It’s Never Too Late To Go White Water Rafting


Learn why it’s never too late to try white water rafting. Find tips on preparation, safety, and selecting the right difficulty level.

The following is a guest post from my bloggy friends at New Gauley River Adventures. Interested in having a guest post on my website? Click here for my guest post submission form.

Riding the Rapids: Everything You Need to Know About White Water Rafting

Are you looking for your next vacation idea? Do you have the need to go outside and explore? Have you considered white water rafting as your next destination?

With white water rafting, you and your whole family can enjoy a trip down white water rapids and take in all the sights and sounds of nature.

Before you can go white water rafting however, you need to make sure that you are prepared and ready for your trip.

What Is White Water Rafting?

White water rafting is a recreational activity where a raft (usually one that is made out of rubber) is navigated down a series of white water rapids for fun. Think of it as a camping trip that’s focused around rafting.

Rafting doesn’t need to be a weeklong or even a weekend-long experience either. There are white water rafting locations that offer half-day and full-day packages as well. This way you can enjoy the benefits of white water rafting and still be back home by that evening.

Once you are on a raft, you will be guided down a river full of fast and shallow stretches of river known as rapids. Just how strong these rapids are depends on a grading scale between one and six, with six being the most challenging. Grade six is for the most experienced rafters only while grade one is for those that want a gentle white water rapids experience. For safety, most guided rafting trips have rapids up to grade three.

What Should I Bring On A White Water Rafting Trip?


Although you don’t usually have to worry about the raft or the paddles, there are some items that you definitely want to bring with you on a white water rafting trip. Some items are for safety and some are to make your trip more pleasurable, but you want to make sure that you pack:

  • Swimsuit or shorts
  • Sunglasses with a strap so they don’t get lost
  • Hat or a visor with a brim (to protect you from the sun)
  • Sturdy footwear like tennis shoes or water shoes
  • Waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of more than 50. Make sure that it is sweat-resistant as well.
  • Water Bottle
  • Snacks and lunch if they are not provided by the guide.
  • Dry clothes for after the rafting trip and a bag for your wet clothes.
  • A towel
  • Dry shoes

White water rafting doesn’t have to be done during the height of summer either. There are some locations in the US that run rafting trips during the winter as well. When rafting in colder waters, you want to make sure that you pack warmer clothes like:

  • Waterproof and windproof jacket and pants
  • Waterproof boots or shoes
  • Warm and snug hat
  • Waterproof or wool socks

No matter what the temperature is however, make sure that you don’t wear cotton clothes while rafting. Cotton is a poor insulator and can make you even colder when it is wet. Instead, make sure that you wear clothes made from synthetic materials like nylon or polyester. Wool socks and underwear works too, since it will keep you warm, even when wet.

Where To Go White Water Rafting


Now that you know what to pack on your rafting trip, the next step is to find the perfect location to go rafting. There are stunningly beautiful locations all across the United States to choose from, so how do you pick the perfect location for your trip?

One thing that you want to keep in mind is the time of year that you want to go rafting. Although you can choose to go rafting at pretty much any time of year (just make sure that you’re dressed warmly in the winter!), late spring tends to provide a more intense white water rafting experience because the melting snow will increase river speed. Rafting during the summer months is popular because the weather is usually warm and dry, allowing for other outdoor recreational activities if desired.

If you want a gentler rafting experience, then autumn is the way to go. By the end of summer, the river flow will decrease, making gentler rapids for rafters.

Then, you want to make sure that the destination that you pick has rapids that match your skill level. One way that you can quickly tell from a glance is by using the grading system that measures how strong the rapids are in a particular run. As mentioned earlier, this system has six grades, ranging from grade one (the gentlest) to grade six (extremely dangerous) and for those that are just starting out, grade three provides the most challenge while still remaining safe and fun for novices.

But that doesn’t mean you want to leave out the gentler grades altogether either. Grades one and two still provide you with breathtaking views and give you an experience that you’ll never forget.

Finally, choose the location that’s right for you! Keep in mind how far you are willing to travel and whether they offer a half-day or full-day option. Although many white water rapids are found in the western United States, there are still some options for the east coast dwellers as well. Just keep the time of year in mind and pack accordingly for the trip.

So, find the right white water rapids destination for your next vacation and have an experience that you will never forget.

Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for New & Gauley River Adventures

The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Girls Trip

The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Girls Trip - Women in Ocean Wearing Bikinis

Discover the ultimate guide to planning a memorable girls’ trip, from choosing destinations to packing essentials and ensuring a smooth, enjoyable experience.

The following is a guest post from my bloggy friends over at Kay West Tiki Boat. Interested in having a guest post on my website? Click here for my guest post submission form.

Escape with Your Squad: The Essential Girls’ Trip Planner

Some of the best memories you’ll ever make will be with your friends. Whether you’re a college student looking to plan the ultimate spring break trip with your school pals or a middle-aged woman looking to escape the house and kids for the weekend, this guide is for you. For women everywhere, reconnecting with and spending quality time with fellow female friends is a relaxing and bonding experience. A girls’ only trip to somewhere, usually the beach or a mountain getaway, is a great way to take time out of your work and school obligations and spend time with friends. So how should you start planning your trip?

Benefits of a Girls’ Trip

So why should you head out with the girls in the first place? Well, there are several great health benefits, for starters.

Mental Health

  • Stress relief: Going on a vacation with anyone is a wonderful way to unplug from the daily grind and relax.
  • Emotional support: Friends not only help reduce stress, they also offer important social connections and the opportunity to bond.
  • Happiness booster: Having fun and laughing with friends releases the various dopamine or happiness hormones, which are natural mood enhancers.

Physical Health

  •  Increased physical activity: if your trip includes a beach trip, you’ll find yourself swimming, hauling umbrellas and gear, and doing other physical activities. If you’re heading to the mountains, hiking and camping are all healthy physical activities.
  • Exposure to Nature: The benefits of fresh air, sunshine, and the natural environment are well known.
  • Improved sleep: Time away from daily stress and relaxation in a new environment often promotes better and deeper sleep.

Start Planning

You want to make sure your girls’ trip starts right, and the best way to make it fun and stress-free is to plan as much as possible beforehand while also allowing enough flexibility to account for unforeseen occurrences and alterations to your schedule.

  • Choose the destination: When everyone agrees on where you’re going, factor in the overall budget, what everyone can afford, travel distance, and interests. Consider traveling in the off-season for better deals.
  • Set the trip budget: Consider food, activities, accommodations, and transportation when creating a trip budget. Put aside a little each month towards your trip at least six months in advance.
  • Create an itinerary: Be sure to balance relaxation with fun activities. The day you arrive, plan to lounge around and recover from the fatigue of traveling. On the first day, think about doing some low-key activities such as a visit to the spa, sunrise yoga, or brunch. Later, do more active things, such as sports.
  • Consider different accommodation options: Look into Airbnb options, and consider the benefits and cons of vacation rentals over hotels. If someone has a travel trailer that can fit everyone, or if everyone likes tent camping, campgrounds are a cost-effective option.
  • Transportation: The cost of getting there is often a significant portion of any trip budget. Will you fly or drive? If you plan to drive, are you carpooling or using the bus? Consider the cost of tickets or gas, as well as how these fit into your budget.

Start Packing!

