Sponsor My Road Trip

I was asked if I would be interested in accepting sponsorships on my Instagram account as I drive from Tampa to California and back for the BlogHer 2016 road trip. I am absolutely willing to do that as it will definitely offset some of the expenses and be a huge help! So, I’ve set up a system to do just that.

Step 1

Log into Paypal and click “Send & Request”

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Step 2

Click the button “Send money to friends and family”

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Step 3

From here, you will type in the email address you wish to send the money to. If you are sponsoring an Instagram post on my Famous Ashley Grant page, you will type in [email protected] as the email address and then click Next.

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Step 4
Enter $5.00 into the amount area in USD

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Step 5
Click the “Write a note” button

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Step 6
Write what you would like in your Instagram post starting with the phrase
“I would like you to post the following to Instagram:”

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Step 7
I will receive the funds and the note and I’ll post your text to the Famous Ashley Grant Instagram account from wherever I am in the United States at the time. Note: The FCC requires I add a note that makes it clear I was compensated for the post so I will be adding hashtags #sponsored and #ad to my post to be FCC compliant. Below is a screenshot example of what your post will look like. The image will vary based on where I am in the US. Please let me know in your note if you would like me to add a selfie or if you are okay with me simply posting an image from the state I’m in at the time… thanks!

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Step 8
The post will also have hashtags #bloggerlife, #roadtrip and #BlogHer16
Because of this, I have set up an IFTTT to share the Instagram post to my Facebook page as well. So, for just $5 you are getting a social share on two platforms!!!

This is how it will share to Facebook based on the example above:

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Important notes to note:
– There will be one social media post per $5 donation.
– Paypal donor is responsible for all incurred fees
– The social share will be posted within 8 hours of receipt of the funds and note.

To donate to the trip without requiring I share anything to Instragram, please click here. Thanks in advance for ALL of your support.



2 thoughts on “Sponsor My Road Trip”

    • Yep! All the way from Florida to LA and then north to Washington, then east to Mount Rushmore and Mall of America and then south back to Florida 😀 Can’t wait for the conference!!!

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