I know so many people who don’t feel like there’s a reason to celebrate this Christmas. And the truth is, I have a lot I’m broken-hearted about this year myself. But you know what?
There is soooooo much to be thankful for. There are so many reasons to celebrate this Christmas.
Today, I’m celebrating the fact that I woke up today. I’ve been given another day to live. I’m grateful.
— I’m celebrating the family members and friends that that love and support me.
–I’m celebrating family and friends that are no longer here in body. I’m so thankful for the memories they gave me.
— I’m even celebrating the people I no longer talk to or that have left my life for one reason or another because of the lessons they taught me.
— I’m celebrating the bills that I have to pay because they are for all the blessings I’ve received.
— I’m celebrating the food in my pantry and fridge because I know there are many who don’t have any food at all this day.
— I’m celebrating my car – even though it needs many repairs it still runs and gets me from place to place.
— I’m celebrating my job that allows me to work from home, and that even when I feel like I’m struggling with work my income is truly unlimited, and I can do so much more than I could have in the corporate life I used to lead.
— I’m even celebrating the debts that I have to pay back because of what those borrowed dollars did for me at the time.

I could go on and on and on. But the bottom line is, even though I’m feeling a little down, I recognize all the people, places, things and reasons in my life I have to celebrate.
There is always something to be grateful for
Even though so much hurts right now, I’m doing my very best to focus on the good in my life. I invite you to do the same. Even if it hurts this Christmas and you feel like there is no reason to celebrate, sit and think about all that you have to be grateful for.
Even if it is just that you woke up today – celebrate that! Not everyone got to breathe in this day. If you can read this message- celebrate that! Not everyone can read. If you can hear the sounds of the place you’re sitting in right now – celebrate that! Not everyone has the ability to hear. If you can type a comment – celebrate that! I think you get where I’m going with this…

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And just whisper – I have so much to celebrate. Then, decide to be grateful. Take another deep breath and just let everything you have to be grateful for soak in. Root yourself in these thoughts. Really let yourself get immersed in a moment of extreme gratitude. Then, open your eyes and go about your day.
By the way – I’m celebrating you too. Thank you for reading this message. Thank you for being in this world. Thank you for being in my life if only just long enough to read these words. I’m sending you all the positive vibes right now my friend. I hope that your life from this moment on is filled with more reasons to celebrate. May more abundance, joy and peace come into your life than you ever thought possible. My Christmas wish for you is that you have all that your heart desires. Merry MERRY Christmas to you!