Weekend Recap 3-27 thru 29-15

This weekend was filled with making yummy desserts, meals and drink recipes from the Family Foodie blog to celebrate me being a brand ambassador for the 2015 Food and Wine Conference! (Buy your tickets and use code FWC15grana for $50 off admission! Get your tickets at foodandwineconference.com)  I also took time to stop by the Food Truck Festival and the Pet Expo at the Florida State Fairground on Saturday March, 28, 2015. Those two events were so much fun! The Pet Expo definitely proved how much my hubby and I want to get a pet of our own! We know for sure now that we want a small to medium sized dog with pointy not floppy ears. And because of a silly inside joke he and I have had since we have been married we will name is Cesar Rawr! LOL!

The funniest thing we saw at the Pet Expo was basically this:

Okay, so this isn’t the EXACT one we saw, but like a fool I forgot to take a video of the indoor one. Basically, it’s a lure that is tied to a wire that is placed on a track and runs around your yard for your dog to chase it as you push a remote that makes it go back and forth around the track. Who needs to play a game of fetch when you can sit on your fanny and watch the dog do all the work for you. The company is called Swift Paws. Check them out here.

Back to the Food Truck Festival. We had a blast. My husband had a hot dog and I had a personal pizza from Light My Fire Mobile Pizza Company. It was pretty good and the drink I enjoyed from the Gasolina booth was perfect to wash it down! The best one was the Sangria, but I also sampled the Original and the Rum Punch which were both pretty good. I definitely want to get some of the Gasolina drink pouches for my next party or event. They are ready to drink pouches that the reps called “adult Capri Suns” Perfect description and they tasted sooooo good.

Needless to say all that walking and all that sun wore me out so as soon as I got home I attempted a Skype call with my sis-in-law who is in Japan right now, but instead I quickly crashed and didn’t wake up until Sunday afternoon. Since waking up today I’ve been baking and cooking and blogging and having a really fun time. Can’t wait until next weekend to make more meals and treats for the blog!!! Of course, until then I have a fun filled week of work ahead of me. I’ll post more soon. Until next time, have a great week bloggy friends.

Famous Ashley Grant