30 Day Profit Scaling Plan

Everyone wants to make more money, but sometimes, you get to a point where you feel like you’re working so much, you’re not sure how to do that without more hours in the day.

As an online entrepreneur, the goal is not to work more, but to work smarter. You want to scale your business to profit more without having to spend more in time or money than you’ll earn back.

The process of scaling your business is not something that happens overnight. In fact, there are many simple steps you can take to start seeing your profit margins rise. You will find thirty days’ worth of scalable opportunities listed below.

Take one at a time and implement it into your business to see how it affects it. Then, move on to the next one. You may find that some are more lucrative than others, but some free up more time, allowing you to spend those hours on other profit-generating tasks.

Day 1: Start with a Strong Time Management Plan

You’ve probably heard the saying time is money, but when you’re trying to scale your business, it’s even more important. There are likely many hours being absorbed by wasteful time management and you don’t even realize it.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Some use their time more wisely than others. Whether you’re engaged in a lively conversation on Facebook, or taking one too many breaks to check the news or binge watch a show, this is time that could be spent on scaling your business to the next level.

Before you can do anything, you need to get a true accounting of how many hours you are spending on actual work, and where you can free up time to grow your business. There are tracking tools that can prevent you from allowing distractions to keep your business stagnant.

Day 2: Pick a Skill You Need to Learn or Perfect

Today, you need to look at your skillset and figure out what skill you have that needs to be improved, or what skill you need to learn in order to scale your business into something bigger and better.

Skills can not only add additional revenue to your profit margin, but it can also help you speed things up. On the profit side, when you have a business model where talent is imperative, such as graphic design, there’s a big difference between what you can charge for using Canva templates and what you can charge for creating something original in Photoshop.

With improvements in skills, you can go from something taking an hour to complete, to something taking ten minutes. Freeing up time can be beneficial in allowing you to scale up your profits by focusing on other things.

Day 3: Set Aside Funds for Outsourcing and Delegating

Many people forget the importance of reinvesting in their business. This is one of the easiest ways you can scale your business. Set aside small amounts each month to outsource tasks to others so that you can either free up your own time to work on something more lucrative or to double the production of your deliverables.

You can be twice as productive with another person onboard, whether it’s a freelancer or someone you bring on as an hourly or salaried employee than you could if you try to do everything yourself.

Day 4: Repurpose What You’ve Already Created

Why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to? One way to grow your business is to repurpose things you’ve already done into other things. For example, you can take your own blog posts, emails, and courses and sell private label rights to them.

This brings an additional income stream into your business with no extra work. Just make sure you’re upfront and honest about it being existing (not new) content. You can also turn your work into other media formats for a wider reach and more profits.

You can turn a blog post into a YouTube video or a podcast episode. You can distill the important points in the article down into an infographic and put it on Pinterest. This helps scale your content into something massive.

If you sell an eBook, take that and create a video info product course out of it. You can break up each chapter of the eBook into a video module. Or, you can create a membership where each month, your subscribers get access to a new report (chapter).

Day 5: Create Exclusivity and a Sense of Urgency

You’re already producing product on your own, but you can take it to the next level by adding two things – a sense of urgency and a bit of exclusivity. False urgency is never a good idea, and instead of helping you scale your business, it can sabotage it.

But if you put time restrictions or other consumer limitations on your products, like a limited number available, it can elevate you to the status of an in-demand vendor. This way, whenever you come out with something new, people will hurry to buy it before it’s gone (or before the price bumps up).

Day 6: Add High Ticket Products to Your Offers

Whenever you make plans to scale your business, consider adding a high ticket product to your line. Many marketers are afraid of launching a high ticket product because they worry about the buyer finding enough value in it.

But all you have to do is figure out what you could add strategically to what you’re currently offering to make it worth the extra money. For example, selling a course is one way to earn money.

But offering to do something for them – like creating a blog and filling it with product reviews – is another. You could also offer to take them by the hand and coach them through a process, which could be priced at a top tier level.

Day 7: Work Strategically on Affiliate Recruitment

Many marketers, when they start launching products, focus on the product creation and launch steps primarily. Then they go straight into catering to their new subscribers and creating the next product.

What you should be doing, if you want to scale your business, is focus on recruiting the kind of affiliates that can help scale your profits without you having to do more work. The kinds of affiliates you need to recruit are those who routinely top leaderboards for the kinds of products you’re launching.

You’ll need to go about it strategically, because these individually can not only bring the sales, but they’re going to be ultimately sharing their list of subscribers with you, because those buyers will get added to your own list for future sales.

