What is the Best Type of Pet for a Busy CEO Or Business Owner?

I was curious so I reached out to a bunch of people to ask “What Is the Best Type of Pet for a Busy CEO or Business Owner?” In this post, I’m sharing the answers I received.

The Best Pets for CEOs and Business Owners

From several dog breeds to a turtle, here are some of the answers I received to the question, “What are the best types of pet for a CEO to have, and why?”

  • Dogs
    • Australian Labradoodles
    • Labradors
    • Border Collies
    • Pugs
    • English Mastiffs
    • Pomeranians
    • Goldendoodles
  • Fish
  • Hamsters
  • Cats
  • Rats
  • Turtles


As the CEO of a pet insurance company, I believe that any type of pet can be good for a CEO, as long as it fits into their lifestyle and they are well taken care of. However‌, I’m biased and think that dogs are the absolute best pets to have. I truly believe my dogs have made me a better person and think that they can help strengthen many qualities in a CEO that will help them back in the office (patience, loyalty, trust, empathy). 

Ultimately, the best pet for a CEO will depend on the individual’s lifestyle, preferences, and the ability to provide the pet with proper care. We advocate for responsible pet ownership and recommend that any pet owners, including CEOs, research the specific needs and characteristics of the pet they are considering before deciding. 

My pups Cider and Lou:

Trey Ferro, CEO, Spot Pet Insurance

Australian Labradoodles

My Australian Labradoodle, Sonny, is the greatest pet and fits my personality as a CEO perfectly. I love the fact that he doesn’t shed, so I don’t have to worry about getting dog hair in my car or on my dress clothes. 

Taking him for a walk after work is a great stress reliever, and I never think about work issues when we’re playing together. Sonny is about 40 lbs in size, which makes it very easy to take him with me when traveling in the car, and it’s not an issue for others to watch him if we are traveling by airplane. Here is a picture of Sonny from my wedding last year:

Evan McCarthy, President & CEO, SportingSmiles


Dogs are proven to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. They are also extremely loyal and will protect their family if they sense danger. I have a Labrador Retriever named Cumbia, who has been really good for me lately. He’s helped me get out of the house more, which is great for my mental health. I’ve also noticed I have less anxiety since he’s been around.

Matthew Ramirez, CEO, Rephrasely

Border Collies

For a CEO who may have a high-stress job, a dog is a fantastic source of emotional support and comfort. Having a dog-friendly office also enables your colleagues to pet your dog during a stressful day, which offers better psychological comfort for the entire team. 

Having a dog provides an opportunity for the CEO to take a break from work and engage in physical activity, such as taking the dog for walks or runs, unwinding the mind, and thinking over some challenging problems during a long walk. 

Dogs make you get more physical activity, which means a more stress-resilient and healthy life. In addition, dogs can also be great icebreakers. They can help CEOs to build relationships with colleagues, clients, or other business contacts. 

This is Pepina, our CEO’s Border Collie female, resting in our office:

We always say that she is our CDO (Chief Dog-Therapy Officer).

Marketa Chalupnikova, Co-Founder & COO, Tolgee


I had a pug for many years, and it has been proven to be a great pet for CEOs. They offer so much love and support when you need it, but are also quite lazy and content, so a busy CEO doesn’t have to be too concerned with entertaining them and taking them places. 

They are friendly, playful dogs that can help you escape the life of a CEO, but also just sit with you on the couch as you catch up on work on a Thursday evening. I’d recommend a pug to any CEO, entrepreneur, or busy professional who wants a pet!

Shaun Connell, Founder & CEO, Credit Building Tips

English Mastiffs

Known for their size, demeanor, and strength, English Mastiffs have a rich history that dates back to Roman times, when they were dogs of war. Today, they still protect flocks of animals in England from predators, as well as in South Africa, where a pack of Mastiffs can hunt lions at will. 

For the avid CEO, a Mastiff is a gentle, loving, and loyal giant that will repel intruders from your home and be your best, drooly friend forever. Don’t overlook these majestic creatures. Be forewarned, they’ll set you back about $5,000 for a purebred with a master lineage (ours did). 

Michael Lazar, Executive, ReadyCloud


While smart and incredibly energetic, Pomeranians are some of the most notoriously difficult dogs to potty train. Sometimes, potty training a Pomeranian can take an exasperating four months. But when you manage to successfully potty train them, they rarely get it wrong moving forward. 

