It’s Time to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Grab a cold one and pull up a chair mmkay? We need to have a little chat. Or rather, I need to give you a quick pep talk. It’s time to stop comparing yourself to others.

Perhaps you don’t even realize you’re doing it. Or maybe you do, and it just adds to the misery you feel as you continue the compare game. It’s one game that as long as you play – you will always lose.

Bottom line – it sucks, and you should stop that! There is no one else like you, and that is AWESOME! Perhaps my favorite quote that helps reel me back in to prevent me from comparing myself to others is this one:

“The world needs that special gift that only you have.” – Marie Forleo

You are different from everyone else. Celebrate that. You offer a unique perspective in this game called life. We should all be thanking you. If you are constantly comparing yourself, it means you aren’t happy with who you are. Why is that?

People are brought up to conform to society. If you don’t fit within society’s norms, you are looked upon disapprovingly. However, most people aren’t normal in the truest sense of the word. Everyone has quirks and idiosyncrasies. It’s these differences that allow us to find solutions to problems. It also keeps us from getting bored. Imagine if everyone were truly the same. There would be nothing new to discover about one another.

There are some reasons to conform. For instance, you need to follow the rules and laws of your country and community. Otherwise, you will suffer consequences for not doing so. Also, you want to treat others with respect so that they will hopefully return that respect. However, if you try to act in ways in which others believe you should, you aren’t going to live your life to the fullest.

That’s why you should get out of the habit of comparing yourself to others. When you do this, you are likely setting unrealistic expectations and will lead you to be disappointed. Comparing yourself to others will result in you resenting those people. They have their reasons for being the way they are, and it has nothing to do with you.

There are qualities you admire in others. There is nothing wrong with trying to adopt some of those admirable qualities for yourself. However, it shouldn’t get to the point where you are trying to redefine who you are to be like those people you admire. You aren’t them, and you never will be.

You have but a short time on this planet. If you spend most of that time trying to be like someone else, you are in for a rough ride. If you stick to who you are and find others willing to accept you for that, you are going to be more satisfied for most of that time you live.

Others will be happier with the real you as well. You won’t be a pretender. People see right through that kind of behavior. Just think about others who are not true to themselves. How long does it take you to see through that disguise?

So from this day forward, be true to you. Go forward owning your gifts, and being authentically you. Stop comparing yourself to others because like Steve Maraboli says:

“You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn about everything that interest you and keep away from people who bring you down. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you, you will be giving this world an amazing gift…YOU!”

365 Positive Affirmations to Keep You Going All Year Long

Sometimes you need a good pick me up every now and again. Luckily, I’ve got a list of 365 positive affirmations to keep you positive all year long!

I love me some affirmations! Like BIG LOVE me some affirmations y’all! Sometimes you just need a good pick me up when the day feels like it’s gone to crap.

That’s why I’m sooooo excited to share this list of 365 positive affirmations with you. There is an affirmation for every day of the year. Or, if you just need to pump yourself up, read a bunch of them in one sitting.

You’ll notice these affirmations are broken down by category. If you’re struggling with something specific you need a boost in positive thinking for, scroll on down and get to reading babe!

I’m cheering you on from here. Whatever this day has brought you, I believe in you. You got this! Big virtual hugs my bloggy friends!!!

Related: Also check out 44 Positive Affirmations for Depression to Inspire Change from

Confidence-Self-Esteem – Positive Affirmations

1. I grow more confident and stronger each day.
2. I am the architect of my life. I design its structure.
3. I build my life’s foundation and choose its contents.
4. I love myself and feel great about myself.
5. I accept myself unconditionally.
6. I see problems as interesting challenges.
7. I radiate confidence.
8. I thrive on challenges that bring out the best in me.
9. I have confidence in my abilities and skills.
10. I make sound decisions.
11. I am bold and courageous.
12. I face difficulty with courage.
13. I am worthy of happiness and love.
14. I am optimistic about the future.
15. The future holds all kinds of pleasant surprises.
16. I trust in my ability to create a fabulous future.
17. I let go of worries and replace them with excitement and optimism.
18. I have all it takes to make my dreams a reality.
19. I am a kind and unique person with a lot to offer.
20. I enjoy my own company as I get in touch with my true self.
21. I rejuvenate every part of my being with the help of solitude.
22. I am at peace and happy when I’m alone.
23. I brighten another person’s day by doing something with them.
24. My intuition and wisdom guide me in the right direction.
25. I have faith in myself to make the best decision possible.
26. I have confidence in my decisions.
27. I make decisions that always lead to something positive, in time.
28. I consider how my decisions affect others to make responsible choices.
29. I practice my skills each day to attain greatness.
30. I believe in my ability to overcome setbacks.
31. I replace negative criticism with encouraging statements.
32. Even my “flaws” have good and helpful aspects.
33. I always do my best because it helps me grow.
34. I feel the love of those who are not physically with me.
35. I take pleasure in my own solitude.
36. I love and approve of myself.
37. I focus on breathing to ground myself.
38. Following my intuition and my heart keeps me safe and sound.
39. I make the right choices every time.
40. I draw from my inner strength and light.
41. I trust myself to be honest with myself and others.
42. I am a unique child of this world.
43. I am an inspiration to others.
44. I matter and what I have to offer also matters.
45. I trust my inner wisdom and intuition.
46. I breathe in calmness and breathe out nervousness.
47. This situation works out for my highest good.
48. Wonderful things unfold before me.
49. I forgive myself for things I have done in the past.
50. I let go of my anger so I can see clearly.
51. I accept responsibility for the consequences of my anger.
52. I replace my anger with understanding and compassion.
53. I offer a heart-felt apology to those affected by my anger.
54. I know my wisdom guides me to the right decision.
55. I trust myself to make the best decision for me.
56. I receive all feedback with appreciation.
57. I listen lovingly to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I find peace about it.
58. I love my family even if they do not understand me completely.
59. I show my family I love them in verbal and non-verbal ways.
60. I am paired with this family because we are well matched.
61. I choose to see my family as a gift.
62. I am a better person because of my hardships and achievements.
63. I refuse to give past events power over my present or future.
64. I embrace the rhythm and the flow of my own heart.
65. All that I need comes to me at the right time and place in this life.
66. I am delighted with who I am.
67. I am much more than adequate; I’m phenomenal!
68. I give up the habit of criticizing myself.
69. I develop the mindset to praise myself.
70. I fully approve of who I am, even as I better myself.
71. I am a good person at all times of the day and night.
72. When I breath, I inhale confidence and exhale doubt.
73. I love meeting new people and approach them with confidence and interest.
74. I live in the present and am confident of the future.
75. My personality exudes confidence because I am bold and outgoing.
76. I am self-reliant, creative, and persistent in everything I do.
77. I am energetic, enthusiastic, and confidence is my second nature.
78. I am a problem-solver and always find the best solution.
79. I love change and easily adapt to new situations.
80. I am well groomed, healthy, and full of confidence.
81. My outer self matches my inner well-being.
82. I thrive on self-confidence, which chips away at all my doubts.
83. I focus only on the good in others.
84. I attract positive, confident people because I am one of them.
85. I approve of myself and love myself completely.
86. I feel good about the direction of my life and being me.
87. My inner wisdom is my best guide.
88. I have integrity, am reliable, and true to my word.
89. I act from a place of personal security.
90. I accept that I am worthy of great things in life.
91. I choose to be proud of myself.
92. I find deep inner peace within myself.
93. I fill my mind with positive, nourishing thoughts.
94. My confidence, self-esteem, and inner wisdom increase each day.
95. I choose not to compare myself to others because we are all different.
96. I compare myself only to my highest self.
97. My life, experiences, beliefs, and actions inspire and benefit others.
98. I am happy in my own skin and in my own circumstances.
99. I see myself as a gift to people in my community and nation.
100. I am safe and sound. All is well.
101. Everything works out for my highest good.
102. There is an important reason that this is unfolding now.
103. I have the intelligence and the ability to get through this.
104. I can solve my problems through my diligence.
105. I follow my dreams no matter what.
106. I am patient when helping loved ones understand my dreams.
107. I ask my loved ones to support my efforts.
108. I answer questions about my goals without getting defensive.
109. I am loved even when people don’t share my dreams.
110. I accept everyone as they are and continue to pursue my dreams.

