30 Day Competitive Niche Research Plan

Before you spend weeks or months trying to turn a profit from a niche, it’s a good idea spend some time investigating it to see if it’s viable. Viable would mean it has ample topics for content, tons of money-making opportunities, and a healthy presence of a target audience online.

You need to make an effort to size up the niche before you just quickly commit to it. Imagine spending six months trying to earn from a bad decision. It will leave you frustrated and pessimistic about your abilities as an online entrepreneur.

While you may be in a rush to make money, it’s important that you know you’re choosing the right niche topic. Not only do you want one that’s ripe with profit potential, but you also want to make sure you have a hungry audience ready to absorb your content – and a personal passion to lead them.

Day 1: Brainstorm a List of Your Interests, Knowledge and Passions

The place you want to start when picking a niche is in your own mind. On the very first day of your niche research journey, you want to sit down with a pen and paper and brainstorm a list of all of the things you have knowledge or expertise in, topics that you feel emotionally passionate about, and things you have a general interest in, even if that means learning more along the way.

For example, you might know a lot about raising children because you are a parent of five. You might have a passion for the pet niche because you like to help people pair up with a rescue animal in need.

When it comes to interests, you might want to list things you have been involved with before, such as cooking. Or, you might name things that you’ve always wanted to learn more about, such as a particular arts and crafts topic.

Day 2: Make a List of the Niche Pain Points and Problems

The next day, you want to take those niches that you listed previously and right a summary of the main pain points and problems the audience of those niches have to deal with or need help with.

For example, if cooking was one of the niches that you listed, then you might list problems such as cooking for one or cooking low sodium or low calorie meals. Cooking on a budget could also be a pain point or problem for this target audience.

Day 3: Conduct Some In-Depth Keyword Research

The third day, you want to log in to a keyword research tool, either free or paid, and start drilling down from broad to more narrow keywords and phrases. You want to export these and save them in a file for use later.

The reason you want to conduct initial keyword research is because sometimes it can spark more ideas for a topic that you may not have considered before. For example, if you went to a keyword tool and typed in the words cooking for – you might get results such as cooking for diabetics, cooking for beginners, cooking for college students, or cooking for babies or elderly.

Day 4: Create a List of Sub-Topics for Each Niche You’re Considering

On day four, you want to create a list of topics that you have drilled down from the main one. For example, if anti-aging is one of the niches that you are considering, then you might have subcategories such as memory, mobility, socialization, finances, skin care, and more.

Day 5: Map Out Niche Topics That Complement the Originals

For each of the niches that you are considering, you should use a mind mapping system to link any niche that could possibly be connected with the original one. This will serve you well at a later date when you want to create additional content or promote more products that are just outside of your niche.

For example, if your niche topic is weight loss, there are many other niches that may affect someone’s ability to lose weight. That may include things like stress, sleep, and more.

Having these written down ahead of time will allow you to easily pick a niche to pair your content with and offer additional solutions that may not be inherently associated with your original niche.

For example, if you wrote an article for your blog about how a lack of good sleep can impair your ability to lose weight, you would be able to make recommendations for better bedding, sleep supplements, white noise machines, and other products that help someone sleep better, and indirectly help them lose weight.

Day 6: See What’s Being Said About It in the News

On this day, you want to take some time to analyze the various news stories for your niche. You may be able to find some stories using the search tool on sites like CNN or Fox News.

But you can also go to Google or another search engine, type in your niche topic, and click on the News tab to see what has been discussed about it recently. You may be able to find specific studies that have been conducted and have some cutting edge information that is timely to share with your audience.

Day 7: Check for Rising or Falling Trends

Another thing you want to keep your eye on over the course of these 30 days are the trends that have emerged, risen or fallen sharply over time. The last thing you want to do is hang your hat on a trend within a niche, only to see it get scrapped.

Ideally, you want to immerse yourself in an evergreen niche that will be around and have a solid performance for years to come. It’s okay to capitalize on certain trends that occur within your niche, but you want to have a strong anchor for your business.

Day 8: Stop By Forums to See What the Needs Are

One thing that will help you be able to tap into the needs of your audience is to visit forums within your niche and see what people are posting about and commenting on. For example, if you are in the survival niche and you visit a prepper forum, you may see increased concerns about the economy.

Or, you may be able to jot down a specific topic such as supply chain issues so that you have a note to address that in an upcoming blog post about stocking up on supplies early on.

Day 9: Find Out If There’s an Audience for the Niche on Facebook

Another part of your niche research is to see if there’s an audience for this topic on Facebook. While many in the younger generation do not have a presence here, it is still one of the most popular social media sites online.

