how to spend.

You can go to a search engine and type in the name of your niche along with the word budget or spending and see what pops up. If you are in the diet niche, you might want to share a slant such as, “Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank.”

This is a common concern for many people who are trying to eat healthy, because healthier foods are more expensive than processed, low nutrient foods. You can discuss how a bag of flavored pasta will only cost a dollar, but a bag of broccoli might be $8.00.

Instead of only informing them about the budgeting problems for eating healthy, make sure you share some tips on how they can still eat healthy while spending within their monetary allowance.

If you are in the success niche, you might want to include a slant such as, “Reinvest Your Earnings to Keep Yourself Out of Start-Up Debt.” Many newbie marketers or entrepreneurs often charge up their credit cards in an effort to make money, assuming they will be able to earn it back fast.

According to many hyped up sales pages, this is what should happen. So instead of simply warning then, you will want to teach them an alternate strategy, such as using free tools to get started and then reinvesting their earnings into courses and products that can help them level up.

If you are in the survival niche, you might want to include a slant such as, “Stocking Up on Survival Supplies for $10 a Week.” This is a common challenge that people discuss on social media and blogs sites, where preppers will teach others how to go out and shop on a specific budget.

This is something you will see in forums a lot, where people complain about not having the money to stock up on supplies, which is always countered by those who say you don’t need a lot of money to be prepared.

5. Create a Slew of Product Reviews

Product reviews are always going to serve you well in just about any niche that you are in. Whether it’s digital courses and tools or tangible items that are shipped to their home, consumers want help deciding which products they should invest in.

If you are a niche leader, then you probably have your own personal preferences on which products and tools are best. But you can also go out and look at affiliate programs to find out which ones you want to promote for your audience.

If you are in the dieting niche, you might want to include a slant such as, “My Review for the Best Food Scale on the Market.” This can be a review based on a product that you already own, one you are buying, or just based on the product specifications that you have read.

If you are in the success niche, then you will want to include a slant such as, “Review for the Best Podcast Microphone to Take Your Expertise Global.” Even if you are not personally producing a podcast, you can still do a review on the podcast microphone because it is a tool that many entrepreneurs do need.

If you are in the survival niche, then you can include a slant such as, “My Recommendations for the Best 72-Hour Bug Out Bags.” This can be any number of bags, or you can base it on certain features, but you will be advising your readers about the best bug out bags for themselves as well as their family members, including children.

When you are writing product reviews, you can base it on durability, quality, space and size, price range, brand, functionality, and more. These can all be included in your review or you can have a review just based on one of those items, such as the most spacious, lightweight bug out bag on the market.

6. Associate the Topic with Their Emotional or Physical Well-Being

The reason many people reach out to and follow niche leaders is because they have some sort of emotional or physical issue they need help with, and they’re looking to you to solve it.

If you are in the dieting niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “The Benefits of Losing Just 10% of Your Body Weight.” You can find an idea like this just by typing into a search engine the word diet along with the words body weight.

Or, if you wanted to take an emotional approach, you can type in the words diet mentality or diet emotions. If you are in the success niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “There’s a Link Between Good Health and Overall Success in Life.”

This is a common concept that is frequently discussed whenever the topic of work-life balance arises. There are statistics you can find about the overall health of successful people compared to those who earn less.

If you are in the survival niche, you might come up with a slant such as, “10 Common Health Problems You Need to Prepare for in a SHTF Survival Situation.” This is both a physical and emotional issue, because in a survival situation, any health issue can be a stressful burden as well.

7. Think About the Relationships It Affects and Discuss Those

Whenever you are discussing a topic with your blog readers, it’s often something that doesn’t just affect them, but also their friends and family or perhaps coworkers in some cases.

When you are brainstorming an idea like this, have a picture in your mind of your reader and everything they are going through. Think of who they interact with on a regular basis and what kind of interaction they may have with other people.

For example, if you are in the dieting niche, you might have a slant such as, “Dieting When You’re Dealing with an Unsupportive Spouse.” When you are picturing an adult female who is trying to lose weight, you may think about her spouse, and how they are either supportive or damaging in their journey.

Other people you may you think of in terms of relationships for this audience could be well meaning or sabotaging friends, coworkers who bring treats to the break room, an overbearing parent who always has to chime in, etc.

If you are in the success niche, you may want to have a slant such as, “Surround Yourself with Friends Who Don’t Belittle Your Entrepreneurial Efforts.” This may be something you have encountered or something you read about in forums that other people have gone through.

The isolation many entrepreneurs endure working for themselves without colleagues is a common concern, and adding shaming by offline friends could compound the problem for your readers.

If you are in the survival niche, you may want to have a slant such as, “Forming a Community of Like-Minded Friends and Family for Survival Strength.” This could be an overall approach about a community as a whole, or it could target certain topics such as protection and defense, community gardening, and more.

8. Talk About the Lifestyle of People in This Niche

With most niches, there is a certain lifestyle that the people who follow it are engaged in. For example, dieters have a certain lifestyle that many of them engage in, both for damaging habits as well as positive ones.

This is another situation where you want to sit and create a customer avatar of your readers so that you know what their daily life is usually like. You can address the beneficial things they may be doing and point out some harmful a things they may want to change.

If you are in the dieting niche, you may want to come up with a slant such as, “Permanent Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Shed Pounds Easier.” This might be a series of simple steps such as taking an evening stroll in the neighborhood or parking farther away from the door at the grocery store.

You might teach them how to meal prep for the week instead of relying on snacks from the vending machine at work. With a post like this, you can focus on one specific tip or a series of lifestyle changes that you suggest they make.

If you are in the success niche, you may want to come up with a slant such as, “Make Sure You’re Enjoying Work-Life Balance During Your Entrepreneurial Career.” Work-life imbalance is a common problem that most people who work for themselves suffer.

You can teach them issues that will improve it for them such as time management, prioritizing their task list, and more. If you are in the survival niche, you may want to come up with a slant such as, “Practice Severe Lifestyle Changes Periodically So an Event Isn’t as Shocking.”

Because a severe survival situation is not likely to be happening at that very moment, you will want to slant this as a habit that they should practice for rather than implement on an ongoing basis.

For example, they may not need to go outside and start a fire to cook dinner every night. However, instead of waiting until a severe survival situation occurs, they should have everyone who is capable in their family practice starting a fire in a few different ways so that if something ever does happen, it will not be a foreign concept to them.

9. Discuss the Idea of Helping Others

Not only will you be helping your audience, but your readers can also learn how to help others from you. Think about your niche and how others can be helped in it in general. For example, if you were in the knitting niche, then you might talk about how people who knit can make knitted hats for newborns in the NICU.

If you are in the dieting niche, then you may want to have a slant such as, “Could the Ticket to Weight Loss Success Come in the Form of a Buddy System?” With a topic like this, not only would they be helping themselves, but they could help someone else out by being their support system.

Don’t just introduce the idea, but teach them what it means to be a diet buddy, where to find a diet buddy, and how to hold each other accountable throughout the process. You will also want to talk about what they should do if their buddy arrangement falls through.

If you are in the success niche, you might want to have a slant such as, “Giving Back Helps You Further Your Success in Many Ways.” Succeeding as an entrepreneur often happens because someone who has more experience than you has graciously offered their insight and assistance along the way.

You can teach your readers how to do the same for those who are new to their own journey. Even if they are beginners themselves, there will always be someone else who knows less than they do – and word of mouth spreads that boosts their reputation.

This does not have to be a one on one interaction, either. It can be something where they give back to the community by creating a free report that day give to others without making them pay for it.

If you are in the survival niche, then you may want to have a slant such as, “Don’t Plan on Bailing Out Friends and Family – Teach Them to Survive Instead.” This is a different type of helpful article, where your readers will be learning how to help others from more of a tough love approach.

You can teach them about the dangers of not helping their friends and family before a survival situation in learning how to prepare. For example, these people may show up on their doorstep knowing they have supplies and expecting to get the handouts.

