Bloggy Friends Chime In – Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs

20 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs - blog banner - woman reading a book

If you’re an entrepreneur, you know that reading is essential for success. But with so many books out there, it can be difficult to choose which ones to grab and which ones to throw in the garbage. That’s why I asked my bloggy friends to send me THEIR top picks for the must-have books for entrepreneurs. This list features several of them. Let’s dive in, shall we?

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20 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs

From Scaling Up by Verne Harnish to The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber, here are 20 answers to the question, “What are the best books for entrepreneurs you’ve ever read and why?”

Scaling Up by Verne Harnish

The best book for entrepreneurs I’ve ever read has to be Scaling Up by Verne Harnish. This book does a fantastic job of delivering insight into how companies can grow and scale up successfully, by immersing the reader in a three-step process. 

It starts off with getting the right people on board, which covers both hiring staff and creating the right executive team in order to make your dream happen. It also looks at systems and strategies; breaking down key concepts such as setting achievable goals, different funding strategies available, and understanding the market you plan to enter or exist in. 

To top it off, Scaling Up shares stories from successful businesses that give great insight into what made them successful. It’s a must-have for any entrepreneur who is looking to make a mark on their industry!

Antreas Koutis, Administrative Manager, Financer

Duct Tape Marketing by John Jantsch

Many regard John Jantsch, the author of this book, as a leading small business marketing expert. His book is all about implementing low-cost marketing strategies that work. 

He also makes a compelling case for thinking of your marketing strategy as a holistic, integrated system. This book will guide you on how to grow your business without overspending on advertising. Moreover, this book can help you build a stronger relationship between your product and your audience.

Joe Flanagan, Founder, 90s Fashion World

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Thinking Fast and Slow is the first thing that comes to my mind because it stuck to its guns and delivered exactly what it promised. So many supposedly influential books for entrepreneurs try too hard to be interesting, thought-provoking, and a page-turner at the same time. 

Kahneman, on the other hand, wrote a book that you don’t want to read fast because you feel like the wisdom held within, about how we think, should be carefully studied. It’s the best because I will always find an excuse to come back to it.

Natalia Brzezinska, Marketing and Outreach Manager, PhotoAiD

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

One book that has profoundly impacted my entrepreneurial mindset is The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. This book skillfully articulates that entrepreneurs must prioritize the development of a minimum viable product (MVP) while constantly adapting it based on customer feedback. 

Ries highlights the significance of data-driven decision-making, endorsing that continuous experimentation is the cornerstone of sustainable growth. Furthermore, the author advocates for establishing an innovation-oriented culture within a startup—a crucial aspect that fosters adaptability and resilience in an ever-changing business landscape.

Michael Sena, Founder and CEO, Senacea

Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Zero to One was such an important book for me to read because it revealed that there is still room for innovation and the creation of new inventions that people need. We may think there is nothing new to invent, but Thiel tells us that if we do the research, we can discover new ways to create valuable inventions people need. 

Progress can still be made in every area of business, and what’s most important is that entrepreneurs must be able to think for themselves if they want to succeed. The book is easy to follow and offers practical advice on becoming an independent thinker who can create new and valuable ideas for their customers.

Anthony Martin, Founder and CEO, Choice Mutual

People Buy You: The Real Secret to What Matters Most in Business by Jeb Blount

This book showed me that my biggest competitive edge was myself. You must do the groundwork to build the skills and experiences you need to excel in your field, but there will always be many others doing the same and competing against you for the same customers. 

Entrepreneurs can’t discount the importance of building relationships to drive their businesses to success. Blount explains the three relationship myths that become your roadblocks and advice for making deeper emotional connections faster.

Shawn Plummer, CEO, The Annuity Expert

Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki

Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki is inspiring and empowering; a true must-have arsenal for any businesswoman. Through this book, I acquired a wealth of knowledge on economics, finance, and overcoming any shortcomings that come my way. 

It had me feeling like I could take on the world with new confidence! Rich Woman taught me how to become smart with money and make it work harder for me, not just survive but thrive in any type of market or industry. The vast amounts of stories Kim shares about her own journey were extremely helpful as well since she seems to have experienced it all—successes as well as failures which she later triumphantly turned into successes. Rich Woman is truly a phenomenal guidebook for entrepreneurs of all levels!

Lorien Strydom, Executive Country Manager,

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

This book is a good read for anyone living in our modern world, but it’s especially important for entrepreneurs like me who are often trying to make more time in their day magically appear. Deep Work breaks down the basics of focus so you can gain more control over your mind and start strengthening this superpower. 

I can’t make more time in my day, but this book has helped me maximize what I can accomplish every minute, every week, and every year.

Ruben Gamez, Founder and CEO, SignWell

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

Shoe Dog is a memoir that details the journey of Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, and his team from the inception of the idea to the company’s massive success. What I love about this book is that it’s not just a success story, but it’s a story of perseverance, grit, and resilience. 

Phil Knight takes the reader on an emotional journey, detailing all the difficulties he faced while building Nike into the iconic brand it is today. The book is filled with valuable lessons that apply to any entrepreneur looking to build a successful business. If you haven’t read Shoe Dog yet, I highly recommend it.

Shaun Connell, Founder, Writing Tips Institute

Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters

Rocket Fuel has a lot of great nuggets of information. For example, the authors suggest setting a few 90-day goals. This is very similar to the “OKR” (i.e., objectives and key results) format for goal-setting. The idea is that if you try to set annual goals, they are too big and don’t feel time-limited. 

In contrast, 90-day goals are more intense, and setting a few of them enables you to put deep focus into achieving them. Another great tip from the book is to define yourself as either an integrator or a visionary. Then, you hire someone to fill the other role. As an integrator, I seek out visionaries as my clients because I enjoy helping them to realize their dreams.

Dennis Consorte, Digital Marketing and Leadership Consultant for Startups, Snackable Solutions

The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

The Hard Thing About Hard Things offers a candid look at the challenges of entrepreneurship, sharing the author’s own experiences and offering practical advice on how to navigate difficult situations. 

I appreciated the honesty and vulnerability that Horowitz showed in sharing his failures and mistakes, which made the book feel more relatable and authentic. In addition, the practical advice and strategies offered in the book are invaluable for anyone starting or running a business. 

So, I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to learn from someone who has been through the trenches of entrepreneurship.

Will Gill, Event Entertainer, DJ Will Gill

Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

The best book I’ve ever read for entrepreneurs, without a doubt, is Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk. A lot of books written for entrepreneurs can be filled with unhelpful platitudes, but this one contains actionable and tactical advice that you can immediately implement into your business plan. 

It resonated with me in particular because it focuses on building an audience and creating content to build authority and trust. In particular, Gary emphasizes the importance of utilizing social media platforms to build relationships with customers and share your message. He also outlines specific strategies for turning hobbies into profitable businesses based on passion and experience—something I think is at the heart of successful entrepreneurship.  

So, if you’re looking for a practical how-to guide filled with inspiring stories of success, then Crush It is, without a doubt, the way to go!

Maria Harutyunyan, Co-founder, Loopex Digital

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich is about outsourcing—delegating many of one’s mundane tasks to another person or organization. 

Ferriss believes that if you focus on optimizing specific tasks to save time, you can live a more fulfilling life with your newfound freedom. His writing style is both informative and entertaining as he mixes personal experience with practical advice and relatable anecdotes throughout the book. 

It encourages readers to be creative in their own business endeavors, inspiring them to be creative when implementing new strategies into their workflows. Overall, this book is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs who want to master the strategic principles of efficiency and success.

Michael Alexis, CEO, tiny campfire

Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

Entrepreneurs face a consistent stream of peaks, valleys, and everything in between. The term, “grit,” has historically been viewed as a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” or power-through-the-tough-times type of sentiment. Angela Duckworth reframes the attribute of grit for founders as sustained interest, sustained effort, and a keen focus on long-term goals.

The combination of passion and persistence is required for entrepreneurs to conquer their goals and aspirations. Angela alludes to the psychological assets of grit, including interest, practice, purpose, and hope. Digging into the emotional response side of entrepreneurship in this book yields dividends for anyone who is embarking on starting their own company. Give it a read!

Roman Villard, Founder, Full Send Finance

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes shares her own professional experiences with readers in Year of Yes. Rhimes describes her transformation from a timid and anxious introvert who turned down several opportunities to a self-assured public speaker and powerful figure who accepted every opportunity that came her way. People who wish to come out of their shells and make their voices heard should read this book.

Not only does Rhimes give an insight into how a successful person became that way and the things one can do in their day-to-day life that can help to push them in this direction; it reveals a lot about the hardships, which I found most important. A lot of these books portray a story of a few quick tips on seeing immediate success, whereas this more realistically tells of the struggles of changing in order to achieve one’s goals.

Aiden Higgins, Senior Editor and Writer, The Broke Backpacker

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

It’s old, but it’s good. One of the best books for entrepreneurs I have ever read is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It may seem odd for a business book, but its lessons on human behavior and effective communication are invaluable for anyone looking to succeed in any field.

The book teaches you to understand and empathize with others, communicate more effectively, and develop better interpersonal skills. It emphasizes showing a genuine interest in people, listening to their needs, and finding common ground. These skills are crucial for building strong relationships and establishing trust, which is essential for business and life success.

Overall, How to Win Friends and Influence People is a timeless classic every entrepreneur should read. Its practical advice and insights are just as relevant today as when the book was first published in 1936.

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

The Art of Thinking Clearly is a fantastic read that helped me get clear on critical thinking processes so I could meet new challenges with even better decisions. 

Entrepreneurs can’t afford to waste time on ideas that aren’t viable, and this book helps lift the veil on indecision so you can make smart, informed decisions and quit pursuing avenues that won’t end up being worth it. Dobelli spells out the common misjudgments entrepreneurs (and people in general) tend to make and how to best avoid them.

Denise Hemke, Chief Product Officer, Checkr

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Dad offers life-changing insights into building wealth and gives practical advice on how to become financially independent. The book emphasizes the importance of financial education and includes many tips on investments, taxes, and budgeting. 

It also provides a comprehensive overview of different businesses and how to best take advantage of them. By understanding the basics of investing and business, readers can equip themselves with the knowledge they need to make sound financial decisions. Rich Dad, Poor Dad has helped countless entrepreneurs become successful by arming them with vital financial know-how.

Martin Seeley, CEO, Mattress Next Day

Wellness Incorporated: the Health Entrepreneur’s Handbook by Jennifer Buchanan

Buchanan’s book is a must-read for anyone in the healthcare profession looking to start a business without burning out or losing their passion. 

While many entrepreneurship books center on success or profit, Wellness Incorporated focuses on the reasons and values behind wanting to start a business. It can be so easy to lose sight of these core values as we try to make our business a success.

Buchanan helps her readers to keep their eyes on their values and their goals. 

This book perfectly balances inspiration with actionable steps to keep you motivated but also constantly moving forward. Buchanan offers insight into her experiences as well as tips and tricks to help kick-start your entrepreneurship journey. 

While this book is catered specifically to healthcare entrepreneurs, every entrepreneur can learn from it. Buchanan provides a unique look at sustainability and your own personal wellness while also building a successful business.