Related: Turn Your Dreams Into Workable Plans

Relationships and Love – Positive Affirmations

111. My partner is coming into my life sooner than I expect.
112. My heart is always open.
113. I am surrounded by love.
114. I love unconditionally and without hesitation.
115. I am loved and appreciated by those around me.
116. Love and appreciation follow me everywhere I go.
117. Love, forgiveness, and understanding are the foundation of my relationships.
118. I give and receive love in equal measures.
119. I accept my partner unconditionally.
120. I am treasured for who I really am.
121. My relationship is becoming stronger, deeper, and more loving.
122. My friendships are meaningful, supportive, and rewarding.
123. My friends love me for who I am.
124. I have long-lasting friendships because I accept others, unconditionally.
125. I attract positive people, who become life-long friends.
126. I surround myself with friends who care about me and treat me well.
127. I can tell the difference between fair-weather friends and true friends.
128. I surround myself with people who treat me well.
129. I take the time to show my friends that I care about them.
130. My friends do not judge me.
131. I take great pleasure in my friends and our differences.
132. I feel relaxed and comfortable around other people.
133. I enjoy meeting new people and initiate conversations.
134. I am outgoing and enrich other people’s lives.
135. I’m excited about the amazing people I meet today.
136. I’m easy to talk to and make others feel at ease.
137. I take comfort in the fact that I can always leave a situation.
138. I am amazed by the creativity of the people I meet.
139. The company of strangers teaches me more about myself.
140. I radiate love and others reflect love back to me.
141. I am loving and lovable.
142. My romantic relationship is healthy, long lasting, and full of love.
143. My partner is kind, compassionate, and understanding.
144. My marriage grows stronger, deeper, and more stable each day.
145. I am with my soulmate and we share a life full of love.
146. Life is full of love and I find it everywhere I go.
147. My relationship is divine and we are perfectly matched.
148. My partner and I have a deep understanding.
149. Forgiveness and compassion are the foundation of my romantic relationship.
150. It is easy for me to look in the mirror and say, “I love you.”
151. My words are always kind and loving.
152. I receive kindness and love multiple times a day.
153. Every day of my life is filled with love.
154. My communication with my partner is loving and kind.
155. Everything about me is lovable and worthy of love.
156. I am a loving, kind person who deserves true love.
157. I wake up every morning filled with joy.
158. I face each day with the support and love of my partner.
159. All of my relationships are based on mutual love and compassion.
160. My partner and I share a deep and powerful love.
161. I respect and admire my partner and see the best in him/her.
162. I love my partner exactly how he/she is and enjoy his/her unique qualities.
163. My partner and I share emotional intimacy via talk and touch.
164. I have healthy boundaries with my partner.
165. My partner and I have fun together.
166. My partner and I find new ways to enjoy time together.
167. My partner and I resolve conflict peacefully and respectfully.
168. I am able to be completely authentic in my love relationship.
169. I communicate my desires and needs clearly and confidently with my partner.
170. I want the best for my partner and support him/her.

Related: I HIGHLY recommend the book “Heal Your Life” (aff link)

Prosperity and Abundance – Positive Affirmations

171. I am surrounded by abundance.
172. I attract money effortlessly and easily.
173. I continuously discover new avenues of income.
174. I am open to all the wealth life has to offer.
175. I use money to better other people’s lives.
176. I attract lucrative opportunities to create money.
177. I see abundance everywhere.
178. I am more and more prosperous every day.
179. My life is full of prosperity.
180. I deserve abundance and prosperity.
181. I am a money magnet, attracting wealth and abundance.
182. I instantly manifest my desires.
183. I manage my money wisely.
184. I’m eager and willing to share abundant gifts and blessings.
185. I am sometimes meant to deliver a gift/blessing rather than keep it.
186. I always have whatever I need.
187. I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do.
188. I am thankful for the abundance I have in my life.
189. My gratitude and appreciation attracts abundance of every kind.
190. I maintain my wealth so I can help others.
191. I enjoy my prosperity, and share it freely with the world.
192. I am responsible for being a good steward of the abundance and wealth provided.
193. I rejoice for others who are prosperous and share the abundance.
194. I pay bills before they are due to share the wealth with the company’s employees.
195. Today is the future I created yesterday. Tomorrow will be even better!

Health – Positive Affirmations

196. I am healthy, energetic, and optimistic.
197. Every day I get healthier and more fit.
198. I care for my body by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.
199. I exercise regularly to strengthen my body.
200. My body vibrates with energy and health.
201. I am completely pain free and my body is energized.
202. I nourish my body with healthy foods.
203. My body systems function perfectly.
204. My body is healing, and I feel better every day.
205. I enjoy exercising and strengthening my muscles.
206. I release stress in my body with every exhaled breath.
207. I send love and healing to every organ of my body.
208. I breathe deeply, exercise regularly, and feed my body nutritious food.
209. I pay attention to what my body needs for health and vitality.
210. I sleep soundly and peacefully.
211. I am surrounded by people who encourage and support healthy choices.
212. My immune system is strong and deals with any bacteria, germs, or viruses.
213. My body, mind, and soul work together efficiently to keep me healthy.
214. I love everything about my body.
215. I appreciate my body’s unique traits.
216. I am thankful for the shape of my body.
217. My body is beautiful and appealing.
218. I stay up to date about my health issues.
219. I take care of my body and exercise every day.
220. My body is healthy and full of energy.
221. I am very grateful I am at this weight.
222. I crave healthy, nutritious foods.
223. I love the taste of fruits and vegetables.
224. I appreciate every cell in my body.
225. People find me sexy and desirable.
226. I am filled with excitement when I look in the mirror.
227. I am grateful for my life force and energy.
228. Everything I think, say, and do makes me healthier.
229. I crave new, healthy experiences.

