How a Lawyer Can Advocate For You After a Vehicle Accident

Learn how a legal professional can help maximize your compensation and protect your rights after a vehicle accident while handling insurance complexities.

The following is a guest post from my bloggy friend Taylor McKnight on behalf of BD&J Injury Lawyers. Interested in having a guest post on my website? Click here for my guest post submission form.

Key takeaways from this post:

– Understanding fair compensation and insurance coverage

– The importance of thorough evidence collection

– Access to expert witnesses and their role in claims

– How lawyers handle insurance company negotiations

– The value of legal representation in court proceedings

– Understanding PIP insurance and coverage requirements

5 Ways an Attorney Protects Your Rights After a Car Accident

Dealing with the aftermath of a vehicle accident can prove incredibly stressful. Not only do you have to deal with repairs to or replacement of your vehicle, you may end up with substantial injuries from your accident. That means juggling medical care, ongoing limitations or disability, and inability to work.

In the midst of all that stress, you will have to navigate an insurance claim. With a lawyer working with you, you can feel much more confident about your ability to maximize the compensation you deserve for your accident. Consider the benefits a lawyer can offer after a vehicle accident and how they can advocate for you.

1. A lawyer can make sure you understand the compensation you deserve.

You may assume that the insurance company will work in your favor after an accident. You carry auto insurance to protect yourself and others in the event of an accident. However, insurance companies are for-profit entities. As a result, when you file a car accident claim, the insurance company may fight to lower what it has to pay out. Many car accident victims end up inadvertently accepting low settlement offers because they do not know how much compensation they really deserve.

A lawyer, on the other hand, can make sure that you know how much compensation to expect for your car accident. Your lawyer will work with you to calculate the value of medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering as well as the cost of vehicle repair. As a result, you will be much better prepared to address any offers from the insurance company.

Understanding Your Own Insurance Coverage

In addition to evaluating the compensation you deserve, your lawyer can take a look at your personal insurance coverage let you know more about what you may need to claim. For example, in Florida, all drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, which provides compensation for the initial cost of medical treatment after an accident. You must use your PIP coverage before you can move forward with an injury claim for car accident injuries. However, when your medical costs go over the amount of your coverage, you can often file a claim.

You may also need to use a collision insurance policy or underinsured motorist policy to make sure that you recover as much compensation as possible for your vehicle accident damages.

2. A lawyer can collect evidence related to your accident.

The scene of an accident is often very chaotic. While the police that respond to the scene of the accident want to get an accurate picture of what likely led to the accident, they also want to clear the scene as soon as possible so that normal traffic can resume. That can mean that the police miss evidence, do not talk to all witnesses, or fail to accurately assess the cause of the accident. You may end up legally liable for an accident you did not cause.

A lawyer can collect relevant information from the accident and review the likely cause. Not only does that mean more evidence that can clearly establish who caused the accident, it may mean that your lawyer identifies other liable parties. In an accident with multiple liable parties, you can file a claim against each one, which may provide you with further compensation for the damages related to the accident.

3. A lawyer can connect you with expert witnesses.

Depending on the details of your car accident claim, it can turn more complicated than you anticipated. You may need experts to help break down the conditions that led to the accident or the damages you sustained because of the accident. Lawyers often have extensive contacts to experts who can help you manage the aftermath of your accident, including accident reconstruction experts who can look at the damage from the accident and photos of the scene to recreate the accident itself and medical experts who can share more information about the full damages you sustained as a result of the accident.

4. Lawyers can deal with the insurance company on your behalf.

Insurance companies may use a number of tactics decrease the settlement they offer after your accident. Not only can they try to convince you to accept a low settlement, including pressuring you to make a quick decision about an offer that may not ultimately reflect your needs, they may:

  • Try to convince you to accept full or partial liability for the accident, which might minimize the compensation you can ultimately recover
  • Ignore the impact of your injuries and the suffering you face because of them, including the medical treatments you needed in order to maximize your odds of making a full recovery
  • Try to show that you suffered your injuries because of another accident, rather than during the incident that the insurance company has to cover
  • Claim that you have exaggerated the damages suffered in the accident, including the time you had to spend out of work or your overall suffering

A lawyer guide you through those tactics, increasing the odds that you will recover fair compensation after your accident.

5. A lawyer can represent you if your claim has to go to court.

Most car accident claims settle out of court. Insurance companies know that a court battle can increase their overall expenses, so they will often try to come to a settlement agreement if at all possible. However, you can end up in court fighting for fair compensation after a car accident.

A lawyer can present a comprehensive, well-organized case that clearly defines the losses you sustained and the compensation you deserve for your injuries. When you have a lawyer on your side from early in the process, they will have a solid understanding of your case and be prepared for any challenges the insurance company might throw your way.

Contact a Vehicle Accident Lawyer Today

If you suffered injuries in a vehicle accident, having a lawyer on your side is critical to maximizing your car accident settlement. Reach out today to learn more about how one can help.


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