Bloggy Friends Spotlight – Stephanie Fields

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long ASH time since I’ve posted one of these. The last one was nearly a month ago! YIPE!!! Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, a blogging conference – yep – all these things were happening on Sundays. Note to self – schedule ahead of time. LOL

Also – starting next week these posts will be moving to Saturday because I’m going to be reviving a series I LOVED last year, but that I cut for a while. Long story, but the important thing is Superman Sundays and Wonderwoman Wednesdays will be back in full force starting next week!!! So, now that all of that stuffs is out of the way….let’s get to today’s Bloggy Friend Spotlight – Stephanie FIELDS – this is the first blogger I’m spotlighting that had a name change in the time it took me to get this post up on the blog because she got married!!! Congratulations on your nuptials once more bloggy friend!!! Wishing you an eternity of wedded bliss.

Check out her deets:

Name: Stephanie Fields

Your blog: Orangespoken

Can you tell me about your blog? Orangespoken is where I write stories of life, love, food and fitness!

Do you post on WordPress, Blogger or Something else? WordPress

What’s your niche? Lifestyle

Is your blog making you money? No. But occasionally I will review products, experiences, etc.

How did you get started? I started my blog as a way to share my recipes that I was creating almost 10 years ago!

What are your must have tools to run your blog?  Laptop, iPhone, MiFi, & social media!

What advice would you give to someone just starting their blog? To write as if no one was reading. That is how you find your true, authentic self. And to be brave! Someone will benefit from your content. So be brave enough to put yourself out there!

Where can we find you on social?

If you had it to do over, is there anything you would have done differently? I wouldn’t change a thing. Over these years my blog has evolved , grown, and even changed names multiple times. With each new identity, A new layer has been added making my blog richer, honest, and more personal.

Who do you consider your bloggy mentors? The first blog that I ever started reading was by Molly Wizenberg (and still remains my favorite blogger of all time). I also consider Ellie, from a blog mentor and favorite daily read.

When you have a blogging question, where is the first place you go for the answer?
I go to the Google! ?

What are your plans for the future of your blog? I definitely plan to keep writing at Orangespoken but I also have some projects on the side my most important being a book I’ve been writing for the past couple of years. The book is on coping with, accepting, and joyfully moving forward with life after the death of my mother. I hope to finish this within the next year or two!

Is there anything you would like to add that you think people should know? I always like my blog readers and Internet friends to know that what you read in my posts, and in my social media statuses is a direct representation of who I am in real life. I think that’s one of my most treasured attributes I keep in my pocket.

How awesome is Stephanie? I think she’s pretty darn awesome, and I personally can’t wait to read her book when it’s completed!

Now, I want to hear from you! Do you have a book that you’re working on? Leave a comment below and tell me about it.

Also – Did you miss the last Bloggy Friends Spotlight on Angelina Allerton? If so, I forgive you because you can still check it out HERE!

Don’t forget – I’d love to profile you too, so if you wanna be in on this -fill out the form here!

Stay tuned for our next Bloggy Friends Spotlight! Until next time, may your page views be high, and your blogs be monetized. Big virtual hugs Bloggy Friends ?






12 thoughts on “Bloggy Friends Spotlight – Stephanie Fields”

  1. Oh I love discovering new fellow bloggers! I remember being terrified of putting myself out there when I started blogging, but after that I quickly got over the fear. Being brave is great advice!

  2. I always love reading blogger interviews. Everyone always has such a different story to tell!

  3. A friend of mine wrote a book and it was such a long process to get it just right…I admire her for taking that on but also for sharing her experience.

  4. Congratulations to the newly married couple! Love each other and stay happy! I think it’s a fun interview to read. It’s always nice to learn more about fellow bloggers.

  5. I always love finding a new blog with recipes! I can’t wait to see what she has! I like what she said about writing like no one is reading to keep to capture your authentic self. It can be easy to get carried away writing what you think an audience wants and that can get boring. Sounds like a great blog!

  6. It is always a great read when you get to know a fellow blogger. I like Stephanie’s candid responses. She looks like a pretty awesome person to me. I will have to bookmark her site and read through her articles soon!

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