10. Warn Them About Something Important

When you are a niche leader for people who are hoping to learn from you, there are times when you will need to warn them about things that they may not be aware of. These are issues they may not know to ask about, but that you can see will someday be a possible problem area for them.

When you issue a warning about something, you want to state the problem, but also explain why it can be catastrophic for them in either the short term or long term. If you simply mention the issue, they may not see how it correlates to their own life or they may feel as if they could easily handle it.

If you’re in the dieting niche, you may want to come up with a slant such as, “Strict Diet Plans Set You Up for a Cycle of Failure.” This is something you have probably seen or experienced many times in the past.

People are so desperate for a quick and easy weight loss fix that they will adopt a fad diet plan that is easily handled for a few days or weeks, that which will cause them to chalk it up as a failure when they quit eventually.

If you are in the success niche, you can create a slant such as, “Many New List Building Tools Are Leaving Users Stranded After a Few Months.”  Anytime you find out about a certain type of tool that is repeatedly being launched because the others have quit working, it’s a red flag that you can warn your readers about.

This is a great time to help people learn how to shop smart, for instance helping them understand how to research the reputation of a vendor, how to spot sellers who frequently abandoned projects and customer service, and which products have the longevity they need to seek out.

If you happen to be in the survival niche, you can create the slant that says, “The Supply Chain Is Suffering So You Need to Get Ready Months in Advance.” This is something you will have heard about on major news stations, online, and likely in chatter on forums.

Both the media and forums like to showcase people’s panic about certain topics. Keep your eye open for these and then warn your readers about the situation. Sometimes, your warning will actually be for them to ignore the fear mongering that is happening in the world.

11. Discuss a Movie About the Topic

With many of the niches you can make money in, there will be some sort of movie in the past that either discusses or shows the niche topic in action. Whether it is current pop culture or something from decades ago, movies are a good icebreaker to discuss with people and stir up engagement on your blog.

For example, if you are in the dieting niche, you might have a blog title such as, “10 Lessons Shallow Hal Taught Us About Dealing with Fat Shaming.” This was a popular movie where a man was unable to see the size of the woman he was dating.

You could discuss how she deals with individuals making fun of her in the movie, or the fact that he had to be hypnotized to see her as something other than a large woman. You can generate feedback from your audience to see if they have ever experienced any type of fat shaming themselves and teach them how to handle it if it happens to them.

A blog title such as, “Being Persistent Like Jerry Maguire When You Suffer a Setback” would be perfect for the success niche. In this movie, Tom Cruise plays a man who loses his job as a successful sports agent and has to start his own company where he only has one client who is loyal to him as he navigates the emotional ups and downs of the cutthroat business.

This is a great discussion starter for you to use to help your own audience learn how to deal with a major blow in their business where they are enjoying success and are eventually brought to their knees by something unexpected.

For the survival niche, you might use a slant such as, “Tapping Into Your Will to Live as the Movie The Revenant Shows Us.” The scene where Leonardo DiCaprio is fighting off a bear is one that you may want to embed on your blog and then discuss the physical dangers of having to bug out in the wilderness.

While not everyone lives in bear country, there will be other dangers from animals and the elements that may affect their physical health. You can discuss them and then introduce solutions that can help them avoid catastrophe.

12. Talk About a Demotivating Issue

People come to you because you are a light at the end of the tunnel when they have been going through something that they can’t figure out on their own. They are feeling unmotivated an uninspired, hoping you can lift them up.

One thing you can do is shine a light on these issues that have everyone feeling down. For example, if you are in the dieting niche, you can start with a slant that says, “How to Power Through a Diet Plateau.”

Everyone knows that there is nothing more demotivating than sticking to a diet and exercising consistently, only to see the scale stall. Explain what a diet plateau is and then teach them how to persevere through it so that they continue on with their weight loss journey.

For the success niche, you can use a slant such as, “Staying Strong When Everyone Seems to Be Earning But You.” Many newcomers to online marketing are green with envy as they see everyone else posting about their growing income.

You want to help your readers get past that hump where they are working hard toward their success, but not seeing the earnings they were hoping for yet. Help them understand what they need to do to make sure they are on the right path, without giving up.

In the survival niche, you can use a slant such as, “Take a Break from the 24-Hour News Cycle for an Improved Outlook.” Everyone has been discussing a digital detox recently.

This is a topic that you can introduce to your readers and teach them how to improve their mood without necessarily being uninformed for long periods of time. Help them understand that if the world is ending or a major event occurs, they will hear about it without having to be tuned into the news because everyone will be talking about it anyway.

13. Discuss a Mistake You Made (or Almost Made)

People love to know that they’re not the only ones out there making mistakes. No matter what niche you’re in, there are certain mistakes that people make where they feel stupid or hopeless.

You can step up as a leader by sharing your own past mistakes, or those you almost made, but avoided. This helps your readers to not feel so alone in their own journey. For example, if you are in the diet niche, your blog topic might be, “Embracing a Fad Diet After Reading an Article About It.”

You might talk about how you would embark on a fad diet like clockwork every week after reading a certain women’s magazine that showcased a new diet topic. Women’s World Magazine is a good example of a weekly publication that highlights extreme diets with headlines on the cover such as, “Lose 2 Lbs a Day Without Dieting.”

If you’re in the success niche, you can use a slant like, “Recommending a Product Just Because a Friend Had Launched It.” This is a common occurrence in online marketing. It’s the concept of “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”

If you’ve experienced this yourself, or been approached by someone to do it, you can talk about how it’s not wise to promote a product just because of a friendship. Talk about how to not only analyze a product for value for your audience, but how to bow out of a promotion without hurting anyone’s feelings or causing a rift.

For the survival niche, you can use a topic such as, “Storing Food and Water Improperly.” This might be a good time to talk about the effort you went to in storing food and or water supplies, only to discover they had spoiled because you hadn’t stored them correctly.

Talk about what you have learned in the process, and if there are multiple strategies involved, discuss which ones you felt were easier, most affordable, and most effective to use to protect supplies.

14. Tell Them About Your Own Experience in the Niche

There are many reasons that people get into a niche. Sometimes it’s for sheer profitability based on the volume of searches and the number of products that are available to promote.

But usually, it’s because the marketer has some sort of personal interest in the niche topic, either because they have experience in it or because they want to pursue it based on a passion they have for it.

Don’t just tell them about the facts that occurred in your experience. You also want to discuss the emotional and possibly physical changes that took place from the start of your journey to the place that you are now.

In the diet niche, you can approach it with a slant such as, “How I Lost, Regained and Re-Lost 100 Pounds.” Yo yo dieting is a very common occurrence in this niche. Just about everyone has gone through it, and you can talk about the toll it takes on your body and how you finally stopped the cycle.

For the success niche, you can talk about, “How I Went from Broke to Making Bank in Under 12 Months.” If you haven’t experienced this yourself, then you may want to write about someone else’s journey that you have heard about.

And you can tweak the topic to fit your own circumstances. Maybe you weren’t broke, but you were able to quit your job in the offline world and replace your income. That would also be a good slant for this niche.

If you are in the survival niche, you can use a slant such as, “Survival – The Turning Point That Made Me Start Survival Prepping Seriously.” Everyone who is involved in survival prepping has that one moment where the switch is turned on and they begin to prepare by stocking supplies and learning strategies for long term survival.

Yours may have been recently, such as when the Texas grid shut down during a winter storm or when the pandemic cleared out store shelves. Or, it may have been something you were raised to learn how to do early on.

When you start talking about your own experience in the niche, it opens the door for others to feel comfortable sharing their experience, too. You want your blog to be somewhat of a community where people share their thoughts and journeys.

15. Embed and Discuss a Niche Video Someone Else Made

Sometimes, you can simply go to YouTube and type in your niche topic and find a great video that allows you to embed it on your blog and open up a discussion about it. For example, if you are in the dieting niche, you might use the slant such as, “What I Do (and Don’t) Like About the Snake Diet.”

