Gratitude Journal 12/12/16

Life is meant to be lived! So live it!

I’ve been on a journey lately of self love, exploration, discovery and gratitude. In an effort to squash my depression and boost my self esteem, I’ve found myself listening to countless podcasts, watching inspirational videos and reading line after line of uplifting text. It’s been heavy on my heart lately to start writing about all of these things. So, I want to start a gratitude journal here at my internet home base. I also want to blog a lot more about, well, a lot more. But, one thing that has held me back is fear of what people will think. Another has been fear over not being “niched down enough.” I’ve decided that I don’t care about any of that anymore. I want to share my thoughts and feelings, and I plan to just go for it. No lead ups or announcements – just writing when the mood strikes!

I may not remember or have time to write a gratitude post every day, but I’m going to try to at least write about what I’m thankful for more often. And, as for not being niched down enough…I plan to categorize everything I write here so that people who are interested in specific topics will only see what they want to read about. That is the beauty of categorizing after all, isn’t it? To place each item in it’s own niche, but be a part of a larger hub? I think so. And, it’s exactly what I’m going to do. Write all the things! Here! On my home base. Who knows? Later the things I write could be transferred to authority niche sites, but for now, the key is for me to start finally getting out all of the things I NEED to say. The things that are weighing my heart and my mind down. This is the first thing I’m thankful for today – the courage to finally start writing out my heart and mind.

I’m also thankful for the internet and the ability to work anywhere with a WiFi connection. In fact,  I plan to release several blog posts about that topic! I just love the freedom working this way has afforded me.

Finally, I’ll conclude with the biggest thing I’m thankful for. I plan to write at least three things daily in this gratitude journal of mine…The biggest thing I’m grateful for is my husband. I know it’s cliche, but it’s so true for me. Out of everyone in my life, he is the only person that has stood by me through everything. Rooting me on when I needed a boost, calming me down when I’m dealing with trials and tribulations, and loving me no matter what. It’s rare to have someone who you truly believe will love you no matter what, and I’m so damn grateful that he and I crossed paths nearly 14 years ago. We’ve been married for 10, and I have to say that even tho not every day has been easy, I wouldn’t trade him for anyone.

There it is, my first gratitude journal post. Wow! Feels good to write things out. I definitely need to do this more often 😀