You want to be looking for groups, pages, and profiles that are discussing your niche topic. Join the groups and follow the pages so that you can begin observing the target audience and also networking with others who can help you earn money in the niche.

Day 10: Look to See If the Niche Is ‘Gram-Worthy

Today, you want to visit Instagram to see if there is a presence for your target audience here. Be sure to use hashtags to conduct searches and see what kind of content is being highlighted and supported by the followers.

For example, if you type in the word gardening and look at the results, you may find that a post on hydroponics has far fewer followers than one on how to grow tomatoes. It doesn’t mean you should ignore hydroponics, but you will be able to rank the level of interest by looking at the engagement.

Day 11: Peek on Pinterest to See If It Has a Following

Stopping by Pinterest on this day of your niche research will help you see how many people are actively saving and sharing content for a specific subtopic within your niche. For example, if you entered the word dieting, you would get all kinds of results.

You would be able to see the level of interest for topics such as the keto diet, inflammation diet, intermittent fasting, vegetarian diets, and more. This is a great keyword tool because you can follow the link to someone’s profile who has shared or liked the content and see what else they have saved on their Pinterest board.

Day 12: See If You Can Discover Any Tik Toks on Your Topic

Even if you may not be an active sharer there yet, make sure you visit Tik Tok to see how many people are discussing your niche topic there. You may be surprised at what all you can find on this social media app – from videos about memory loss to container gardening tips – they have it all.

Day 13: Conduct a YouTube Search for the Niche

It’s the second largest search engine on the Internet, which is why you need to make sure you visit YouTube and conduct a search in your niche. For example, if you are in the diabetes niche, you can enter that word as a search term and see the results that have the most views, such as healthy eating for diabetics.

The great thing about this site is that the comments will have insight into what is most important to your audience on each subtopic. The audience here will share their own tips and also ask for additional advice, which you can write down for future content ideas.

Day 14: Take a Look at What’s Being Covered By Trade and Consumer Magazines

Depending on the niche, you may be able to look up trade magazines or consumer magazines and get an idea of what topics are important to the audience based on what’s on the cover.

You may also want to look up trade shows in your niche or conventions and expos that you could dig into online or in person to get to know your target audience and the market in general better.

Day 15: View the Podcast List for Your Topic

One good resource to see if your niche is going to be popular enough and profitable enough is to go to Google and type in your niche topic and the word podcast. You will be able to see how many followers the podcast has, and be able to look back on their episodes to see which topics have been covered.

Depending on the platform, you may be able to see comments that have been left for the host that can give you more insight into what needs to be covered about this particular topic or what had a positive impact on the listening audience.

Day 16: Spy on the Competition to See Where They’re Failing and Succeeding

The competition for your niche will be everywhere – as authors on Amazon, as individuals leading groups on social media, as bloggers creating consistent content for the target audience, and more.

You want to begin scouring the web to see who the strong competitors are so that you can pinpoint any weaknesses they have that you may be able to do better with. You also want to see where they are succeeding so that you can emulate that success with ideas of your own.

Day 17: Make Note of Tangible Products You Can Promote as an Affiliate

On this day, your goal is to begin the process of looking into the profitability of the niche. One thing you want to do is make a list of the tangible products you could promote, if there are any.

Even topics that are mostly digital, such as online marketing, have tangible items that can be promoted such as green screens, microphones, computers and more. If you are in a niche that has a ton of tangible products, then try to categorize them the best you can.

As you jot down the products, make a note as to where you can promote the items. For example, you may find that you can promote through Amazon or Share a Sale, but if you do some digging, you may also find that the vendor or manufacturer allows you to promote directly through them.

Day 18: List All of the Digital Products You Can Earn Commissions From

On this day, you want to do the same thing you did for the tangible items, only with digital products. You will be looking on sites like ClickBank, Warrior Plus, JVZoo, Udemy and other locations to see if there are eBooks, memberships, and video courses you can promote for a commission as an affiliate,

Day 19: See If There Are Any Subscription Offers for the Niche

Many people forget that there are opportunities for ongoing revenue as an affiliate. Subscription offers (such as boxes that get mailed to the buyer’s home) are one way to achieve this. For example, they have them for niches such as beauty, arts and crafts, pets, survival, fitness, and more.

Day 20: Spot Holes in the Marketplace That Would Make Good Info Products

Another good research tactic for your niche is to look for ways you can fill a gap in the marketplace. For example, it may be based on a topic that has not been covered or a media format that has not been presented.

