Tips For Maximizing Your Style On A Budget

For some reason we all have it in our heads that in order to have style we need to have money. This is entirely not true. You can take a look at various glossy gossip magazines to prove this fact. Style does not come from the size of your bank account it comes from you, the person with in.

There is a well known saying that money can buy fashion but it cannot buy style.

If you think back to when many of the leading designers of today started out, neither of them had the millions they have. They took the simplest of ideas and turned them into radical personal statements and began revolutions.

Who ever invented the simple t-shirt would have been proud of the way people have put their personal stints on them, you can buy a plan white t-shirt for pennies and just buy letting your imagination go can make it look breath taking just buy cutting a bit off here gluing or sewing a few beads or sequins there. And voila you have a totally different look. The important thing is knowing where to cut and where to glue.

Over the past few years I have discovered that I do not have to buy a new outfit every time I go out. I just modify the items I have. I do love fashion but this isn’t always possible when you have limited funds. You may frown at the idea of charity shops, markets and non high street shops as I used to but I am telling you some of my nicest pieces have come from shops I have no clue of the name or the place all I know is I paid minimal for them and they look great.

The most successful shopping trip was when I raided my mums old suitcases which where loaded with things from the 60’s 70’s and 80’s. I came out with dresses, tops, jumpers the list goes on and a paid nothing for them. You see fashion does come back around, with the exception of the 80’s shell suit, shoulder pads or rib cracking corsets with 10 mile wide skirts. And it’s knowing how to team them with the looks of today.

Markets for me are the greatest placed to pick up things and the greatest thing is you will not walk down the street and see twenty people wearing the same thing. Once upon a time my friend was overjoyed at the fact that she had bought this absolutely amazing dress and was flaunting it around like there was no tomorrow only to leave the house in it and see five other girls wearing the same thing.

Needless to say she was mortified. And she’d spent a fortune on it. Another example was when I was online browsing and a came across the beautiful pair of shoes. I made my self a promise as soon as I get paid I would get them. So pay day came I went to get them. But when I got there they had lost their appeal. Determined not to go home empty handed I went to any shop which had a sale sign in the window. That day I came out with a whole outfit shoes and all for the same price as the shoes.

As stated before style comes from within the individual. You either have it or you don’t and even more so on a budget. You can take a very old and battered pair of jeans team it with a simple tee or shirt and it will be the accessories that make the outfit like bright shoes, big bangles some earrings maybe a head scarf just know how to coordinate the colours and a lovely vintage bag thanks to mummy.

A simple tee can cost as little as under a fiver and the jeans well like I said an old battered pair that’s probably been in the back of your wardrobe for years just as the tee. And the accessories need not cost a bomb either or be bought at all you can mix and match with things you have acquired over the years. There you have a nice outfit for everyday living.

You see people as quoted by a very very prestigious well known designer Fashion comes and goes but style is forever. Remember you do not have to follow the crowd to look good. Know the colours that suit you, know what cuts suit you and more than ever know your budget.