My 25X25 Project – 25 Goals for The Second Half of 2016

I am doing the Ultimate Blogging Challenge for the month of July 2016, and one of the cool things about the challenge is reading the fabulous posts from other people in the challenge. One such post inspired what I’m writing here today. I found it on a site called Alphabet Salad and the post was called The 50X50 Project and featured 50 of the author’s goals that she plans to complete in 2016. To say it revved me up would be an understatement. Realizing that we’re now more than half way through 2016 I decided I’ll create my own list of my goals for the second half of this year and have named my list the 25X25 Project as my list features 25 things I want to accomplish over the next 25 weeks. Below the graphic you’ll find my list 😀

25X25 Project

My 25 Goals for the Next 25 Weeks:

1. Publish another eBook or two under my own name
2. Drop 2 dress sizes or more by the end of the year
3. Workout three days or more per week now through the end of the year
4. Purchase 6 (i.e., one per month) items from friends with online shops.  (This one and the next one are ripped almost verbatim from the inspiration list because a lot of my friends own small businesses and I think it’s a beyond brilliant idea!)
5. Promote 6 (i.e., one per month) friends’ online shops on social media.
6. Go through every magazine I own and either use it, recycle it or donate it. This is part of a much bigger goal of being more paperless in my home.
7. Complete the updates to my writer for hire website
8. Design, complete and launch at least two niche sites
9. Finish at least the placeholder page for every domain I own and create the PBN page on each domain as well
10. Organize my living room – finished my kitchen and closet finally. Next, gotta get my living room under control. De-clutter and get rid of excess.
11. After my writer for hire site is done pitch at least 10 podcasts to try to be a guest on them
12. Meditate 10-20 minutes every day for the rest of the year
13. Successfully complete a road trip to California and back – planned for July 28-August 21 😀 Can’t wait to update this one with our progress!!!
14. Organize my dining room too. Again, de-clutter and get rid of excess
15. Become financially free from debt
16. Learn some Spanish already
17. Read 5 books – I do so much reading of blogs and articles for my day job that this is a lofty goal, but I’m starting with The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani 
18. Transfer all of the posts I want to keep from my old Famous Ashley site to this one. I know- I could have done this an easier way, but no- I chose the hard way of one at a time…
19. Organize my photographs on my computer
20. Re-size all the images on my external hard drive
21. Create and load 5 Youtube Videos per month through the end of the year
22. Do the one week no eating out challenge
23. Do the one week no spending money challenge
24. Set the plans in motion for a trip to Europe – create the timeline for saving the money, decide on a deadline for when we’re going to book the flight, perhaps even book the flight, etc… Yes, I just made a goal to make a plan. LOL
25. Make the gifts and cards I give for Christmas this year

I encourage you to consider your goals for the rest of the year too. And, if you are brave enough, share them publicly as I’m doing here. Perhaps doing so will be the public accountability you have been seeking. Happy goal setting and dream chasing!