The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Girls Trip - Women in Sundresses and Hats Laughing on Beach

A fun trip can quickly hit a speed bump if you get to your destination and realize you forgot something essential! Make a list of everything you think you will need two weeks in advance, and add to it as new items occur to you. Here is a sample packing list:

  • Comfortable daywear for every day of your trip, plus two extra outfits for emergencies.
  • If going to a beach or other water destination, wear swimsuits, cover-ups, and footwear such as flip-flops or sandals. You might also bring a beach bag, a sunhat, sunglasses, and a beach towel.
  • Dresses or casual outfits are suitable for evening wear
  • Sleepwear
  • Sunscreen and sun aftercare
  • Travel-sized toiletries
  • Hair care and skin care essentials
  • Phone and charger
  • Portable battery pack
  • Books or an e-reader
  • Camera if your phone does not have one
  • Snacks for the trip
  • Reusable water bottle
  • First aid kit
  • Travel documents, including your ID, tickets, and reservation confirmation
  • Camping gear if needed

Have a Smooth Trip

You always hope that your girls’ trip will go smoothly, but you should also plan for emergencies or derailments. Consider the following:

  • Communication: Start a group chat with everyone going on the trip, or make use of apps such as GroupMe to stay in touch.
  • Write out responsibilities: Agree ahead of time who is doing what and who is responsible for what.
  • Stay safe: Be aware that criminals often prey on tourists in unfamiliar areas. Don’t go anywhere alone, and carry your valuables in a safe front-carry bag. Keep your valuables secure.
  • Be flexible: The plans are guidelines; alter them as needed. Take time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Do at least one activity that everyone likes.

Destination Divas: Where to Make Your Girl Squad Memories

When it comes to girls’ trips, the world is your oyster! For sun-seekers, consider the pristine beaches of Bali or the vibrant culture of Miami. Nature lovers might prefer the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand or the serene beauty of the Canadian Rockies. If you’re after a city adventure, look no further than the fashion capital of Paris or the bustling streets of Tokyo. For a mix of relaxation and adventure, Greek islands like Santorini offer both stunning views and rich history. Wine enthusiasts will love a tour through Napa Valley or the vineyards of Tuscany. Remember, the best destination is one that caters to your group’s shared interests and budget constraints.

Ballin’ on a Budget: Savvy Saving Tips for Your Getaway

Who says you need a fortune to have a fantastic time? Start by traveling during the off-season when prices for flights and accommodations are lower. Consider less touristy destinations that offer similar experiences at a fraction of the cost. Opt for vacation rentals or hostels instead of pricey hotels, and take advantage of free walking tours in cities. Cook meals together instead of eating out for every meal – it’s not only cost-effective but also a great bonding experience. Look for city passes that offer discounted entry to multiple attractions. And don’t forget to use those credit card points or miles you’ve been saving up!

Squad Goals: Navigating Group Dynamics Like a Pro

Every friend group has its own unique dynamic, and that’s what makes your trip special! Start by having an open conversation about expectations, budgets, and must-do activities before the trip. Assign roles based on each person’s strengths – maybe one friend is great at finding deals, while another is a whiz at navigation. Be mindful of different energy levels and preferences; mix high-energy activities with relaxation time. Create a system for making decisions, like taking turns or voting. Most importantly, be flexible and willing to compromise. Remember, the goal is to strengthen your friendships, not test them!

Fun Factory: Unforgettable Activities for Every Squad

The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Girls Trip - Women Laying Down on Patio Chair

The activities you choose can make or break your trip, so pick wisely! For beach destinations, try group surfing lessons or a sunset sail. In cities, book a food tour to taste local delicacies or try an escape room for some teamwork and laughs. Nature lovers might enjoy a group hike followed by a picnic with a view. For a dash of adrenaline, consider white water rafting or zip-lining. Spa days are perfect for relaxation and catch-up chats. Don’t forget about evening activities – karaoke nights, cocktail-making classes, or even a private dance lesson can be a blast. The key is to mix it up and ensure there’s something for everyone.

Safety Sisters: Keeping Your Crew Secure and Sound

Safety should always be a top priority, especially when traveling. Research your destination thoroughly, including any travel advisories. Share your itinerary with family back home and consider using a location-sharing app within your group. In unfamiliar places, stick together and trust your instincts. Be cautious with your belongings, using anti-theft bags and keeping valuables in the hotel safe. For nights out, designate a “mama bear” who stays sober and keeps an eye on everyone. Learn a few key phrases in the local language if traveling internationally. And always have a plan B – know where the nearest embassy is and have emergency contact numbers handy.

Harmony Hacks: Solving Squabbles and Keeping the Peace

Even the best of friends can have disagreements, especially when travel stress kicks in. The key is to address issues early and calmly. Set ground rules at the start of the trip, like a no-drama policy or a system for airing grievances. If tensions rise, take a breather – sometimes a short walk alone can help reset emotions. Practice active listening and try to see things from others’ perspectives. For bigger conflicts, consider having a group meeting to air all concerns and brainstorm solutions together. Remember, you’re all there to have fun and strengthen your friendships, so approach conflicts with patience and understanding.

Let’s Go!

Remember, the point of a girl’s trip with your friends is to have fun, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. Planning the trip can be just as enjoyable as going on the trip, so don’t let this process become a source of stress itself. Get creative with your plans! Consider making matching t-shirts to wear or compiling photographs into a physical photo book for everyone to remember your trip. Above all, take time out for yourself and your friends, and make your trip a memorable one.

Road Trip Essentials: Tips for a Memorable Summer Adventure

Road Trip Essentials - Group Sitting in the Back of an SUV

Read this for essential tips for planning a successful summer road trip, including packing wisely, preparing tech and snacks, using travel apps, and more!

The following is a guest post from my bloggy friend Megan Isola. Interested in having a guest post on my website? Click here for my guest post submission form.

From Snacks to Apps: Maximizing Your Summer Road Trip Experience

Summer is the perfect time to plan a road trip and let the adventures begin. Getting the most fun out of your road trip begins before you set out on that first day. In fact, proper planning is key to making this experience as fun as possible for all participants. Read on to find out some road trip essentials for a memorable summer adventure:

Pack List

The first essential tip worth mentioning to get the most out of your summer adventure is creating and following a packing list. A packing list, which is just what it sounds like —a list either on your phone or on a piece of paper—that will outline everything that needs to be packed will ensure that you don’t leave behind important items, like vital clothing options or someone’s favorite movie. This list can also help you make sure that everything you want to bring is laundered and ready to go. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when packing for a long trip, so use your list to take the load off your mind. Write it all down and check it off as it’s packed. Keep in mind, only pack what is necessary, so you don’t overpack and end up with so much luggage you don’t have any room for anything else. Instead, be realistic about what you will need for each family member and then pack wisely.

Gather and Charge up The Gadgets and Tech

While old-school road trip games like the license plate game, or I Spy are still fun, it’s important to have your essential gadgets ready, meaning they are charged, and all the games are present. Yes, a family road trip can be a great opportunity to disconnect from devices and talk, and there will be plenty of time to do that, but hours on the road can get really taxing, so having devices and other gadgets handy is wise. Be sure to pack headsets so that everyone in the car isn’t required to hear the game, podcast, or movie that someone else is enjoying.

Bring Along Road Snacks and a Cooler

No road trip is complete without plenty of yummy road snacks. Make sure that your adventure is fueled by plenty of goodies, along with drinks in a cooler. There are many options to choose from, even those that are healthy for you, like fresh fruit or raw vegetables that you prepare ahead of time. Trail mix and dried fruit, along with chips and pretzels, also make great road options. Yes, you will likely stop along your way for meals, but having the snacks on hand will keep your group sustained as you travel to your next destination and will hopefully prevent any hangry moments.

Create a First Aid Kit

While on the road and even when you get to your destination, it’s important to have a first aid kit in your vehicle. This should include items like hand sanitizer, disinfectants, band-aids, and burn treatments. Also, if you are traveling in areas where a breakdown could put your family at risk, make sure you have plenty of water, a spare tire, and a way to contact emergency help. This will come in handy if you have car trouble or find yourself in the middle of a car accident. While the idea that something bad could happen on your road trip is likely not at the forefront of your mind, preparing and knowing all your emergency contacts, like your insurance company information and more, is wise to avoid a bad situation becoming much worse.