Work and Career – Positive Affirmations

230. My job adds satisfaction and fulfillment to my life.
231. My career provides me the right opportunities to grow.
232. I am valued and appreciated at my workplace.
233. I perform my duties with the greatest diligence and attention.
234. My work has a profound impact on this world.
235. I enjoy and find my work fulfilling.
236. I play a big role in my own career success.
237. I engage in work that inspires others in my profession.
238. I believe in my ability to change the world with the work that I do.
239. My work/business makes a profound difference in this world.
240. I am building a successful business.
241. I create value with my services.
242. My business is a gift to this world.
243. I am better businessman/businesswoman because of my mistakes.
244. I further my career with every action I take.
245. I have my dream job.
246. I love every day that I work.
247. My career brings me closer to my family.
248. My job brings me financial abundance.
249. My coworkers love being around me.
250. My boss values the work I do.
251. I am a valued employee.
252. My clients appreciate and value my work.
253. I attract new clients every day.
254. My positive attitude, confidence, and good work attract new opportunities.
255. I am enthusiastic and excited about my work.
256. My enthusiasm about my job is contagious.
257. My workplace is peaceful and full of praise.
258. I speak positively about my coworkers.
259. My coworkers speaking positively about me.
260. I am rewarded for doing my best.

Motivation-Encouragement- Positive Affirmations

261. Every choice I make leads to bigger and better opportunities.
262. I find something positive about every situation.
263. I find optimistic ways of dealing with difficulties.
264. I find ways to praise others and offer helpful suggestions.
265. I find the best solutions to problems by listening and learning from others.
266. I gain valuable insights from today’s experiences.
267. Today, I make a commitment to give others what I want to receive.
268. I use strategies that motivate me to move forward.
269. I look at things from multiple perspectives to see the big picture.
270. I choose to participate fully in my day.
271. I take a mini-break from the problem to let my subconscious find the answer.
272. I seek a new way of thinking about this situation.
273. My answer is before me, as I look carefully at the details.
274. I believe in my ability to find and navigate the path that’s right for me.
275. I release my need to have the approval of others.
276. I gain joy, fulfillment, and happiness from this day.
277. I have all it takes to make this day productive.
278. I face difficulties with courage and determination.
279. I am excited to see today’s blessings revealed.
280. New and exciting opportunities manifest in my life continually.
281. I always find ways to get back on track.
282. I choose to free myself from all negativity that hampers my progress.
283. I am in control of my life.
284. I believe in my ability to gain valuable insights from this situation.
285. I have faith in my ability to pursue my dreams no matter what.
286. My family and friends support me, even if they don’t share my dreams.
287. I help others to accomplish their dreams.
288. I have compassion when others don’t understand my dreams.
289. I have all the support and help I need.
290. I am successful in whatever I do.
291. I can become successful in life using lessons from mistakes.
292. I am successful because I leave no stone unturned.
293. I attract success.
294. I pursue success that is personalized specifically for me.
295. I know what motivates me best and use it to my advantage.
296. I remind myself why I want to achieve my goal, so I don’t give up.
297. I press on because I believe my path will prepare me for success.
298. It is always too early to give up on my goals.

Peace and Happiness – Positive Affirmations

299. My most important goal is to be at peace, regardless of the situation.
300. I make a conscious choice to be happy.
301. My body is relaxed. My mind is calm. My soul is at peace.
302. I feel joy and contentment in this moment.
303. I awaken feeling happy and enthusiastic about life.
304. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish.
305. I inspire myself and others to be happy by modeling how to do it.
306. I have fun in all of my endeavors, even the most mundane.
307. I look at the world around me and can’t help but smile and feel joy.
308. I find joy and pleasure in the simple things of life.
309. I have an active sense of humor and love to laugh with others.
310. My heart is overflowing with joy.
311. I am brimming with energy that lifts my spirits throughout the day.
312. I rest peacefully and soundly, knowing all is well in my world.
313. I focus on the details of the present moment.
314. I am focused and engaged in the current task.
315. I am grateful for this moment, which enriches my life.
316. I observe my thoughts and actions without judging them.
317. I participate fully in all of my relationships.
318. I make even everyday events memorable, happy occasions.
319. I accept and embrace all experiences, even unpleasant ones.
320. I observe my emotions without getting attached to them.
321. I meditate easily without resistance or anxiety.
322. I release the past and live fully in the present moment.
323. I stay calm in frustrating situations.
324. I forgive myself and others.
325. I am at peace with my past, present, and future.
326. Compassion and understanding help me to overcome anger and gain peace.
327. My intuition and inner wisdom guide me in every situation
328. I inhale deeply and let peace and happiness fill my mind and body.
329. I am responsible for my own happiness, so I’ve got this covered.
330. I feel wonderfully peaceful and relaxed.
331. I let go of everything that worries me to make room for peace and happiness.
332. My mind is at peace and all tension has left my body.
333. I am able to fall into a deep and relaxing sleep.
334. I am so relaxed I am ready to fall asleep.
335. I breathe deeply and close my eyes to find that peaceful sleep is only a few blinks away.
336. I release my mind of thought until the morning.
337. I embrace the peace and quiet of the night.
338. I sleep soundly, deeply, and beautifully into this night.
339. I let go of worries that drain my energy.
340. I make smart, calculated plans for my future.
341. I am in complete charge of planning for my future.
342. I trust in my ability to provide for my family and their happiness.
343. I feel calmness and confidence wash over me with every deep breath I take.
344. Every day I am more peaceful and happy than the day before.
345. My calm and relaxed state energizes my whole being.
346. All the muscles in my body relax.
347. All negativity and stress evaporate from my body and my mind.
348. I breath in relaxation and breath out stress.
349. I remain calm and centered, even when there is chaos around me.
350. I have a calm inner peace that fills my mind and body.
351. I rise above stress of any kind and live in peace.
352. I am calm, happy, content, and at peace.
353. My world is a peaceful, loving, and joy-filled place to live.
354. I sow the seeds of peace wherever I go.
355. I do my best to model ways to maintain a peaceful, happy life.
356. I surround myself with peaceful people.
357. My work environment is calm and peaceful.
358. My home is a peaceful sanctuary where I feel safe and happy.
359. In all that I say and do, I choose peace.
360. I release past anger and hurts, replacing it with serenity and peaceful thoughts.
361. I envision peace descending around me like a protective cloak.
362. I project peaceful thoughts and feelings into the world and beyond.
363. I respond peacefully in all situations.
364. I forgive those who harmed me and peacefully detach from them.
365. I choose to be happy, regardless of what the world or others want.

How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

If you're like me, you likely created a bunch of goals that you'd like to accomplish this year. But, are you setting goals in a way that you can actually achieve them? Or are you setting yourself up for failure? Click through the pin to learn how to set achievable goals.

Happy New Year! If you’re like me, you likely created a bunch of goals that you’d like to accomplish this year. But, are you setting goals in a way that you can actually achieve them? Or are you setting yourself up for failure? Read on to learn how to set powerful goals you can achieve!