Dr. Shara Posner, Founder, Back To Health Center

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

The E-Myth Revisited changed the way I approach my business and how I think through important decisions.

Through this book, I understood that a successful business is a set of finely tuned systems. Your job as an entrepreneur is to develop, maintain, and improve those systems whenever you can. Only then can you find the best people to operate those systems. 

A business should depend on processes, not people, and everything will eventually go back to the creation of these internal systems.

I highly recommend this book be read by any and every person who will learn new things and try out fresh ideas, which should be every entrepreneur.

Yeonsil K., Founder and CEO, Home Spritz

Top Plans for Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Top Plans for Fast and Effective Weight Loss - Woman Pointing to Belly

Looking for the top plans for fast and effective weight loss? I can relate! I’m covering a few of them in this post. Check it out!

3 Plans for Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Weight loss plans are something that have to be tailored to an individual’s personal preferences, health and nutritional requirements. It’s hard enough to lose weight, but having to pick a plan from thousands of options is overwhelming.

Many people just pick whatever plan is trending in that moment, but this can create a struggle for you and make you end up feeling discouraged if you don’t know enough about it to succeed.

You want to gauge your choice based on the amount of weight you need to lose, the speed with which you want to lose it, and any dietary preferences you have. There are other factors that may come into play, too.

These include things like your metabolism, your lifestyle (to ensure the plan you pick is convenient for you), and more. Even with the best weight loss plans, be realistic about how much weight you can lose in a short amount of time.

Below, you’re going to learn about three of the top weight loss plans people are buzzing about right now. They include a calorie deficit, a low carb option, and one of many fasting programs.

Of course, it’s important that you take your own health into consideration and get the input of your healthcare professional before you begin to implement any type of weight loss regimen.

Losing Weight Without Putting Your Health at Risk

Currently, the biggest weight loss fad making news are prescription injections that many want to steer clear of. These semaglutide shots squash a person’s hunger and help them lose weight quickly – but it’s not without risks.

Though they’re usually put in fine print, these risks include severe health situations like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, kidney failure and more. Some people have experienced gallbladder problems, too – which can be very painful.

And there are also many unpleasant side effects. The most prevalent ones are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. While the side effects subside for some users, it’s often only until the next dose is taken, and then they have to go through it all over again.

The shots, which not only have serious risks and numerous side effects, also put a hefty dent in your wallet – if you can even find them in stock. Many consumers have complained that they can’t get their prescriptions refilled when they need them.

The cost for these shots can be about $1,400 per month, and insurance usually doesn’t cover it unless it’s being dispensed for diabetic needs, not just weight loss alone. So you’ll be spending a lot as you absorb the risks, too.

Losing weight shouldn’t be something where you have to suffer. Not everyone wants to put their health at risk just to shed pounds. Instead, they prefer to lose weight naturally by watching the nutrition aspect of their life.

1. Calorie Deficit Dieting to Help You Achieve Your Goals

One of the most popular plans being adopted right now by men and women who need to lose weight is a simple calorie deficit. With this plan, there’s no starving yourself or being told you can’t eat certain foods.

With a calorie deficit, you simply eat fewer calories than you burn. When you take this approach, your body begins burning the fat stores in your body as fuel. This may not be the fastest way to shed pounds, but it’s a safe and reliable method that won’t make you feel deprived.

To get started on a calorie deficit, you first have to calculate how many calories you burn. There are numerous online calculators that will give you the exact number – based on your age, height, weight, and level of activity each day.

Once you have that number, all you have to do is subtract either 500-1,000 calories from your daily total and you’ll lose weight! The more you subtract, the faster the weight will come off.

One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. So if you cut just 500 calories off your consumption for a week, you’ll lose a pound each week. That’s a total of 52 pounds per year – at a safe and healthy speed.

There are many benefits to using this weight loss method, in addition to shedding pounds. You’re likely to lower your blood pressure and improve your insulin sensitivity. You might see your cholesterol decrease and your risk of developing diabetes will diminish.

Many people love the calorie deficit plan because it doesn’t require a lot of planning or complicated knowledge. You just eat less. You can still have your favorite foods, as long as they fit within your calorie consumption numbers.

To have the best success with this type of plan, don’t spend all of your calories on low nutrient, highly processed foods. Instead, fill up on low calorie, dense foods that are packed with minerals and vitamins your body needs.

Make sure you’re staying active and drinking water to stay hydrated, too. As you begin losing weight, you’ll need to recalculate your caloric needs and adjust your numbers or you may hit a plateau.

2. Carb Reduction Dieting Is a Powerful Strategy for Quick Weight Loss

Many individuals struggle to lose weight because they’re addicted to high-processed carb-laden foods. When you lower your carbs, you give your body the ability to store fat faster.

There are different levels of carb reduction diet plans. The most extreme is the keto diet. On a keto diet plan, you’re eating a high fat, mid to high protein diet with the lowest amount of carbs possible.

Typically, keto dieters will calculate net carbs, not total carbs, and they’ll aim for a number of 30 or fewer carbs to put them in a state of ketosis. This allows their body to burn stored fat.

Everyone’s exact carb number is unique, so one person might go into ketosis eating 40 carbs, and another has to go down to 20 to be in that metabolic state. You may have to adjust your carbs to find out what your best numbers are.

Keto is a super fast way to lose weight. But it’s not without minor side effects. You may feel like you’re suffering from the “keto flu,” which will go away in a day or two. Some people also suffer from constipation and bad breath, but these aren’t hard to overcome.

You don’t have to go to such extremes if you want to use a low carb diet plan, though. You can simply lower your carb count to 150 or fewer total carbs to reap the benefits of this type of diet.

You can do any number that suits you – 50 carbs, 100 carbs or up to 150 carbs total. Low carb diets can be filled with things like meat, avocados, nuts, eggs, and fish. You’ll want to limit fruits to things like strawberries and blueberries because they’re lower in carbs.

Try to eat a variety of high protein foods like beef, fish, chicken and eggs. Add high fat healthy foods like avocados and nuts or even extra virgin olive oil. If you eat vegetables, choose low carb options like spinach instead of a potato.

It’s important that you learn how to calculate the net carbs and read food labels so that you can see just how many carbs you’re consuming. If you stall out with your weight loss, you might need to make an adjustment of your carb intake and lower the number a bit more.

The good news is, many people lose their cravings for processed foods, but if you still want things like desserts, you’ll find low carb healthy options like chocolate mousse and other yummy keto-friendly options.

3. Fasting Is a Diet Plan That Has Many Options

Fasting is a method of dieting where you’re going without food for a prolonged period of time. The good news is, there are different types of fasting programs, so you can adopt one that works best for you.

When you’re fasting, your body begins to burn fat for fuel, but it also delivers other benefits to your health, including a reduction in inflammation, improved sensitivity for insulin, and a stable, lower blood pressure and cholesterol number.

You can choose which type of fasting plan you want to be on. Some people find it easier to do the 5:2 fasting plan. This is where you’ll eat normal for five days a week and then fast for two days a week.

Others prefer to adopt an alternate day fasting schedule, where they eat every other day and fast on alternate days. You can eat normally on the food days, but restrict yourself to water on fasting days.

Another method of using fasting to lose weight is to narrow the food window you have eat day. For example, some people do a 16:8 diet, which is where you fast for 16 hours and have an 8-hour eating window.

Or, you can choose to have a window of 14 hours of fasting and 10 hours of eating, or shorten it up to a 20 hour fast and four-hour eating window. You can even split the day in half and do a 12:12 window.

When it comes to fasting, it technically means you’re only drinking water. However, some people use the approach that on fasting days, they can have up to 500 calories, but that will obviously not results in as much weight loss.

When fasting, you might want to start out with a less stringent approach and then make it more difficult. For example, you might start out with a 12:12 fast and then move to an alternate day fast with 500 calories allowed on fasting days, then eliminate that allowance of calories as you increase the intensity.

When you are eating on a fast, don’t gorge on processed, unhealthy foods. Try to nurture your body with as many healthy foods as possible, which means foods rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, too – whether you’re in a fasting period or not. If you fast for too long, you might end up feeling side effects such as being weak or dizzy, so pay attention to how you’re feeling.

Making the Most of Your Choice and Preventing Plateaus

While these are the top three plans that people are pursuing right now, they’re definitely not the only ones that you can choose from. You want to select something that fits in with your lifestyle as well as your personal preferences.

Choose a diet plan that you feel you can stick to over a long period of time. You don’t want to be doing something that you feel frustrated with or where you are focused on deprivation instead of the success that you are seeing on the scale.

You might find other diet plans that are a better fit for you, as you begin to try a variety of programs out. For example, if you discover that you love eating healthy fruits and vegetables as well as fish, you might go on the Mediterranean diet.

Be willing and able to make adjustments as you need to, regardless of which plan you select to start with. Don’t just jump from one plan to another initially, but try to work with the one you start with and make adjustments to see if you can tweak it to a place where it will work for you.

It’s important that whenever you’re embarking on a weight loss plan, that you’re tracking everything. You want to track the food that you eat (every bite) and the nutrition of it, such as the calories and carbs.

If you’re doing something like fasting and this isn’t a concern, then you may want to track your hours carefully. However, if you’re sticking to a specific time frame and still not losing weight with fasting, you may need to go ahead and track your food intake to see if you are overeating during your meal times.

It’s not uncommon for people to experience a plateau whenever they are losing weight. You might start off with a high weight loss due to shedding water weight, and then see it slow down as your metabolism diminishes.

Additionally, you may notice that your mindset has a shift from the time when you first started and you were full of enthusiasm and hope to a time when you have plateaued and are feeling discouraged, so you want to make sure you are keeping yourself motivated in the process.

It might help to celebrate non scale victories in addition to the weight loss that you are experiencing. This can help you get through a plateau, when you may notice other changes taking place, such as an increase of energy or the ability to sleep better, even though you aren’t losing weight at that moment.

You might want to make an attempt at testing out each of these three top weight loss plans to see which one your body responds to best, and which one you feel you can stick to for a longer period of time.

How to Build a Strong Personal Brand on Social Media

How to Build a Strong Personal Brand on Social Media Header

So you want to build a strong personal brand on social media? These tips from the experts might help you do just that!

Today, a strong personal brand on social media is essential for business professionals and content creators to cement themselves as thought leaders and notable individuals within their business niches. This is no easy task, and it can be difficult to find a place to start. These business professionals share valuable insight into how to build out a strong personal brand that will increase your reach on social media. 

Experts Chime In – How to Build a Strong Personal Brand on Social Media

Regularly Share Content

“Consistently sharing valuable content is crucial to building a strong personal brand on social media. This is because sharing relevant and informative content helps establish your authority in your niche and helps you connect with your audience. When you regularly share content, you create a consistent presence on social media that helps you stand out from the crowd. Sharing content tailored to your audience’s interests, needs, and pain points also helps you build a community around your brand. Creating a loyal following of engaged followers will lead to more customers who trust your brand and become brand advocates. In short, regularly sharing content is the best way to build a strong personal brand on social media and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.”

