5 Best Cocktails To Serve At Your Christmas Party

The idea of having drinks and Christmas party and doing so cheaply is to make whatever it is that you are serving stretch as far as possible. However, one must allow the liquor used to be enjoyed. I have found that serving punches whether alcoholic or not is a great way to stretch your cocktail budget. Here are five ideas for some cocktails that will allow one to serve cocktails at a Christmas party inexpensively.

Champagne Punch

You need:

  • Frozen/slushy canned fruit juices (apple, pineapple, and even orange – preferably not concentrated – 20 to 24 ounces each)
  • Chilled champagne (the cheap stuff is better because the juice will mask the cheapness)

Take canned fruit juices and freeze them to the point where they are close to solid or at least slushy (approximately 4 to 6 hours). Place those into a punch bowl. Just prior to guest scheduled arrival add in 3-4 bottles of the chilled champagne to the mixture. Stir it around a bit to get everything mixed together, and you are done. As the party goes on you may add additional champagne and additional fruit juices to the mixture to stretch it out further.


Sherbet Punch

  • Single Flavored Sherbet (generic brand is fine)
  • Chilled ginger ale (generic is great)

Take the sherbet and empty it into the punch bowl. Pour the chilled ginger ale over the sherbet. Mix it up and bit to melt the sherbet slightly and you have a refreshing non-alcoholic cocktail.

Pina Colada Punch

  • Chilled ginger ale
  • Chilled Pina Colada drink mix
  • Frozen/slushy pineapple juice (24 ounce non-concentrated can)

Take the pineapple juice and the pina colada mix and place them into a punch bowl. Pour the ginger ale over the mixture. To make an alcoholic version, reduce the amount of ginger ale by about half and substitute run or your favorite spirit. Stir a bit and here is another drink that alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinkers will enjoy.

Pre-Mixed Drinks

Another method is to have all of your drinks pre-mixed. This keeps certain partygoers from drinking the liquor straight. Drinks like flavored-martinis, vodka/cranberry, or whiskey sours, can be pre mixed and then poured over ice or shaken with ice. This allows you to use lower priced liquors in your drinks being served and not have to worry about who’s going to see what name brand you’re serving.

Wine Spritzers

The last drink idea is to take your favorite wine and mix it with club soda to create a wine spritzer. Take 2 parts wine to 1 part club soda. By adding a little club soda to the drink you stretch out the wine further and it gives the wine a bit of a fizzy, zing.