Road Trip Essentials - Family Sitting in a Car Wearing Seatbelts

Blankets and Pillows

Although you want to have the clothes on hand to ensure that you are equipped to do everything that will come up on your road trip, you also want to make sure that everyone is comfortable throughout the traveling process. A long road trip is fun in many ways, but it’s key to bring along pillows and blankets to ensure that everyone in the vehicle is comfortable and can rest if they desire. The blankets are handy because it never seems to be the case that everyone in a car enjoys the same temperature, so if you have some who like it really cool, the ones who don’t care for that can bundle up.

Road Trip Apps And Traditional Map

Before you leave for your summer adventure, create a fun itinerary for your road trip by using fun road trip apps. You can even opt for standard map tools on your phone but customize your adventure to add some restaurants and roadside stops. This, along with helpful information like the location of gas stations and restrooms, can help you plan out your daily drive. Technology has enabled more options when it comes to road trip planning than ever before. However, it’s still a good idea to have a paper map handy as not everywhere you travel will have a strong phone signal. So, it’s ideal to have the apps and plan your route, but also have a paper map along with you that shows the roadways and your entire trip in case you lose your signal and find yourself having to navigate the more old-fashioned way.

Do Your Homework & Plan to Have Success

Before you venture out, do some research and find out where some neat stops are along the way. You can add this in when time allows or cut them out if necessary to stay on your trajectory. However, part of the fun of a road trip is those unexpected and fun little side trips. Having a noteworthy road trip requires you to plan out your summer adventure to take care of all the details and ensure traveling comfort for all participants. Not planning it out isn’t wise as there are many areas throughout the country where there are vast landscapes and a lack of civilization. Therefore, you want to make sure you know where you are going each step of the way. Of course, if you want to be spontaneous, then consider adding some fun roadside stops or visiting some local stores or shops, as previously mentioned. This will help you learn a little bit more about an area than simply driving straight through, but it won’t get you too off track and impact when you arrive at your next destination.

About the Author

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends. 

Road Trip Essentials - Megan Isola

Sip of History: A Whiskey and Music Festival at Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage

Sip of History_Banner

The 9th annual Sip of History on April 6th is a dog-friendly whiskey tasting festival with live music, food, and activities held at President Andrew Jackson’s historic Hermitage estate in Nashville.

Whiskey, Music and History Unite at The Hermitage’s Sip of History Festival

If you’re looking for a fun and unique event to attend this spring in Nashville, mark your calendar for the 9th annual Sip of History festival on Saturday, April 6th. This dog-friendly whiskey tasting event is held at the historic Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage, the 1,120-acre former home and estate of the 7th U.S. President.

What is Sip of History?

Sip of History is an afternoon celebration of Tennessee’s whiskey heritage, live music, food, and outdoor activities. From 2pm to 5pm, guests can sample whiskeys, wines and beers from over 25 acclaimed Tennessee distilleries, breweries and wineries. This year’s participating distilleries include heavy hitters like Jack Daniel’s, Nelson’s Green Brier, and Old Dominick, among many others.

The event features live music from singer-songwriter Sean Donovan, lawn games, food vendors, and special attractions for four-legged attendees. Dogs are welcome to join the fun, with a fenced dog park, pet treat samples, accessories for sale, and even an animal welfare non-profit on site.

Why Attend This Event?

Sip of History_Woman Handing Out Whiskey Samples

Beyond the whiskey tasting and music, a big draw of Sip of History is the chance to explore the beautiful grounds of The Hermitage. Your ticket includes access to tour Andrew Jackson’s mansion, the gardens, nature trails, and historic buildings and exhibits. You can learn about Jackson’s life and legacy through multimedia displays and living history tours.

The event celebrates Tennessee’s deep roots in whiskey-making, which dates back to the days of settlers like Jackson distilling grain on their farms and plantations. Jackson himself had a hand in distilling whiskey at The Hermitage during his retirement years.

Tickets are $75 for Hermitage members and $85 for non-members, with proceeds supporting the preservation of this National Historic Landmark site. Whether you’re a whiskey aficionado, history buff, or just looking for a fun outdoor event, Sip of History promises a great afternoon in Nashville.

Click here to get more details about the Sip of History.

I can’t wait to bring my Pampered Pomchis to the event in April!

Sip of History_Dog Attending the Event

A Little About The Hermitage

The Hermitage was originally a 425-acre farm that Andrew Jackson purchased from his neighbor Nathaniel Hays in 1804. Jackson, who had owned other farms in the Nashville area previously, bought The Hermitage (first called “Rural Retreat”) with the goal of operating it as a cotton plantation to generate income.

Over time, Jackson expanded The Hermitage into a massive 1,000-acre plantation devoted primarily to growing cotton as a cash crop. At its peak, around 200 acres were used for growing cotton plants, with the demanding labor performed by over 160 enslaved workers.

While cotton was the main crop, The Hermitage was a diverse agricultural operation. Other crops like corn, wheat, vegetables, and fruit orchards were tended to help sustain the enslaved workers and Jackson family. Livestock including hogs, cattle, and sheep were also raised.

After Jackson’s death in 1845, his son Andrew Jackson Jr. inherited The Hermitage. However, declining cotton prices, debt, and other financial troubles led him to start selling off portions of the land in the 1850s. By 1858 the family had relocated, signaling the decline of The Hermitage as a working plantation.

The Civil War brought further changes, with most of the enslaved population leaving or being emancipated. Agriculture on the land dwindled, and by the 1870s-1880s cotton was no longer grown and livestock/crop outputs were greatly reduced.

In 1889, the Ladies’ Hermitage Association (now Andrew Jackson Foundation) acquired the core 25-acre site with key buildings, establishing it as a museum and historic site that has welcomed visitors ever since. Today, The Hermitage encompasses over 1,100 acres of land with the original buildings, gardens, nature trails, and active farming operations growing crops like corn, wheat and soybeans.

Why Visit The Hermitage?

  • The Hermitage is Andrew Jackson’s former home and estate, spanning 1,120 acres in Nashville, Tennessee. It is a National Historic Landmark.
  • It first opened to the public as a museum in 1889, making it one of America’s first presidential home museums.
  • The property includes Jackson’s mansion, tomb, restored slave cabins, gardens, trails, and over 20 historic buildings.
  • There are exhibits and tours that interpret Jackson’s life and legacy, including the “Born for a Storm” interactive exhibit in the visitor center.
  • Special events and programs are held at The Hermitage throughout the year, such as the Sip of History whiskey festival, lectures, holiday events, and more.
  • The Hermitage highlights the history of slavery on the plantation through tours of slave cabins/archaeological sites and programming about the lives of the enslaved people.

Click here to learn more about visiting The Hermitage.

Planning the Perfect Spa Getaway 


So you want to plan the perfect spa getaway? You’ve come to the right place!

The following is a guest post from my bloggy friends over at Oak Haven Resort & Spa. Interested in having a guest post on my website? Click here for my guest post submission form.

Crafting the Ultimate Rejuvenating Spa Escape

When you just need to unwind and focus on taking care of yourself, nothing beats a getaway at a spa. Whether it’s just for a day, a weekend, or even a full week of pampering and self-renewal, you will emerge from your spa experience recharged and ready to face the real world. Here are some tips and tricks on how to plan the perfect spa getaway. 

What do you want? 

The first step in planning your ultimate spa experience is to decide what you want. Pampering and relaxation, sure, but what are the details? Do you want to go alone or with a group? Are you looking for specific treatments offered by only some spas, such as bathing in natural hot spring mineral water, or are you good with a more generic package of massage, yoga, meditation, and a facial? Draw up a list of must-haves, wants, and other spa services to guide your planning. 