-Saneem Ahearn, VP of Marketing at Colorescience

Keep Social Posts Positive & Engaging

“To build a strong personal brand on social media, it’s essential to create positive and engaging content. By sharing upbeat and informative content, you can attract more followers interested in your message and likely to share your content with others. This is important because the more your content is shared, the more visible your brand becomes. Engaging with your followers by responding to comments and messages can help build trust and credibility, ultimately leading to stronger relationships with your followers. A post that is negative or controversial, on the other hand, can damage your reputation and turn off potential followers. It is important to keep your posts positive and engaging on social media to establish a credible and likable personal brand.”

– Clayton Howard, Director of Analytics at Net Pay Advance

Stay Authentic

“It’s important to stay authentic when building your personal brand on social media. People are drawn to brands that resonate with them by establishing deep connections through their content. This means your brand should be true to its values and what they stand for by sharing personal stories, opinions, and life experiences that are relevant to both your brand and your audiences. This helps your audience truly know that there are real people behind your brand and will ultimately trust it more, building a strong personal brand based on authenticity and credibility.”

– Jonathan Krieger, VP of Sales at Fabuwood

Keep a Positive Online Reputation

“More often than not, people are drawn to personal brands because of its reputation.. Thus, it’s crucial that you build a positive reputation and maintain it as it has a huge impact on how others will perceive you professionally and personally. In order to monitor and maintain your reputation, it’s important to check your social media channels regularly, responding to any comments or reviews in a timely and professional manner. If there is any negative feedback or if someone posts something negative about your brand, you will need to address the issue as soon as you can professionally and respectfully. Not only will this help resolve the issue quickly, but it will also show others that you value your audience’s opinions and want the best for them, overall boosting your reputation.”

– Joe Acosta, Digital Marketing at BBQ Galore

Stay Up To Date With Trends

“A great way to build up your personal brand is by keeping up with the latest trends on social media. The social media landscape is constantly changing and trends come and go in an instant, so it’s important that you stay relevant by keeping a strong online presence by hopping on the most current trends. One way to do this is by following industry leaders and influencers, as these are the people who are always in the know about insights, news, and trends in the industry. Social media algorithms are also key in staying updated, as they will usually automatically adjust your feed to show you what is trending at the moment. Paying attention to anything new or different will help you shape your content strategy so that you can ensure your personal brand stay relevant and engaging to your audience.”

– Bill Lyons, CEO of Griffin Funding

Choose the Right Channels

“To build a strong personal brand, it’s important that you utilize the social media channels where your target audience is at. Different demographics use different social media channels, so you need to meet them where they are. For example, if you are trying to target an audience that consists of millennials, you might use platforms such as Instagram or Twitter more than others. Targeting your audience by meeting them where they are is efficient because you don’t need to waste time on platforms that aren’t popular for your audience. However, you also need to ensure that whichever channel you use also makes sense for your brand, so leveraging this with what channels your audiences uses will help you become successful.”

– Peter Reagan, financial market strategist at Birch Gold Group

Study Influencers

“When building a strong personal brand on social media, one of the best tips is to learn from influencers. By observing successful influencers in your niche, you can gain valuable insights into how they communicate with their audience, the type of content they post, and the strategies they use to grow their following. Studying influencers can also help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in social media algorithms, which can be essential for maintaining your online presence. Incorporating what you learn from influencers into your brand strategy can increase your chances of success and establish yourself as a trusted and respected figure in your industry.”

– Adrian Pereira, Founder and Ceo of

Know Your Target Demographic for Your Content

“In order to start building a strong personal brand on social media, it’s extremely important for any self-starter to know and understand your target demographic for your content. First off, and obviously enough, you need to ask yourself what kind of content you would like to consistently make. What would you want to produce as content on the  daily that would be important to you and others? Second, you should narrow down which group of people would love to watch the same content you want to produce. Is your content for entertainment purposes or for professionals in a certain field of work? Will it be tailored for kids or will you have an adult audience that will want to watch your content? What are certain trends and styles of content delivery that are popular in what you want to create? By asking these questions and knowing what target audience you want your content to reach, you’ll be able to achieve success off the bat as you’ll have a great idea of what these people want to see. Once your target demographic is found, make sure to stay relevant and on topic with every post, including prioritizing content that aligns with your personal brand. An extra handy tip is to consider clearing off old posts and photos to keep your branding fresh and fully consistent.”

– Chris Hunter, Director of Customer Relations at Service Titan

Consistent Brand Colors

“Using consistent brand colors is an important part of succeeding in social media. Consistent branding helps create trust and familiarity with your followers, shows professionalism in your brand, and makes it easier for them to recognize your posts and content. When you use the same colors across all of your profiles, images, graphics, and other content, people become more familiar with what your business is about and what to expect from you.  This makes it easier for them to remember you and come back for more content.”

-Todd Jensen, Head of Marketing, Nursa

Collaborate with Other Brands and Influencers

“By partnering with other influencers and brands that share your values and style, you can tap into their audience and expand your reach. Additionally, collaborations can help to build your reputation and credibility within your niche, as you are seen as someone who is respected and valued by your peers. Making connections with other brands in your niche can be a learning experience as well. Collaborating with similar brands can make the process of making content more creative, and even more fun by being able to bounce ideas off of each other.”

-Sacha Ferrandi, CEO and Co-founder at Source Capital

Create a Brand Guideline for Consistent Messaging 

“Staying consistent in your brand messaging on social media is key to building a strong and recognizable personal brand. One of the most effective ways to ensure messaging stays consistent across all channels is to develop a brand guideline Create a set of guidelines that outline the language, tone, visual elements, and overall message that you want to convey through your social media channels. Developing a comprehensive brand guideline helps businesses and individuals ensure that messaging is consistent across all channels, helping to establish a strong and recognizable brand identity. Additionally, brand guidelines can be shared with team members, partners, and others to ensure that everyone involved in representing the brand is aligned and consistent in their messaging across the use of all social media platforms.”

-Lev Berlin, Founder of Recipal

Establish Unique Value Proposition 

“Differentiating yourself in a crowded market can be hard but establishing a unique value proposition that differentiates you from your competitors is a critical step in building a personal brand. A value proposition can be just a simple statement that clearly communicates the benefits and added value of your products or services. Once you have identified your strengths and how they benefit the customer, social media can be used to emphasize the value. This means using consistent messaging and providing examples that highlight key elements across all channels. By using your value proposition and personal brand on social media, you can build a strong online presence, connect with others in your industry, and attract new opportunities.”

-Matt Gehring, Head of Marketing at Dutch

Build Your Brand with Groups

“Joining and actively participating in related groups on social media platforms is one of the most effective ways to build a strong personal brand. You can establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry by connecting with other group members, engaging with their content, and offering help and support. Building relationships with other group members is crucial to building a solid personal brand on social media. By engaging in conversations, sharing valuable content, and offering your expertise, you can gain the trust of other members and build lasting connections. Moreover, being an active group member can help you gain visibility and expand your reach on social media. By consistently providing value to the group, you can attract potential clients or customers and establish yourself as a go-to resource in your field.”

-Jeffery Pitrak, Marketing and Account Manager at Transient Specialists

Interact with Your Audience on a Consistent Basis

“If you are trying to build a strong or stronger personal brand online, the first thing you need to consider is how much you are engaging with your audience on social media. Try to respond to comments as frequently as possible, especially in the early stages of building your brand. This can incentivize your audience to interact with your posts which will help your performance on the social media’s algorithm. Your responses and interactions with your audience also actively show them that you care about what they have to say and that you care about making a connection with them. You also will be able to gather insight about what kind of content your audience is enjoying and what content they may not prefer as much.” 

-Brandon Brown, CEO of GRIN

Building out a strong personal brand on social media is not easy, but with consistent work and dedication, you are sure to carve out a great spot for your brand online. By internalizing the insights and implementing them, you can witness a remarkable upsurge in your personal brand’s impact and influence.

Establish Your Brand Identity and Consistency

“To create a robust personal brand on social media, you’ll want to kick things off by defining who you are and maintaining a steady, recognizable image across your online presence. Think of your brand identity as the essence of what you stand for, your core values, and what makes you stand out in your particular field. It’s like having a unique fingerprint that sets you apart in the digital crowd. This means that when you share content, engage with your audience, or simply present yourself on social media, it should all align with this brand identity, making you easily recognizable and trustworthy in the eyes of your followers. In essence, your consistency in messaging and content is the bedrock of your personal brand’s success in the online world.”

– Phil Sandner, President at Easy Spa Parts

Participate in Relevant Conversations

“Actively participating in relevant communities, forums, and industry conversations is a powerful strategy for building a strong personal brand on social media. Contributing to meaningful discussions allows you to share valuable insights, engage in thought leadership, and form lasting connections within your professional community. By sharing your experiences, showcasing your expertise, and unique perspectives on relevant topics, you strengthen your personal brand while positioning yourself as a thought leader, and an individual at the forefront of industry discourse. Establishing your personal brand and fostering long-term growth is dependent on building a network that is anchored in meaningful conversations. “

– Amresh Singh, CEO at HomeAbroad

Dog-Friendly Charcuterie Boards: Barkcuterie

Dog-Friendly Charcuterie Boards Barkcuterie Header

The newest craze in charcuterie boards is Barkcuterie! These are dog-friendly charcuterie boards. Learn all about them in this post.

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Give your dog (and Cat) the love they deserve with these beautiful and fun food boards

Now you don’t have to exclude your fur babies from the festive food with over 25 themed snack boards for holidays, special occasions, milestones, and just because. Barkcuterie is a special take on the classic charcuterie board that is for every human’s best friend.

Curated by social media’s favorite corgis, Hammy and Olivia (@hammyandolivia), each artfully designed barkcuterie board is chock-full of delicious homemade and store-bought dog treats. You’ll have fun making the quick and easy boards and even more fun sharing all the goodies with your dog. For cat owners, don’t worry! Hammy and Olivia have included a cat board for their feline friends. So, dress up your pup, get the camera ready, and celebrate:

  • National Dog Day
  • Halloween
  • Christmas
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Birthdays
  • Gotcha Day
  • Cinco de Mayo
  • and more

I asked Hammy and Olivia’s fur parents a few questions, and here’s what they shared with me:

1. What inspired this Barkcuterie book?


I’ve been told my entire life that dogs should never be fed from the table, and you’d probably imagine that, over time, it becomes easier to deny my pets food whenever they give me that look. It hasn’t.

My willpower is tested each time they cozy up next to me, and I have this constant desire to include my dogs in meals whenever we gather around the table, but, sadly, we can only invite them to breathe the same air as us and watch us enjoy our food that isn’t catered to their digestive systems. This has never made sense to me.

My fondest memories are when my family would gather around the living room, indulging in appetizers, clinking glasses, and laughing so much that we forgot the meal we were cooking is now burning in the oven.

Grabbing a yummy appetizer from the charcuterie board felt familial, and everyone in the room was welcome to reach over and dig in! I wanted to make those same memories with my pets, but it required a shift in the food that was being served.

2. How do you choose what to put on a Barkcuterie board?

Dog Friendly Charcuterie Boards Barkcuterie Book Snacks

When we first decided to make “happy hour” a dog-friendly event in our home, we leaned heavily on Alexa to let us know if dogs could enjoy some of the foods that my fiance, Sarah, and I would have with our wine. “Alexa, can dogs have blueberries? cheese? almonds?” You’d be surprised at the amount of everyday snacks we love that can also be shared with dogs. You will also be surprised at the amount of snacks that you can’t share with dogs.