Embed a video where someone is discussing the pros and cons about this diet and then you can either agree or disagree with them and talk about why you feel it is a beneficial or harmful program.

It’s okay to share the stage with other online entrepreneurs who are discussing the niche topic. Embedding a video on your blog does not mean you will lose your audience, but they will view you as a good curator of information.

If you are in the success niche, you may have heard about the concept of selling digital art recently. Your slant could be, “What This Man Did Wrong in Selling NFTs.” You could find a video where someone is discussing how they tried to make money selling NFTs and failed, and then guide your audience in more effective ways of making money with this concept.

Some of the best slants for the survival niche blogs are helping people learn how to shop smart for supplies. Your slant could be, “Stores to Consider When Shopping for Survival Supplies.”

You can find people with videos on YouTube showing them shopping locally in stores or online. After you embed their video, you can discuss a summary of what the person was able to buy, and then give your own tips on where they can find additional supplies or maybe the same supplies at a cheaper rate.

16. Tie Another Niche Into Your Topic

Almost every niche has one or more companion images that will tie in nicely to your topic. For example, stress and sleep go together well. Diet and exercise are good companions.

Make a list of all of the niche topics that you feel might relate to your main niche in some way. Create a blog slant based off of a combination of those two niche topics. For example, if you are in the diet niche, you might have a slant that ties into the sleep niche.

Your title could be, “Dieters Who Get a Good Night’s Sleep Lose More Weight.” Not only will you be able to discuss the fact that getting enough sleep helps you ward off sugary cravings for energy purposes, but you can also relays statistics that you are able to find online about it.

When you do tie in another niche to your own, don’t just state the fact, but help them achieve the goal. They may have trouble getting enough sleep, so what can you suggest they do that will help them get a full 8 hours every night?

For the success niche, try a slant such as, “Stress Relief Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs.” The stress niche ties into many additional niche markets. First, think about the specific stress that your niche audience has.

For entrepreneurs, it might be the isolation, the pressure of not having a reliable paycheck anymore, the fear of failure, trying to learn new strategies and technologies, and more.

Show them that you can relate to their struggles and the feelings they are enduring having to be under a high stress situation as they try to build a business and also maintain good relationships with their friends and family.

Take it one step further and teach them the stress relief tips they need to know. These might be strategic in nature, such as better time management. Or, it might be something like engaging in mindful meditation for five minutes every hour.

In the survival niche, you might want to do a slant such as, “Decisions Pet Owners Have to Make in a Survival Situation.” The pet niche will not pair well with every single niche out there, but it does go with many of them because pets are a part of our family.

For this type of slant, you can talk about the most extreme situations when food supplies are low and there are more mouths to feed than there are meals. You can talk about different types of pets as well as how to strategically stock food for the animals in your life so that they don’t go hungry during a survival situation, either.

17. Go Over a Case Study (Yours or Others)

Case studies are always fascinating to a target audience. Here is someone who has a goal they want to achieve, and they are able to look over the shoulder of someone else and see how they did it step by step.

You can either conduct your own case study, which is where you show something from the very beginning to completion as well as the results of the tasks that you did. Or, you can discuss how someone else achieved their goal by giving an analysis of what they did.

If you are in the diet niche, you can use a slant such as, “Day-By-Day Account of How I Lost 15 Pounds in 30 Days.” If you look on any Instagram or Tik Tok account where they are discussing their weight loss, one question you will see over and over again is, “How did you do it?”

People want to know every meal that is eaten, every glass of water that has been consumed, and how much exercise it took to lose the weight. Case studies are almost guaranteed to generate immense interest and discussion with your audience.

In the success niche, your slant could be, “How 5 Short Emails Helped Me Rake in $14,956 in Less Than a Week.” This might be something where you purchase a set of PLR emails and then implement them in your own business.

You can then show all of the statistical information, such as how many emails were opened, how many people clicked on the links, what the conversion rate was, as well as the overall income that was earned from your efforts.

If you tweaked the emails in some way, to make them more effective with your own email list, teach your readers what you did and why you did it. That way, they will learn how to become more self-sufficient with their own content and conversions.

In the survival niche, you might have a slant such as, “What I Learned Spending 10 Days Outdoors with Only My Bug Out Bag Supplies.” These types of exercises are very interesting for your audience because it allows them to learn things without having to go through the process themselves.

You might be able to talk about supplies you wish you had in your bug out bag. You might discuss some of the dangers or discomforts you didn’t expect to encounter. And you can talk about the positive things as well, such as the fact that you were able to easily handle the 10 days with plenty of supplies left over.

18. Bring in a Guest Blogger – Or Refer to Other Experts

Bringing someone else into your blog injects a fresh narrative without taking away from your own expertise. You can share the stage with another blogger in a way that shows your readers you are part of a community of niche leaders.

To find a good guest blogger, you can go to other blogs that you already read and admire and simply ask them if they would like to provide a guest blog post on your blog that links back to their blog.

Often, this will be a reciprocal situation, where they will allow you to create a guest blog on their website as well. You don’t want to request this upfront, but just ask if they would like to have a few weeks to gather their thoughts and create a special post for your readers.

When you bring a guest blogger onboard, you can either give them an idea about what your blog is about or allow them to discover it on their own and come up with their own content.

They may ask what you suggest the blog post be about, at which time you can give them some ideas. If you are unable to find a guest blogger, you can create a blog post that simply refers to other experts in your niche.

If you are a diet niche leader, you might have a blog slant such as, “How Dr. Atkins Revolutionized Fast Weight Loss.” In this post, you can introduce Dr. Atkins to your audience, explain a bit about his background, and discuss what he has done for the weight loss industry with his low carb or keto slant.

If you are referring to other experts, you may want to also post links to their websites, books, and videos that they may want to watch that you feel would be beneficial to them if they decide to pursue this topic.

If you are in the success niche, you can have a slant such as, “The Most Important Success Tips I’ve Learned from Tony Robbins.” This is an entrepreneur who covers many different aspects of life, so you can compile some of his tips and then link out to the courses, articles, and videos that he has published discussing these topics.

In the survival niche, you can have a slant such as, “What You Can Learn from Watching Bear Grylls Navigate the Wilderness.” This is a survival expert that had his own show as well as products.

You might cover one or more of his shows, or talk about the products and strategies he’s used and how you either agree with them or recommend something better or different.

19. Give an Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial

People love to watch as a process unfolds. You can allow people to have an over the shoulder experience just by using a screen capture tool like Camtasia or CamStudio, where they can see exactly what you are doing on your computer as you do it.

Sometimes, you won’t be capturing anything on screen, but instead, filming something as it happens. For example, if you are in the diet niche, you might have a slant such as, “How to Properly Measure Your Body Fat Using Calipers.”

For this over the shoulder tutorial, you will have to show the tool, explain how it is used, and then show how it is used on your body or on someone else’s. You can set up a tripod if you want and allow them to see the process unfold.

For the success niche, you might have a slant such as, “How to Install WordPress and Set Up Your List.” This is definitely one of the over the shoulder processes that you can use a video screen capture tool for.

Not only can you capture the process, but you can also edit it so that it highlights your cursor, you can add an intro and outro to your video, and more. If you have any errors in your video or audio, you can replace those as well.

In the survival niche, you might have a slant such as, “How to Start a Fire with Flint and Steel.” This is another situation where you will not use a screen capture tool, but instead a video camera to record yourself using the flint and steel to start a fire.

By allowing people to have an over the shoulder viewpoint, it helps them see how you navigate any obstacles, such as wind that might prevent a fire being started easily, or a technical glitch with a WordPress installation.

20. Make a List

If you look at the covers of almost any magazine, or the post on a major news outlet, you will often see a variety of list articles. Some people call these listicles. Basically, you want to pick a number for your list and then create that many elements for your slant.

