Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 10 and 11

Such is life, eh? I got distracted for a few days with crazy stuffs going on around me, so I’ll do two days today, and then go from there as I try to catch back up on the 21 days.

Anywho… so day 10 is about shutting up your mind by way of journaling and meditation. Then, day 11 is about seeing it before you see it. Say what?!? Yeah – I know. Sounds crazy, but it’s about seeing it in your mind, before it shows up in your life. Got it? Good!

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day 10 Discoveries

I love the day 10 exercise because Kahtrin wanted us to meditate, but check in with ourselves before and after we do it too. I had long avoided the idea of meditation because I thought it was silly, and I could never focus enough to actually do it. Then, I found guided meditations…let me tell you -HUGE GAME CHANGER!!!

I REALLY enjoy guided meditations. I use a combination of apps, Youtube, various websites, etc… to find guided meditations that work for me. One app I’m obsessed with is Insight Timer.

It’s free for Android and iOS phones, and has loads of various meditations for everything from helping you get more restful sleep to manifesting more money, and creating more confidence to forgiveness exercises.

If you struggle with keeping focused while meditating, I highly recommend trying guided meditations.

As for journaling – I don’t do that nearly as often as I wish I did. I get very distracted with it, and it end up being more of a word vomit page than anything focused.

Still, even doing the word vomit helps me a lot because it gets everything out of my head and onto the page so that I can focus on the things I really need to do that day!

I do enjoy focused journaling too though where you are given a specific topic and you journal on that.

I often look on Pinterest for journal prompts when I want to go beyond the word vomit. haha!

Day 11 Discoveries

Day 11 was all about visualization. I struggle with this a lot. I think it’s in large part due to the same things that cause me trouble with meditation and journaling- and that is lack of focus. My distraction gene is strong! SQUIRREL!

So, even for visualization, I have to have something to focus on. What I do for that is again go to Pinterest. I have boards set up for my dreams and I look at them and study them and focus on them, in order to get the visions in my brain. Whatever works, right?

Welp, that’s all for days 10 and 11 – tomorrow I’ll try and do days 12 and 13, then the next day I’ll do days 14 and 15 to be all caught up. Whether or not I actually do it – I guess that part is still to be determined. haha!