We’ve asked Alexa so much that we can recite her responses by heart. “Blueberries make a healthy snack for dogs. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals for dogs, and most dogs like them. However, you should always consult your veterinarian before giving your dog something new.”

I always loved that last part because, of course, it’s a liability disclaimer for Amazon, but it’s also very real. You should consult your veterinarian about what you’re giving your dog outside of his typical meal plan. So we decided to consult multiple veterinarians on hundreds of ingredients so that any dog lover won’t have to.

We conducted all of the research to ensure that anything offered to your pet on one of these boards will be easy on a canine digestive system (in moderation, of course). We want each board to contain a balanced approach of crisp/starchy, refreshing/comforting, or fresh/savory. So mixing in the right amount of fruits, vegetables and starches create well-balanced experiences for both dogs and humans.

3. Can you share a little bit about Hammy and Olivia?

Dog-Friendly Charcuterie Boards Barkcuterie Book Olivia Hammy Patriotic

Hammy is a super social butterfly that has an endearing passion for the culinary arts. In other words, he’s my shadow in the kitchen! Whenever it’s time to cook, he sports his own apron and hat and enjoys plating food with me (while taking his “nibble tax”).

He’s the first to greet a guest at the door and brings such a vibrant personality into any room he struts into.

His spunky sister, Olivia, can be a very picky eater when she wants to be and very much prefers the finer things in life (silky pillows, gourmet food, etc).

She’s super sassy and adopts the role of a canine Cher Horowitz from “Clueless” around our home. She has her own closet room with over 300 outfits that she sports each day to her social media followers.

The two of them together are like sugar and spice, and the perfect flavor profile for a pair of dogs…and a snack board!

About the Author’s

Hammy & Olivia are social media’s favorite “talking dogs.” Their family-centric, everyday-relatable shenanigans are sure to make you laugh or do an eye roll. Within one year, Hammy opened his own takeout cafe, and Olivia never misses an opportunity to voice her displeasure in any given situation. 

Get Your Copy of Barkcuterie Today!

Marketing Experts Chime In – Best AI Writing Software Alternatives to ChatGPT

Best AI Writing Software Alternatives to ChatGPT Header

What are the Best AI Writing Software Alternatives to ChatGPT? I asked a bunch of marketing experts, and this post features their answers!

15 Alternatives to ChatGPT AI Writing Software

I’m a huge fan of asking groups of people questions about tools they are using in their businesses to market their brands, get the word out, and do all the things. I believe that crowdsourcing answers to big questions is the best way to get real advice for making a business work.

With this in mind, I wanted to ask a bunch of marketing experts about AI writing software. Considering everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days, I wanted to know about the alternatives and if there are still businesses that aren’t using it at all.

From pairing Neuraltext with personalization to the human touch, below are the answers I received to the question, “Other than ChatGPT, what are the best AI writing tools you have used for your brand’s blog?”

NeuralText and In-house Personalization

I think AI-based writing tools are the future, and I am a huge proponent of them. However, with that said, I don’t think they’ve quite developed yet to where they are a copy-and-paste type service. 

It is very difficult to just take what they write for you and drop it directly into a blog post. The writing still lacks soul. And it may always, given that it’s not written by a human. But that’s where I think you get the perfect blend of cost efficiency and soul—using an editor to polish and personalize the AI-generated content. 

We use NeuralText to generate the skeletons of articles, which we then flesh out with thoughts and personal touches. It’s a brilliant combination.

John Ross, CEO, Test Prep Insight

The Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor helps me simplify and clarify any written content. It analyzes text for readability, including things like sentence structure, word choice, and passive voice usage, and offers suggestions for improvement. 

This helps ensure that the writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand, which is important for engaging and retaining the readers’ attention. It also offers suggestions for making text more concise and reducing wordiness, which is useful in conveying information in a limited amount of space, such as in blog posts.

Johannes Larsson, Founder and CEO,


Articoolo uses advanced AI algorithms to generate articles on a wide range of topics, and it produces highly accurate and well-written content that is often difficult to distinguish from articles written by human writers. 

Despite these benefits, I am currently not using AI tools for writing for my brand’s blog. While AI writing tools are certainly powerful, I feel that they are not yet advanced enough to replace the creativity and voice that comes from human writers.

Dustin Ray, Co-CEO and Chief Growth Officer, IncFile

No AI, Lacks Understanding of Technical Concepts

I’m not using AI tools for writing content for my brand blog. They are not always well-suited for writing technical content because they cannot provide the same level of accuracy and customization as a human writer. 

AI technology can produce quality content, but it cannot yet understand complex topics in depth or provide detailed and nuanced explanations. Furthermore, AI tools lack the creativity a human writer can bring to the table. The more complex or specialized the subject is, the less suitable AI tools are likely to be.

Kate Wojewoda-Celinska, Marketing Manager, Spacelift 

Anyone who has used ChatGPT knows it can deliver some odd results, and now that the platform has become so much more popular, it seems to experience a fair bit of downtime.

I’ve had a lot of success with, which is designed for digital marketers, content creators, and business owners who need high-quality content for their websites, social media platforms, and other marketing channels. uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand your input and generate content that matches your style, tone, and desired outcome. You can input a keyword or phrase, and will generate a variety of content options for you to choose from.

With its AI-generated content, you can quickly and easily create product descriptions, blog posts, social media updates, and other forms of written content. It also has a really simple and intuitive interface that makes it very easy to use. We’ve had some excellent success with it.

Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media

No AI, Because of Google’s Helpful Content Update

Late last year, Google introduced its Helpful Content Update. What this update does is look for content that is written by AI and de-prioritizes it in Google search. Google is looking for content that is written for humans, by humans, in its algorithm. 

This is one reason we do not use AI tools for writing. We don’t want to risk being penalized by Google and being lowered in the SERPs. It might be convenient to use AI writing tools, but in the long run, your business will be better off not pursuing them, unless Google changes its policies.

Marshall Weber, CMO, Stor-It

Rytr Writing Assistant

This is one of the AI assistant tools that makes travel blogging easier and more creative. It helps set the tone according to the piece and choose a template according to the content and style. 

The key is to set your primary keyword and select variants accordingly. You just have to press to get instant results. Highlighting certain paragraphs could also get you more information on the relevant topic.

I feel this comes in handy for us when we want to know about what the customer’s opinion and want is on that topic. It helps us shape an outline for the content and work on it with our research.

Sean Harris, Managing Editor, FamilyDestinationsGuide


Grammarly gives you suggestions for grammar, punctuation, context, or other errors. You can change the tone, audience, and formality of the text you write. Depending on your audience, you can change the suggestions. 

You can also use it as an extension on your browser or apps, and it can help you write the perfect message. You can choose to take up their suggestions or ignore them to your comfort. They have a free and premium version. The premium version gives you more acute and refined suggestions. The software is a must for every professional writer.

Isabella Meyer, Editor, Art in Context

No AI, Not Advanced Enough

Real writers create our blogs because that human element is essential. AI tools lack the same level of creativity or the ability to fully grasp creativity in action—”understanding” and “doing” are two very different things.

ChatGPT is churning out content that sounds relatively good, but the quality isn’t high enough to use. We must ensure everything we share aligns with our audience’s needs and perfectly conveys our brand tone and values—too much is at stake to rely on AI.

Maximilian Wühr, CGO and Co-Founder, FINN


Hands down, it has to be Wordtune. It’s superb! Wordtune is an AI-powered platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to generate content tailored to the user’s specific needs. It has a range of features that allow users to customize the content they need, including custom topics, writing style, and tone. 

Additionally, it has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to use, even for those who are not tech-savvy. For instance, users can select specific topics for their content, such as “Artificial Intelligence” or “Sustainability,” and Wordtune will generate content that matches their tone and style preferences for those topics. 

For example, Wordtune can generate content that is concise and straightforward for a business blog, or more poetic and creative for a literary magazine. So, if you ever need to write a paper about AI or sustainability but can’t think of anything to say, Wordtune has got you covered!

John B. Martyn, Content Manager, BrightestMinds

I’ve used Hoppy Copy ‌over the last six months and have enjoyed my experience using it. It’s been effective in helping me create content for several channels, including my blog, and it has streamlined things. 

Using smart templates and the ability to customize via specific keywords and goals, Hoppy Copy has helped us pump out more unique content in order to meet deadlines. Plus, the team at Hoppy Copy are complete professionals and solid people who want to create the best platform possible so their clients can benefit from it. I love the platform as it is now, and I look forward to seeing where it goes in the future as well!

Shaun Connell, Founder and CEO, Credit Building Tips


Quill is a natural language processing platform that provides automated writing help for businesses. It can help generate content ideas and autogenerates content for blogs, press releases, emails, and more. 

It can also suggest edits to existing content to make it more effective. The AI-driven suggestions help to ensure that the content is optimized and aligned with the brand’s tone and style. I find Quill is a great tool to help save time and effort when creating content.

Michael Chen, Growth Director, Notta 

I am thoroughly impressed with the impact that has had on our business. Not only has it helped us to grow, but it has also allowed us to save money and become more efficient. I have never encountered software as powerful as Jasper; it truly feels like a partner rather than just another tool in our arsenal. 

It has been a game-changer for our content creation; we use it for everything from Facebook ads, emails, our website and landing pages, to blogs and so much more. Jasper’s writing skills are superb, and his ability to grasp and understand our brand, as well as our goals, has been priceless. If you’re looking for help with your content or copywriting, I highly recommend!

Shumail Ur Rehman, Founder, SEO Boost


ChatGPT, as a content writing tool, is really overrated. We mostly use Frase for AI content creation and/or content inspiration, and it’s absolutely great. Instead of inputting a query like with ChatGPT, you can try 30+ different content-specific tools like meta description generator, introduction writer, and so on. It’s simpler to use, and the output is better, too.

Nick Zviadadze, Founder, MintSEO

No AI, We Need the Human Touch

Instead of using AI tools for writing, we prefer to create our own content. I believe AI tools can be useful in industries where there are dedicated data points and pieces of information. AI, after all, does lack a certain nuance that only humans can provide. 

In the food industry, I don’t believe AI would provide great personal reviews and recipe recommendations. When writing reviews, suggestions, or other content, we provide our readers with both factual and personal comments. This allows them to gather all details and opinions, as well as form their own opinions, before pursuing a purchase or trying a new recipe. 

We write everything ourselves because we believe that the human touch and opinion will provide better, more rounded information than AI-generated content.
Shawn Hill, Owner, The Grilling Dad

Marketing Experts Chime in: How to Make a Brand Popular


So you wanna be internet famous? This post might help. In it, marketing experts share their advice for how to make a brand popular!

15 Ideas for How To Make a Brand Popular

From just being great at what you do to not taking the easy way out, here are 15 answers to the question, “What are the best marketing tips you used to make your brand popular?”