For example, if you are in the diet niche, you might have a slant such as, “17 Supplements That Support You in Losing Weight.” You could easily change that to the number 9, 12, or 38.

And just as you can easily change the number, you can also change the topic. Instead of supplements, you could change that to habits or pieces of exercise equipment. If you have more than one idea, jot them down for use at a later date.

If you are in the success niche, you can use the slant, “29 Habits Successful People Have That You Don’t.” Again, you could change the number or the item itself, such as changing it to “digital tools” or “books they’ve read that you haven’t.”

In the survival niche, you can have a slant such as, “37 Survival Items Everyone Needs in Their Bug Out Bag.” One thing you might want to do with these lists is just list the items out and then count them up.

Instead of trying to hit the number 37, just list them out and if they equal 19, then go with that number. There’s no set number it has to be. You could even do a series of top 10 lists, top 5 or top 3 if you wanted to.

21. Host a Challenge for Your Blog Readers

People love to join a challenge and participate in a journey alongside others. In many niches, whether it’s knitting a sweater, writing a fiction book, or painting a picture, you can create a specific challenge that has them working on a goal to completion.

The best kinds of challenges to do for this purpose are short ones, where you can blog in a series about them. That might be 5 days or one month, but usually not longer than 90 days total.

If you are in the diet niche, you might use the slant, “1-Month Alternate Day Fasting Challenge.” Every day, you could blog in your series or blog weekly, and have a separate Facebook group set up for the daily interactions.

In the success niche, a good slant might be, “30 Day Blog Challenge.” Here, you could guide your audience on what to blog about for the day, and have everyone share their blog posts in the comments section.

For the survival niche, a slant like, “Daily Discount Prepper Challenge” might be effective. Have everyone find one product a day online or offline that’s being sold in bulk or at a great deal so others can join in and buy, too.

22. Tell Them Who Inspires You

People love to know who helped inspire you to succeed, and how. Telling this story is both heartwarming and motivational. Plus, in some instances, it gives them someone to follow as well.

In the dieting niche, you might have a slant such as, “How Chris Pratt Almost Lost a Role and Then Lost the Weight.” At almost 300 pounds, this celebrity almost wasn’t cast in Guardians of the Galaxy, until he quickly lost 60 pounds in six months.

It’s a great story to tell because he has openly discussed the health problems he suffered from being overweight, the struggle he’s had with yo yo cycles of dieting, and more.

In the success niche, you might come up with a slant like, “Risk Taking Lessons You Can Learn from Sylvester Stallone.” This is a man who had a dream and wanted it so bad he went through bouts of homelessness and other struggles until he finally made it in Hollywood.

He wrote the script for Rocky in three days and took an enormous pay cut just so he could star in the main role. This is inspiring because it shows how you can put yourself through struggles if you feel the end result will be worth it.

For the survival niche, try a slant like, “The Inspiration of Ruth Stout’s Gardening Strategy.” This was an elderly woman who developed her own method “no work gardening.”

It’s inspiring because she found a way around the obstacles that would have prevented her from succeeding with gardening if she’d tried to accomplish it the traditional way, and managed to provide food for herself.

She simply covered her seeds with year-round mulch, instead of having to get down on the ground and plant them in the soil. This is something that might be good for a survival slant for disabled or elderly individuals.

23. Be Transparent About Your Biggest Fears (or Common Ones)

Everyone has fears in almost any niche. Maybe not in certain stress relief niches, for example, but in those where a specific goal is being addressed – even a common fear of failure is something you can blog about.

While many niche leaders feel they have to project an air of fearlessness, it actually helps you audience if they can see where you’ve been hesitant and how you powered through your fears to achieve your own goals, too.

In the diet niche, try a slant like, “What If I’m Doomed to Be Overweight Forever?” Even if you’re not currently experiencing this, you may have in the past – or you might just want to address it as something your audience might need help with.

In the success niche, try the slant, “What If Everyone Laughs at Your Info Product?” Being afraid to put themselves out there is a common fear many new online entrepreneurs have, and they get caught up in a cycle of perfectionism, which helps them delay their launch and avoid ridicule.

For the survival niche, try a slant like, “What If Society Breaks Down and Chaos Is on Your Doorstep?” The ultimate fear for preppers is that what they’ve been preparing for will happen – and it will happen close to home.

Paint a picture for them so they can see that you understand those fears and then help them navigate their worst-case scenario with a plan so they gain comfort and peace of mind.

24. Discuss Goal Setting for Your Niche

Some people are in a niche with a desire to make progress, but they don’t know how to set realistic goals. They don’t even know what their goal should be. You can help them with that.

You can help people set long-term as well as short-term goals. And within each niche, the goals might be for a variety of issues. For example, in the diet niche, you might have a slant such as, “Common Sense Weight Loss Goals That Ensure Success.”

This is a broad approach, so you can segment it with goals such as weekly, monthly, annually – or weight, BMI, muscle mass, etc. You can help with goals about meals, like how many calories or carbs they take in, and more.

In the success niche, try a slant such as, “Creating Mini Milestones from Your Overall Project Goals.” Pick a project your readers might be undertaking, like the launch of an info product.

Then divvy it up into small milestones, such as hiring people for graphics or sales copy, completing the product draft, reaching out to affiliates, etc. There are many mini steps they may not know they should do, so this goal setting exercise will help them learn those things.

In the survival niche, use a slant such as, “Planning Your Ultimate Off-Grid Property Purchase.” For most preppers, they start small (like a 72-hour bug out bag), and build up in terms of supplies at home.

Your goal blog post could be about the ultimate goal they might strive for – a completely separate property that’s fully functional, off the electrical grid, and also away from the city.

25. Test Something and Share It

People love it when there’s something they’ve been wanting to try, but they’re just not sure if they’ll like it or not. Instead, they’d prefer it if you tried it and then told them how it went.

With the diet niche, try a slant such as, “I Tried Air Fryer Veggies and I’m Addicted Now.” Maybe they’ve been thinking about getting an air fryer, and once they see your crispy parmesan green beans, they’ll be sold on the idea!

Just make sure that when you tell them about it, you give every detail about what you did so they can replicate it. And include the recipe and links to the exact air fryer you’re using, too.

In the success niche, try the slant, “I Split Tested My Sales Page and These Were the Shocking Results.” Maybe you split tested something as simple as the font size or colors, and saw a huge jump in conversions.

Don’t just tell them about the split test – give details about how you technically set it up, how you analyzed the results, and what you learned from this experiment going forward. Make some predictions about why it worked this way and how it’ll help you in the future.

For the survival niche, how about a slant like, “I Tried an MRE from 1980 and Here’s How It Held Up.” Many people don’t know that survival foods can last for decades. This would be a good time to tell them where you got it, include pictures or video of what came in it, and specifics about how each item tasted, too.

In the end, if it was a positive experience, show them how they can purchase their own MREs, and what types of meals you recommend for both nutrients and enjoyment as well.

26. Talk About a Book You Read or Will Read on the Topic

Books are always great blog post fodder! There are books on almost any topic you can imagine. Head to Amazon and see what’s available in the bestseller list that you can discuss with your audience.

Many people may want to join a book club discussion about it. You can make this a monthly event for your blog, or quarterly, if you’re a slower reader who doesn’t have time to quickly consume books.

If you’re in the dieting niche, try a slant such as, “If You Have Inflammation Read The Power Plate Diet.” When you discuss the book, you can talk about what you found helpful, what you didn’t know and learned, what you disagreed with, what additional tips you have, and more.

In the success niche, use a topic such as, “What Mel Robbins Taught Me in The High 5 Habit Book.” You can talk about why you felt this author’s work was motivational for you, or what she said that opened your eyes to a new way of striving for success.

In the survival niche, try a slant like, “Tony Nester’s Book When the Grid Goes Down Is a Must Have for Preppers.” While his book talks about 6 key areas to pay attention to, maybe you feel there’s a 7th area – or perhaps you have tips to add for the six issues he addresses.