I think grit is one invaluable virtue CEOs can learn from the effort of potty training a Pomeranian. Repeatedly seeing your Pomeranian get things right after the rigors of training will practically reinforce the value of delayed gratification. 

Also, these fluffy darlings are innately rebellious and commonly only submit to a firm and caring leader. Being with a Pomeranian will train a CEO on the emotional intelligence needed to know when to display strength and toughness and when to display empathy.

Lotus Felix, CEO, Lotus Brains Studio


Being a lifelong dog owner has inspired many of our brand’s core values that help us keep world-class talent. One of those is to “protect the pack,” meaning that we are all responsible for supporting and uplifting one another to ensure our collective success. 

This supportive environment makes everyone, no matter their role, comfortable asking for help, seeking and giving feedback, and lending a hand. It inspires empathy and fosters bonds among our team members, much like the emotional connections many pet owners claim their pups make. 

Josh Weiss, Founder & CEO, Reggie


I recently adopted Taiwan’s native fish, the swallowtail lionfish, as my pet. It’s a curious and low-maintenance species that makes an ideal pet for busy CEOs. Not only is it elegant with its bright orange skin and distinct black stripes, but also its relatively small size, so I can easily keep it in my office. 

With minimal noise and odor levels, my little friend can keep me company without being disruptive during meetings. I’ve named him Robert since he is often swimming around with a distinguished air about him; just like a good CEO should!

Ludovic Chung-Sao, Lead Engineer & Founder, Zen Soundproof


I’m a firm believer that successful CEOs should have pets to manage the daily stress that comes with their line of work. My pet of choice is a hamster, which I lovingly named “Dottie” because of her cute polka-dot coat.

Hamsters can be independent and content with their own little corner, ideal for busy people who may not have time to devote long amounts of time to taking care of a pet. They are great at entertaining themselves with toys like exercise wheels and hammocks, while taking up barely any space. Hamsters require some commitment—daily feedings and cage cleaning is essential—but overall they can be an easy pet to enjoy day after day.

Derek Bruce, First Aid Training Director, Skills Training Group


The best type of pet for a CEO to have is undoubtedly a cat. Why? Well, for one, they are a heck of a lot less effort than a dog. My cat, Reggie, likes to come to visit me most days, which provides a stressed MD with a little love and “away-from-screen” time.

Data says that stroking a cat can reduce stress levels, and I certainly feel that, as managing digital marketing projects can be quite full-on. Cats are full of character and attitude. They have no qualms about leaping up onto your desk during a Zoom call with clients. They are not interested in kowtowing to stuffy protocol, and that’s a good thing in my book. 

Their friendly but irreverent behaviors will ultimately show your clients and teammates another side to you, an authentic human who is loved and who loves, as opposed to just a bad-ass marketing robot whose only joy in life is an increase in click-through rate. Not a bad thing..so long as they don’t walk on the keyboard. 

Phil Gregory, MD, Peak District SEO

Cats have been shown to have a calming effect on their owners, which can help ease stress and anxiety in a high-pressure work environment. A cat is a low-maintenance pet that requires minimal attention, which is ideal for a busy CEO.

Cats are independent animals that can take care of themselves for extended periods, allowing the CEO to focus on their work without worrying about the pet’s well-being. They are also low-noise pets, which is beneficial for CEOs who work from home or have an office in the home. 

My cat’s name is Micia:

Stefano Lodola, Owner, Think Languages


Rats make the perfect pet for CEOs who have little time to spend on animal care. These intelligent and playful rodents are relatively low maintenance and require minimal effort to keep them happy. 

They can be taught to do tricks and interact with humans, which is a great way to take breaks throughout the day if you’re working from home. Rats are also relatively easy to train, and can be taught to respond to commands like “Come” when called and even play games. 

Although they are social animals that need interaction, they don’t require daily walks or constant attention, making them an ideal pet for busy executives.

Mark McShane, Marketing Director, Leeds First Aid Courses


A turtle is an excellent pet for a busy CEO. Not only are they inexpensive to purchase and maintain, but they also require little to accommodate them amid a high-pressure corporate environment. 

A turtle is also easy to take care of—as long as its tank remains clean with enough water and food, it will thrive and remain healthy throughout its multi-decade lifespan. In addition, turtles are unique animals that can help bring tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the office; since they don’t make any noise or need attention, taking them out for brief breaks will help calm even the most overworked executive.

Nadzeya Sankovich, Regional Manager, Health Reporter