  • Provide Outstanding Service 
  • Create Auxiliary Products
  • Build Respectable Backlinks
  • Give Others a Platform
  • Try Affiliate Marketing Promotions
  • Focus on UGC
  • Get a Google Billboard
  • Jump into Email Marketing
  • Write a Consistent and Interesting Brand Story
  • Collaborate With Influencers
  • Balancing Tradition With Trends
  • Be Real
  • Post on TikTok
  • Make Interactive Videos
  • Avoid Gimmicks and Hacks

Provide Outstanding Service 

This tip may seem clichéd, but in all my years of experience as a professional, I have learned that there is truly no marketing tactic that can replace the level of service an organization offers. 

And this is one marketing tip I would ask every entrepreneur and professional to count on without hesitation. 

Consider my role as the managing attorney of our firm. I know well that there is nothing more influential or impactful than the hard work my legal team puts into ensuring that every step we take is for the betterment of our clients and to win them the case they have entrusted to us. 

If ‌our team cannot deliver optimum service, no marketing ploy would be enough to make up for the damage caused. Therefore, for our legal business, the only thing we count on each day to ensure the popularity of our brand is building an excellent reputation through hard work and dedicated service.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Create Auxiliary Products

Our primary service is tutoring, but one of our most successful marketing avenues has been through our website’s blog page.

Our blogs provide supplementary test prep information and drive most of our website’s traffic. To make your brand popular, think about other auxiliary products you can offer that appeal to different customer segments and that ultimately drive attention and clients to your primary product.

Adam Shlomi, Founder, SoFlo Tutors

Build Respectable Backlinks

Building respectable backlinks ensures that my clients’ brand will become visible online, which increases its chances of becoming popular. Also, when customers build a relationship with high-quality sites, it builds trust and can improve the reputation of their brand. 

As a bonus tip, I also strive to build relationships and seek partner businesses to help build credibility for my ongoing projects. This strategy reinforces the branding presence that ultimately results in customer trust and increased visibility of my client’s brand.

Jim Campbell, Owner, Camp Media

Give Others a Platform 

Brands don’t thrive alone. Rather, brands can get more visibility when they provide value to others. One way to do this is to give others a platform through your own brand. 

For my freelance writing business, I welcome other freelancers to guest post on my blog. They can share their expertise and get in front of more people. This gives my brand more exposure when they share the article on their own channels. I do the same for expert round-up pieces by collecting thoughts and insights from other freelancers to publish on my blog and linking to their websites. Most times, they return the favor and will share my articles with their audiences. 

Creating win-win situations is a great way to build brand exposure. It gives people a reason to care about your brand and makes them feel more like a part of its success.

Alli Hill, Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Try Affiliate Marketing Promotions

Affiliate marketing is a great way to promote your brand. It allows businesses to build third-party trust and create partnerships with other brands or influencers. This type of marketing strategy can help increase brand awareness and sales, as well as generate more leads. I may be biased with over a decade of experience, but it has helped us to be competitive. 

Affiliate marketing has become increasingly popular over the past few years, because of its ability to reach a larger audience and build relationships with potential customers. By partnering with other brands or influencers, businesses can leverage their collective networks and increase the visibility of their product. 

Cross-promotions are also an effective way to boost sales and visibility, as they allow two brands to share each other’s content and reach new audiences. This works for us when you’re selling a high-ticket purchase consumers need some level of trust in the brand to purchase.

Brian Hawkins, Marketing Manager, GhostBed

Focus on UGC

Over the years, I’ve realized that, with technology and especially with UAV products, customers are more inclined toward people with positive experiences rather than fancy branding and extensive marketing tactics. 

If an unmanned vehicle has proved good for other users, they are more likely to buy it since a high-ticket product requires a 70% trust factor in the buyer’s journey. That’s why most of our marketing has shifted the focus to creating more user-generated content (UGC) and including it in our marketing to instill the trust factor. 

UGC videos are shot by a current customer using the product, from their point of view of what they think about the product. While there are several UGC marketing agencies that provide us with several influencers to sing praises for our products, we believe in transparency. We prefer video testimonials from our actual clients, such as the security firm that used our drones or real estate companies using our services for their mapping.

Walter Lappert, CEO, Triad Drones

Get a Google Billboard

Building authority through SEO and content marketing is one of the most powerful ways to increase brand visibility and grow your business. By becoming an authority in your industry in the eyes of Google, you can position yourself at the top of search engine results. That’s equivalent to having a billboard on the busiest street in town. 

When people are searching for products or services in your niche, Google essentially recommends the first few results that appear, and they get most of the traffic. So, consistently create high-quality content that provides value to your audience and optimizes your website for search engines. 

Using this strategy, you’ll be well on your way to capturing the attention of potential customers and establishing your brand as a trusted authority in your industry. In a world where attention is currency, appearing high in searches is a surefire way to get noticed, build brand awareness, and, ultimately, drive more sales and revenue.

Derek Sall, Founder and Financial Expert, Life and My Finances

Jump into Email Marketing

This kind of marketing is direct. It involves sending messages to potential and existing customers to either sell or create affinity. Since the content and distribution are controlled here, you can be as creative as you want.

For us, this kind of marketing was pretty cost-effective and had a positive return rate. The best part is it can easily be automated and divided into sections. We often use transactional, promotional, and lifecycle emails. These cover the transaction process and create awareness of the service. 

Generally, a customer’s shopping cycle can also be determined and utilized here. Get a free email service, build your list, and see the revenue change for yourself.

Cynthia Hamilton, Marketing Director, OGLF

Write a Consistent and Interesting Brand Story

The key to making a brand popular is with a brand story that resonates with your audience. This requires a deep understanding of who your target audience is and what drives their purchasing decisions. 

In my business, we use a combination of digital and traditional marketing strategies to build brand awareness and create a strong brand identity. One of the most effective strategies we use is influencer marketing, where we partner with influencers in our industry to promote our products to their followers. This allows us to reach a large and engaged audience, while also leveraging the credibility and trust that influencers have built with their followers. 

Another important aspect of our marketing strategy is focusing on customer engagement. This includes creating and sharing high-quality content that resonates with our target audience, actively engaging with our followers on social media, and regularly gathering feedback and insights from our customers.

Adam Garfield, Marketing Director, HairBro

Collaborate With Influencers

Influencer marketing is not always the most popular tool in the toolbox for most marketers. But if we do it correctly and target it to the right audience, it can help generate huge amounts of leads and enhance brand visibility at a fraction of the cost.

In fact, over the past year, we have built long-term relationships with key influencers in the health and wellness niche. We highly integrated our strategy with the rest of the marketing team, and it solely focuses us on generating quality organic traffic to our site using these influencers. 

So far, things have worked, and our brand is getting better engagement. We intend to continue these collaborations as we build our network of relevant influencers for our business.

Logan Nguyen, Co-Founder, MIDSS

Balance Tradition With Trends

Marketing ideas have always been swinging back and forth between the traditional and the trending, and the best marketing tip I give my marketing team is to maintain a balance between the two. 

The reason is simple. While nothing can take away the impact of traditional marketing strategies on a business, it would also be marketing sacrilege to steer away from trending strategies with limited shelf lives. 

Take social media trends, for example. While ignoring the marketing mileage that these trends offer a business can prove detrimental, even worse would be if every marketing campaign only revolved around these trends. Striking a balance, therefore, is the best way forward.

Brendan McGreevy, Head of Strategy, Affinda

Be Real

Don’t hide your weird side. For us, our best marketing tip is to be authentically yourself. Doing so attracts others like you. 

Trying to copy others does nothing but limit the impact you can have by revealing who you really are. If you’re silly, be silly. For example, use bright colors even if they don’t go together if your business is fun. In the end, you’ll never regret being who you really are. If you’re weird, you will regret hiding it!

Kenneth Lin, CEO, BOOP Bakery

Post on TikTok

TikTok is an incredible social media platform for business owners. Your organic video posts have the potential to get in front of thousands of people who do not follow you. For this reason, it’s great for both service- and product-based businesses that want to strengthen brand awareness. 

Because the app focuses on video content, creators can build trust with their audience much faster. There’s more visual opportunity for creators to show different mannerisms, facial expressions, etc.

Personally, I’ve been creating videos on TikTok since 2020, and I can say that it has completely changed my business. I’ve been able to build my email list, cultivate a close community, and connect with amazing business owners around the world (some of which have become clients).

Megan Gersch, Owner and CEO, Megan Gersch

Make Interactive Videos

Using interactive videos is extremely effective for increasing popularity and putting different products in front of them. While the video can focus on the brand message, clickable cards can hold vital information for those who want to learn more about the brand. These elements are fun and engaging to interact with too. 

From the cards viewers click on, we can get insight into what our customers are most interested in. It can help us understand which message or services connect with our audience and what they like or least like about our brand. 

As a result, we can further optimize our marketing efforts. We promoted these interactive videos across various platforms and websites and noticed a sizable increase in brand awareness. Our interactive videos generated a buzz around our brand, and people loved interacting with them and sharing them.

Richard Baugh, Founder and CEO, COTU

Avoid Gimmicks and Hacks

I grew my Twitter page from 0 to 4,000 followers in about three months, so here’s a tip on how I made that happen. DON’T go for “tricks” or hacks like follow/unfollow, using engagement groups, buying followers, etc. You want to focus on building your own audience that loves engaging with your brand, not getting bot followers who never like your posts. 

Instead, focus on publishing a LOT of valuable content. Think, three or four tweets a day, every day, for a few months. For inspiration, use Twemex to find the top-performing Tweets in your niche, and reverse-engineer them. 

Nick Zviadadze, Founder, MintSEO

Achieving Super Affiliate Status

Achieving Super Affiliate Status Stack of Cash

Discover the secrets to achieving super affiliate status and maximizing your earning potential in the world of affiliate marketing. Learn about the key strategies, tactics, and tools for success in this comprehensive guide to reaching super affiliate success.

9 Secrets to Achieving Super Affiliate Status

One of the best things about being an online entrepreneur is that there is no glass ceiling preventing you from continually increasing your earnings. If you’ve chosen affiliate marketing as one of your business models, you have various levels of success you can aim for – the top of which is super affiliate status.

Super affiliates are those who earn the most for their promotions. That may be $10k a month or over six figures, depending on the niche and size of the audience. Whether you’re already earning well with this business or just starting out, you want to aim for this top tier position because it comes with more than just commissions.

Super affiliates get to enjoy many perks offered by the vendors. Whether you’re promoting digital or tangible goods, you’ll often get access to free products so that you can create genuine reviews.

On top of that, you might get earlybird promotion opportunities before the competition, allowing you to rake in more commissions than your competitors. Some vendors will also create bonuses for you to use, write your emails for you to plug into your autoresponder system and even promote your lead magnet page on their product download page.

Below, you’ll find a strategy that can help you get to this level where you’re being treated well by vendors and rewarded for your efforts by the target audience that you’re catering to.

Create Branding That Reflects Your Niche Authority

When you are setting yourself up for success as a super affiliate in any niche, you want to make sure that you have the best branding to represent your online entity. Branding can be associated with many different things in your Internet-based business.

For some, it is simply a logo that they use in there profiles online in social media accounts as well as for their gravatar on their blog. But it goes much deeper than that. You want to have an overall professional appearance with a specific look for your blog or website.

Sometimes, the branding that you choose, including the images and even the color palette will determine what kind of first impression people have when they glance at the graphics.