In order to set powerful goals that are achievable, take some time to research the dreams you have to find out if they’re even doable. You do want to challenge yourself some, but you don’t want to make the goals so hard that you experience only defeat. To ensure maximum success, make sure that your goals meet the following criteria:

Your Goals Should Match Your Core Values

The more any goal fits into one of the four main areas of life – Family, Financial, Physical or Personal – the more likely you are to be able to set a realistic goal that you can achieve. If a goal for some reason doesn’t fit into one of your core values, it’s not likely you’ll experience much success.

You Must Be 100 Percent in Control

While goals that rely on others aren’t wrong, they are harder to achieve. Any goal that you control 100 percent is a goal that you can reach. Do ensure that you’re not letting fear get in your way or blaming fate for your failures, though. Self-limiting beliefs can get in your way on this one. Be realistic about whether you do have control or not and give yourself more credit. For example if you think you do not have control over your financial future because “that’s just how it is,” you are mistaken and need to eliminate this line of thinking.

Related: How You Can Turn a Dream Into a Workable Plan

You Must Be Able to Envision the Goal

If you can’t see the end result, it will be very difficult to move forward toward achieving the goal. If you need to draw a picture, make a vision board, or take a day out to fantasize about your big dreams and see how they all fit together in the big picture of your life, do so. You need to see the end to be able to truly achieve it.

Your Goals Should Be Spelled Out Specifically

Every goal you make needs to be very specific in nature. If you really want to be sure to reach the goal, you have to know when you reached it. Instead of saying “I want to start a business,” state exactly what type of business you want to start, who you want to be your clients, and other information that makes the goal more concrete.

Your Goals Need To Be Measurable

At which point have you achieved the goal? If you can’t give a number or something that is measureable, then you won’t have a real goal. If you want to use the business example, you might include that you want to earn x amount of dollars each week by a certain date and then how and why you are going to do it.

Each Goal Should Be Actionable

To achieve any goal there has to be steps that you can take to get there. Like using a map to reach a destination that you want to go to on vacation, you need to draw a map to your vision of success with the steps and paths you’ll take along the way. Put not only what but when, and how you’ll accomplish the step.

Related: 4 Productivity Tips Savvy Entrepreneur Swear By For Making the Most of Your Time 

Sorry Not Sorry – Your Goals MUST Be Realistic

You don’t want to write a goal that is too hard to achieve or worse, impossible. Be sure that it’s scientifically possible to do it by researching everything realistically. For example, you’re not likely going to start a business today and earn six figures by tomorrow or even the first year in business. Look at the research and determine what is doable and how you’ll do it.

Your Goals Need To Be Timely

Every goal has to have a time limit otherwise you may never achieve it. Start with the end and work your way back to today, creating the list of things to do each day to finally reach the end result. But, do set a time limit. You can adjust as you get into the project if it works to be more realistic, but resist the urge to change the time because you’re not sticking to your task lists.

If you use this method to create powerful goals that you can achieve, you will not experience a lot of failure because you can always adjust your time line and your goals as you learn more. The important thing is to give each goal a lot of thought, consideration and study before setting it.

3 Simple Ways to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

I love moving things around in my home to make the place feel more inviting and cozy. Decorating a space in just the right way can be the difference between a place that feels cold and unfamiliar, and one that actually feels like home. The trouble is though, that home décor can be pretty expensive because it’s so easy to get carried away. The good news is there are simple ways to decorate your home on a budget.

Making your living space feel like home just doesn’t have to involve spending a lot of money. By employing practical and economical methods, you can have your dream abode even if you are on a budget. You will need some creativity and open mindedness to make it work however, but it’s all worth it.

3 Simple Ways to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

Re-purposing Existing Old Elements

Old furniture can look good again with a new coat of paint. In fact, you might not recognize it at first. Those that are made of wood are best painted with brownish color; and it would be good to apply a coat of varnish to make these objects look smooth and shiny.

Dressers that are already too worn out can be repurposed or converted into a shoe storage. You might need to repaint it to make it look more presentable before using it as such.

Do you have an old coffee table that you want to replace with something new? Don’t throw the old one away as it can be used as a patio table for your outdoor visitor’s area.

Worn out sofas don’t have to be thrown away too, as you can get these upholstered for a minimal cost. With new cushions and coverings, it will seem that you have brand new set of sofas.

Does your bed have a headboard? Think of it as an artist’s canvas and decorate it to bring life into your bedroom. You can either paint it with a different color or decorate it with arts and crafts. Gluing seashells on your headboard will give it a unique design; and it’s a fun project too.

Using Dual Purpose Furniture and Furnishings

If you’re going to get new furniture for your home, make sure that it serves for a lot of purposes so as to save on money. Sofa beds, for example, function as seating places when in their original form; but these can also transform into beds to accommodate visitors.

You can also apply the same approach when decorating your children’s playroom. Desks that come with drawers are very functional as these can hold your kids’ accessories in an organized manner. In the same way, if your children use bunk beds, get those models that come with storage functionality.

There are also decorative chairs that have built-in storage facilities. You can use these for your indoor and outdoor areas.

Note, too, that you don’t always have to buy brand new items when getting furniture and fixtures for your house. You can visit thrift shops and garage sales for low-priced items; so you can save money while acquiring new things for your home. Sometimes, you can even chance on unused items in these places. And even if you decide on buying things that are slightly used, you can always repaint or repair these items to make them look like new.

Creating DIY Projects

Creating DIY projects is always a fun thing to do; and you can come up with useful and decorative items for your home without the need to spend a lot of money. If you are good at sewing, you can make your own curtains which can greatly improve the overall look of your indoor surroundings.

There are other crafting projects that can be employed at minimal costs too, such as making your own throw pillow cases. This way, your living room couch will always have throw pillows in different colors, patterns, and designs.

Rugs also make good decorative elements, so you can make your own creations too. You can make them yourself if you have some spare time and the right equipment, or even see the wool rugs melbourne has to offer if you’re ever in the area. You can even make use of old curtains, old bed sheets, and scrap fabrics for such projects. Colorful and uniquely designed rugs can be placed in the living room, bedroom, dining room, and kitchen. If you’re buying a new rug, make sure to consult this quality guide during your selection stage –

Don’t Let Your Budget Stop You

You really shouldn’t let your budget stop you from decorating your home and making it beautiful. If you’ve always wanted to have geometric wallpaper instead of a plain white wall, then go for it! The same goes for whatever you want to add to your home. If you have pleasant surroundings, your mood and relationship with the members of the family will improve too.

Aim to have an uncluttered, neat, and clean home environment as this is good for one’s overall health. Make sure those countertops are shining, cupboards are organized and floors are free of any stains. This can be achieved with a steam mop… need a steam mop? Just check out Steam Clean Reviews for the best options; you’ll have a shiny floor in no time with minimum effort. When you enter your home and find it organized, functional and everything at its proper place, it will evoke a warm, cozy, and welcoming appeal.

The Benefits Of Exercising: 10 Reasons Why You Should Make Fitness Your New Year’s Resolution

We all know about certain benefits of exercising – above all, that it’s good for us. But this isn’t always enough to get us motivated into actually doing it. If you’re looking for a little inspiration to get started on your new year’s resolution then here are 10 reasons why exercise can improve your life.