27. Write About Habits You Need to Change (Stop or Start)

We all have bad habits. Some we’re doing that we need to eliminate, and some we don’t do, but need to. In many niches, habits are something that can be discussed to help people get closer to their goals.

In the diet niche, for example, use a slant like, “Get in the Habit of Listening to Your Hunger Cues.” This is something we’re born with – eat when hungry, stop when not hungry – but we lose it among childhood rules like, “clean your plate.”

So that would be a habit they need to start. A habit they may need to stop might be eating in front of the television or eating after 10 P.M. if they’re to lose weight and keep seeing the scale creep up.

In the success niche, use a slant such as, “How Positive Affirmation Habits Can Help Grow Your Success.” Starting out your day with positive affirmations is a great new habit to embrace as an entrepreneur.

A habit they may need to stop could be something about binge watching Netflix shows, procrastinating on social networking sites to avoid work, or using shiny new object syndrome as a way to avoid responsibility in their niche.

For the survival niche, you could use a slant such as, “Get Better at Rotating Your Food Stores.” This is a habit you might want to help them learn to do to cut down on food losses and help them save money.

You could also slant it as a habit they need to stop, such as by saying, “Stop Buying New Canned Goods to Use Immediately and Rotate Your Food Instead.” It can work both ways – a habit to stop and a habit to start.

28. Debunk a Myth in Your Niche

With many niches, there is false information floating around that you’re constantly having to correct with your audience. You can make a blog post about the common ones, or even little known ones.

In the dieting niche, try a slant like, “It’s a Myth That Fat Is Bad for Your Weight Loss Efforts.” Some people hear the word fat and instantly think it’s bad, but you can teach your audience about good fats, such as those that come from avocados, nuts, etc.

In the success niche, try the slant, “It’s a Myth That You Have a Spend Money to Make Money.” Online entrepreneurs are often roped into spending a small fortune on courses and tools they don’t really need in the beginning of their journey.

They don’t know any better. You can protect your audience and help them save themselves from a budget disaster by informing them about what they really need, or what free or low cost alternative they can choose instead.

In the survival niche, use a slant like, “It’s a Myth That Food Is the Most Important Resource You Need for Survival.” This is a common misbelief people have, when water is actually the most important item preppers need on-hand – explain why in terms of how the physical body works and help them learn how to ensure their hydration needs are met.

29. Pit Two Things Against Each Other (Strategy or Products)

People love to see a “this or that” approach. When you have a bunch of things to compare, it can be good to see two of them pitted against one another so you can make a decision about which one is best and begin to weed out your choices.

In the diet niche, you can take this approach with a slant such as, “Low Carb Versus Mindful Eating – Which Works Better?” You’ll have many readers who have been contemplating both of these plans and don’t know which one would work best for them.

You can cover all of the pros and cons, give a “best for” summary to tell who might enjoy it more, and even warn people against trying one or the other if you feel there are too many drawbacks against it.

For the success niche, use a slant such as, “A Comparison Between Aweber and GetResponse.” There are dozens of email autoresponder tools, so you can continually pit two against each other until you have what you feel is the ultimate choice.

You can cover features, pricing plans, rules, and more. You can tell them if you’ve ever used one of the two products yourself, and if so, what your experience with it was. If you haven’t, that’s okay, too – just be honest with them.

In the survival niche, try a slant such as, “Military MREs or Survival Food Buckets – Which Are Better?” This is a great type of product to have challenge each other because preppers want to get the best for long-term storage, and both are expensive to the average survival enthusiast.

You can talk about flavors available, longevity, storage safety issues, taste and quality, caloric levels, nutrition, brands available and more. If you happen to have one of each, you can even do a taste test and record it or at least take pictures of the food to show them why you made the comments you did.

30. Give Them a Checklist

Everyone loves a good checklist. It’s even better if you turn your blog post into a PDF they can download and print out to help them navigate their niche journey offline, too. You can type in your niche topic and the word checklist to see what kinds of checklists people have created.

Never copy theirs. Gather ideas and then create yours from scratch. In the diet niche, use a slant such as, “A Checklist of 10 Foods You Need in Your Daily Diet.” You can change the number or the type of food as well as the purpose, too, such as, “A Checklist of 15 Non-Starchy Vegetables That Help You Lose Weight.”

In the success niche, use a slant like, “Launch Checklist for Digital Info Products.” Many people don’t know the intricate procedural details of what goes into a launch, so you can teach them everything from product listings to testing the sale and delivery of the product.

In the survival niche, use a slant such as, “Medical Supply Checklist to Keep Your Family Safe During Survival Situations.” You can have checklists for all different types of survival issues – like supplies, communication strategies, and more.

31. Start with a Quote and Build on It for a Blog Post

Quotes are a great springboard for good content on your blog. It makes it easy for you to have a starting point for a good lesson for your readers. Go to Google and type in your niche topic and the word quote.

Find one that resonates with a lesson you’d like to teach. For example, in the diet niche, try, “Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels” by Kate Moss. You might embrace the idea or talk about the regret Moss stated she felt for making that statement.

In the success niche, use the quote, “Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal: It Is the Courage to Continue That Counts” by Winston Churchill. Being consistent in your pursuit of success is a quality everyone needs, and it’s important to know that both sides of the coin – success and failure, are not permanent so they have to keep going.

In the survival niche, use a slant such as, “The Greatest Weapon Against Stress Is Our Ability to Choose One Thought Over Another” by William James. Mindset is one of the most important things people need in large quantities during a survival situation, so you can teach your audience how to keep their spirits up during the worst of times.

32. Get Off Topic Just Slightly

Sometimes, it’s good to take a break from your usual topis and veer off just a tad. You don’t want your blog to be all over the place, but you can do something out of the norm for your content.

In the diet niche, you usually probably always talk about healthy eating. How about switching it up with a slant like, “My Favorite Cheat Meals to Eat?” That’s something they won’t quite expect, because it’s more indulgent, but it’s also tied into the diet concept, too – because everyone needs a break from time to time.

In the success niche, you could use, “Growing Up I Wanted to Be an Astronaut, Not an Entrepreneur.” Talk about what drove you to want to be something completely opposite of where you are now.

Do you miss not pursuing that other career? Are there any similarities you can spot between the two careers, such as enjoying the risk or unknown turnout of the project, maybe?

In the survival niche, use a slant such as, “Comfort Items I Refuse to Give Up in Survival Mode.” So these won’t be your usual survival prepper supplies, but luxuries some people may scoff at, but you know you’ll need to have on hand as a way to provide comfort for yourself.

33. Find a Good Statistic to Blog About

This is an easy one to find. Go to your search engine and type in your niche topic and the word statistic. You’ll be able to find data on so many niche topics – and this is something you’ll be able to do again and again.

For example, you can find in the diet niche, a slant like, “You’re Not Alone: According to the CDC Over 42% of American Adults Are Obese.” Statistics like these are updated annually, and you can discuss what the measurements mean, how many are men versus women, age groups, and why it’s occurring.

For the success niche, you might find and use a slant such as, “20% of Small Businesses Fail in the First Year – Here’s How You Can Avoid Being One of Them.” So not only are you discussing the statistical data, and why it’s happening, but you’re helping them take protective measures against become a statistic themselves.

In the survival niche, use a slant such as, “Statistics Show a Growing Number of Women Are Turning Into Preppers.” You can then disclose the ratio of men versus women, and the reasons behind the growing trend, encouraging more to come onboard.

34. Survey Your Readers and Discuss the Results

This is a great slant to use once you have an audience. It’s harder to do whenever you’re just starting out, because it requires feedback. You can set up a survey on social media, using a tool like SurveyMonkey, or just ask your audience to email you and gather results to discuss with them.

Sometimes, you’ll get surprising results that you didn’t expect. With the diet niche, use a slant like, “The Top 3 Diets My Readers Are Currently On.” People in a community of like-minded individuals are always curious about what their peers are doing.

