More Than 25 Easter and Spring Posts!

I just love the feelings that come with Spring, don’t you? Even though in Florida we don’t really have a season change per se, everything feels renewed and fresh. It’s one of my favorite times of year.

And, it features a fun holiday – EASTER! I have such wonderful memories of Easter growing up. It was one of the times I remember everyone, even my dad, being in a good mood and the day being filled with excitement and good food. Perhaps that’s why I get so giddy when Spring arrives.

I also love, love, LOVE all the creative crafts, pastel colors, and like I said – good food. I thought I’d feature some of my favorite Easter and Spring posts written by my bloggy friends in this round-up. Of course, there are a few of my own sprinkled in as well. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Easter and Spring Post Roundup

1. Easter Bunny Mason Jars
2. Bird Nest Cupcakes Dessert
3. Easter Muddy Buddies
4. Last Minute Easter Entertaining & Tablescape Ideas

5. Easy DIY Marbled Easter Eggs with Nail Polish
6. DIY Fun and Festive Easter Favor Jars The Kids Will Love!
7. Easter table set with favorites of purple and yellow
8. Mason Jar Spring Vases
9. Easy DIY Easter Floral Arrangement
10. Chocolate Covered Strawberry “Carrots”

11. Easy Easter Dessert: Chocolate Covered Easter Pretzels
12. Glow In The Dark Easter Eggs
13. Grape Soda Cupcakes
14. Nature Inspired Napkin Rings For A Spring Table
15. Things Pinterest Taught Me: Things to Do With Peeps
16. Rice Krispies Bird’s Nest Treats
17. Strawberry Spring Salad With Goat Cheese
18. Curtis Stone’s Glazed Ham with Mustard Barbecue Sauce Recipe

19. Things Pinterest Taught Me: Things to Do With Cadbury Eggs
20. Easy Easter Entertaining: Crostini Brunch + Coconut Flour Donuts
21. Leftover Easter Candy? Make Martha Stewart’s Shortbread Candy Bars
22. Bunny Cinnamon Rolls
23. The Gilded Egg Project
24. Slow Cooker Ham With Root Beer Demi Glace

25. Easy Spring Jelly Bean + Birds Nest Centerpiece
26. A Spring Inspired Tablescape
27. Tablesetting Must Haves For Your Spring Gathering
28. Easter and Spring Books for Kids 2018

7 Things to Consider When Buying a Car

When you’re buying a car, there’s a lot to consider. That’s why I put together this list of 7 things you should keep in mind when thinking about this big of a purchase. While this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.

So you want to buy a car? Great! Be sure to research before you buy. You have so many options when it comes to make, model, size, color, automatic or stick, and power windows and locks and lets not forget about those leather car mats you’ve always wanted. The choices are truly endless. But, regardless of what kind of car you want, there are 7 important thing you should consider before you buy.

7 Things to Consider When Buying a Car

1. Fuel efficiency

One of the first, and perhaps most important things to consider is the car’s fuel efficiency. This is one of the mistakes I made when I bought my current vehicle. Had I thought about the ramifications of low mileage to the gallon, I probably would have reconsidered my purchase. Do you want a hybrid or one that runs solely on gas alone? Do you want a car, a van or an SUV? SUVs and vans generally have lower MPG than cars.

2. Insurance costs

Insurance is a big one, and most don’t consider insurance ahead of time when buying a car. Did you know that you can get general estimates for vehicles with most car insurance companies? You don’t even have to purchase the vehicle before you get this quote. Whatever vehicle you have in mind, whether it’s a car, motorbike or van, insurance is very important. For example, if you are looking to buy cheap van insurance, you may want to look into a site like One Sure Insurance who offer some of the latest deals in the market, to help save you money. In terms of cars, keep in mind that a car with a bigger engine will usually cost more to insure. Things such as turbo models and other sports extras will also run you more in insurance fees. And, your car color can cost you more! A red one for example will be a higher cost to insure than a white car, because red ones are more likely to be stolen. (Cue the “more you know” jingle!)