Ways to relax

If your priority is to relax, focus on the following: 

● Massage 

● Sauna sessions 

● Baths and pool sessions 

● Meditation 

● Yoga 

Going to an all-in-one spa that provides rooms to stay in and meals can also increase your relaxation level. 

Take full advantage 

If you are a relative newcomer to spas, it may be difficult to choose from the many different treatments. You may be tempted to schedule as many as possible into each day. However, the sauna experts recommend selecting one treatment in the morning and one in the afternoon. Don’t try to overschedule your time in the spa; rushing frantically from one treatment to the next will completely ruin the experience. Before each treatment, take a quick shower. After your treatment, spend some time in the sauna or steam room to recover and relax. 

Go outside 

Getting some exercise and fresh air will enhance your spa getaway. Consider including some time to visit the local area in your plan. Seeing the local sites by hiking, biking, rowing, or walking will enhance your overall health and add to your level of relaxation. Many spas are set in beautiful natural areas and it would be a shame not to include some wilderness meditation time in your getaway. 

Depending on the location of the spa, you may also want to spend some time enjoying the local nightlife. Including fine dining, musical performances, plays, and other attractions in your spa getaway is an excellent way to relax and unwind. 

Set a budget 

It is important to consider how much money you can comfortably spend on your spa trip. After all, you don’t want to ruin all of that relaxation by stressing out about how you are going to pay for it. If funds are limited, consider visiting a local spa rather than one set in an exotic location, or doing a weekend getaway rather than an entire week. 

Take stock of your health 

This may seem like an odd requirement before heading off to a self-pampering event, but some treatments that spas offer are contradicted for individuals with specific allergies, on certain medications, or with preexisting health conditions. The spa professionals will be fully aware of whether a treatment is safe or not, but they cannot tell by looking at you if you have certain conditions. You need to be completely honest with them about your current state of health in order to fully enjoy your spa experience. 

Prepare yourself 

Some spa treatments may work better if you prepare ahead of time. For example, if you want to undergo waxing or other hair removal treatments, you need to allow the hair to grow out a bit in order to get the best results. You should do some research about your desired treatments and see if you need to prepare in any way before your visit. 


Book early

Once you have drawn up your plans, you need to complete the final step: book some time at the spa. Most spas are fully booked ahead of time, so in order to ensure you can gain access to every part of your dream spa getaway, you need to reserve your spot as soon as possible. Discuss the details of your plan with the scheduling expert while booking to ensure your stay will go as smoothly as possible. 


The last thing you need to do before walking through the doors of the spa is to turn your phone off. If you can’t resist looking at it, hand it over to the spa staff to lock away during your stay. Make sure your email, voicemail, and text messages all have an “out of office” message, telling everyone you are not available and will get back to them later.  Now, you are ready to enjoy your perfect spa getaway.

5 Pilgrimage Sites Turned Paranormal Hotspots After Dark!

5 Pilgrimage Sites Turned Paranormal Hotspots After Dark Blog Banner

Discover 5 revered pilgrimage sites around the world that become spine-chilling paranormal hotspots after dark. Below, we’ll explore the sacred and spooky dual nature of landmarks like England’s haunted Borley Rectory, the eerie Sedlec Ossuary in the Czech Republic, and more intriguing destinations immersed in chilling tales of ghosts and unexplained phenomena at nightfall. For the adventurous traveler drawn to the mysterious crossroads where spiritual history meets the supernatural.

Thanks to the International Drivers Association for help with this article.

From Sacred to Spooky: 5 Pilgrimage Sites Turned Paranormal Hotspots After Dark

“Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.” This famous quote, straight out of ‘The Polar Express’, could just as easily refer to the world of the supernatural as it does to the magic of Christmas. Paranormal activities, inexplicable phenomena, and ghostly encounters may all sound like the stuff of horror movies. 

But for centuries, humans have been intrigued by what they can’t understand or rationalize. This fascination transcends into a strange intertwining of the superstitious and the spiritual, a mystifying blend that captures the imagination and tests the beliefs ordinarily held by many.

Let’s dive into five exceptional pilgrimage sites around the world characterized by deep spiritual significance. At night though, they take on a seemingly different aura after dark, turning into mysterious, often eerie, paranormal hotspots.

1. Borley Rectory, England

The former Victorian mansion in the village of Borley, Essex earned a reputation as the ‘most haunted house in England’ after numerous reports of ghostly activity surfaced beginning in 1863. Built on the site of a 12th century monastery, the rectory was home to unsettling phenomena like disembodied footsteps, phantom carriages, mysterious writings on walls, and recurring sightings of a headless specter, a nun, and a woman dressed in black. 

Investigations by renowned psychic researcher Harry Price in the 1930s documented alleged seances, spirit messages, and possessed inhabitants, further fueling the notoriety of what he dubbed “the most haunted house in England.” While the rectory itself was destroyed by fire in 1939, the legends of restless spirits on the grounds persist, drawing paranormal investigators and ghost hunters to this day. The abandoned, overgrown site remains a point of intrigue for thrill-seekers and enthusiasts of the supernatural.

2. Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic

The Sedlec Ossuary is an unusual Roman Catholic chapel located in a suburb of Kutná Hora in the Czech Republic. Nestled beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints, this small crypt contains the artfully arranged skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people. 

In 1278, Henry, the abbot of the Sedlec monastery, returned from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with a handful of dirt from Golgotha, which he sprinkled over the abbey cemetery. This act helped make Sedlec a highly desirable burial site throughout Central Europe in the centuries that followed. 

After the Black Death and the bloody Hussite Wars filled the grounds with mass graves in the 14th and 15th centuries, a Gothic church was built in the cemetery with a lower level ossuary to hold the unearthed bones. Around 1400, the gruesome task of stacking and organizing the skeletons fell to a half-blind monk who arranged them into macabre works of art. 

Today, the ossuary draws both reverent pilgrims and curious visitors who come to see the peculiar bone arrangements and chandeliers that adorn the crypt. This sacred site with a morbid twist has appeared in numerous films and shows, attracting those intrigued by its blend of spiritual history and the grotesque. As darkness falls, it becomes even more an eerie and ghostly place.

3. Lourdes, France

Lourdes, nestled in the Pyrenees mountains of southern France, is revered as one of Catholicism’s most sacred pilgrimage sites. It rose to prominence in 1858 when a 14-year-old peasant girl named Bernadette Soubirous claimed to have experienced 18 visions of the Virgin Mary in a grotto along the Gave de Pau river.

Bernadette described the apparition as a beautiful lady who revealed herself to be the “Immaculate Conception.” The lady instructed Bernadette to dig near the grotto, unleashing a spring whose waters have become associated with miraculous healings. Since then, Lourdes has been the site of countless unexplained cures and paranormal events.

At nightfall, the atmosphere around the grotto takes on an aura of mystery. Pilgrims have reported ghostly figures, strange lights, unearthly scents, and mystical sensations that defy scientific explanation. The convergence of sacred spiritual history with inexplicable phenomena has imbued Lourdes with an intriguing dual nature after dark, where faith and the supernatural seem to intersect.

4. Bhangarh Fort, India

Nestled in the Aravalli Hills of Rajasthan, the ruined city of Bhangarh has a dramatic duality. By day, it is an impressive 16th century fort and UNESCO heritage site known for its well-preserved palaces, temples, and bazaars. But as darkness falls, an ominous aura settles over the abandoned grounds. 

