ADHD Signs And Symptoms

Maybe you’re hyper and frazzled like your friends said, or maybe your ‘quarks’ are the warning signs of A.D.H.D.

You want to laugh, but don’t because you’re holding up the line. You’ve packed close to three hundred dollars worth of groceries on the belt and even though you told yourself to locate your debit card before going in the store, you didn’t.

It’s in my bag somewhere, you thought. So, you’re rifling through your bag, which is large enough to hold a small child, and you found a picture of your Aunt Claire holding a garden gnome, two screw drivers, some Tums, a digital planner from your best friend, and five pens, none of which work.

The man behind you sighs. The cashier stares. Sweat beads over your brow. It’s getting warmer and now you feel like crying instead of laughing and you can’t remember where you put your debit card. Sometimes you slip into the ashtray in the car, other times you shove it in your pocket. Once you found it in your shoe. You snicker as you recall your reasoning as the man behind you sighs again, and shuffles his feet.

You suddenly remember that you taped it to the mirror by the front door so you wouldn’t forget it. You apologize to the cashier, and the annoyed man behind and leave the store quickly.

Warning signs of A.D.H.D. can vary, but some are classic- present in most people afflicted with the frustrating, embarrassing disorder.

Impulsive-making rash decisions without forethought
Severe disorganization-misplacing key items
Difficulty following directions/paying attention
Racing thoughts/difficulty sitting still
Fidgeting -tapping items on a table, drumming fingers, bouncing a leg
Excessive talking
Difficulty falling asleep
Poor short term memory
Inappropriate behavior
Requires constant prompting to complete tasks

While most people experience some of these symptoms sometimes, people living with A.D.H.D. experience most of them most of the time. Often, these symptoms interfere with daily life and require medication to control. Untreated A.D.H.D. can slow academic progress, make it difficult to find and maintain employment, ruin personal relationships and lead to other illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Medication is not the only treatment for A.D.H.D. There are many tools you can use to manage this disorder, including a special diet.

If you are concerned that you, or a loved one are displaying the warning signs of A.D.H.D., seek an evaluation from a professional. As with any disease or disorder, misdiagnosis happens. The symptoms for A.D.H.D. are also present in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Depression and others. Consulting a professional is the wisest thing to do.

Being diagnosed with A.D.H.D. doesn’t mean you can’t live a productive, fulfilling life. Some beloved actors, entertainers and musicians live with this disorder and use it to tap into a new level of creativity.