1) More Energy:

Although exercise in itself may be tiring, one of the major benefits of exercising is the fact that it’ll ultimately leave you feeling more energized. Studies have shown that regular exercise helps to reduce fatigue.

2) Increase Your Mood:

Every time you exercise your body will release endorphins that help to make you feel good. Exercise really will give you a natural high!

3) Improve Your Health:

There are so many health benefits of losing weight that it’s impossible to list them all here! By getting fit you’ll reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and much more.

Related: 7 Uses for Coconut Oil

4) Improve Your Appearance:

If being overweight or not being toned leaves you feeling unhappy about yourself then losing weight can help you to look and feel better.

5) Play With Your Kids:

It takes a lot of energy to keep up with your kids. By losing weight and getting fit, you’ll be able to run around with them without constantly getting out of breath. This can be one of the most rewarding benefits of exercising: it helps you to enjoy life more.

6) Sleep Better:

When you exercise more you’ll start to find it easier to get a good night’s rest. This adds to the energy boost that you’ll get from exercise in the long term.

7) Increase Your Strength and Stamina:

Do you find it hard to go on long walks, even though you want to? Or maybe even carrying shopping bags up the stairs is a struggle? Exercise more and you’ll eventually be able to handle these activities with ease.

8) Reduce Stress:

Exercise can hugely reduce stress levels. If you regularly suffer from stress – or even mental heath issues such as depression and anxiety – regular exercise can help to reduce your symptoms.

Related: Stop Burning the Candle at Both Ends

9) A Sense Of Achievement:

When you start to exercise and see the improvements you’re making week on week, you’ll really get the feeling that you’ve achieved something worthwhile!

10) Keep Your Independence Later In Life:

The more you can exercise now, while you’re still able, the more you can reduce the impact of certain health problems later in life. In short, keeping fit and healthy will help you to keep your independence as late into life as possible.

So how much will you need to work out to feel these benefits of exercising? That all depends on your current fitness levels. The good news is that just 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to improve your health drastically. So what are you waiting for?!

If you're looking for a little inspiration to get started on your new year's resolution, then here are 10 benefits of exercising to get you moving.

I’m Choosing to Celebrate This Christmas

I know so many people who don’t feel like there’s a reason to celebrate this Christmas. And the truth is, I have a lot I’m broken-hearted about this year myself. But you know what?

There is soooooo much to be thankful for. There are so many reasons to celebrate this Christmas.


Today, I’m celebrating the fact that I woke up today. I’ve been given another day to live. I’m grateful.

— I’m celebrating the family members and friends that that love and support me.

–I’m celebrating family and friends that are no longer here in body. I’m so thankful for the memories they gave me.

— I’m even celebrating the people I no longer talk to or that have left my life for one reason or another because of the lessons they taught me.

— I’m celebrating the bills that I have to pay because they are for all the blessings I’ve received.

— I’m celebrating the food in my pantry and fridge because I know there are many who don’t have any food at all this day.

— I’m celebrating my car – even though it needs many repairs it still runs and gets me from place to place.

— I’m celebrating my job that allows me to work from home, and that even when I feel like I’m struggling with work my income is truly unlimited, and I can do so much more than I could have in the corporate life I used to lead.

— I’m even celebrating the debts that I have to pay back because of what those borrowed dollars did for me at the time.

I could go on and on and on. But the bottom line is, even though I’m feeling a little down, I recognize all the people, places, things and reasons in my life I have to celebrate.

There is always something to be grateful for

Even though so much hurts right now, I’m doing my very best to focus on the good in my life. I invite you to do the same. Even if it hurts this Christmas and you feel like there is no reason to celebrate, sit and think about all that you have to be grateful for.


Even if it is just that you woke up today – celebrate that! Not everyone got to breathe in this day. If you can read this message- celebrate that! Not everyone can read. If you can hear the sounds of the place you’re sitting in right now – celebrate that! Not everyone has the ability to hear. If you can type a comment – celebrate that! I think you get where I’m going with this…

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And just whisper – I have so much to celebrate. Then, decide to be grateful. Take another deep breath and just let everything you have to be grateful for soak in. Root yourself in these thoughts. Really let yourself get immersed in a moment of extreme gratitude. Then, open your eyes and go about your day.


By the way – I’m celebrating you too. Thank you for reading this message. Thank you for being in this world. Thank you for being in my life if only just long enough to read these words. I’m sending you all the positive vibes right now my friend. I hope that your life from this moment on is filled with more reasons to celebrate. May more abundance, joy and peace come into your life than you ever thought possible. My Christmas wish for you is that you have all that your heart desires. Merry MERRY Christmas to you!

A Visual Feast of Joy in Hello Dolly

Thanks to my membership in the Tampa Bay Bloggers and their partnership with the Straz Center, I received two complimentary tickets for the purposes of review to "Hello Dolly". This has not impacted my review and all opinions below are my own.

Betty Buckley (“Dolly Levi”)

I’m always down for a night out at the Straz Center. I love the theater, and it has sooooo many memories for me. I performed there many times during my childhood, and have such respect for the people who make their living performing on stage.

Straz is by far one of my favorite places in Tampa Bay. Perhaps that is the real reason I jump at any opportunity to review a musical or performance there. So, it’s probably no surprise that when I was offered tickets in exchange for a review of Hello Dolly, I could not help myself. I had to say yes!

Want to know how I felt about the show overall? Keep reading…

Hello Dolly – What Straz Said About It

Winner of four Tony Awards® including Best Musical Revival, Broadway’s most beloved musical is back where it belongs! Directed by Tony winner Jerry Zaks and featuring choreography by Tony winner Warren Carlyle, HELLO, DOLLY! is “the best show of the year” (NPR).

Breaking box office records week after week and receiving thunderous critical raves on Broadway, this “gorgeous” new production (Vogue) pays tribute to the original work of legendary director/choreographer Gower Champion – hailed both then and now as one of the greatest stagings in musical theater history. Rolling Stone calls it “a must-see event. A musical comedy dream. If you’re lucky enough to score a ticket, you’ll be seeing something historic. Wow, wow, wow indeed!”

Hello Dolly – My Review

At the opening of the show I was giddy with excitement. I loved the backdrop of the large train, and the hustle and bustle of the station. Then, there was Dolly. When Betty Buckley stepped onto the stage as Dolly, the crown erupted into applause.

As Buckley, er I mean Dolly began talking, I immediately felt connected to her. Why? Because like her, I’ve had many jobs. I’ve always enjoyed doing odd jobs to help people. And, I felt connected because her character’s meddling in other people’s affairs reminded me of a family member of mine I won’t mention lol!

Another thing that struck me was the costumes. They were all so intricate, and fun. Some of them popping with bright colors, and others just as vintage as could be. I instantly understood why Buckley refers to the show as a “visual feast of joy” in the Herald Tribune’s story about the show.