For example, if you have a pink hue with a cartoonish female character that is smiling, you will immediately associate it with a fun, feminine persona and brand. You are going to need a header for your blog, and you want all of the other elements associated with your online business to be easily recognizable as yours.

Your landing page and eCover graphics for list building purposes need to match or have the same type of feel to them. Whenever you are creating branding for social media profiles, make sure it matches in both name and look across all platforms.

This is something you need to check before you nail down a specific business name, making sure that it is available on all platforms. Sometimes, it can be as simple as tweaking a phrase by adding or removing the word the.

For example, you might have to choose to be The Keto Guru rather than Keto Guru, or vice versa. Ideally, you want to set your brand apart so that you are not choosing a business name or persona that is too close to anyone else’s.

When you are thinking about the branding that you want to reflect, you’re going to have to consider the domain name that you choose, the personality you want to use to lead your audience, and who the target audience is that you want to captivate online.

You may be able to write a book and self publish it on platforms like Amazon Kindle and elsewhere so that you stake claim to your branding and authority in your niche. Make sure you are also branding your domain URL everywhere possible.

If you hope to achieve super affiliate status, you are going to need the most professional branding possible. That may mean you either study how to create these elements yourself and practice until they are perfect, or you save up the money to outsource to an individual who has the experience needed to create branding components for your goals.

Building a Loyal List Is Key

Far too many affiliate marketers simply rely on the hit or miss organic traffic efforts they implement to help them get sales and commissions. But if you hope to climb the ranks to super affiliate status, you need to not only build a list of subscribers, but you need to cultivate a sense of loyalty from them.

The first thing you need to do is set up an email autoresponder system using a tried and true company that has the ability to bypass spam filters. Choose a company such as AWeber or GetResponse for the best results.

Next, you need to set up a landing page that has high converting copy on it to help convince people to give you their name and email address in exchange for a tempting lead magnet offer.

Your lead magnet needs to hit on a pain point or goal that the visitor has, and should likely be something that they can’t just Google and find anywhere else. Even if it’s the same type of information, you need to put your personal spin on it that will help you get conversions.

Loyal subscribers are those who build a relationship with the list owner. In their mind, they need to see your email communications as something that is meant for them, even if they know others are receiving the same communications.

You want to make sure you are personalizing your emails that go out to your subscribers, both by using their name and also by sharing stories about your own life that are relevant to the niche topic.

The kind of emails that you send out to your subscribers should be a mix of content. You definitely want to be sending promotional emails out to drive traffic to offers using your affiliate link.

But you also want to send access to unexpected content that helps you generate loyalty from your readers. This means, you are not selling to them at all times. You can send a surprise download, such as a free report that comes a bit later than the one they knew they were going to get when they signed up to your list.

You can also include tips and hacks along with your recommendations and other content. Giving them advice about how to solve their problems or achieve their goals will make you a valued authority figure in their inbox.

One thing you may want to do is create a forum, Facebook group, or even set up your blog so that the people on your list are able to interact with one another in comments and threads.

This helps your list members form a sense of community under your leadership, which is important in helping you become a super affiliate. You may also want to create subscriber only gated content that your list can access with a private password that you give them, which the general public does not have access to.

When you develop a loyal bond with your subscribers, they’ll not only trust your recommendations when it comes to products you’re promoting, but they’ll make it a point to purchase through your link over any of your competitors due to the sheer value you provide.

Learn How to Rank High for Buyer Keywords

Another area that differentiates regular affiliates from super affiliates is that super affiliates know to target buyer keywords. Others just download a high volume list of words and phrases associated with a niche topic and hope that whoever lands on their content is in a buying mood.

Buyer intent keywords and phrases are those where the consumer has gone online specifically with the intention of making a purchases, so the wording they use to search for the information they want is more pointed and specific than others just looking to be informed.

There are different types of buyer keywords that you can hone in on. Buyers do search using informative keywords, but they also search using specific transaction keywords and comparison or consumer keywords, too.

Informative keywords are those you used whenever someone is looking for a product based on their needs. For example, someone might type into a search engine: best exercise equipment for elderly woman or best laptop for gamers.

People using these types of keyword phrases are looking for you to clue them into the information about which products would be right for their needs, and why. They want all of the details that will prove to them that you have selected products Based on what they are looking for specifically.

Transaction keywords are used by those who are telling you that they have cash in hand and are ready to spend it. A good example of this would be someone who uses the phrase, buy elliptical online or best deal on an elliptical.

The consumer keywords, which can also be comparative in nature, are used by those who are in the market for a specific product, but they need more guidance on what to buy.

So the keyword phrases they may use might include things like, elliptical features comparison or, treadmill reviews. These are the consumers who don’t exactly know what to look for or what to ask, so they are relying on you to help then make a wise purchasing decision.

You also have or just that show that someone is willing to spend money, but they are looking for the best deal possible. Many consumers have a specific budget in mind, so they may use a phrase such as, best gaming laptop under $1,000.

Or, they may just look for products using budget-minded phrases like, kitchen stand mixer deals. Think of all the different words people might use when they’re wanting to carefully spend money.

Words like “budget,” “affordable,” “coupon code” or “discount” can all be added to the mix. These people aren’t looking for a freebie, but they don’t want to spend more than they have to, either.

It’s not only those who can’t afford to spend more money who use these buyer keywords, either. Many wealthy individuals shop for the best deals because they don’t want to throw away their money if they don’t have to.

You want to excel at meeting the needs of your customers by delivering content that pulls people in based on their specific needs for features, finances and general guidance that you can provide to them.

You still want to use additional keywords that other affiliates are using in their content, just so you begin to rank for a wider variety of niche phrases, but you want to have a strong focus on buyer intended keywords that bring spenders to your website.

Network for Incentives You Can Pass on to Your Customers

We talked previously about the importance of building a loyal list of subscribers. Whether someone is on your list or simply visiting your blog, you want to be able to set yourself apart as a niche leader by securing incentives that others have not provided to the consumer.

There are different types of incentives that you can pass along to these people. For example, sometimes it’s a discount on a product. There are vendors and brands who will give you a coupon code that not everyone is allowed to use.

In addition to a discount, some vendors will throw in an additional freebie, so the customer ends up getting more value out of their purchase than if they simply bought a product through someone else’s link.

Another incentive you might be able to secure for your readers is an advanced purchase. There are vendors who will open up a launch to super affiliates ahead of time so that they are first to be able to offer a product to their readers and subscribers.

If you are a super affiliate, many vendors will provide you with bonus material that you can give to those who purchase through your link. Depending on the vendor, they may create something exclusive just for your list.

You can also network to have a private webinar with the vendor and your buyers, so that the people who purchased through your link get to interact with the product creator and ask questions with you as a co-host, guiding the event.

So how do you go about building relationships with individuals and brands who can help you over deliver to your customers? The first thing you want to do is connect with them on various social media platforms.

You also want to sign up to the list of the person or company that you intend to form a connection with. You need to be able to see how they interact with their consumers so that you are able to propose deals that fit with what they are agreeable to do.

As a super affiliate, you want to make sure you are continually building your list and your social media following into a powerhouse in terms of both the number of people listening to you and the quality of the follower.

Next, you want to interact with the brand or person and engage with them publicly for awhile, showing your support by either commenting on their posts or sharing their content with your followers and tagging them when applicable.

When the time is right, you want to reach out to them directly and introduce yourself in a friendly manner. You don’t want to ask for too much right away, but simply let them know that you appreciate their products and that you will be looking for ways to promote them to your dedicated audience.

Usually, at this juncture, the vendor or brand will respond in kind and offer to support your promotion in any way possible. They may have something specific that they want to offer, or they may just invite you to ask if you need anything.

Make sure you listen to your subscribers and readers to see what they need and want from brands and vendors that they purchase from. If you notice there is a hardship in finances, and the product you want to promote is a little outside of their budget, then asking for a coupon code to bring the price down a bit would be the perfect solution.

Be Very Selective About What You Promote

It’s important, as someone who is striving to be a super affiliate, that you steer clear of any product or vendor who might tarnish your reputation if you promote them. You need to make sure that the brand or individual has a positive reputation in the marketplace.

Don’t just go by the testimonials that are on someone’s sales page. These are often made up, or provided by some of their seedy friends who are also not very reputable themselves.

You’re not only looking for brands that you can promote that have good products. You want to look at how their buyers are treated once the sale has taken place. For example, does the brand or vendor have good customer service in place to take care of your people?

What about how they act as an affiliate themselves? You don’t want to send your subscribers to a brand or vendor who is going to promote poor quality products to them as an affiliate.

Another thing you want to consider, obviously, is what kind of value the product has to your potential customers. You don’t want to be promoting anything and everything, just because it has a good commission level or price point.

If you promote subpar products to your readers and subscribers, the value of your own word will diminish and they will only be burned once before they no longer take your recommendations into consideration.

Another thing you have to consider before promoting someone is the quality of their sales page. There are people who have great information to share, and who do an amazing job creating their product.

However, their sales letter may look as if it came from the 1990s and the copywriting may be a complete miss. If you run into this type of situation, there is a way you can get around it.

You can approach the vendor and let them know about your concerns in a kind way by simply letting them know that you are very familiar with the type of sales pages that convert well with your list.

Offer to set up a sales page just for your list that you can drive traffic to. The vendor simply has to clone their offer and give you the HTML code for the buy button and you can install it.

This will help you bypass their sales page completely and enable you to still enjoy high conversions and sales because you have elevated the quality of the sales page. If they are not able to improve or allow you to replace their sales page, then you do have one other option.

If you feel the product is worth the effort, you can create a bridge page where you do most of the selling and convincing to your target audience on your page. You can even let your audience know that while the product is incredible, you felt the sales letter was lacking, so you wanted to step up and let them know the value of what they were about to purchase.

Using a bridge page, you can also go over any additional information that you feel the vendor or brand has either missed or not done a good job at emphasizing. You can also add information about your exclusive bonus to the bridge page, which can serve as an added element to help increase conversions.

Then, you can add a call to action that tells your bridge page readers to click on the link, scroll directly to the bottom of their sales page, and purchase the product to get your bonus.

One thing you have to consider, though, is whether or not the individual or brand has been accommodating with you as an affiliate. Many newbies may not know how to properly court a super affiliate.

They may be hesitant or feel as if people are taking advantage of them, which is just a matter of not understanding how the industry works. You want to work with people who not only give you good support as an affiliate, but who are capable of supporting your customers, too.

Pay attention to how well or how poorly they communicate with you. Communication should be in a timely manner, within 24 hours. They should be friendly and accommodating.

If you notice that they are ignoring communications or that they have a rude demeanor, you may want to avoid promoting that individual until they get more experience in how to act professionally with customers and affiliates.

When it comes to the bonuses that you consider creating, save that extra effort for when you have a product that needs something more, and which also stands to pay off for you better in the long run.

For example, if you have a product that you want to promote that offers recurring commissions or has a contest associated with it, it may be worth the extra effort to come up with an exclusive bonus for your buyers.

Maximize Your Monetization Efforts

Super affiliates go the extra mile in making sure that all of their online efforts are monetized properly. There are many inexperienced affiliates who create articles for their blog, and forget to include their affiliate link – or only include one link at the very end of the article.