Locals shun the fort after sunset due to legends of a doomed priest’s curse and numerous accounts of ghosts, unexplained noises, and paranormal activity. Visitors have reported experiencing an unnerving sense of being watched, feelings of dread, ominous shadows, and getting inexplicably lost in the twisting corridors. 

The archeological site’s creepy reputation at night is so renowned that the Archaeological Survey of India has placed a sign forbidding entry between sunset and sunrise. For history buffs and ghost hunters alike, Bhangarh by moonlight is an intriguing intersection of heritage and haunting.

5. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Nestled on the northwest base of Mount Fuji, Aokigahara Forest is a beautiful sea of trees by day, with icy caverns and lava formations attracting tourists and hikers. But as darkness falls, an ominous aura settles over the dense forest.

Nicknamed the “Suicide Forest,” Aokigahara has sadly become one of the world’s most popular sites for taking one’s life. Over 100 bodies are recovered from the forest each year. Locals believe the restless spirits, or yūrei, of the departed haunt the woods after dark. Visitors have reported encountering ghostly whispers, footsteps, and apparitions among the trees at night. Compasses spinning erratically and an unsettling sense of being followed are also common accounts.

For adventurers drawn to the mysterious crossroads between natural beauty and paranormal activity, Aokigahara offers an intriguing dual nature. However, its tragic past must be remembered, and exploration conducted respectfully. The forest transformed by darkness serves as a solemn reminder of the value of all human life.

A Word of Advice for Visiting Sacred Sites with Paranormal Reputations

“Traveling to such locations can be an exciting experience, yet it requires caution, respect, and sensitivity,” notes Julianna Marshall, an International Drivers Association Travel Expert.

“These places have cultural and often spiritual significance, so following all rules and regulations and behaving appropriately is important. Carry identification, notify someone about your whereabouts, and keep emergency contact numbers ready as a precaution.”

The Veil Between Reality and the Paranormal Transforms at Night

There’s a certain mystique surrounding these spiritual landmarks – tales of spectral sightings and inexplicable phenomena that are enough to attract—and occasionally frighten—the most adventurous of travelers. A pilgrimage site, immersed in its sacredness during daylight hours, can metamorphose into a chilling, otherworldly place once darkness descends, suggesting that the veil between reality and the paranormal becomes quite thin at night.

Are these simply exaggerated stories or ancient occurrences so deeply woven into popular folklore that they’ve become accepted as truth? Is it purely psychological, orchestrated by the inherent human fear of the unknown? Or is there actually a supernatural dimension humans are yet unable to decipher?

As Winston Churchill wisely remarked: “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” Perhaps by digging deeper into the past, we might uncover clues to these questions that continue to mystify humanity. So, whether you’re a spirit-chasing adventurer or a lover of historical lore, these dual-nature destinations offer a deep dive into a realm where the sacred intertwines with the scary—just remember to tread cautiously.

Winter Car Care – Tips For Staying Road Ready

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Let’s talk about winter car care! When the thermostat drops, these are things you need to know to keep your car road ready.

Winter Car Care Steps To Keep Driving All Season Long

If you’re anything like me, you’re never ready for when the seasons change. And, I made the mistake of not having my vehicle road ready. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to share some winter car care tips.

After all, I would hate for what happened to me this week to happen to you. Because I wasn’t thinking about these tips, the other day when I went to start my car, it didn’t. It laughed at me and called me a Floridian – truth!

Even though I’ve been living in Kentucky for three years and am entering my third winter here, I’m still making some rookie mistakes. I don’t want you to get stranded with cabin fever this season.

Don’t Forget to Turn Your Car On!

When the thermometer takes a nosedive, starting your engine daily is clutch. I know it’s tempting to just bundle up and drive off on frigid mornings, but hear me out. Cold temperatures can do a number on your battery and fluids. Low temps drain battery power, making it way harder for your car to turn over. They also thicken up fluids like oil and transmission fluid, so components have a tough time moving smoothly. 

By starting your car and letting it idle for a few minutes every day, even when you don’t drive it, you’ll avoid major headaches down the road. The idle time charges up the battery and gets the fluids circulating properly. This makes the engine much happier to ignite when you need it. Trust me, you don’t want to be running late only to find your car won’t start!

I know it seems like a pain, but getting in the habit of daily start-ups can save you from a breakdown when you least expect it. Just bundle up with your fuzzy slippers, warm up the car for a few minutes, and then head back inside where it’s toasty. A little bit of effort goes a long way in extreme cold. Don’t let Jack Frost leave you stranded – show your car some love each day and you’ll be road trip ready when duty calls!

Give Your Car a Good Scrub-A-Dub – Washing it Regularly

Winter Car Care Looking Through Windshield at the Road

Don’t let winter’s wrath corrode your car’s finish. Salt, sand, and grime from snowy roads can eat away at the paint and body panels. Combat corrosion by washing your car frequently in winter. Give it a rinse to wash away gritty residues before they do damage.  

Take your car through the wash when roads are clear or bring it to a DIY wash bay. Be sure to use soap and thoroughly clean all surfaces. Getting a freshwater rinse helps remove salty slush that can promote rust. Waxing also adds a layer of protection. Keeping your car clean prevents the elements from grinding away at the exterior all season long. Fight winter’s attempts to weather your ride by scrubbing away grime regularly. Don’t let your car’s looks get battered by winter – keep it sparkling inside and out!

Check the Tires – Make Sure Your Tires Aren’t Going Bald!

This is an important, but often overlooked winter car care tip because when tread wears thin, winter traction suffers greatly. Check your tires regularly and replace them if the tread depth is less than 4/32 of an inch. Bald tires easily lose grip, causing dangerous skids when braking and accelerating. Don’t let your tires go as slick as an ice rink!

While you’re checking tread, examine tires for any cracks or bulges in the sidewalls too. Cold temps can cause rubber to become brittle and damaged. Also verify tires are inflated to the recommended pressure – underinflation degrades handling and snow performance. Proper inflation optimizes traction and control. 

How weather impacts tire air pressure

Frigid winter temperatures can cause the air pressure in your tires to drop. This is because molecules contract in cold conditions, taking up less space. Lower tire pressure reduces traction, stability, and fuel economy.

Winter Car Care Tires Turning on Snowy Road

Check your tire pressure frequently when temperatures take a dip. Make sure they are inflated to the recommended PSI, not the maximum on the sidewall. Top off underinflated tires to the proper level, compensating for the cold conditions. Having correctly inflated tires for the current weather keeps your car driving safely on winter roads. Don’t let your tire pressure get too low when the mercury plummets. Keep a close eye on your tires and use an accurate gauge for ideal inflation through seasonal shifts in temperature.

Give your tires the occasional poke and prod to ensure they’re in shape to stick to snowy surfaces. Quality rubber and proper inflation gives you the traction you need in slippery conditions. Don’t let worn treads or low pressure cause you to lose control when roads are icy. Stay planted with robust winter tires!

Give Your Car Some Fresh Fluids and Wipers Before the Temps Drop!

As time passes, car fluids lose effectiveness and wiper blades wear down. Make a point to refresh their condition. Change the wiper fluid to a winter formula with antifreeze. This prevents icing and keeps blades clearing smoothly. Install new wiper blades that wipe clean without streaking.

Don’t neglect fresh oils either. Old fluids can thicken in the cold. You or your mechanic should drain and replace the engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. Use varieties that maintain viscosity in low temps. Topping off with new fluids keeps critical systems hydraulically happy all winter long. 

Flushing your car’s old liquids for fresh ones removes contaminants and replenishes additives. This lubricates and prevents freezing so components operate smoothly regardless of the weather. Give your car the gift of new fluids and it will keep running reliably all season long.

Make Sure Your Car is Ready to Illuminate Winter Nights – Inspect Battery and Lights

Shorter days and longer nights mean your headlights get a real workout in winter. Make sure they’re aiming true and emitting maximum brightness. Replace any bulbs that are dim or burnt out so you can light up the road. 

