One Thing I Did to Celebrate My 30th Birthday

For my 30th birthday I decided to give back. So, I chose 30 people, some at random to give gifts to in lieu of throwing a birthday party. I taped envelopes on snacks at gas stations with money inside to buy a snack, I gave a couple of people gift cards to a store I was shopping at, I gave some strangers I randomly walked past an envelope with a little cash to buy whatever they wanted and I gave every person in my office at my temp job a little gift. Why did I do this? I really want to give back more in my life. I’ve been really lucky to get some of the things I’ve gotten and it’s my party and I’ll give back if I want to! I still have seven more people on my list to give to and what I’m going to do is pick 7 random people on kickstarter to help fund their projects.

Each person that received a gift from me so far has also received the card you see at the top of this post. It says:

It’s my birthday but you get the gift! For my 30th birthday all I wanted to do was give back so I chose 30 people to give gifts to. All I ask is that you pay it forward and do something nice for someone else. Doing so would make one of my birthday wishes come true 🙂 Thanks for accepting this gift! I hope that your future will be filled with as much happiness and love as possible.

Love always-
The Famous Ashley Grant (The link on the card is now inactive as I dropped the word “the” from my name haha)

Have a great day everyone! If it’s your birthday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If it’s not I wish you a happy day anyway. I’d like to pass what I wrote in my birthday card on to YOU- I sincerely hope that each and every one of you will be blessed with more happiness and love than you ever dreamed possible.