There are many different factors you want to take into consideration when it comes to monetization. After all, the level of earnings that you are striving for is what will determine whether or not you have achieved super affiliate status.

The first thing you want to look at after the quality of the product and all other factors is what kind of commission you will earn from the promotion of a product. You have to look on all levels.

That includes the front end, as well as any and all upsells associated in the funnel of a digital product. If it is a tangible product, you have to think about the volume of the item that you can sell and the commission level that the platform is offering.

Keep in mind that certain platforms, such as Amazon, offer different commissions for different categories. For example, they may pay 20% for Amazon games, but only 10% for luxury beauty items and a mirror 1% for Amazon Fresh orders.

They also have what are known as Bounty Events. This is a form of CPA (cost per action) marketing that allows you to earn a set rate whenever you convince someone to take an action.

That might be signing up for a free trial of Amazon Prime Video. The normal Bounty Rate might be $2 per sign up, but they also have promotional rates that you can earn during certain time periods, where you could earn $10 person up instead.

Getting back to digital products, you may have vendors who are offering different commissions for different levels of their funnels as well. For example, they may have a low ticket front end where they are offering 100% commission, and higher ticket upsells that offer 50% commission.

Once you have achieved super affiliate status, you might be able to negotiate to receive 100% commission regardless of whether or not they are offering it to all of their affiliates.

You also want to know what the cookie situation is. This can work in your favor or against you. On one hand, you want the cookie to last as long as possible if you are the first person sending a customer to a site.

But on the other hand, if someone else has sent that person to the site before you, but your copy is what converts them into a buyer, you still may lose out on the commissions if the cookie duration works against you.

This is why many affiliates prefer it when a vendor uses cookies that attribute the sale to the last click. Cookies typically last anywhere between one day and one month if they are set on a time-based schedule.

On Amazon, you will earn commission on any items that qualify within 24 hours of a customer landing on their side and beginning to add items to their cart. After they check out, the cookie is reset so that if they return to the site later using someone else’s link, the other affiliate will earn from that transaction.

We mentioned previously that Amazon has some built in CPA promotions. As a super affiliate, you are not restricted to simply recommending and reviewing specific products that are digital downloads or tangible items that can be sent to people’s homes.

You can also monetize your online efforts as an affiliate using CPA promotions within your content. CPA marketing is just a form of affiliate marketing, but you’re getting paid commissions whenever someone takes an action and signs up as a lead or takes some other action.

These can be wonderful ways to increase your earnings as a super affiliate because the customer doesn’t have to fork over any money initially. The trial they sign up for is free, and you earn from their interest, not from a purchase.

Anytime you are promoting on your blog, you want to look at these types of offers, in combination with whatever digital products and tangible ones you can recommend to your target audience.

When it comes to digital products, these might be courses that they can download or access online, or it might be tools that they can use. For example, in the Internet marketing industry, you can earn commissions on things like hosting accounts, page builders, keyword tools and more.

Another thing you may want to consider is adding AdSense to your blog or site. These text or image-based ads can help build your income as a super affiliate, even though you’re not earning affiliate commissions from it.

If the content is already there, your utilization of the sidebar, space under the header of your blog or in the content itself can be a great addition to your monthly earnings. There are two more considerations to make when looking at the monetization of your super affiliate status.

First, the platforms you promote on. Remember, Google and other search engines like to see their users being given choices as to where they buy products from. So signing up to places like Amazon, Share-a-Sale and Commission Junction can help you achieve that goal and cater to the needs of your readers, too.

For digital products and courses, you might look into ClickBank, Warrior Plus, JVZoo, Shopify, Etsy and more. Secondly, think about what you can promote that will deliver for you in terms of recurring commissions.

When someone signs up for something like hosting, email autoresponders or even a monthly subscriber box of tangible goods like Bark Box, you can earn steady (and growing) commissions from your one-time sales conversion.

Consistent Content and Communication Is Required

Super affiliates go above and beyond with their content and communication than other affiliates. While many fledgling affiliates are hit or miss with their consistency, super affiliates show up day after day, delivering a reliable form of leadership to their followers.

Your communication needs to be steady and timely across all platforms. Whether you are blogging, posting or sharing on social media platforms, emailing your list, or responding to comments and engaging with your followers – you don’t want to become stagnant and forgettable by your readers.

One thing that stumps many normal affiliates is that they don’t really know how to churn out the level of content needed across all of these platforms. Not including bonuses that they create, they have to email their list regularly, post to multiple social media platforms with a variety of content, create lengthy and comprehensive pillar post level reviews on their blog, and more.

Your list and readers are looking for more than just basic reviews. There are many different ideas you can choose from in order to help you achieve consistency with your content, while still exciting your followers with your approach.

For example, readers love lists. Listicles on blogs perform very well, and are often chosen as Featured Snippets for Google because they are easily skimmed by their users.

So you can create a list of products that someone may need. For example, you might create a list of 27 products a beginner survival prepper needs for their bug out bag. With each one of these 27 products, you can include one of your affiliate links to monetize the content.

Another thing that you can do is create a best of list. For example, the “best of the survival sleeping bags” could be a slant that you use to cater to buyers who have different needs for durability, weather and temperature, budgets, etc.

You can create content that serves as a buyer’s guide, too. Consumer Reports has always done an excellent job of taking this approach to help their readers find the best products for their needs.

For example, they may start with a consumer guide to buying a lawn mower, and drill down on the topic between riding mowers and push mowers, gas or battery mowers, and more.

You may also want to do a comparison review for some of your content. Super affiliates know how to select two products that people may have a hard time choosing between, and then going over the features and benefits as well as the drawbacks to help those individuals make a firm selection.

You can even do a review where you answer the question of whether or not the investment into a product is worth it. For example, if there is a course that is a higher ticket price point, you can cover the product in depth and help people decide whether or not the product is worth the splurge.

Another approach you can take to creating content as a super affiliate is to healthier readers balance their budget for the niche products you are promoting by doing a roundup of the best deals that you can currently find.

These are especially helpful at certain times of the year, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday events, but they can also take place at any other time of the year if you simply know of a variety of discounts and deals taking place in your niche.

You can create tutorials or step-by-step “how to” lessons for your niche audience, that naturally weave recommendations products into them. For example, you might create a content piece look on your super affiliate blog about how to achieve success with email marketing.

In that piece, you are providing tons of value to your readers, but you also want to include a link to the email autoresponder system that you use and suggest. if they are following along in an over-the-shoulder tutorial, chances are they will sign up for the same system so that they can implement the steps right along with you.

Case studies are also very popular content pieces for super affiliates to use. This can be done very effectively if you either purchase or receive an advanced review copy so that you can go through a course or use a product and implement it in a way that provides you with results far enough in advance that you can blog about it and recommend it to your audience.

You can do a case study in two different ways. You can do a public one that is a little more surface level on the information that you provide, which means it is more vague and doesn’t give away the information in the course.

You can also do a private case study that promises those who purchase the product through your link detailed access as a bonus. There, they cannot only follow along with you as you implemented the product, but they can ask questions and engage with you as well.

You can do the same with masterminds. Mastermind events can be exclusive or public events where you and a few other co-hosts sit down together and discuss a particular product or strategy or niche topic in front of an audience online.

Using this type of webinar mastermind event, you can make recommendations and even list build from this event so that you are capable of increasing your super affiliate earnings at a later date.

You may want to leverage the use of trends and any news that is breaking about your niche topic to your advantage. Stay on top of these two issues so that you are one of the first people blogging about and sharing information on this topic on social media, which can help you funnel more commissions simply because you are being cutting edge and early with your insight.

You can also increase your income by writing content that showcases alternatives to traditional products people are used to seeing others review. For example, there is currently a huge buzz about weight loss injection medicine that is hard to find in pharmacies.

Super affiliates have taken advantage of this situation to showcase alternative supplements that have the same type of effect, albeit slower, and even recommend nutritional programs and meal plans or delivery services that they earn commissions on.

Whenever you are creating your content, make sure you are including tips on how to use the products. It might be something like how to best clean a product if it is a kitchen appliance that you got them to order through Amazon, or it may be a digital tool that you have a tip or hack to share that can help them get the most out of their purchase.

If you find it hard to show up consistently to create the volume of content you need to be at a super affiliate level, you always have the option of reinvesting some of your earnings into your business and outsourcing content creation to ghostwriters or purchasing private label rights (PLR) product reviews to give you a springboard that will shortcut your content creation process.

Market Using a Multimedia Approach on Social Media and Your Site

When you are striving for super affiliate status, you need to cast a wide net where you are catering to the content absorption needs of every possible customer. You don’t want to limit yourself just by utilizing one form of media.

Each individual has their own personal preferences and skills when it comes to creating and consuming content. You may excel at writing content, or you may be horrible at it. You may be wonderful with video creations or graphics and audio, but not so good at text content.

The key is to make sure you are using all of these media formats to attract your target audience. Text is definitely going to be the foundation for your blog and some of your social media platforms.

You can use free tools such as Grammarly to help clean up any errors that will reflect poorly on you as a content creator if your writing skills are not up to par. You can also hire an editor to go over your content and polish it up before it is published.

You need to be using certain graphics within your content, whether it is to break up large blocks of text on your blog or to use on social media so that it shows up in the feeds of individuals and brings more attention to your posts.

You can monetize images that you include on your blog by hyperlinking them to the product. You can also use alt tags that will help search engine bots and visually impaired individuals understand what your content is about.

Use tools like Canva to create social quote posters, infographics and other images. You’ll need images to use on Pinterest and Instagram anyway – in addition to embedding them in your blog posts and using them on other platforms like Facebook, where they’ll stand out in the feeds.

You can also use Canva to create slideshow presentation images and then use a tool like Camtasia or CamStudio to make a screen capture recording and turn it into a produced video that you upload on YouTube, with links back to your landing page, bridge page or directly to the product you’re recommending.

You can also use short form video of a few seconds to a couple of minutes on sites and apps like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat and more. These take very little effort, but do require consistent uploads.

Extract the audio (or record new audio) to use as a podcast to increase your position as a niche authority figure and ultimately, a super affiliate. Your podcast can be anywhere from 10-60 minutes long and you can do it daily or weekly and cater to the needs of your audience with an interactive approach, allowing them to call in and ask questions.

Pay Attention to Results to Increase Your Income

Lastly, a super affiliate never sleeps on information. They are highly in tune with how their audience is finding them, how they respond to the content they put out and the strategies they use and where they stand amid a growing number of competing affiliates.

You can elevate your earnings simply by knowing this information and using it to create more of what your audience enjoys. If you’re lagging behind others, you can conduct research to see what your competitors are doing to rank higher or earn more than you are and then apply some of the best strategic tips to your own marketing efforts.

Start by gathering data about incoming traffic to your affiliate blog. You want to know how people are finding your content – on which platforms and what keywords they’re using.

Any information you can find about the demographics (such as which geographic location) can be helpful in tailoring your content to your readers. Next, look at where your blog post reviews are ranking in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

If you’re being outranked, find out why. If you’re climbing the rank, spiff up your content even more to help you achieve top spots. You might discover certain posts are performing very well, while others are not on page 1 of the SERPs, so you can update the blog posts to help them improve.