While you’re checking lights, pop the hood to inspect the battery too. Cold saps battery capacity so testing its charge is a must. Look for corrosion on the posts and make sure connections are tight. If your battery is more than 3 years old, have it tested for cranking amps. Don’t get left in the cold with a weak battery!

Proper lighting is critically important for safe winter driving. Make sure your car is ready to illuminate dark roads by checking all exterior lights. Don’t let poor visibility or a lousy battery stop you from driving through the darkness of winter. Keep both your lights and battery in tip-top shape!

With a Little Effort Your Car will Be Winter-Ready

Brr, old man winter is rolling into town! Now is the time to get serious about keeping your ride in tip-top shape. I know, I know – when icy winds blow, maintenance is the last thing you want to think about. But trust me, staying on top of your car’s needs will make a huge difference in surviving winter safely and stress-free. 

By bundling up and starting your car daily, washing it regularly, checking those tires, changing fluids often, and testing the battery and lights, you’ll be rewarded with a smooth-sailing vehicle all season long. Your ride will fire up easily, grip the road, and look gorgeous despite the frigid temps and snowy mess.

Don’t let frosty weather stop you from showing some love to your car! A few extra minutes in the cold here and there saves you big time breakdowns and safety issues later. And really, keeping up with basics like washing and tire checks is pretty painless. Team up with your car this winter – fight off flaky road salt and grime before it damages the paint. Keep the tank full of fresh fluids that flow easily in the cold. Check on your battery and lights so you don’t get stranded in the dark. 

With some extra TLC during winter, your car will serve you well for many miles to come. You’ve got this! Just stay consistent with care and you and your ride will be cruising along in comfort when the flakes start to fly. Let’s work together to outsmart old man winter!

Know Before You Go – Things to Consider Before a Cross Country Road Trip

Things to Consider Before a Cross Country Road Trip Blog Banner

There are several things to consider before a cross country road trip in the United States. Let’s explore a few of them!

Don’t Hit the Road Until You Consider a Few Things for a Cross Country Road Trip

The lure of the open road, wind in your hair, and miles of adventure ahead is what makes a classic American cross country road trip so appealing. When wanderlust strikes and you feel the irresistible call to hop in your car to explore this beautiful country we call home, heeding that urge just makes sense. From marveling at purple mountain majesties to roaring ocean vistas and everything in between, a cross country road trip lets you experience the diversity of landscapes this nation has to offer. 

However, before turning the key and pointing your vehicle towards the horizon, there are a few critical things you need to research and plan for first. The last thing you want when you’re hundreds of miles away from home is your car breaking down, getting lost, or running afoul of local laws. Proper advance preparation and planning is what makes the difference between a smooth, enjoyable trip and one filled with headaches and hassles. By researching key regulations, mapping your route, inspecting your vehicle, booking accommodations, and looking into local attractions at your destinations before you go, you can help ensure your cross country road trip goes off without a hitch. Then you can better relax and soak up all the freedom, scenery, and adventure that makes crossing this great country by car such a rich and rewarding experience.

Research Key Laws and Regulations Along Your Route

\When embarking on a cross country road trip through multiple states and jurisdictions, one of the most important things you need to research beforehand are the key laws and regulations along your route. The last thing you want is to unintentionally break local traffic laws or fail to meet certain licensing and registration requirements when driving through different areas. Avoid fines, violations, and other hassles by doing your homework on the rules of the road ahead of time.  

First, make sure you have all the necessary documentation to legally operate your vehicle as you travel across state lines. Have your valid driver’s license, up-to-date vehicle registration, and current proof of insurance easily accessible. Requirements can vary when it comes to auto insurance minimums and expiration dates for licenses and registration renewals. Check regulations for all the states you will pass through.  

You should also take time to carefully research local traffic laws and motoring regulations at your planned destinations. Be aware of differences in seat belt requirements, cell phone usage laws, speed limits, turning regulations, and more that are easy to miss when outside your home state. Look into open container laws, marijuana laws, rules on transporting firearms, and other issues that can also vary substantially by location. The last thing you want is to make an innocent mistake that gets you pulled over or lands you an unexpected citation. A cross country road trip means cruising across different strokes for different folks so do your homework first!

Plan Your Route in Advance

One of the keys to an epic cross country road trip is planning your route wisely in advance. Not only does this allow you to map out the mileage and estimate driving times more accurately, but it also gives you flexibility to adjust your course if needed once you hit the open highways. 

First, plot out the major stops, sights, and destinations you want to see along the way. Whether it’s the Grand Canyon, Graceland, Times Square or other can’t-miss attractions, map out your main points of interest. Factor in the general distance and timeframe required to enjoy these bucket list locales. This will give you an idea of the pace, duration, and daily drive times you’re looking at for your trip.

Be sure to research multiple potential routes to provide options in case of construction, accidents, bridge closures, or other unforeseen issues. Having backup route alternatives already mapped out can prevent major headaches and delays down the road. Consider taking more scenic rural highways for portions of the drive to avoid bland interstates. 

Use mobile apps with GPS and lane guidance to navigate tricky areas ahead of time. Highways like the Los Angeles interchange, Chicago loop, or Boston maze of tunnels can be confusing to out-of-towners. Having a navigation assist ready to guide your way makes traversing these road trip challenges a breeze.  

With strategic advance route planning, you’ll be equipped to log quick miles chewing up pavement one highway at a time. You’ll also have the flexibility to tweak your course and make drive adjustments on the fly when adventure calls. Wheels up!

Prepare Your Vehicle Properly

So you’ve got your license, registration, and insurance documentation organized along with your route mapped out and lodging reservations made. Don’t hit the gas pedal just yet! One of the most critical road trip preparation steps is ensuring your set of wheels is properly primed and ready to devour those highway miles without issue. Breaking down in the middle of nowhere or needing major repairs en route can derail your epic cross country adventure quicker than you can reach a mechanic.  

Start by giving your vehicle a thorough maintenance inspection and tune-up if due for one. Replace the oil, check the tires, transmission fluids, belts, hoses, windshield wiper inserts, and battery. Make any needed repairs now while still in the comfort of your home garage rather than on the side of some dark highway miles from civilization.

Inspect and inflate all tires including your spare to ensure proper tread depth and pressure. Patch or replace any worn tires that could pose a blowout risk at highway speeds. Top off vital automotive fluids like windshield wiper fluid, radiator coolant, brake and transmission fluids. Replace old wiper inserts and make sure your headlights, brake lights and turn signals are all in good working order.

Pack an emergency roadside kit complete with flashlight, reflective triangles, jumper cables, jack and lug wrench, basic tools, first aid essentials, work gloves, and extra fuses. Bring along phone chargers, maps, emergency blankets, bottled water, non-perishable snacks and other survival items as well. Having these supplies on hand provides peace of mind no matter what situation arises on the open road.  

With a fully functioning, inspected and stocked vehicle and emergency kit, you’ll be ready to roll out and handle just about any mechanical mishap during your cross country travels. Bon voyage!

Research Lodging Options and Make Reservations

From roadside motels to quaint bed and breakfasts to luxurious resorts, the array of lodging choices across this great nation of ours is incredibly diverse. After long days behind the wheel exploring mountains, beaches and highways in between, having comfortable overnight accommodations await you at each days’ end is a key ingredient for road trip success. 

Start mapping out your cross country route and ideal daily mileage. Identify the cities or towns you expect to stop in each night based on your pace. Then research the lodging options available in each planned overnight location. Compare ratings and amenities of national chain hotels, local inns, motels, cabins, and B&Bs in those areas. Look for deals, discounts, free breakfast inclusions and rewards programs that can help you save money. 