You may find that someone has not covered the topic of how to write an eBook very well, so that may be something you can provide to the target audience. Or, you may find that there are several courses about how to build a blog in PDF format, but the marketplace is lacking a video course, which you could easily provide.

Day 21: Map Out the Common Denominators for Product Funnels in the Niche

On this day, you want to look for the common denominators in the product funnels that you see in the marketplace for your niche. To do this, you will often need to go to the JV (joint venture) page to see how the funnel unfolds for the customer.

You want to look for patterns or ideas that many people are using. A good example of this is if you look at some of the top courses being sold on 3rd party platforms, you will often see a second upgrade that offers to do the work for the customer.

For example, the front end product may teach people how to open an Etsy store. The first upgrade may be a set of readymade printables. But the second upgrade could be an offer to complete the set up for them.

Day 22: Chart the Price Points That Are Being Used and How They Perform

Looking back on the products that you have seen in the marketplace, you want to make note of the price points that are being used throughout the funnel. Start with the front end and go through the price points of each upgrade and downsell that is listed.

You will want to be competitive for your customers, and also meet the price point that is expected from your affiliates whenever you create info products of your own. You can’t just look at the price, though – you have to see what is included in the product to make sure it is comparable to what you have planned.

Day 23: Jot Down a List of Top-Performing Affiliates in the Niche

When you start looking at products that have launched before yours, check to see if they had a contest associated with the launch. If they do, you can look at the leaderboard to see who was a top performing affiliate.

Sometimes, they will not have an official contest, but the vendor will share a post on social media about the affiliates who brought the most traffic and sales. You will want this information so that you can approach the same heavy hitters later.

Day 24: Cross Reference Your Affiliate List with Launch Perks

When you are doing your investigation of previous launches and affiliates, look to see what perks were being given with the launch. For example, on the JV page, you may find that the vendor was promising a reciprocal promotion, 100% commission on the front end, or something else.

Make a specific note about who performed well for these vendors because the affiliates who promoted hard for them may expect these additional perks when you approach them for a future promotion.

Day 25: See If the Niche Has Merch Money Potential

Another thing you want to check is whether or not the niche has merch money potential. Merch is the slang term for products that are sold online such as T shirts from influencers, tumblers with the brand name, and so on.

You might have merch being sold through a company like Teespring, Redbubble, and other online shops. your merch might include hoodies, coffee cups, stickers, phone cases, and more.

Day 26: Look for Printable Profit Opportunities

Another additional profit stream you want to check for your niche consideration are printables. You can find things like planners, goal sheets, checklists, and other items for a wide variety of niches.

These are great because they are items that you create one time as a digital download, upload them to your store on a site like Etsy, and allow your audience too buy them repeatedly.

Day 27: Find Out If Anyone Offers Coaching as an Income Stream in Your Niche

Coaching may be an additional income stream for your niche. First, you want to see if anyone else is offering coaching so that you can compare their expertise and offers to your own.

It may turn out that there are no coaches online for your niche topic yet, but that doesn’t mean your audience wouldn’t be willing to pay for one on one or group coaching if the opportunity arose.

Day 28: Make Sure You Have Access to Easy and Affordable Niche Content

Running a niche website, whether you are operating as an affiliate marketer or a digital info product vendor, requires a lot of content day in, day out. You will have to create content for your blog, your email autoresponders, lead magnets, social media posts, and info products.

Along with all of the other tasks that you are responsible for, it can become overwhelming. Therefore, it makes sense for you to outsource some of the niche content whenever possible.

You may have the budget and ability to hire a freelance ghostwriter who can create content that is only owned by you. But if you don’t have the funds, you may want to look and see if there is any readymade niche content in the form of private label rights (PLR) that will allow you to download it, put your name on it, edit it as you see fit, and publish it.

Day 29: Make a List of Courses You Can Take to Level Up with Your Expertise

A good niche leader is always growing their own knowledge and understanding of the topic they are guiding others on. Therefore, you always want to be engaged in the learning process.

Make sure that there are new forms of information coming out that you may not understand yet. These could be in the form of a book, a video series, and could be free or paid. You could even take a course at a local community college or online college if it would help you level up with your insight.

Day 30: Check to See What Domains Are Available

After you have conducted all of the initial research for your niche, and you know how big the audience is and what their needs are, as well as the profit potential available to you, you will want to use your keyword list that you have gathered to try to find a good, available dot com domain.

Building an online business is a task that needs to be carried out precisely and carefully. Many people throw themselves into it without much thought, only to be forced to backtrack months later, with all their hard work down the drain.