First, make sure you’re connected to all of the people you consider to be prime affiliate targets. Be networking with them before you hit them up for a launch. When the time comes, reach out to them personally and let them know about your product, why they’re going to love presenting it to their list, and what perks (if any) you’re offering them for a promo.

You might include a bigger commission on the front end, a spot on your download page, or something else – like a readymade bonus they can use. Be sure to send them the link to your JV (joint venture) page as well as a full review copy.

Day 8: Create an Incredible Tripwire Offer

A tripwire is a no brainer, irresistible offer that is easily taken up by your prospect. Some people use free gifts as a tripwire, while others create extremely low cost products that can’t be passed up.

If you haven’t used tripwires before, this is a great way to scale your profits because you don’t have to put a lot of effort into their creation, but they can help you build a database of potential buyers on your email list with ease.

Once you have them on your list, you’ll be able to email them with offers that grow incrementally, after you prove your worth and value as a product creator (or affiliate, if you’re promoting other peoples’ products).

Day 9: Start Targeting Better with Paid Ads

Strategically growing your reach organically can be a big burden of time and effort. If you can take time today and once a month or more to learn the art of mastering paid ads, you’ll be able to create a shortcut to sales and list building.

Paid ads on social networks and search platforms allow you to pinpoint exactly who it is you’re targeting and have a message tailored to that demographic. So if you want to reach women over the age of 50 for a specific weight loss program, you can.

Don’t go over your budget. It may take a bit of time to figure out what you’re doing, and there are plenty of courses for paid ad strategies on platforms like Facebook. Test the waters and see how quickly you’re able to scale your profits with paid ads versus the effort it takes to secure an organic reach.

Day 10: Add More Items in Your Funnels

Sometimes, you just need to present more to your buyer in order to scale your profits. When someone is in buying mode, they’ll often say yes to add-ons and upgrades. But just because you don’t like upgrade offers yourself, you may have avoided using them.

This is a big mistake. You can take products you’ve done in the past, products you turn into your own from private label rights, or ones you create from scratch and add them to your funnel as upsells or downsells.

Of course, you don’t want a consumer stuck in a funnel for what seems like forever. If you gain a reputation for someone who has a dozen upgrade offers they have to click through, it may make people not want to consider your offer at all.

But you can go from a front end only (single product) strategy to one where you have a couple of upgrades and downsells and add an incredible amount of income to your launches.

This doesn’t just please the customer (because they’re getting the opportunity to get another great deal), but it also pleases your affiliates. They’d always rather promote a funnel with multiple opportunities to earn than a single product.

Day 11: Give Customers More Payment Options

Sometimes, the opportunity for more profits is right under your nose and you didn’t even know it. Payment options can be a big factor in whether or not someone spends money with you or walks away.

The first thing you want to do is look at the different payment options you have available. For example, you might only have PayPal. Some people don’t know that they can use a credit card to pay through PayPal, so they just leave.

You might have the option to add Stripe or a number of other payment processors to your sales to encourage more people to buy. This isn’t the only way payments can help scale your business.

If you tend to create products that cost more than the usual low-priced items, such as memberships, then you may want to scale your profits by allowing a variation of payment plans.

For example, give those who pay for a full year upfront a larger discount, and those who pay quarterly a smaller one. For the ones who pay monthly, make it afford for them since they often can’t (or don’t want to) spend a large amount on your products all at once.

Day 12: Dig Into Your Analytics and Use the Data Strategically

Analytics are a great way to figure out exactly where you should be putting more effort into growing your profits. It will tell you what demographic is showing up and converting into sales, and even what time of day.

You should go through your analytics – whether it’s through cPanel or another tool, and study the information carefully. You’ll see what products are performing, what keywords bring in the best customers, and many more details that you can strategically use to your advantage.

Day 13: Start Networking with People Who Can Grow Your Brand

Networking is something that can be used to help you increase profits with ease. Just as you’d networking with prospective affiliates, you want to find competitors and influencers in your niche who have a wide reach.

Start engaging with their content, tagging them in posts you make about their own leadership, and starting direct conversations with them about how you can mutually help one another increase your brand and reach.

You might simply be helping share each other’s social content, promoting one another’s products – or even collaborating on a joint venture product together and ultimately share the subscribers, profits and branding.

Day 14: Take Time to Create Something Unique and Innovative

It’s kind of sad, but if you look at the various online marketplaces, what you’ll usually see are a bunch of knockoffs. One marketer comes up with something unique, and dozens act as copycats to do the same thing.

Have you ever seen the online marketing persona and product called Rich Jerk? When that was released, the floodgates opened with all kinds of cookie cutter launches nicknamed something similar.