You might discover that 75% of your readers are on keto, but your broad diet site hasn’t been offering enough info on that, helping you change your content to something more relevant to them.

In the success niche, use the slant, “The Biggest Obstacle My Readers Say Is Holding Them Back.” You’ll find a variety of answers flooding into your inbox, from fear of failure to perfectionism, lack of knowledge to limited budget.

Help your audience overcome those obstacles. Go through each one, either in one blog post or separate ones and address the issues. Even if you do one blog post with a quick summary solution, you can stretch it out and make complete individual blog posts for each obstacle, too.

In the survival niche, try the slant, “The #1 Worry My Readers Say Weighs Heavy on Their Mind.” Is it societal chaos, like burning buildings? Is it a run on the banks or store shelves emptying out?

Or is it a major solar event that damages the grid for months, or even years? Discuss their fears and then do the same as you would in the success niche – address the solutions so they leave your blog feeling a sense of peace and calm.

35. Expand on Someone Else’s Idea with Credit

This is a great way to show more value than your competitors. You can start with whatever someone else has taught, giving them full credit and links back to their original lesson.

Then, take it further! People always love a deep dive into a niche topic, so for the diet niche, you might do something like, “More Ways to Request Healthier Options at Restaurants.”

So if a niche competitor listed the top 10 healthy swaps to make at a restaurant, and you know of 20 more, blog about it! You’re not only showcasing your expertise, but providing more value to your readers.

In the success niche, try the slant, “More Ways to Save Money on Your Start Up Business.” So if a niche competitor had a blog post for 7 ways to save money on your start-up, you might add 10 more – helping your people out.

Whenever you link back to the original blogger, they’ll often find out about your post and share it with their audience, helping you get even more visitors to your blog who are within your target audience.

In the survival niche, use a slant such as, “More Places to Store Your Survival Gear.” So maybe you read an article about the most common places, such as a basement, pantry, etc.

You can give them little-known areas, like under their bed, in a bunker offsite, and more. You don’t have to take the original idea from a blog or article, either. You can look in books and even videos for inspiration where you can add more value.

36. Talk About the Mindset They Need

Mindset is everything. Without the proper mental outlook, it’s hard to achieve goals in many different niches. Sometimes, the niche itself will be the corrective measure they need to improve a mindset.

For example, if they’re knitting for stress relief, then it’s okay to come to the niche in a frazzled state of mind and use the hobby as a way to achieve a sense of peace and calm.

In the diet niche, you might use a slant such as, “Stop Thinking of Dieting as an Event – It’s a Way of Life.” This is a tough love mindset you’ll use to have people stop using dieting as a short-term tactic and instead make life-long habit changes to improve their health.

In the success niche, try a slant such as, “How to Stop Feeling Shame for Your Entrepreneurial Failures.” Shame is prevalent in this niche. You need to shake them up a bit or even offer a coddling approach and teach them how to eliminate this feeling and embrace one that’s more empowering.

In the survival niche, try a slant like, “A Survival Mindset Is Proactive and Self Sufficient.” This might be a way to pat them on the back for their decision to be involved in survival prepping.

Or, it might help those who are on the fence adopt a mindset of consistent prepping so that they aren’t waiting for a someday event, but instead working on helping their family be prepared ahead of time.

37. Interview a Competitor in Your Niche

Interviews are always a good idea to bring other peoples’ readers to your blog. Whenever an expert is interviewed, it gives them more credibility as a leader, so they share with everyone the fact that they’ve been interviewed.

They’ll notify their subscribers and social media followers and send them to your blog to read (or watch) the interview. If you do a video or audio interview, you can transcribe it for some added text content on your blog.

If you’re in the diet niche, try a slant such as, “Interview with a Diet Blogger Who Lost 100 Pounds without Ever Giving Up Her Favorite Foods.” Of course, you’ll want to find a blogger in your niche and see what perspective they have that sets them apart.

In the success niche, you can use a slant such as, “Interview with an Entrepreneur Who Makes $100 a Day with 30-Second Tik Toks.” Any time you can showcase an expert who has had success, whether small or large, your readers will sit up and take notice.

It also helps you gauge interest to see if this is a topic your readers may want to learn even more about. If you get a good response for the interview, you can either collaborate with the other person for a product or venture out on your own to research and share tips for your readers in a solo info product.

In the survival niche, you can tackle a slant such as, “Interview with a Bush Craft Expert.” Maybe this is something you’ve only just begun learning yourself, or you want to take it to the next level.

Make sure you have some in-depth questions for your expert and not things that you could shar eon your own with your target audience. You want to be able to supplement your insight, not repeat it.

38. Curate the Best Tips on a Topic

Curation is a content strategy that shows you are doing the heavy lifting for your audience in terms of staying on the pulse of the niche and researching the information they need to know.

Curation is when you go out and gather snippets of content from other people, always making sure to link back to the original author for full credit. You can curate quotes, paragraphs, or concepts and link back to a blog or product where it was originally listed.

In the diet niche, you might have a slant like, “23 Expert Tips on How to Cut Carbs without Cravings.” You can take a tip from several sources, or take one tip from a single source that you curate from and discuss it in-depth.

In the success niche, try a slant such as, “19 Tips from Six Figure Marketers to Help You Achieve Success.” You want to curate from trusted sources, not just anyone who happens to have a good tip – because you’ll be linking your readers to these people.

For the survival niche, you might have, “12 Couponing Pros Weigh in on How to Save Money on Survival Supplies.” Share a tip from each one, linking back to their blog or site.

You won’t mind sharing these people because they’re in a companion niche, not necessarily survival. Their couponing site might be for everyday items, like food and cleaning supplies – but even if they are fellow survival bloggers, the curation strategy makes you look good because you’re helping your readers find good information.

39. Give Them a Rundown of the Best Resources They Need

Resource lists are always helpful for your audience to refer to whenever they need a tool, expert, ideas or course to turn to. You can look up your niche topic and the word resource or supplies to get some ideas of what to refer your audience to.

In the diet niche, you might have a slant such as, “The Best Resources for Low Carb Meal Ideas Online.” These might be recipe sites or even apps that help people calculate the carbs in their meal plans.

For the success niche, you might have a topic like, “Top 10 Resources You Need to Run an Online Empire.” You might give them a rundown of the types of tools and other elements they’ll need in the business, such as an autoresponder tool, graphic design tool, platform to sell their products on, domain name, etc.

In the survival niche, you might have a slant such as, “Online Resources for Building Your Survival Food Supplies.” This would be a list of the best places to order from, including Amazon and direct company sites – and it’s okay to use your affiliate link on these to earn a commission.

40. Notify Them About Events They Might Want to Attend

Events don’t happen in every niche, but they do with a lot of them. There are conventions, seminars and meet-ups that you can recommend to your audience and they’ll appreciate learning about it.

Just type in your niche topic and words like retreat, get-together, seminar, webinar, meet-up, convention and more synonyms that will show you the results you need to create your list.

For example, if you’re in the diet niche, you might compile a blog post that’s about “2022 Weight Loss Retreats.” You can list the name of the retreat, the specific purpose, the price, location and other details.

For the success niche, you might use a slant like, “2022 Marketing Webinars for Online Entrepreneurs.” You might want to choose in-person meet-ups, or due to the pandemic globally, you might do virtual webinars instead.

For the survival niche, you can do a topic such as, “Survival and Prepper Conventions Scheduled for 2022.” There are conventions and expos that showcase products for consumers.

Some of them are broad in topics, like survival or prepping and others are specific such as gun shows for survival self-defense. If it’s a self-defense one, it’s narrow than all survival, but it might be broad in terms of covering multiple forms of self-defense, including guns, knives, pepper spray, and more.

41. Make a Post of Gratitude

People love the positive posts where there’s an element of appreciation to them. This will be something you personally feel, so there’s no research – just brainstorming involved.