Make sure to read reviews and check cancellation policies when possible. For popular destinations, events, or travel times of year, booking rooms well in advance is wise to guarantee availability upon arrival. Nothing puts a damper on a cross country road trip like getting stranded without a place to sleep for the night at your planned stop. Protect against this scenario by securing reservations in advance anytime occupancy looks tight based on your research.

Having confirmed reservations along your intended route means peace of mind knowing you have a comfortable bed waiting no matter what time you eventually roll into town after the adventures of the day. It allows flexibility to tweak plans and pace without worrying about lodging availability down the highway. Check in and enjoy a good night’s rest knowing you planned smart! Hitting the road well rested makes putting more rear view mirror miles behind you the next day that much easier.

Look Into Local Events and Attractions Along the Way 

While the draw of gorgeous national parks, historical monuments, and Americana culture certainly lure many on iconic cross country road trips, looking into unique local diversions along your route can make such journeys even more rewarding. Taking advantage of fun festivals, interesting attractions, natural wonders or tasty restaurants lets you experience slices of local flair in various regions. This allows you to tailor portions of your trip into immersive cultural experiences.

As you map out your intended route, take time to research what interesting events may be happening in the areas you’ll be traveling through. Summer fairs, art festivals, food celebrations and music performances often occur seasonally when the weather is nice for outdoor fun. Scheduling your trip to coincide with festivals matching your interests can be insider ways to mingle with locals and soak up regional traditions. 

Visit highly rated museums spotlighting unique elements of surrounding territories from cowboy culture to aviation achievements. Pencil in tours of quirky roadside oddities like World’s Largest Ball of Twine that give your journey an “only in America” vibe. Explore alien crash landing sites, see backyard monuments built by one determined person, or learn the history behind most photographed barns dotting this nation from sea to shining sea. 

While you may have a few must-see attractions mapped out, also remain open to making unplanned detours and stopping spontaneously when something weird, wonderful or delicious looking demands further investigation. Following whims, welcome signs and the recommendations of locals you meet can unveil the hidden gems and create the most memorable moments of your cross country quest.

Hit the Road Prepared and Enjoy the Ride

When you feel that irrepressible itch to load up your car and set out across this grand nation of ours, by all means scratch it! Use the tips outlined here to make sure your cross country road trip goes smoothly so you can better soak up all the freedom, scenery and fun such journeys promise.

Research relevant regulations to avoid legal troubles as you traverse state lines with all necessary documents in order. Map multiple routes ahead to estimate mileage and pace yourself while having backup options if needed. Inspect and stock your vehicle with emergency equipment so you’re covered in case of mechanical troubles out on the open highway. 

Reserve rooms in advance when you can to ensure you have confirmed lodging each night after long days behind the wheel. And pencil in local diversions like quirky roadside attractions and seasonal events to inject your trip with regional flavor. The people you’ll meet and the things you’ll learn can be just as memorable as the epic backdrop of this beautiful country.

With sturdy wheels below you, a stocked emergency kit at your side, and a spirited sense of adventure before you, a cross country road trip can exceed your wildest expectations. By preparing properly ahead of time, you pave the way for smooth sailing through breathtaking landscapes as this nation’s history also cruises by your passenger side window. Enjoy the ride!

Scouting Trips – Scope it Out Before a Longer Trip

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Hitting the open road for a scouting trip is a great way to map out your future travel plans. Learn about my recent scouting trip and why I recommend them!

Scouting Trips Are a Great Way to See Where to Visit in the Future

While nothing beats the adventure of a road trip, doing a scouting run first paves the way for an amazing vacation down the road. A few months ago, my husband and I embarked on a scouting adventure, making stops in several states to see if they would steer us in the right direction for our next big trip.

We had a wheel-y good time checking out the highway highlights across different parts of the country. Our scouting trip put the engine in motion for planning an incredible road trip itinerary or two (or three!) in the future.

From scenic routes to hidden gems just off the beaten path, our scouting adventure yielded a roadmap to places we can’t wait to re-tread. While road trips themselves are a blast, doing a scouting trip ahead of time fuels you up with insider knowledge so your next vacation is smooth sailing.

If you’re looking to scout out destinations for an upcoming trip, gas up your car, roll down the windows, and cruise through potential spots. You’ll pave the way for an incredible getaway by doing your scouting homework first. I have no doubt this will lead to the ultimate road trip with no bumps or detours in sight!

Related: Check out some unique accommodations for an unforgettable trip!

The Benefits of Scouting Trips 

scouting trips - kentucky mountains landscape photographed on the road

A scouting trip might seem like a hassle upfront, but the investment pays off when it comes time to plan your real vacation. Here are some of the key benefits of taking a scouting trip before your bigger trip:

Get a true sense of a place 

Reading reviews only goes so far. Seeing a destination in person lets you determine if it’s worth your valuable vacation time. You can confirm if a place lives up to the hype.

Scout accommodations

Finding the right hotel or rental home can make or break a vacation. Scouting first means you can check out properties and neighborhoods in person to find your ideal place to stay. 

Discover hidden gems

The best local restaurants, shops, and attractions often don’t rise to the top of review sites. Scouting a location yourself lets you wander and uncover hidden hot spots.

Figure out optimal timing

Understanding a destination’s seasonal patterns can help you plan your bigger trip during the ideal time of year. Seeing a place during different seasons gives you insight on when to return. 

Test drive itineraries 

Trying sample itineraries during your scouting trip means you can tweak and perfect your actual vacation agenda later. Test runs help build the framework.

Uncover undersold attractions 

Some of the coolest spots slip under the radar. You can pull back the curtain and find underrated activities to highlight on your real trip.

In short, scouting trips pave the way for amazing vacations. The upfront effort pays off when you get to experience a new destination like a local.

Related: Learn about the best road trip destinations in the US for 2024!

My Recent Scouting Road Trip

My husband and I recently went on an extensive scouting road trip along the east coast to help us plan future vacations. Our intended destination was to get to New Jersey to watch a K-pop concert for the first time, and we used it as an excuse to scout the states along the east coast to learn where we would like to visit for a longer getaway.

scouting trips - concert venue for blackpink concert in new jersey

Over the course of a week, we drove through beautiful parts of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and more.

We took pages of notes on places we’d like to revisit. At the top of the list is Washington, D.C. We really want to have at least a week to see all the monuments, parks, and of course The White House.

West Virginia absolutely dazzled us with its mountain landscapes – we could have spent weeks exploring this state alone. We decided we need to return to West Virginia and spend at least a week or so enjoying the hiking and small towns.

The history and charm of Philadelphia also won us over. We determined three or four days would be ideal in the future to experience the food scene and tour Independence Hall. We did get to try a Philly Steak and Cheese there though – which by the way is just referred to as a Steak and Cheese when ordering in the state!

In Rhode Island, the mansions and oceanside location provided a delightful change of pace from the mountains. We agreed two or three days in Newport on a return visit would suffice.

Oh, and Salem! I only got one evening in Salem, Massachusetts, but I look forward to spending at least a week there.

Beyond the highlights, having boots on the ground helped us evaluate where we would like to focus future trips and how long we should plan to stay in each place. Our scouting trip provided invaluable first-hand experience to start crafting our next multi-state road trip adventure.

Key Tips for Scouting Trips

If you’re planning a scouting trip to help map out future vacations, keep these tips in mind:

– Be flexible – Don’t overschedule your scouting trip. Allow time to slow down and evaluate places. Give yourself freedom to lengthen or shorten time in each spot.

– Take notes – Write down or voice record your impressions on accommodations, restaurants, activities while they’re fresh. Details will help immensely when planning later. 