Instead of following in the footsteps of everyone else, scale your profits by really taking some time to think of what the marketplace is missing. What is it consumers need help with, where no one is serving their needs (or at least not well enough)?

Sometimes, it’s a matter of taking a simple step newbies are often told to do (like “build a list”) and mapping it out for them in the easiest to understand manner so they can finally implement the instructions.

Day 15: Wield the Power of Multimedia Social Networks

One way to scale your profits is to leverage the power of social media sites. There are so many places where consumers spend a great deal of time – whether it’s Facebook, TikTok, YouTube or elsewhere.

Your audience is there absorbing content. You don’t want to just wait for them to type in a search term and land on your blog. You want to show up in their social feeds where they can consume, engage with and share your content, automatically helping you expand your reach (and your profits) without paying for it.

Take time today to search for your target audience on multimedia social platforms. See if they’re on primarily text-based ones like Facebook, if they’re finding what they need on video socials like YouTube or TikTok, using image-socials like Instagram and Pinterest or even engaging on audio socials like Clubhouse.

Day 16: Start Monetizing Every Email and Post

Some marketers forget that they have multiple opportunities each and every day to monetize their content. They focus so much on idea brainstorming and content creation that when they’re ready to publish it, they forget about adding links or a call to action that helps them get paid.

Go back and look at your past emails and blog posts, social media content and even products. In each of these, you can add links to your own products or recommendations for other peoples’ products.

That doesn’t mean your content will lose value. You can write a lengthy blog post chock full of value and still include hyperlinks to items that can help someone achieve their goals.

Day 17: Expand Your Brand to Other Platforms and Channels

Have you gotten complacent about your publishing routine for content and info products? Sometimes, we learn one strategy and fail to get our of our comfort zone and expand past that.

First, start looking at other social platforms to publish content on. If you’ve never created audio, then start a podcast on Anchor.fm. If you don’t feel adept at making images, use Canva templates and start your own Pinterest board to amplify your profit potential.

Next, look at how you’re selling your own info products. Are you just using Warrior Plus to sell your courses? Expand into JVZoo and ClickBank, or Udemy and see how that adds to your bottom line.

Day 18: Improve Your Planning and Launch Process

Planning is something everyone can get better at. When you learn how to plan better, you open up the ability to profit more. Plans can be done for your daily routine, for each individual project task list, for how you manage your time, and more.

Sometimes, it helps to have a checklist for your planning process so you can fly through it and not have to stop and think about what comes next. You can tighten your schedule and perfect your launch and project systems with a little planning that ensures you optimize everything for profits.

Day 19: Look Into Other Business Models

There may come a time when you’ve maximized every part of your current business system. You may need to add something on to your online endeavors in order to elevate your income.

For example, if you’re an affiliate for other peoples’ info products, consider creating a course of your own that affiliates promote for you. Or, you may want to get into something that offers residual income, like memberships or selling PLR.

There are so many business options you have to consider in addition to info products and affiliate marketing, such as selling low content products, dropshipping, domain flipping, coaching, etc.

Day 20: Invest in Tools and Products That Improve Your Business

Using tools and products doesn’t always require an investment of money. Sometimes it’s just an investment of time finding and learning how to use them. But today, look at things that are available that can help you scale your profits.

It might be an editing tool like Camtasia (or CamStudio). It could be a course teaching you a strategy you haven’t felt confident implementing yet. Maybe it’s a page builder that creates sleek, professional looking sales pages that will help convert buyers.

Day 21: Look for Ways to Reduce Spending

When it comes to scaling profits, you have to look at wasteful spending, too. Sometimes, you’re the root cause of not seeing a better bottom line. Go ahead and admit it if you’re buying too many courses, tools and products and never using them – allowing them to sit stagnant on your computer.

Sometimes, you’re spending money for monthly fees for things you don’t need or use. Be honest about what bad spending habits you have and rein in your outgoing expenses.

This will not only save you money, but it’ll possibly allow you to redirect those funds into something more effective at helping you make more money, like outsourcing to a freelancer.

Day 22: Reevaluate Your Loyalty to Others

Sometimes, it’s not what you’re not doing that kills profits, but what you are doing. One good example of this is engaging in reciprocal promotions. When you get started online, you often feel a kinship with those who helps you get to where you are.

The people who walked you through a difficult technical task or who helped share your launch links are those who deserve you appreciation. But your loyalty only needs to go so far.

You can thank someone and do something nice for them in return without sacrificing your own reputation or business. The person who helped you may not have good products themselves, and they’ll expect you to promote their product because they promoted yours.

Don’t let yourself blindly promote anyone as a thank you for what they’ve done. Instead, evaluate everything on its true merit, and be ready to protect your subscribers from a bad investment.