For the diet niche, you might have a slant such as, “An Open Letter of Thanks to My Intuitive Eating Nutritionist.” Maybe you had a nutritionist who finally got you off the diet bandwagon and taught you intuitive eating.

You can create an open letter of thanks to him or her and discuss where you were when you first met them and what they helped you with. Be sure to include whatever emotional transformation took place, too.

If you’re in the success niche, try a slant such as, “Just a Note to Say How Thankful I Am for Those Who Helped Me Succeed.” This might give gratitude for a list of people, from a spouse who encouraged you to an online colleague who taught you a strategy to your customers who believed in you.

In the survival niche, you could have a post such as, “Grateful to My Grandmother for Teaching Me How to Garden and Can Vegetables.” You could include family pictures, a story about gardening with her as a child, your first solo experiment canning from your garden and more.

Things like this help people bond with you because they see a softer side. You’re not just spouting off facts and data, but you’re unraveling what made you who you are, and sharing the things that inspired you.

42. Make a Post About Terminology in Your Niche

Terminology is something you will frequently find people asking about when they’re beginners in a niche. From full words to acronyms, they’ll need to know what things mean.

You can type into a search engine the name of your niche and the word acronym, lingo, terminology, etc. to find a list of the common ones misunderstood in your niche. If you’re in the diet niche, it might just be one type of word that’s not understood, so a slant like, “A Guide to Understanding What Macros Mean” might work well.

In the success niche, try a slant like, “Don’t Know Your Autoresponder from Your Zip File?” This is where you’re explaining what the words mean, or what the products are. Some people may not know what it means when someone teaches them to “zip up their product.”

In the survival niche, there are many, so a slant like, “BOBs, MREs and TEOTWAWKI – How to Understand the Survival Prepper’s Lingo” would work well. You can cover those three, plus other popular ones, like SHTF, too.

43. Talk About Future Plans with Your Followers

People love to see where things are going. And as their leader, they will look to you to see where they should be planning their own future endeavors. You can let them know in a sort of sneak peek post that helps them understand what they’ll be seeing from you in the coming days, weeks, months and years.

In the diet niche, you might say something like, “In 2022, I’ll Be Sharing More About Alternate Day Fasting.” Maybe this is a plan you intend to start on January first. By giving them a heads up, they can make preparations to follow along and implement it themselves, too.

In the success niche, you might have a blog titled, “Why I’m Adding Kindle Publishing as a Second Income Stream.” Talk about what it means, what spurred you into this direction, and what types of things you’ll be teaching along the way.

For the survival niche, you can have a post slanted, “I’m Going to Build a Shipping Container Home on an Off-Grid Property.” This is a huge endeavor, but it’s one many preppers dream of, so they’ll be sure to bookmark your blog and visit it frequently.

44. Technology That Impresses You in Your Niche

Most niches have some sort of technology or gadgets in them. Whether it’s a sewing machine, underwater camera, a GPS rangefinder for golfers, or something else, you can find tech products that people want to know more about.

These types of blog posts not only serve as an online expo of what’s new in your industry, but it also gives you the opportunity to add some affiliate income into your blog content, too.

If you’re in the diet niche, have a post such as, “Virtual Reality Gaming That Helps You Burn Calories.” You might list a VR gaming system you recommend and talk about certain games that really helped you work up a sweat.

This is a concept that’s come a long way form the Wii Fit gaming system or Just Dance games, which helped people get up off the couch and get moving. This immerses them into an entire new world and some of the games help them be active without a fitness slant at all.

For the success niche, use a slant like, “Page Building Tools That Serve as a One-Stop Marketing Shop.” These are things some people have many different tools for – email autoresponders, page builders, etc.

But there are some page builder tools that do it all. You can cover one in particular or a list of those that have multiple features, allowing the reader to replace or consolidate their purchase into one item instead of many.

In the survival niche, you might discuss, “Solar Survival Gadgets That Make the Loss of the Grid a Breeze.” For this, you can cover all broad solar gadgets like solar cookers, solar phone chargers, solar generators, solar showers and more – or, narrow it down and cover one at a time per blog post.

45. Bring Your Niche to Life with Pictures and Videos

It’s one thing to read about things and it’s another to visually see it in the form of images and videos. You always want to be adding multimedia to your blog posts, but you can create an entire post slanted as a behind-the-scenes look.

In the diet niche, you might have, “A Glimpse Into My Fridge Organization and My Home Gym Set-Up.” So you can do pictures or videos that show them what’s in the fridge shelves and in the crisper, and what kind of equipment and space is your home gym created with.

For the success niche, you might showcase, “What’s My Workspace Like?” People who work from home have different types of set-ups. You might work in a dedicated home office with three monitors or from a comfy couch in your living room on a laptop.

For the survival niche, try a slant such as, “Take a Look at My Self-Built Chicken Coop.” Everyone knows the first rule of thumbs is that you don’t announce your supplies to everyone, so showing them the entirety of your survival supplies may not be smart.

But you can show them a sliver of it – like the chicken or rabbit coop you build either from plans that you downloaded or from some you created yourself. You may have even bought a kit to build – show it off!

46. Share a Meme and Discuss the Truth Behind It

Memes are funny, and often have a grain of truth to them. They’re a fun way to strike up a conversation and engage with your audience, and also get them to share your blog post with their own social media followers.

Go to Google and type in your niche topic and the word meme or cartoon and then see what’s out there that you can share and discuss. You can also create your own meme if you have a good idea for one, just by looking up a meme generator and downloading the results of what you create.

In the dieting niche, you might have a slant such as, “Finished a Seven Day Diet – in One Hour.” This is a meme that can have many different images – from someone stuffing their face with a pizza to someone using the like a boss baby on it.

But we all know it’s true sometimes. You plan on sticking to a diet, even for a short amount of time, and by the end of the day you’ve ended it and are back to your old habits.

For the success niche, you can use a slant such as, “Success: I Define It…Differently.” This is a meme where you might have someone doing something very simple, like sitting in a bath eating a pizza or drinking wine – or, taken to the opposite extreme, if you prefer.

But it opens up a good discussion about how success means different things to different people. For some, it means more time to relax. For others, it means traveling the world on private planes.

For the survival niche, you can have a slant like, “Sensible Prepper Versus Coronavirus Prepper.” This is a funny meme where the sensible prepper’s storage room has everything from canned goods to ammo to medical supplies – and the pandemic prepper’s room is filled with toilet paper.

This is funny to some degree, but it’s a truth, too – because many people went out and hoarded toilet paper when the pandemic hit, but didn’t have other items they might need – a good lesson to teach your readers.

47. Create a Shareable Infographic and Expand on It

Infographics are great for summarizing data or strategies for your audience and getting others to share them. They really pop on social media sites, including Pinterest, where users can pin it to their boards.

You can get some ideas of what goes on an infographic by Googling your niche topic and the word infographic. Don’t copy anyone else’s image. You can see if they give people permission to use it, or look for a private label rights version for your niche.

When you blog using an infographic, you won’t just paste the image into your blog and publish it as is. Instead, you will add your own commentary about what is on the infographic.

If you are in the dieting niche, you might have a post that says, “10 Weight Loss Habits You Can Start Doing Today.” The background of your infographic maybe a lean and fit person, with each of the weight loss habits being listed on the sides.

So for instance, if you have a habit that tells people to drink plenty of water each day, you can use this tip to expand on the idea and tell them how much water they should have and then link to a recommendation for a water bottle that you think is best.

If you are in the success niche, try a slant like, “12 Steps to Success Every Entrepreneur Should Know.” This type of infographic may be something like a maze where they go from one step to the next until they achieve their goals.

For the survival niche, you might have a slant like, “8 Things to Pack in Your Survival Bug Out Bag.” For this type of infographic, you can have many different, smaller pictures that correlate to the text listed on the infographic.