– Research hidden gems – Scan blogs and social media for tips on underrated attractions. Locals know the best undiscovered spots.

– Consider off-season – Visiting a destination during its quieter season gives insight on when crowds may be smaller for future trips.

– Prioritize what matters – Focus your scouting on the factors most important to you – weather, costs, ease of transport, etc.

scouting trips - downtown richmond kentucky mural of the city name

– Stay central – Choosing centrally located accommodations makes it easier to explore different areas efficiently.

– Meet locals – Striking up conversations with residents can yield insider information not found online.

– Take photos – Pictures of places, hotels, and activities will jog your memory later when trip planning.

– Scout multiple spots – Don’t commit fully to one place in case you end up preferring another destination.

Taking the time to scout out vacation spots results in future trips tailored to your interests and perfectly timed. Use these tips to maximize the value of your scouting adventure.

Start Your Engines for an Epic Road Trip

After reading about my recent scouting adventure on the east coast, I hope you can see why I’m such a strong advocate for scouting out destinations before a bigger trip. While the initial scouting journey requires time and effort, it pays dividends when you get to plan an incredible vacation tailored to the very best a location has to offer. 

Armed with first-hand knowledge of accommodations, hidden gems, timing considerations, and priorities for each destination, crafting future trip itineraries will be a breeze. All that’s left to do is count down the days until you can return to those hand-picked spots for the vacation of a lifetime! 

For me, fond memories from my scouting stops will fuel my wanderlust until I can embark on a longer journey to many if not all of the places we quickly drove through. My scouting trip gave me a priceless sneak peek while allowing me to curate future vacations to highlight the very best of each incredible place.

So consider scouting trips for your next destination as the first step on an amazing longer trip. Let the wanderlust wash over you as you road trip through potential spots. Then get ready for an unforgettable future vacation engineered to perfection. Your scouting efforts will take the work out of planning so you can focus on anticipation and excitement. Happy scouting!

Unique Accommodations for an Unforgettable Trip

Unique Accommodations for an Unforgettable Trip Bed with Modern Lamp Black Nightstand

Discover unique accommodations for an unforgettable trip like Treehotel, Icehotel & Giraffe Manor, with options to sleep on a jet, in an igloo & more.

The following is a guest post from my bloggy friend Megan Isola. Interested in having a guest post on my website? Click here for my guest post submission form.

A Dozen Unique Accommodations for an Unforgettable Trip

Sometimes you don’t get to pick where you stay when you travel. For example, your agency might put you in a nice hotel if you’re traveling for work as a travel nurse or sales consultant. However, when traveling for fun, you can choose where you rest your head at night. 

When you travel, you usually have two options: get a hotel room or stay in an Airbnb. However, consider choosing your location based on the available accommodations for your next trip. Where you stay can drastically impact your travel experience, so why not choose your next destination based on unique accommodations instead of tourist attractions? Here are some of the most unique accommodations for an unforgettable trip:

Jumbo Stay, Sweden

Sleeping on a plane usually isn’t the most comfortable experience. However, you can sleep in the cockpit of a real jumbo jet on the ground at Jumbo Stay. The plane used for the unique experience was originally built for Singapore Airlines, but it’s now a hotel that offers a memorable experience at an affordable price. Remember, since you’re sleeping in a cockpit, there’s not much room for lots of stuff, but they are large enough for families. 

The Manta Resort, Tanzania

Wake up and watch reef fish swim by your room at The Manta Resort in Pemba Island, Tanzania. Here, you’ll stay on a floating structure with three levels. At sea level, you’ll have a landing deck with a bathroom and lounge, and at the top, you can lay in the sun all day or watch the stars at night. Then, sleep in a comfortable bed downstairs just under sea level with a 360-degree view of fish and other sea creatures like the manta ray. 

Treehotel, Sweden

If you enjoy the great outdoors and want to experience a one-of-a-kind adventure, pack your bags full of your best athletic gear and consider the Treehotel in Sweden. This hotel allows you to live among nature in the trees with rooms suspended above the ground for unique views.

The HI Jail Hostel, Canada

You’re a model citizen, but you can still spend the night in jail at The HI Jail Hostel in Ottawa, Canada. At this hotel, you can live in a dorm with other guests or get a single cell for an affordable price. In addition, every morning, guests receive breakfast and a tour of the jail. While these accommodations are small, they might be well worth the price for individuals just looking for a unique place to rest their heads at night. 

Finn Lough Resort, Ireland

Spend your free time in a bubble under the stars in Northern Ireland at the Finn Lough Resort, where you’ll stay in a clear dome in the forest. You’ll have a full view of the trees and sky with transparent walls on all sides, making it the perfect getaway for stargazers. 

Giraffe Manor, South Africa

Unique Accommodations for an Unforgettable Trip Giraffe Sticking Out Tongue

Feel like you’re a part of nature when you book your stay at Giraffe Manor in Cape Town, South Africa. Here you’ll get to meet giraffes that poke their heads through the windows while you’re eating breakfast and live right next to giraffes and other wildlife. 

IceHotel, Sweden

If you’ve ever wanted to stay in an igloo but didn’t think you were cut out for harsh weather conditions, you’ll love IceHotel in Sweden, which looks like a fancy art installation. During the day, the rooms in this hotel are part of a museum and transform into guest rooms at night. Of course, the rooms are cold since you’re in an ice hotel, but the beds are lined with reindeer fur and warm sleeping bags to keep you warm. 

Propeller Island, Germany

Propeller Island is a hotel with unique rooms. For example, there are rooms with coffin beds, a bath in a plastic bag, and those with mirrors from wall to wall. Some rooms even have slanted floors that make the bed look like it’s hovering above the floor. 

The Windmill Bed and Breakfast, United Kingdom

If you want the bed and breakfast experience with more of a thrill, consider checking into the Windmill in Scarborough, UK. This 18th-century hotel is a windmill with two suites in the tower. 

Dog Bark Park Inn, Idaho

If you’d like to travel a little closer to home and love pets, consider going to the Dog Bark Park Inn in Cottonwood, Idaho. This famous hotel is shaped like a beagle and is a two-bedroom bed and breakfast with dog-centric contents and decorations. While sleeping in a giant beagle, you can still expect air conditioning, wifi, and free parking. In addition, you’ll receive a free breakfast, and you can bring Fido along for the excitement since this accommodation is pet friendly. 

Book and Bed, Japan 

Book lovers, rejoice! Book and Bed hotel, located in Tokyo, allows you to sleep on a bookshelf with all the reading materials you’ll ever need. This library offers books to suit any taste, and here you’ll find people from all over the world who love reading. 

Crane Hotel, Netherlands

Travelers with a daring side might check out the Faralda Crane, a luxury hotel 50 meters above the ground. The hotel has three 5-star suites that are uniquely furnished and have access to an incredible outdoor area with luxury patio furniture and jacuzzi. The Mystique suite overlooks the city of Amsterdam with a split level that’s spacious with sliding panels and a sleeping area with a gold ceiling and satin fabrics. 

Meanwhile, the Secret suite—the most expensive option—is a former machinery room that’s been restored and fully decorated to overlook Amerstam and feature soft colors, paintings, and design furniture. Another split level has a living area, sleeping area, and private bathroom. 

Unforgettable Travels with Eccentric Accommodations 

Traveling is easier than ever before. Our smartphones allow us to book lodgings, send money, and take beautiful pictures of our adventures, so why not take advantage of the ease of travel and find your next destination based on the accommodations? Many of the hotels on this list are located in cities and outdoor areas, so you can choose your own adventure and avoid overcrowded tourist destinations and boring hotels. 

About the Author Megan Isola

Unique Accommodations for an Unforgettable Trip Megan Isola

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys attending concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.