Never let a friend talk you into letting them use your PayPal account or Facebook ads account because their own got banned. If they ruined theirs, there’s good chance they’ll ruin yours, too – and then all of your profits might dry up!

Day 23: Go for the Repeat Sale

Getting your first sale from a customer can be exciting. It’s even more of an honor when they confirm their subscription to your list. Don’t let that opportunity go to waste. You want to immediately jump into action proving your worth, while still angling for an addition sale.

You can’t just assume the buyer is going to enjoy your first product so much that they go looking for more. Instead, you want to court them into considering additional purchases.

Present your products to them and show them how it would be beneficial for them to own it. You also want to prevent them from abandoning your list. If you never cater to their needs again, they won’t feel any reason to continue getting emails from you, so don’t be afraid to set yourself up for repeat business.

Day 24: Get Really Good at SEO

Previously, we discussed the benefit of being able to scale profits by targeting your exact audience using paid ads. But there’s a lot to be said for mastering organic traffic, too.

Take time today to start learning SEO (search engine optimization) so you can bring more visitors and prospective buyers to your blog and product offers. You need to learn the basics, such as integrating keywords into your content – but you also need to stay abreast of what Google and other search engines are looking for in the sites they index for the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Day 25: Learn How to Create a Buzz for Your Launches

You can quietly launch a product and see a steady trickle of sales come in throughout the day or week of the launch. Or, you can do what people like John Reese used to do when he launched Traffic Secrets and build such as buzz about your product that it rakes in an exorbitant amount of money at once (in his case, $1 million in 24 hours).

Creating a buzz involves a longer launch process, but you’re able to hit a high demand and ramp up your profits because when launch day arrives, your product shoots to the top of the bestseller list, is seen by more people (including affiliates who want to jump onboard), and discussed by everyone in social circles online.

You’ll be making lots of pre-launch content, including valuable freebies that serve as sneak peeks and teasers. You’ll also be making the rounds networking with affiliates, hosting webinars to field questions about the upcoming product and more.

Day 26: Use a System of Automation Whenever Possible

Automation helps you scale profits by freeing up your time to work on more lucrative areas of your business. Usually, the things you’re automating are the chores that must be done, but that are time hogs.

For example, queueing up emails and blog posts or social content steals minutes out of your day. You can use tools to post these in the right places, at the right times for you. You can even find tools that will automatically create transcripts out of your video or audio content – so look for automation options for everything you do and see if it can help you start earning more.

Day 27: Consider Upping Your Prices

When you first began putting out your own products, chances are you were a bit hesitant to make people pay for something when you were a sheer newbie. But even if you’re still fairly new to the marketing scene, you need to know when it’s time to up your prices.

Increasing your prices is a simple and effective way to scale your income. Instead of working harder, you just charge slightly more and see your income inch up higher and higher.

You always want to keep your product priced according to its value. But it might be worth experimenting with price points to see if your buyers are willing to spend more with you, and once you reach a point to where sales slack off, you’ll know where to correctly settle your pricing structure.

Day 28: Break Big Courses Up Into Smaller Ones

When it comes to repurposing content, you usually think of using blog content, social videos and more. But you can also instantly increase your income by taking one of your main products and chopping it up into miniature ones at a lower cost.

For example, let’s say you have a $47 eBook course with 10 chapters on traffic generation strategies. You could take each of the 10 chapters and split it into its own miniature course with a PDF and maybe even a video to go along with it.

These can be priced lower, and can get more people to take a chance on you if they’re not familiar with you or unable to afford a higher priced product, but wouldn’t mind spending smaller amounts more often.

Day 29: Start Split Testing to Improve Conversions

One strategic thing many marketers fail to do is split test their sales copy. You can scale your income by just seeing what works best to convert your visitors into buyers. It might be length of copy, certain bulletpoints, a specific storyline, or even something as simple as the colors you’re using.

There are tools you can use to split test sales copy, but you can also split test emails that you’re sending out, too. See which one converts best and you can start to improve your messaging for increased profits.

Day 30: Reduce Risk and Set Future Milestones

Lastly, take time today to see how you can reduce risk that seems to sabotage your profits. It might be offering too wide of a refund policy, or promoting products that aren’t solid enough for the consumer.

You also want to set milestones and goals for your marketing and craft a plan that helps you achieve them. It might be a milestone for when you have certain project tasks completed – or it could be a specific goal of getting 10 new affiliates onboard.

Leveling up with your income requires you to stop going through the motions and carefully evaluate where you can make improvements that not only add more revenue to your business, but eliminates anything detracting from it.