Tampa Bay Margarita Festival Review and Why VIP is the ONLY Way to Party


Thanks to BigCityEvents FL I was given two sponsor tickets to the Tampa Bay Margarita Festival in exchange for this review and social media love. Though my tickets were free, this has not impacted this review. All opinions below are my own.

VIP is the ONLY Way to Party at the Tampa Bay Margarita Festival

Once you’ve been VIP, it’s hard to ever imagine general admission ever again. You see, when VIP tickets are done right you typically receive better drinks, more drinks, better seating options, and shorter lines for bathrooms and beverages for one all-inclusive price.

All this and more is exactly what I experienced during my day at the festival. Not only was there a separate entrance allowing my date and I to get in faster, we had:

– comfy couches to lounge on
– a large tent to protect from the elements (hugely beneficial due to the fact the day and time I was there it is was raining buckets!)
– short lines at the bar with premium liquor for our margaritas
– swag to take home including a shirt and margarita shaker (pictured above)
– our own set of restrooms (so pretty much no lines when we had to go)
– plenty of water to drink between cocktails to stay hydrated and
– all the margaritas we could have ever wanted to enjoy

Now. I fully understand why people debate about the cost of VIP, but here’s the thing – the time savings and comfort are HUGE factors that make it worth the added cost to me. I’m the type of person who gets frustrated waiting in a long line, and I want somewhere to sit after I have my drink in hand. This isn’t as easy to achieve in general admission at ANY festival in Tampa, or probably any event anywhere.

And when you consider the fact that the drinks are going to be $6-$7 a piece and require standing in what will likely be a long line each time you want another you’re wasting valuable festival resources. Besides, if I’m being a little TMI in the honesty department….for me, the bathroom line alone makes VIP worth every additional penny!!!

Weather be Damned in VIP

Okay, so let’s talk about the elephant in in the room. There was a pesky rainstorm raining on our margaritas parade Saturday. Welp, that didn’t bother me much because we had a large tent protecting us in VIP.

In fact, I loved being in the VIP tent while the rain was coming down because it was soothing and comfy. I know some people were bothered by the weather, but I rather liked it. Am I the only one who enjoys sitting outside with a covered lounge area when it’s raining? Leave me a comment and tell me if you like this too!

Sure, walking to and from the festival was a little wet, and walking to and from the bathrooms was also a little wet. But, I wore clothes that weren’t going to melt from the weather, brought ponchos and an umbrella, and was just fine with how the day turned out. Had I been in general admission, sure I might be singing a different tune. BUT, this just speaks even more to why I HIGHLY recommend VIP over general admission to any and all events when possible. Perhaps this makes me sound snobby, but according to my money mentor it actually means I just know what I want, and prefer to go for it. Go big or go home!

On another note…You won’t catch me complaining about the cancellation Sunday because
#1 that wasn’t their call. It was the city’s decision
#2 BigCityEvents has been nothing but professional in my opinion in terms of how they about are handling refunds.

I feel awful BigCityEvents had to cancel Sunday, and I’m personally sending the employees/staff and vendors all the positive vibes!!! I’m very anxious for their next event, and if I do get the chance to attend, I hope it’s VIP again!

All in all, I had a wonderful day at the Tampa Bay Margarita Festival. Did I get a little damp? Yep! Did I have a fabulous time while I was there anyway? You bet! Remember folks- life is 10% what happens, and 90% how you react to it. So, choose to make every day as amazing as humanly possible. Thanks for reading! Until next time…may your days be filled with joy, and your hearts filled with love!