3. Average costs for maintenance and repair

This was another thing I wish I had thought of ahead of time to research. Maintenance and repairs on my vehicle is far too costly. We still don’t have an air conditioner or working heater because after the fourth of time of paying out the ASH to replace it, we gave up on this absurd fee. You should check the conditions of the vehicle AND the reviews of common maintenance issues with the make and model too!

Another thing to look into is the fees you might experience for things like oil changes and air filter replacements. Some vehicles require more expensive oil and tires than others.

4. Research the value of all of your purchase options, get lots of info, and make the most informed decision possible.

No question is stupid. Okay, well, for the most part no question is stupid when you’re debating about a purchase this big. You need to know all the details about the vehicles you are considering so you don’t end up with a lemon. Things like – whether a vehicle has been in an accident, ever had flood damage (hello Florida hurricanes!), and whether it has been reported stolen. Yep, these are things you need to be schooled on before pulling the purchase trigger! Come up with a list of several cars you are considering, and then shorten their list by thinning the herd via your research.

5. Be clear on what you actually want

Yes, you may have to compromise if you want a 2018 BMW but only have a budget for a 2014 Honda Civic. However, you shouldn’t compromise too much. Know what you want, and then look for what you want.

6. Don’t rush the process.

My husband and I tend to adhere to the philosophy of never buying anything when we need it. When we need it, we rush it and then inevitably regret our decision. Again, I confess this is what happened with my current vehicle. Our last vehicle was totalled unexpectedly and I panic purchased instead of slowing down and being smart. Sigh…I’m being smarter with THIS purchase!

7. Consider your current budget, and how you will finance the vehicle (if at all)

How much can you spend on this vehicle? Will you need a car loan, and if so – how much can you put towards a down payment and/or monthly payments? You must be realistic about this. Do you even qualify for a loan? Will your interest rates be good/bad/unspeakable? Will you go for a traditional loan or look into the title loans available? Thinking about the financial aspect prior to the purchase will certainly save you a lot of heartache later on.

Enter the Blinker App.

Blinker is the first-ever mobile app that puts you back in control of buying, selling and financing cars yourself – and it can all be done with your smartphone. Using their patented image-recognition technology, they make everything from selling a car with a lien to getting a loan to refinancing as easy as snapping a photo.

Since launching in Texas last year, they’ve saved buyers and sellers an average of $3,000 per transaction, serviced millions of dollars in auto loans, and they even won a 2017 SXSW Interactive Innovation Award.

Their app is currently available in Colorado, Texas and Florida. And, for a limited time, when you download Blinker (for free), enter code FAMOUS and you’ll get $200 when you buy, sell or refinance a car through the app. In full disclosure, I’ll get some cash, too when you use code FAMOUS.

Click HERE to learn more about Blinker.

Stay social with Blinker by following along on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Don’t forget!!! For a limited time, when you download Blinker, enter my code FAMOUS and list your car for sale, you’ll earn $200 when it sells.

So Many Things to See and Do at the Florida State Fair!

Thanks to Cox Media Group Tampa I was given a family four pack to the Florida State Fair in exchange for this post and social media love. Although my tickets, some meals and rides were free, this has not affected my review. All opinions are my own.

Every year I look forward to The Florida State Fair. The food, the rides, the people watching. It’s something my husband and I thoroughly enjoy going to. There are so many things to do at the fair, and this year we decided to enjoy some of our favorite activities AND check out a few of the things we’ve never done before.

Our old faithfuls at The Florida State Fair

  • The food – We always end up with a corn dog upon arrival, and the past couple of years we end with a cheeseburger. Hubby always goes for the traditional barbecue bacon burger, and I either get the doughnut burger or the mac and cheese burger from Carousel Foods. Such yumminess! And seriously – you have to try the doughnut burger once in your life. I think you will be as surprised as I was at how delicious this darn thing actually is!
  • The arts – We LOVE seeing the entries in the arts and crafts contest held every year at the fair. The paintings and the sculptures, and the photos – this year they were just over the top. And, I was exceptionally giddy because I actually recognized some of the names of the winners in the art contests. I’ve decided next year I want to add a contribution of my own. I’ll share what I’m entering when it comes time.
  • The people watching – Dude! This is far and away my FAVORITE thing to do at the fair. You never know what outfits you will see, who you will bump into or what fun you will witness.  One of the crazy things we witnessed this year while people watching was a cell phone FLYING off of a ride. That was nuts. It almost hit someone!! Funny and scary all at the same time. And the craziest part? Their cell phone protector actually protected it. NO DAMAGE! Not even a single crack. That’s crazy right?!?
  • The Sky Ride – I love this because it takes you from one end of the fair to the other and gives you incredible views along the way. Resting our feet while getting a bird’s eye view? Winning!
  • The Ferris Wheel – it’s tradition. We always ride the Ferris Wheel. What was extra exciting about this year’s ride though was the wheel was bigger and we rode at sunset. We got some of the most epic views from the top. Seriously. Check this out:

The new things we saw/did in 2018 at the fair:

  • We went and visited with the drivers of the mini monster trucks. I had no idea this was a thing for kids! Youngins driving mini trucks?!? WOWZA! Pretty wild seeing these littles with those big trucks.
  • We also checked out the Farm to School Fun arcade hosted by The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). There were free games, educational opportunities, and we got to try some roasted peanuts from the Florida farmers that grow them. I also learned a lot about vegetables, bees, spiders, butterflies, and fish in this room.
  • For a few moments as we took a rest from the sun we stopped in and watched some baton twirling competitors. That was so cool and made me realize JUST how uncoordinated I really am. haha! We also darted over in the same hall and checked out the arts and crafts vendors selling their goods. It is truly amazing how talented some people are. While they we also got our fill of fudge, more peanuts, dip samples and more. So much deliciousness!!!
  • One thing we did that we’ve never done was juice our own oranges in the agriculture area. This covered areas also had some chickens in it which prompted a humorous conversation between me and the hubs about why we need to own chickens when we get a house.

Things we skipped or missed that I wish we’d seen:

  • We missed the Extreme Illusions & Escapes show, the BMX/FMX Freestyle Madness displays, Circus Hollywood, and the Laser Light shows. Mind you we didn’t skip them because we wanted to. We should have made the fair visit a multi-day event because we just didn’t have time for everything. The timing was off for us to see things at their scheduled hours, and/or we weren’t in the area when it was happening.
  • We skipped Cracker Country this year. Forgive me y’all, but I just wasn’t excited about this – perhaps because we’ve seen it sooooooooo many times over the years. I do regret not going over at least long enough to get some kettle corn though. It’s never better anywhere than it is there IMHO.
  • We missed events that were only happening on specific days. For example, we’ll miss the demolition derby because another trip to the fair before they close this year probably won’t be feasible with our work schedules.  Same for the Trashy Flashy Fashion Show. We were there the day after this occurred. I have to say I was super bummed about missing this because I LOVE trashy fashion shows. The way the artists can turn garbage into wearable art never ceases to amaze me.

Our 2018 fair visit was a success in my book

All in all, I loved my day at the fair, and sincerely hope that in 2019 I can afford more time to be there. I’d like to go multiple days and check out more events and things I haven’t seen yet, or that I’ve not seen in awhile. I will say that for the cost of the fair ticket, there is certainly a LOT of entertainment and enjoyment to be had. It’s not JUST about the rides and the food. I can’t wait to visit again. In the meantime, I’m hoping to check out many other events our fair city has to offer. <- see what I did there? LOL! I crack me up!

Check out all the images I snapped at The Florida State Fair this year –

Is Your Skin Winter Ready?

Is it truly the most wonderful time of the year? Perhaps for young ones and teachers eagerly awaiting winter break, and children aged one to 100 that are excited about the holidays, yes. However, for our skin, it may not be the most wonderful time of the year. Dry Skin in Winter is a common complaint for many but thankfully there are things you can do to combat this. Dry and flaky skin, itchiness from all those clothes we have to pile on, the bite of that winter air – old Jack Frost can leave our skin craving those warmer months. If this sounds familiar, below are some things that may help your skin to feel better all winter long. Making sure your home is no cooler than it needs to be will be essential. Look for new heat pumps Charlottesville if yours is currently damaged.