The show progressed through a series of wild scenes – ones that made me bowl over with laughter as I enjoyed the absurdity of so much of what was occurring. Then, there were some scenes that made me feel almost nervous as I anxiously awaited the conclusion of them.

All in all, I felt a bunch of emotions throughout the performance, but not one of them was one of sadness. That’s something you can’t always say about a show, but you can certainly say that about Hello Dolly! It’s a feel good show – something I wish we could say about more of the entertainment available these days.

At intermission I looked at my friend Karen who accompanied me to the show and I literally said, “Have you ever felt like you stepped into a Disney movie?” Because that is EXACTLY how I felt about the show.

I also secretly giggled to myself during many portions of the show as I was thinking about the law of attraction, and the displays of attracting your dreams that played out on the stage. I won’t give away anymore of the show because I know I’ve probably said enough spoilers as it is. However, I really loved the fact that the show is proof positive that your wildest dreams can come true. That along with many other aspects of the show have left me with good feels about Hello Dolly over all.


Bottom line – If you’re into colorful costumes, and feeling like you have stepped into a Disney movie, I say go watch this show!

I would recommend this musical to anyone who loves older costumes, fun musical numbers, a lot of dancing, and is a fan of Betty Buckley. But, most importantly, I’d recommend this show to anyone who enjoys a happy ending, and likes watching things work out for the good of everyone involved in the story. 

Hello Dolly is playing at The Straz Center now through December 9, 2018. To see all the shows playing at the Straz, click HERE!


Granny Betty’s Mountain Dew Apple Dumplings

Thanks to my relationship with Tampa Bay Bloggers and Envy Apples this blog was compensated for this post, and some social media love. This has not impacted my post, and all opinions are my own. This post also contains affiliate links that provides this blog with a small commission if you purchase through them, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!
I LOVE apples. Like a lot! And so when I got the chance to make a recipe with Envy Apples, I knew just what to make. I had to call my Granny Betty and get permission to share the recipe though. Lucky for y’all she was happy to help.

Now, don’t let the name fool you. Just because they recipe calls for Mountain Dew doesn’t mean it’s going to taste like the soda. And, it won’t be all green and alien looking either.

Instead, the soda comes together with the other ingredients to create a delicious concoction that almost has the consistency and texture of a softer apple pie.

Trust me!

These apple dumplings are fantastic! Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you have a tasty dessert that will be polished off faster than you can ask for a second helping!

Have a drink you want me to try or a product you want me to review?  Contact me HERE! I’m PR friendly   ?

The amounts in the recipe listed below make 16 dumplings, but because it’s just me and my husband, I cut this recipe in half. You can also add a little more cinnamon to your apples if you prefer, but I liked them just lightly dusted personally.

Be sure to use Envy Apples when you make your dumplings too, by the way. They are perfect for this recipe, and come out just as soft as you could possibly want in a dessert like this. Sooooo good! Alright, enough talk…let’s get to the yummy recipe, shall we?

Granny Betty’s Mountain Dew Apple Dumplings



  • 2 cans of crescent rolls
  • 4 medium sized apples
  • 2 sticks of salted butter
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 can of Mountain Dew (original formula – do NOT use diet or any other flavor of Mountain Dew, trust me!)
  • 1-2 tsp ground cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Spray a 13X9 pan with cooking spray
3. Cut each apples into four slices and remove seeds
4. Lightly dust the apples with the cinnamon
5. Wrap each apple slice with one crescent roll, enclosing it completely, then place in the pan
6. In a saucepan, melt the butter and add the sugar and bring to a slight boil, stirring constantly
7. Pour the sugar and butter mixture over the top of the dumplings
8. Finally, pour the can of Mountain Dew over the dumplings
9. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes
10. Pull out of the oven and let cool for 10 minutes, then serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream
I opted for ice cream with my dumplings. Soooooooooooooooo tasty. I think this recipe is perfect for any time of year, but I know for sure I’ll be making it again for Christmas dinner!
What do you think? Are you willing to give this recipe a try? Or, if you did try it, leave me a comment below and tell me what you thought of it!
Have a drink you want me to try or a product you want me to review? 
Contact me HERE! I’m PR friendly ?

Also be sure to try my Apple Cider Martini! Click the image below to get the recipe:

This dessert has the consistency and texture of a softer apple pie. Don't be frightened by the name. It's delicious. Click through the image for the recipe!

7 Uses for Coconut Oil

This post may contain affiliate links that provides this blog with a small commission if you purchase through them, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

I’ve only just recently been getting more interested in using natural oils for cooking, cleaning and beauty products. One of the most versatile oils on the market seems to be coconut oil.

It’s actually pretty wild to me just how many uses coconuts offer. The coconut itself provides a drink, and something to eat, but the oil – wowza!

There’s just so many things you can do with it!

With more and more people discovering the wondrous benefits of coconut oil, it’s no wonder it seems to be all the rage nowadays.

From skin and hair care to dental care and improving immunity, coconut oil is proving to be a must-have item in anyone’s home.

Although the number of benefits you can expect from using coconut oil is far greater, below you’ll find just 7 amazing benefits you can count on:

  1. It can make your skin smooth, and younger-looking
  2. It promotes hair growth and makes your hair shiny and soft
  3. It can help you lose weight
  4. It prevents cavities and gum disease
  5. It’s a decent sunscreen in a pinch
  6. It prevents heart disease
  7. It will help you feel energized

Now that you know some of my favorite uses for coconut oil, let’s break them down a little further so you’ll see why it’s so amazing!

7 Uses for Coconut Oil

1. Coconut oil can make your skin smooth, and help you look younger.

Many people hesitate putting anything oily or greasy on their face, but coconut oil will make your skin look absolutely fabulous.

It can be used as a cleanser and makeup remover, or in place of a moisturizing cream.

The high level of fatty acids also makes it perfect for treating eczema or flaky skin, making it smooth and soft. If you using coconut oil as your everyday moisturizer and want to incorporate other oils in as well, that will work too! Personally, if it wasn’t for a friend of mine advising me to look into something like this, I wouldn’t have thought that adding oils within something as moisturizing as coconut oil would be possible.

Coconut oil is well known for its antimicrobial qualities too, so don’t hesitate to apply it on burns, or to use it for treating psoriasis and dermatitis- coconut oil will help your skin heal faster and help with almost any skin condition caused by bacterial or yeast infection.


2. It promotes hair growth, and makes your hair more shiny and soft.

Coconut oil is often one of the ingredients in the most high-end conditioners and shampoos.

However, it’s most effective when applied directly, without other chemicals preventing it from doing its magic.

Use it in place of conditioner, or as a mask for faster hair growth. It’s also great for repairing damaged hair.

It’s incredibly effective and your hair will look healthy and glossy in no time. And, if you have problems with dandruff, massage some coconut oil on your scalp before washing it, and it will restore the moisture needed for a healthy, dandruff-free scalp.

3. Believe it or not, coconut oil can help your weight loss efforts.

Studies have shown that coconut oil can reduce your appetite, and increase your body’s ability to burn fat. Therefore, making it a dietary staple will help you lose weight more easily.

