Pay it Forward Day 4/25/13

Get ready because according to, Thursday April 25, 2013 is Pay it Forward Day…

Have you seen the movie Pay it Forward? If not the Reader’s Digest version of the film is a 12 year old boy is given an assignment to fix the world inspiring him to help three people with the requirement that they help three people and thus the helping will be “paid forward” to the next recipient.

If you haven’t seen the movie, then maybe you have heard those wild stories about the chain of folks that bought coffee for the person behind them and it kept going until one person finally didn’t want to pay for the coffee for the person behind them. One of the most recent occurrences I read of this happening was in December in Winnipeg Canada where a “pay it forward” coffee chain went on for three hours

Have you ever participated in an act of paying it forward? I personally have. I have given coupons to ladies that I knew could use them at the grocery store, I’ve paid for coffee for the stranger behind me, I’ve even paid for gas for someone who’s credit card kept getting declined. In each instance I simply said to pay it forward…I like to think that these recipients of my random generosity did just that.

I think the idea of paying it forward is brilliant. If everyone started doing random acts of kindness with no expectation of receiving something in return, I think the world could be a better place. Maybe I’m taking it too far with that belief, but maybe not.

Looking for ways you can do a random act of kindness on Pay it Forward day or anyday? Here are some ideas:

– If you are like me and sometimes get breakfast at a chain on the way to work, give the cashier $5 for the person’s breakfast behind you.

– Leave a $1 in the toy section at the Dollar Store. I saw this on a website where a woman would take little snack bags and place $1 and the tax in them and taped them in random spots of the toy section at Dollar Tree. Can you imagine the excitement in a child being one of the lucky ones to find that baggy?!?

– While at lunch/dinner today tip your waiter 50% or all of the cost of your bill. Or pay for some stranger’s entire meal. I recently read a sweet story of a young couple who went out to dinner for Valentine’s Day and when they requested the check there was a note on it from a stranger that said “The only request is that someday you pay it forward. In the meantime, enjoy your youth, enjoy friendship, enjoy love. Be good to each other and good luck.” The anonymous older couple had paid for a $250 dinner for these young lovers!!! Amazing!

– The simple one that has gone viral- pay for the coffee for the person behind you at your favorite coffee place

– If you own a business pick a random past customer and give them something free

– In downtown Tampa and St. Pete meter monitors watch for meters to expire to give folks parking tickets. I sometimes keep extra coins to fill those meters before they expire saving random people from getting a ticket. You could do the same in your area =)

– Leave a coupon next to an item at the grocery store. The person that gets it might be needing that little bit of savings and you could make their day.

What ideas do you have for paying it forward? Have you paid it forward in the past? I’d love to know. Share it in the comments below.


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