Then see what you can discover by looking at your email autoresponder data. Most companies give you a great deal of information, such as your open conversion rate, your unsubscribe numbers, information about how many people clicked on your links and more.

You can split test emails to your audience (and even split test your bridge pages) to se what helps you convert at a higher level so that you are able to achieve super affiliate status.

Becoming a super affiliate is not an overnight accomplishment, but it helps when you’re diligent, have a hunger to learn and are confident in your ability to lead your prospective buyers in what will help them the most.

What is the Best Type of Pet for a Busy CEO Or Business Owner?

I was curious so I reached out to a bunch of people to ask “What Is the Best Type of Pet for a Busy CEO or Business Owner?” In this post, I’m sharing the answers I received.

The Best Pets for CEOs and Business Owners

From several dog breeds to a turtle, here are some of the answers I received to the question, “What are the best types of pet for a CEO to have, and why?”

  • Dogs
    • Australian Labradoodles
    • Labradors
    • Border Collies
    • Pugs
    • English Mastiffs
    • Pomeranians
    • Goldendoodles
  • Fish
  • Hamsters
  • Cats
  • Rats
  • Turtles


As the CEO of a pet insurance company, I believe that any type of pet can be good for a CEO, as long as it fits into their lifestyle and they are well taken care of. However‌, I’m biased and think that dogs are the absolute best pets to have. I truly believe my dogs have made me a better person and think that they can help strengthen many qualities in a CEO that will help them back in the office (patience, loyalty, trust, empathy). 

Ultimately, the best pet for a CEO will depend on the individual’s lifestyle, preferences, and the ability to provide the pet with proper care. We advocate for responsible pet ownership and recommend that any pet owners, including CEOs, research the specific needs and characteristics of the pet they are considering before deciding. 

My pups Cider and Lou:

Trey Ferro, CEO, Spot Pet Insurance

Australian Labradoodles

My Australian Labradoodle, Sonny, is the greatest pet and fits my personality as a CEO perfectly. I love the fact that he doesn’t shed, so I don’t have to worry about getting dog hair in my car or on my dress clothes. 

Taking him for a walk after work is a great stress reliever, and I never think about work issues when we’re playing together. Sonny is about 40 lbs in size, which makes it very easy to take him with me when traveling in the car, and it’s not an issue for others to watch him if we are traveling by airplane. Here is a picture of Sonny from my wedding last year:

Evan McCarthy, President & CEO, SportingSmiles


Dogs are proven to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. They are also extremely loyal and will protect their family if they sense danger. I have a Labrador Retriever named Cumbia, who has been really good for me lately. He’s helped me get out of the house more, which is great for my mental health. I’ve also noticed I have less anxiety since he’s been around.

Matthew Ramirez, CEO, Rephrasely

Border Collies

For a CEO who may have a high-stress job, a dog is a fantastic source of emotional support and comfort. Having a dog-friendly office also enables your colleagues to pet your dog during a stressful day, which offers better psychological comfort for the entire team. 

Having a dog provides an opportunity for the CEO to take a break from work and engage in physical activity, such as taking the dog for walks or runs, unwinding the mind, and thinking over some challenging problems during a long walk. 

Dogs make you get more physical activity, which means a more stress-resilient and healthy life. In addition, dogs can also be great icebreakers. They can help CEOs to build relationships with colleagues, clients, or other business contacts. 

This is Pepina, our CEO’s Border Collie female, resting in our office:

We always say that she is our CDO (Chief Dog-Therapy Officer).

Marketa Chalupnikova, Co-Founder & COO, Tolgee


I had a pug for many years, and it has been proven to be a great pet for CEOs. They offer so much love and support when you need it, but are also quite lazy and content, so a busy CEO doesn’t have to be too concerned with entertaining them and taking them places. 

They are friendly, playful dogs that can help you escape the life of a CEO, but also just sit with you on the couch as you catch up on work on a Thursday evening. I’d recommend a pug to any CEO, entrepreneur, or busy professional who wants a pet!

Shaun Connell, Founder & CEO, Credit Building Tips

English Mastiffs

Known for their size, demeanor, and strength, English Mastiffs have a rich history that dates back to Roman times, when they were dogs of war. Today, they still protect flocks of animals in England from predators, as well as in South Africa, where a pack of Mastiffs can hunt lions at will. 

For the avid CEO, a Mastiff is a gentle, loving, and loyal giant that will repel intruders from your home and be your best, drooly friend forever. Don’t overlook these majestic creatures. Be forewarned, they’ll set you back about $5,000 for a purebred with a master lineage (ours did). 

Michael Lazar, Executive, ReadyCloud


While smart and incredibly energetic, Pomeranians are some of the most notoriously difficult dogs to potty train. Sometimes, potty training a Pomeranian can take an exasperating four months. But when you manage to successfully potty train them, they rarely get it wrong moving forward. 

I think grit is one invaluable virtue CEOs can learn from the effort of potty training a Pomeranian. Repeatedly seeing your Pomeranian get things right after the rigors of training will practically reinforce the value of delayed gratification. 

Also, these fluffy darlings are innately rebellious and commonly only submit to a firm and caring leader. Being with a Pomeranian will train a CEO on the emotional intelligence needed to know when to display strength and toughness and when to display empathy.

Lotus Felix, CEO, Lotus Brains Studio


Being a lifelong dog owner has inspired many of our brand’s core values that help us keep world-class talent. One of those is to “protect the pack,” meaning that we are all responsible for supporting and uplifting one another to ensure our collective success. 

This supportive environment makes everyone, no matter their role, comfortable asking for help, seeking and giving feedback, and lending a hand. It inspires empathy and fosters bonds among our team members, much like the emotional connections many pet owners claim their pups make. 

Josh Weiss, Founder & CEO, Reggie


I recently adopted Taiwan’s native fish, the swallowtail lionfish, as my pet. It’s a curious and low-maintenance species that makes an ideal pet for busy CEOs. Not only is it elegant with its bright orange skin and distinct black stripes, but also its relatively small size, so I can easily keep it in my office. 

With minimal noise and odor levels, my little friend can keep me company without being disruptive during meetings. I’ve named him Robert since he is often swimming around with a distinguished air about him; just like a good CEO should!

Ludovic Chung-Sao, Lead Engineer & Founder, Zen Soundproof


I’m a firm believer that successful CEOs should have pets to manage the daily stress that comes with their line of work. My pet of choice is a hamster, which I lovingly named “Dottie” because of her cute polka-dot coat.

Hamsters can be independent and content with their own little corner, ideal for busy people who may not have time to devote long amounts of time to taking care of a pet. They are great at entertaining themselves with toys like exercise wheels and hammocks, while taking up barely any space. Hamsters require some commitment—daily feedings and cage cleaning is essential—but overall they can be an easy pet to enjoy day after day.

Derek Bruce, First Aid Training Director, Skills Training Group


The best type of pet for a CEO to have is undoubtedly a cat. Why? Well, for one, they are a heck of a lot less effort than a dog. My cat, Reggie, likes to come to visit me most days, which provides a stressed MD with a little love and “away-from-screen” time.

Data says that stroking a cat can reduce stress levels, and I certainly feel that, as managing digital marketing projects can be quite full-on. Cats are full of character and attitude. They have no qualms about leaping up onto your desk during a Zoom call with clients. They are not interested in kowtowing to stuffy protocol, and that’s a good thing in my book. 

Their friendly but irreverent behaviors will ultimately show your clients and teammates another side to you, an authentic human who is loved and who loves, as opposed to just a bad-ass marketing robot whose only joy in life is an increase in click-through rate. Not a bad long as they don’t walk on the keyboard. 

Phil Gregory, MD, Peak District SEO

Cats have been shown to have a calming effect on their owners, which can help ease stress and anxiety in a high-pressure work environment. A cat is a low-maintenance pet that requires minimal attention, which is ideal for a busy CEO.

Cats are independent animals that can take care of themselves for extended periods, allowing the CEO to focus on their work without worrying about the pet’s well-being. They are also low-noise pets, which is beneficial for CEOs who work from home or have an office in the home. 

My cat’s name is Micia:

Stefano Lodola, Owner, Think Languages


Rats make the perfect pet for CEOs who have little time to spend on animal care. These intelligent and playful rodents are relatively low maintenance and require minimal effort to keep them happy. 

They can be taught to do tricks and interact with humans, which is a great way to take breaks throughout the day if you’re working from home. Rats are also relatively easy to train, and can be taught to respond to commands like “Come” when called and even play games. 

Although they are social animals that need interaction, they don’t require daily walks or constant attention, making them an ideal pet for busy executives.

Mark McShane, Marketing Director, Leeds First Aid Courses


A turtle is an excellent pet for a busy CEO. Not only are they inexpensive to purchase and maintain, but they also require little to accommodate them amid a high-pressure corporate environment. 

A turtle is also easy to take care of—as long as its tank remains clean with enough water and food, it will thrive and remain healthy throughout its multi-decade lifespan. In addition, turtles are unique animals that can help bring tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the office; since they don’t make any noise or need attention, taking them out for brief breaks will help calm even the most overworked executive.

Nadzeya Sankovich, Regional Manager, Health Reporter

Happy New Year! 2023 Musings

In 2023, I’m planning to do things differently. Well, for now, I’m planning that at least. We’ll see where the year takes me…

Normally with a new year, I come up with all these wild ambitions and goals. I set all these expectations for how the year should go and I put an enormous amount of pressure on the “new beginnings” and the “fresh slate” of it all.

This year, I didn’t do that. This year, I just let the number 2022 slide past like it was no big deal. No pomp and circumstance. No partying (in part because I was nursing a head cold – but I somehow think this was by design…) No list of resolutions. No crazy big expectations and plans and dreams and wishes.

I just allowed 2023 to come into existence for me without pressure. It felt so much calmer than I normally feel. Today, I’m still nursing that head cold, and still not completely ready to get back into the hustle and bustle of the work I need to do. I’ve been trying to ease back into work and utilize my word of the year – GRACE. Though part of me is feeling a little guilty that I didn’t do all the things I normally do in a new year, I’m glad I’m not in freak-out mode like I have been during the first week of every January I’ve experienced for as long as I can remember.

I confess, it feels weird to just be taking the minutes as they come. And part of me keeps feeling like I should sit down and make some goals and lists and plans already. But instead, I’m consciously choosing to take my to-do list one item at a time, and not allow myself to freak out.

I feel LOTS of resistance to this way of thinking, but I’m hoping that it will lead to a calmer 2023. I’m hoping that somehow less stress and less “hurry up” mode will actually help me move the needle on the things I’ve been talking about for years. Clearly what I’ve done in years past hasn’t worked. So maybe it’s time to try another way. Maybe it’s time to let the chips fall where they may, and just be present as much as I can – taking things as they come rather than worrying about what could be, should be, or would be.

I’m not sure if this is coming off coherently or if these words sound like a rambling mess. But I guess I just wanted to share what I’m going through and feeling in the hopes that it helps someone connected to me feel a little less guilt over trying to do all the things…

If you’re still reading this post, thank you. Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate you and hope that 2023 brings us all the blessings we desire, with less stress, more calm, and a hell of a lot more GRACE ❤