Winter Ready Skin

Your Four Steps to Winter Ready Skin

1. Give Yourself a Hand (Moisturizer)

Dare I say, during those cold winter months, the hands take the brunt of the damage. Most people wear long sleeves, pants and jackets, but the hands are another story. Unless you’re frequently donning gloves or mittens, which most people don’t until it gets “really cold,” your hands are being constantly exposed to the frigid temps. This dries them out, and can lead to cracking and bleeding. It’s critical you use a good moisturizer, and many experts think it should be one that is glycerin-based. You should at least be putting it on when you get up in the morning and before bed. And, put on some more when your hands feel dry. Moisturizing gloves while you sleep my also be beneficial.

2. Remedy Your Chapped Lips

First, one thing that can actually help you a ton is drinking more water. Staying hydrated may not be at the top of your mind because you’re not as thirsty when it’s so cold, but you need to be drinking plenty of water all year long.

Second, wear a quality lip balm or chapstick that has sunscreen in it. Not only will this help moisturize and mend your chapped kisser, it will protect as well.

Third, and this is the hardest one for most people, don’t lick your lips. Believe it or not, licking your lips can make the chapped factor worse!

Finally, the winter weather wreaks havoc on the lips, but you shouldn’t exfoliate them. Instead, make sure you are using a good quality lip balm to avoid chapped lips. Learn why exfoliation is bad for your lips here.

3. Exfoliate and Moisturize All Over

Perhaps even more so than the rest of the year, you’ll have dead skin that needs to be exfoliated away. When you exfoliate, you’re replenishing your skin by removing the dead layer of skin cells. Twice a week you should be gently buffing away these cells making way to the new cells to develop without anything in their way. While bathing, use a nonabrasive exfoliant, and after you’ve dried off, moisturize from head to toe. Don’t overdo it with exfoliation, twice a week should be fine, but don’t neglect doing it either. Exfoliating helps replenish skin and improve your moisturizer’s effectiveness.

Exfoliation allows moisturizers to penetrate the skin more easily, and during the winter you really want to maintain some moisture. Moisturizers will help prevent your skin from becoming too dry in the harsh winter weather. You may also want to consider moisturizing more than once a day.

Exfoliation and moisturizing alone will make a massive difference in repairing your skin. However, there are also products you can use at home to heal some of the damaging effects from the sun you may have endured over the summer.

4. Protect The Skin You’re in

It’s easy to forget that the sun is still shining during the winter, especially when you’re so cold you’re wearing three or four layers of clothing. But, believe it or not, you can still experience sun damage that could lead to skin cancer if you’re not protecting your skin from the sun in the winter. Sunscreen is a must all year long.

Additional Things to Consider When Prepping For Winter

– You don’t need to replace all of your products, but some experts do recommend using a heavier cream or an ointment as your moisturizer.

– Although you definitely should exfoliate twice a week, it’s imperative that you use a gentle exfoliation product. It’s also important not to do it too frequently. If you’re experiencing too much redness and irritation, you may be exfoliating too often.

– Cracked heel skin is pretty common, and it only gets worse in the winter months. All the dry air can exacerbate the cracking making walking painful, and putting you at more risk of infection. One thing that can help in a big way is to moisturize your feet with something like Vaseline. Before bed, don your feet with petroleum jelly, wrap them in plastic wrap, and cover with socks. You should wake up with your heels much more moisturized, and hopefully your heels will begin to heal.

The winter months may be frigid and drying, but your skin doesn’t have to suffer. May your skin be merry and bright. And, may you be protected from winter’s cold bite!

winter ready skin skiing

5 Ways You’re Destroying Your Skin

It may be hard to believe, but even with all the advancements in skin care, people are still destroying their skin daily. Some people don’t even realize they’re doing it, and what’s worse is some people think things they are doing are helping their skin when in fact they couldn’t be more wrong. Check out the 5 common ways people are damaging their skin and see if you’re guilty of it too and how you can stop it.

You may think that you’re doing everything right when it comes to your skincare routine, when in fact, you could be causing more harm than good. But that’s nothing to be ashamed of. When it comes to your skin, everything that you do becomes a learning process, and you’ll soon establish the best cause of action and products to help you get better skin.
Destroying Your Skin

1. Despite your best efforts you are killing your skin with UV rays. Just because you put on sunscreen in the morning, does NOT mean you’re protected all day. Just 15 minutes can cause a burn that leads to premature wrinkles.