For example, you may have a picture of a first aid kit next to one of the 8 text boxes that tell them to pack medical supplies. Or, you may have a picture of a water filter straw next to a tip that teaches them to pack supplies that will help them access clean water.

48. Share a Template and Teach Them to Use It

Templates are always appreciated by your target audience, wherever applicable. These are downloadable files that your readers can access and print so they can use it in their own life.

If you’re in the diet niche, try a slant like, “Here’s a 7-Day Meal Plan Template You Can Use.” People are always wanting help with meal planning, and this is a great tool to help them ensure they’re sticking to their program.

If you’re in the success niche, you might use a slant like, “Download My 1-Week Work Schedule Template.” Time management and work-life balance are topics that are always confusing to newbies trying to figure out the right schedule.

If you have a work schedule that allows you to maximize your productivity, you may want to share it with your audience. You can also share it as a blank template for people to fill in as they wish, with the day of the week, task priorities, and hours in the day listed on the sheet for them to fill out.

If you’re in the survival niche, use a slant such as, “Print Out This Survival Emergency Plan Template.” Survival Peppers frequently used templates or ask questions about how to keep track of certain things.

This is a topic where planning is essential to their success. The template mentioned above might help them teach their family where to meet up and what to do if chaos ensues.

You might also give them a template for keeping track of their supplies, where they can list the product, size, and expiration date. This helps them rotate their supplies so that they don’t end up with expired stock.

49. Deliver a Rant They Can’t Resist

This is a blog slant that can be very effective if used sparingly. One problem is, some bloggers adopt this slant as their entire online persons. Unfortunately, people don’t like to be exposed to rants on an endless basis, and it makes you look sour and bitter.

You want to deliver a rant on your blog only when you feel something is worthy of it. You don’t want to rant about something that doesn’t deserve to have this attention shone on them.

You also don’t want to rant about an individual and attack them personally, because it makes you look unprofessional. It may also have some legal ramifications if you aren’t careful about what you say.

If you are in the diet niche, try a slant such as, “I’m Tired of the Media Shaming Dieters!” So in this type of rant, you are discussing a tactic that many people use, rather than one individual who has used it.

If you are teaching people how to go on a diet, and they are constantly being exposed to people who insist on not discussing weight because it might trigger someone, then you can teach your readers how to push back against that.

If you are in the success niche, use a slant like, “Let’s End False Scarcity Once and for All!” False scarcity is a tactic many online entrepreneurs use to make buyers believe that if they don’t purchase something in that moment, they will lose the ability to buy it forever.

It says, the scarcity tactic is fake and the price will remain the same, if not drop even lower. You can shine a light on this unethical strategy so that your readers are aware of it, without naming names of who is engaging in this practice.

If you are in the survival niche, try a slant such as, “The Fear Mongering Media Creates Dangerous Hoarding Situations!” Fear mongering is a big business these days. Clickbait headlines are used by many media outlets to get the views on their site, regardless of whether or not the actual article has any teeth to it.

50. Blog About a Scandal That Happened in Your Niche

Not every niche will have a scandal that can be discussed. But you would be surprised to know how many have had scandals. Some of them have been big news, while others have been small situations behind the scenes.

You can find scandal stories in niches such as dog training, knitting, and others you wouldn’t have thought possible. Whenever you discuss a scandal, you want to cover it from all angles and try to get to the root of the truth.

You also want to give your readers some insight about how this may affect them, if at all. If you are in the diet niche, you could use the slant, “Were The Biggest Loser Contestants Drugged for Weight Loss?”

Sometimes, you will be able to discuss a scandal where the truth was eventually revealed and the rumor was false. Other times, you will be discussing a scandal where everyone gave the person the benefit of the doubt, only to discover the rumor was true.

If you are in the success niche, use a slant such as, “Stupid Stunts Like Firewalking Scandals Do Not Motivate People.” This is a slant where you would be giving your personal opinion about a scandal that happened, such as motivational experts making people walk across fire coals.

If you’re in the survival niche, you could discuss, “The Truth Behind the Man Versus Wild Scandal.” While everyone assumed Bear Grylls was braving the elements alone, the truth was, he had a crew with him, and often slept back at the base camp lodge with them, rather than out in the wilderness.

Even though this may not seem like it would affect your audience directly, you can teach them the importance of learning with firsthand experience, rather than relying on experts to simply show them how things seem to be in videos, because you never know if it’s true.

51. Make a Dos and Don’ts Blog Post

Dos and Don’ts blog posts are a wonderful form of list post that you can do with a specific slant. People love to see these in magazines, and they’ll work well on your blog, too.

You can brainstorm these yourself or look online for tips on what to do and what not to do and educate yourself so that you can write your own Dos and Don’ts post from scratch.

If you’re in the diet niche, you might go with a slant such as, “The Dos and Don’ts of Dieting as a Diabetic.” This is for a very specific audience, and would only be applicable for a portion of your readers, unless your entire site was about diabetic issues.

If you wanted to go broader with your topic, then you could do a slant such as, “The Dos and Don’ts of Picking a Diet for the New Year.” This allows you to cover more topics and reach a wider audience.

But being narrow is also good! Sometimes, being very specific with a slant can be something few others have done, and it’s a refreshing change of pace for your readers. You might have something narrow in topic, for a broad audience, like, “The Dos and Don’ts of Dieting During the Holidays.”

If you’re in the success niche, try a slant such as, “The Dos and Don’ts of Digital Info Publishing.” Make a list of all of the things you know to do right and mistakes that you want them to avoid and then alternate them or list them in your blog post.

For example, you might have a Do first such as, “Do approach affiliates to promote for you.” Then follow it with a Don’t, such as, “Don’t approach affiliates one day before your launch where they don’t have time to review your product or make a bonus.”

Or, compile a separate list – top 10 Dos and top 10 Don’ts in one blog post, or two – one for the Dos list and one for the Don’ts list. State what it is, explain why it’s on that list, and if needed, give them instructions on what to do instead.

If you’re in the survival niche, try a slant such as, “A Beginner’s List of Dos and Don’ts for Survival Prepping.” This might be something where you teach them about storing food properly, investing in a variety of items so they’re not just hoarding one thing, and more.

52. End of Year Progress Report

These are extremely popular in almost any niche. When people have goals, they want to know what’s possible in achieving them. Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income has a very popular end of year report he does where he covers what he did and what he earned.

It doesn’t have to be earnings, though – it can be pounds lost, supplies stocked up, dogs rescued, and more. So if you’re in the diet niche, you might have a slant such as, “One Year, 56 Pounds Gone.”

You’re giving it away somewhat in the title, but they don’t know how you did it, what your ups and downs were, and other important facts. You can tell them what mistakes you made or what you learned, what worked and what didn’t, and any products you found that helped along the way.

If you’re in the success niche, you can use the slant, “My 2021 Income Growth Report.” While this is something Pat Flynn does, anyone can do it if they’re leading people to succeed financially.

You don’t have to earn as much, either. You might report as someone in a beginner role, making your first $5 a day consistently. Or, maybe you grew your business from $300 a month to $3,000 or $30,000.

For this type of process tell them what business models you pursued, what strategies you embraced or tossed aside, what tools helps, what courses boosted you – and of course, where you felt you wasted money, too.

If you’re in the survival niche, how about a slant such as, “Here’s How Much Survival Gear I Stocked Up on for an Entire Year.” People who are prepping themselves will love seeing a breakdown of what you bought and what it cost you.

You should only do this if you’re certain that you won’t be at risk for anyone coming after your supplies, so it’s always good to have your website information private and maybe use a pen name for your blogging efforts.

Coming up with 52 weeks of content ideas is draining for many people. Using the ones listed above, you can easily wash, rinse and repeat using slightly different topics each time.

It’s sometimes difficult to be a content creator, but consistency in leadership is one of the most important things your audience needs from you. Otherwise, they’ll turn to someone else who can show up and serve them without disappearing.