The unique combination of fatty acids in coconut oil fastens the metabolism, and even without a fitness regime or a restrictive diet to boot, it will help you shed a few extra pounds without a problem.

It’s especially effective for that persistent belly fat, so grab a spoon and enjoy the effects.

Related: Is Your Skin Winter Ready?

4. It prevents cavities and gum disease.

The latest trend in all-natural dental care is oil pulling (or oil swishing), and coconut oil proved to be the most effective oil for the practice.

If you want to seek some professional advice before going forward, contact your local Dentist Little Falls who are armed with helpful suggestions!

The reason for this is that coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which are extremely efficient in fighting off the bacteria.

Oral bacteria are the culprit behind everything from cavities to bad breath, and including coconut oil pulling in your daily dental hygiene routine will have a great impact on your oral health. Of course, this shouldn’t replace regular checkups with your dentist.

Swishing coconut oil can prevent cavities and help heal your gums, as well as reduce plaque formation.

The reason why coconut oil is popular beyond its use in the beauty industry is that it has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties.

Coconut oil is packed with antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid, all of which are known to destroy bacteria and fungus.

This makes the consumption of coconut oil an efficient way to fight off viruses and infections.

5. Need some protection for your skin from the sun? Enter coconut oil!

Is it any wonder why coconut oil is in so many sunscreen products? Studies have shown that coconut oil may protect your skin from UV rays by as much as 20%!

Now, this isn’t nearly as much protection as most sunscreen you can buy, but in a pinch, it’s better than nothing!

Related: Epic Guide to Sun Safety

6. It prevents heart disease.

Unlike some other oils, coconut oil has high levels of natural saturated fats or “healthy fats”.

That’s why coconut oil increases the level of healthy cholesterol in your body and converts the bad cholesterol to good, lowering the risk of heart disease.

The high content of lauric acid in coconut oil also keeps your blood pressure in check, which, combined with antioxidants coconut oil also contains, promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and prevents a number of heart conditions.

7. Coconut oil can even help you feel energized.

The reason why athletes adore coconut oil is that it contains high levels of medium chain triglycerides, which, after they’re metabolized in the liver, immediately convert to energy.

The fast absorption of healthy saturated fats serves as an instant energy boost, fueling your body without storing the fat in your body’s reserves.

This makes coconut oil a perfect energy-boosting food- it will keep you up and running for a long time, without sneaking in any additional calories to your meal plan.

Coconut oil is quite the diverse oil. It's great for cooking, and for your health. This post includes 7 fabulous uses for coconut oil.

Self-Care Gift Ideas

This post may contain affiliate links that provides this blog with a small commission if you purchase through them, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

There is a saying I’ve loved for as long as I can remember – “you can’t give from an empty cup.” You have to take care of yourself in order to give to anyone else. Are you filling your own cup up before trying to give to others?

Skip straight to the gift ideas by clicking HERE.

It’s okay. I do it too. All the time. But there comes a point where self-care is more than just needed, it’s down right critical for your well being. I’ve often said to others, “You have to take care of yourself because in the end only you can.”

I’ll stand by that statement until my dying day. Though it’s true that others can help you, it’s ultimately up to you to make sure that you are getting everything you truly need in life.

Self-care is more than just taking an occasional bubble bath or spending a little time alone. It is taking care your personal, physical, medical, mental, and spiritual needs. It’s about maintaining a good relationship with yourself, and inducing positive feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem.

We have all heard people say of someone “they have let themselves go”. And that doesn’t mean that the person has become so comfortable with themselves they just let it “all hang out”. No way – it is typically when a person has lost their self-esteem, their self-confidence; they need love, attention, and pampering. There are many ways that you can regain your confidence though, you just have to find the right thing for you. Some people like going out and buying new clothes, even getting something like this Louis Vuitton Replica items! It’s all about having things in your life that you love and things that will help boost your confidence!

Maybe you yourself have been sitting in your office and you have had a busy week at work. You are attending meetings that require a lot of preparation, and when you look at your calendar, it’s just jam-packed with stuff you have to take care of. These could be things you need to do, places you need to be; people you need to please.

But the big question is – How are you going to make the time and space to do it all?

Sometimes you wonder if you shouldn’t slow down a bit of work, you cancel a few of your own activities, you cancel a few engagements with some of your friends and you even skip a few meals.

And to keep up with the fast pace of living, it will often be that there is just no time at all to take care of your own self-care needs. You simply put that on the back burner.

It makes no difference how indulgent you think the word, ‘self-care’ sounds, it is absolutely crucial for your well being.

Think about the airplane warning – announcing that when an emergency happens and the masks drop from the ceiling, to first help yourself with your mask and then help others to put on their masks.

That makes perfect sense. If you didn’t help yourself first, there would be you and the other people out of commission, wouldn’t there? Take a look why you shouldn’t neglect self-care:

  • You need to know your worth: That is why self-care is so important in order to maintain healthy relationships with yourself – healthy foods, physical exercises; these are vital if you are to stay positive and to build your own confidence and self-esteem. You need to remind yourself and others that your person has needs too, and they are important.

  • You need to maintain a healthy work-life balance: Some people count being a workaholic as something that is a virtue, but when you overwork and act like you are walking on a tightrope, full of stress and exhaustion that can eventually lead to you being less productive, disorganized, and emotionally unable to communicate properly with others, then it is not a virtue at all. If you love your job with a passion and it makes you feel wonderful and fulfilled, then yes, maybe being a workaholic in that sense can be even beneficial. But don’t let a hectic lifestyle where you never think about your needs rob you of your health and fill you with anxiousness, depression, insomnia and eventually all kinds of diseases.

  • Manage your stress: A little bit of stress can be healthy and keep your brain active and your body awake and anticipated, but when it becomes full of stress and anxiety on an ongoing basis, you need to take note and cut back. You need to think of your own needs, like taking breaks and learning how to boost your energy and confidence levels with excellent management of your stress with healthy food, healthy lifestyle, and healthy exercises.

  • Start living and stop just existing: Remember that life is such a precious gift; make every day count, spoiling yourself with some of the wonderful experiences that come from nature and Life itself. Read a book, start a hobby, bake something for the old age home, volunteer – these are all self-care activities that give you a purpose in life and give you a new reason for getting up in the morning.

  • Get your health physically right: Last, but not least by far – because if you fail to take care of your body and its health and needs, you are going to find your mental health will suffer – which means you need to eat healthfully and mindfully. You have to get your sleep, you have to ‘enjoy’ life and you have to exercise so that you can be of benefit to others and lead a meaningful life. One way of improving your quality of sleep is through using a sleep machine. Some sleep machines can help with your breathing, giving you a peaceful and restful night’s sleep. If you are looking for a self-care gift similar to this, you may want to visit somewhere like CPAP to find out more.

That means staying calm and pampering yourself and those you love with self-care ideas to propel you into the New Year full of health, peace, love, happiness, zest, and promise! The self-care gift ideas below can certainly perk anyone up, because they can often speak to your inner most needs.