A re-application of sunscreen midday might be a good idea even if you’re just going to be in the sun from your office to your home during your commute.

Oh and by the way, don’t think for a moment that there is anything such as a safer ray. Many folks make the mistake of believe that the rays of a tanning salon are better for you.

2. You’re exfoliating too much/ too often

Yes, exfoliating is great for your skin, but you can do too much. For most people exfoliation shouldn’t be done more than 2-3 times per week and for others it should be done even less! Over-exfoliation can cut, break, tear and wear down your skin leading to rashes, breakouts and more

3. You use soap to wash your face, and worse you do it with a wash cloth.

The soap you use on your body is not okay for your face. Why? Because not matter how gentle you think it is, it’s likely too abrasive for your more sensitive skin on your face.

As for the wash cloths, use those on your body, not your face. A washcloth can be too rough and breakdown your skin and could have more bacteria than you realize on it.

4. You don’t take off your makeup before bed.

Sleeping is one of those wonderful times that your skin’s cells can renew and heal, but if your face is covered in makeup at bed time you’re blocking the pores and asking for breakouts.

5. You don’t get enough facials.

Not only does it feel much better to have someone else care for your skin, having a professional give you a facial can give you additional insight as to what your skin is missing and help you learn the proper way to do facials to yourself at home. Plus, who wouldn’t want to visit day spas austin (if you live in and around this area of Texas) to help get your skincare game on top form? You may also learn a thing or two while you’re there.

Now, we want to hear from you. Are you guilty of any of the above bad skin acts? If so, now is the time to change! Stay tuned to our blog for more great ideas to help take better care of your skin.

My First Time – Aqua Fit Class

via LA Fitness Facebook Page
via LA Fitness Facebook Page

Today, for the first time, I took an aqua fit class. I joined a gym this week with the full intention of getting healthier and taking better care of my body. After three attempts at Zumba in one week, however, it hit me that I might have been trying to over do things. So, I decided to try what I was told would be an intense workout that wouldn’t hurt my joints as much – Aqua Fit.

The idea of the class seemed simple enough. Get into a pool, workout for 50 minutes, have less impact, but get a full body workout and never be able to feel whether or not I was sweating.

I arrived about 15 minutes early and there were already people in the pool. One of the gals in the pool, Diane, is an avid fan of Aqua Fit, but she was there early to complete her workout before the class would begin because she had to be somewhere. Still, Diane took a few minutes to school me in what to expect from the class. She ran me through the exercises that the instructor would be calling out. Thank goodness she did because it helped me know how to do each of the moves in advance without looking so much like a bumbling newbie. Don’t get me wrong, it was still VERY clear I was a newbie, but it wasn’t “as clear” as it would have been.

The class began just a few minutes after 9 a.m. The instructor got everyone’s attention and we began. Simple movements at first for about 20 minutes. We ran through jumping jacks, scissor kicks, frog leaps, etc… Then, the part that got my attention – water weights. Now, out of water these things barely weigh a pound together, but under water they felt like 5-10 pound dumbbells, and the faster we moved them, the heavier they felt. Nonetheless, I was bound and determined to get through the entire 50 minute class.

The thing that shocked me the most is how warm I was getting in the frigid water. I was moving my body more than I anticipated and doing my best to keep up with these Aqua Fit Class regulars. Ultimately, I made it the entire 50 minutes, but when as I stepped out of the water I was shocked out how heavy I felt. I’ve been in pools before, but somehow working out in one made me feel more weightless than just swimming and splashing around. Stepping out made me fully aware of my body’s mass.

I walked into the locker room, changed into my clothes for the day and headed home with the full intention of getting some serious writing work done. My adrenaline was pumping. I felt high energy. I grabbed breakfast for my husband and me and then drove the 10 minutes home to eat and start my day. Suddenly after eating though, the exhaustion came over me. This was another result I hadn’t expected. How hard I had worked without even realizing it in the pool hit me hard. Before I knew it I could feel it was nap time. I barely made it to the bed and promptly passed the hell out.

