An amazing business productivity hack for getting things done, fast!

The following is a guest post by Francoise Jeanes

Whether you run your own business or your household, or even both, then the Pomodoro Technique is for you! If you struggle with focusing on tasks or find yourself putting things off, it won’t take you long to turn that around.

It’s been reported that the average American worker in the workplace only gets 2 hours of pure productivity done – which is not good news for employers! By using this technique you should easily be able to equal, if not surpass two really productive hours in your day.

The simplicity is really what makes this Getting Things Done strategy work. Eliminate all distractions – silence your phone, turn off notifications on your computer, hide the remote control if you work from home…

Concentrate on a task/s for 25 minutes then take a 5-minute break where you do something completely different. After that 30 minutes, you’re ready to ‘rinse and repeat’ until you’ve done four cycles.

I have consistently used this technique to get things done in my marketing business and I recommend it frequently to fellow entrepreneurs who are having a hard time scratching items off their to-do list.

This short video will give you an overview so you can see how simple yet powerful this productivity tip really is. All you need is a timer and some tasks!

Give it a try. I’d love to hear from you about how that has worked for you.

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