Self-Care Gift Ideas

A skin serum that will keep your skin glowing

This is a fantastic serum, lightweight and highly effective, and small enough to carry around in your bag. It contains bakuchiol which is a plant-based product but is an alternative to using retinol but without sometimes the skin irritations and sensitivity that can often come with using retinol. And it’s suitable for all skin types as well as being non-comedogenic which means it won’t block the skin pores.

2-Sided terra-cotta foot scrubber

If your feet always feel and look dry and cracked, and they have calluses, you can’t +do without this terra-cotta foot scrubber. This will help to keep your feet looking smooth and cared for, no matter what outdoor activities and tough wear and tear you inflict on them. Oprah Magazine rates it as “the best” as far as cleansing, exfoliating and smoothing the skin goes, and it’s so easy to hold as you work your way around your feet. Because it’s hand-formed and been kiln-fired and sun-dried, it will last longer than other pumice stones do.

A hot fabric steamer

It’s sometimes so awkward packing in an ironing board and iron when traveling but now comes Conair with a fabric steamer that eliminates all that. All you do is plug it in and in a matter of 75 seconds; you can literally steam out the wrinkles in your clothes. This particular one is 30% hotter than others as well, killing bed bugs and dust mites too. We recently had a bed bug infestation in our mattress and it was so unpleasant. Although steam cleaners are an effective method of killing bed bugs, our mattress was so bad we had to get some pest control experts to come and sort it for us. Thank god it’s all sorted now!

A flashlight to use hands-free

It’s got flexible arms, and it can last for as long as 10 hours just by charging up once. It comes with 3 different modes of LED lighting – spotlight, spot wide and wide angle. It only weighs 3 ounces, making it easy to take wherever you go. You can hang it around your neck or twist it around anything you need it for. You won’t want to go without this for camping, hiking; in fact for anything.

A cutting board making food preparation so easy

Saving you so much time, this cutting board folds out flat to chop vegetables but also folds up to form a kind of chute, easily disposing waste at the one end or if you want to rinse off food, you can use the strainer end. It’s also coated with a non-slip edge so food doesn’t slide over the counter while you are working.

Silicone rings to make breakfast a breeze

Sometimes when there are a lot of you for breakfast, preparing eggs and pancakes can be pretty messy and exhausting. These flexible rings are the solution because they create a seal to make perfect circles of pancakes and eggs. They’re made from heat-resistant silicone, so they’re pretty safe to use and they don’t scratch and stick to pans either.

A snuggly ‘pedic-pillow

With this fantastic pillow, you need never toss and turn, trying to find the cool sides. The Snuggle-‘Pedic pillow is hypoallergenic, and it even adjusts to all the positions you take in, conforming to your neck for extra comfort – no need to be constantly fluffing out.

White Noise Machine

If you have trouble sleeping you will love the White Noise machine. Here you get offered 6 different natural sounds that you will find so helpful in helping you to fall asleep faster, leaving you more energized and ready for whatever the day brings. There’s a handy timer, too, so that it will switch off at the right time.

A Japanese washcloth like no other

Some claim they work better than sponges or loofahs. It makes sense seeing as each cloth is made from exfoliating nylon. They are ideal for people who want to achieve a deep cleanse without going overboard on the soap. It’s excellent for helping to rid your skin of dead skin, leaving your skin smooth and glowing.

Compression socks for swelling in legs

When your legs and feet ache and swell at the end of a long day, compression socks will come to the rescue. They relieve swelling and provide varicose vein swelling relief, focusing on the foot, the heel and the calf areas. They cut moisture too, so your feet say nice and dry all the time when wearing them.

An inhaler containing pure Himalayan salt

Made from pure Himalayan salt, you will get help with respiratory wellness and coughing relief. This gift comes in a very helpful travel-size salt inhaler, with the salt included – ideal for traveling, which you will want to have with you for years on end. People have been known to say how it opens up the airways, giving natural relief. Looking for even more Himalayan salt products? Check out this Lunar moon lamp. Salt lamps produce a beautifully soft glowing light and make wonderful gifts.

A moisturizing face mask

When you put this LuLuLun face mask on to your face, the results are soft, supple and moisturized skin. These masks fit perfectly on to your skin offering nourishment to your entire face with their infusions of Lipidure for lasting results.

French Lavender body scrub

Bring a luxuriating spa for yourself or for someone you care about because of this French Lavender Body Scrub. It’s got plant oils in it, as well as plenty of vitamins and antioxidants to make it the perfect companion for a soak in the tub. It’s also vegan, gluten and soy free, and made from natural ingredients.

Throw-blanket your body will love

These throws are absolutely super soft and they are 100% acrylic, offering you nothing short of softness, warmth, and luxury, let alone beauty to your home.

Slippers for nights in

You can’t get cozier slippers than these, these Chilote slippers, which mold to the feet of wherever wears them, for sheer comfort. Crafted with only natural materials, you will wish you could wear them to work!

WoodWick Jar Candles

There is nothing quite as lovely as the aroma of a fabulous candle around the holidays. It has a natural wooden wick, that makes it sound like a gently crackling fire and this jar candle can last you for a good 180 hours.

Aromatherapy inhalers

These fantastic inhalers are a great way to take essential oils with you on the go. Naturally, no one can carry a diffuser around all the time, but a small aromatherapy inhaler will easily fit in your bag.

You can choose whichever essential oils you want to suit your need, whether it is to lift your spirits, to relax or to offer you immune support. For instance, lavender, clary, and sage will help you to sleep and orange and rosemary can help you to focus.

A lava essential necklace

Most of us have seen those necklaces that allow you to carry your favorite essential oil in them. But there are not many where you can actually infuse the jewelry you are wearing with some of your favorite essential oil.

This very stylish lava stone necklace in a triangular shape is made from natural lava, making it porous, and allowing you to apply essential oils for the aromatherapy benefits throughout your day. They are ideal for someone needing some TLC.

Self-care is a foundation to build on

And that’s true because when we practice self-care on ourselves, it stands us in good stead to better help others, making a positive impact on the world. Here are even more self-care ideas that will benefit you, and the people you love and care for:


Books are the ideal choice for anyone who is into self-help and self-care. It makes no difference whether your thing is fiction, or natural health, or something spiritual, there’s a book that will meet any need or inspire wonderful ideas. Even audiobooks are ideal for when people who just don’t ‘have the time’ to read.

Courses and classes

Those that want to live their best life and love adventure and finding out about new things will love a self-care glass to nourish their soul. There are cookery and music classes, there are art classes and all sort of courses or classes that will help you make the best of yourself and the situations you find yourself in.

Take care!

Actually, self-care has become one of the most popular buzzwords of today, but it’s because people finally realize just how important it is.

Heaps of people, and particularly women, spend a lot of their time supporting and helping other people in their families that they often don’t have the time or energy to focus on themselves, and particularly what their body needs, which is so important.

Take time to be kind to yourself so that you can serve those whom you love best, not forgetting yourself because that means taking back your power.

Looking for a gift for someone who needs to indulge more in self-care? You've come to the right place! This post is full of self-care gift ideas.