Planning to only sleep two hours and then get to work proved troublesome. Amazingly, when my alarm went off I simply did NOT want to move. Yep, my whole body could feel all the work I had put it through. I managed to get out of bed and fix lunch and now I’m sitting at my computer writing this. My arms and legs are sore. I’m still pretty tired. But, I feel good. I am happy knowing that I made it through the 50 minutes and honestly can’t wait to try this workout again.

Perhaps after a few more of these classes I can start doing Zumba again. But, for now I can at least rest assured that in the water, though I’m not hurting my joints that have been in pain, I’m getting a thorough and intense workout.



A Wake Up Call- Stop Burning the Candle at Both Ends

burning the candle at both ends

This morning was a serious wake up call. I woke up feeling so sick that I couldn’t go into my day job. I have seriously got to make some adjustments to the way I organize my time, my
business, my life. If I keep burning the candle at both ends there won’t be any light left for me or anyone else to enjoy. 

Folks chasing your dreams while trying to pay the bills- how do you organize your time to have it all?

I posted this originally on facebook this morning and Domestic Goddess Kristen behind the amazing blog The Road to Domestication had the best answer for me. Check out what she wrote:

I literally SCHEDULE IN down time. Sounded so dumb to me at first…but everything else in life takes up time, so why not schedule in some time to rest, too?!

I have also had to remind myself that I CANNOT DO IT ALL, and I can’t HAVE it all…and that is

okay. I prioritize the day – the things I HAVE to do, like go to my full-time job, because if I don’t do that, then I’m in trouble as far as budgetary needs, ha!

I make sure there is time to do something for MYSELF. As selfish as I thought that was at first, I realized that, if I crash and burn, I can’t do anything for anyone! And if I am rested, and happy, and not feeling stressed, I really can do everything else BETTER. Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m out getting a pedicure every week or anything. Sometimes doing something for myself is just going for a walk in peace and quiet…or going to bed early! LOL

New for me in 2014 is blocking. I have literally blocked out several months of the year so I don’t have anything else happening except photography, Or except insurance. Or except family time. Or anything else. Not only can you get more accomplished when you’re focused, but you don’t feel so scattered from having to fight 10 fires at once.

I don’t even know if any of that book I just wrote makes sense…but YOU asked! LOL….

We are the ones who have a hard time listening to our bodies But we only have one! Hard to remember, but true!

To me every single part of what Kristen wrote makes perfect sense. I think it’s exactly what I needed to read right now. I realize I can’t keep giving myself to everyone because that’s what caused me to wake up this morning and literally have nothing left. I could barely form a sentence when I called in sick. I had the most massive migraine and just took some Advil and went back to bed.

I normally get up at 6:30/7 at the latest and I slept in til 11 a.m. and felt so unaccomplished because of it. I just have been trying so hard to do so many things that my body slapped me silly this morning and then threw me back in bed.

Now I want YOU to chime in. How do YOU find a balance when trying to chase your dreams and maintain a day job?

Source for image above

Why Mondays are Awesome According to The Buried Life

cute happy Monday image

Found this on the facebook page of The Buried Life and loved it so much I HAD to share it- “I know today is Monday and you assume it’s going to suck, but according
to statistics, there will be over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths,
and 42 million hugs occurring today throughout the United States. Also
today, there will be at least 4 people that will win the multimillion
dollar lotteries, 600 people will get promotions at work, and 3,000
people will lose their virginity. There will also be 600 dogs adopted,
35,000 balloons sold, and 800,000 skittles eaten. Plus, the words ‘I
love you’ will be said over 9 million times. So again, I know today is
Monday and you assume it’s going to suck, but just smile, because
according to statistics, it should actually be a really nice day.”

Have you heard of the show The Buried Life? The premise is simple. What Do You Want to Do Before You Die? This simple question spawned what is now a more than 6 year journey of four young guys trying to cross items off their bucket list. One of the coolest things to me about their journey is that for every item they accomplish on their list they have to help a stranger accomplish something on the stranger’s list.

I just finished watching Season 2 last night and immediately went online and purchased their book and I can’t wait to get it and read it!!! These guys are a massive inspiration to me.

Like them on facebook and while you are there, like me too 🙂

Source for image above.

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