How to Use Reiki for Relaxation and Better Mental Health

As you grow older, you’ll realize that life can be incredibly stressful. With so many decisions to make, and responsibilities to fulfill, stress finds a way to always surround you.

Falling into a pattern of constant stress will greatly impact your mental health and seep into your physical well-being, too. So how do you relieve yourself of some of the stress weighing on your shoulders?

More and more people are starting to explore alternative stress relief methods. With these alternative methods, you are encouraged to try natural healing strategies in order to keep your mental health strong.

Reiki is the perfect example of a natural meditative method that helps to alleviate anxiety. As you practice Reiki, you will be able to find a sense of calm that will help you manage your stress and improve your mental health.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that was developed in the early 1900s. The name itself comes from two Japanese words, “rei” meaning universal, and “ki” meaning function of life or life force.

When you combine the two together, you get a meditation practice that uses the energy in your body to relax and release any tension. Reiki is known to be a secondary treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress, with proven medicinal practices preceding it.

It is meant to lift your mental state and provide a realm of calm in your mind. Reiki involves finding your own personal balance – spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

It will help you on your journey to discover yourself, and become a better person. Overall, Reiki meditation is a great practice for anyone looking to find balance and improve their mental health.

Living By the 5 Principles of Reiki

There are some common principles you can rely on to help you implement an on-going strategy of using Reiki to achieve a sense of calm and serenity in your life. There are five main ones, as follows:

Just for today, I will not worry.

Worrying takes up a large portion of your day when you tend to be stressed out often. With this principle, you can decide to push your intense worries to the next day. This will take a weight off of your shoulders, and allow you to focus on the more important tasks for each day.

If you are struggling to let go of your worries, you may want to try imagining physically pushing your worries into a box, one that you can plan on opening up the next day. And when the next day comes, do the same thing again.

A major challenge to this principle is learning how to let go of the things you cannot control. Once you can accept what is out of reach and teach yourself not to worry about those things, you will find that your life has become much less stressful when it comes to a day-to-day basis.

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Life is not an easy place, and it’s common to feel angry with the world. When you can replace your anger with positivity and change your perspective, it will completely transform your mental state.

Anger will never get you anywhere, so learning to let go will bring you to a calmer state. The principles of Reiki are meant to lead you to a better place with yourself and the way you view your life.

In order to move past your initial anger or frustration towards something, try taking deep breaths and counting upwards until you feel calmer. If that doesn’t work, focus on an activity that brings you joy or peace.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

When you focus on what you should be grateful for on a daily basis, you can shift into a much more positive mental state. Bringing positivity into your life every day will give you a better outlook on your life and the way you treat others.

This Reiki principle will be a great tool to have whenever you are feeling hopeless or down. In order to be more grateful throughout your day, try making a list of all of the things you are grateful for each day, and add on to the list as your day goes by.

Every little thing counts, because they add up over time. Once you fall into a rhythm of noting those things, you’ll notice that you are picking up things to be grateful for more and more every day.

Just for today, I will be honest.

Bringing a new level of honesty into your life will improve your mental health overall. You won’t have to worry or stress over honesty if you give it your all, at all times. Be honest in your work and your relationships and you will find that things will fall into place much easier.

It isn’t always easy to find your drive and do things the more challenging way, but it will be much more rewarding for your life and mental health. It will help you to be a better person, and will help you grow as a person as well.

Just for today, I will be kind to all living things.

Being kind to others is something that will help not just your mental health, but the others’ around you as well. If you can turn kindness into an instinct, it will help carry you forward in life.

Being able to exercise kindness at all times will make you more likable, and will ensure you that you are being a good person. Being able to hold confidence in your kindness will take the pressure off of yourself to always be good, if you can know that kindness will always come to you.

Kindness takes practice. Try giving compliments to several people each day, and focus on making your words and actions as kind as they can be, while being kind to yourself. A lot of people forget to treat themselves as well as they treat others.

But one of the most important points of this Reiki principle is to practice being nice to yourself. Even if you just do little things that will make you happy, you need to treat yourself the way you would want others to treat you. You must take care of yourself to the best of your abilities.

How to Use Self-Administered Reiki to Achieve a Sense of Peace

Although Reiki is more commonly done with someone to assist, you can utilize self-administered Reiki to achieve a sense of peace within yourself. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Set aside time for your Reiki practices.

It’s recommended that you set aside a half an hour at the start and end of your day, so that you welcome the day and close it out with a calm mind. It’s best to set a regular schedule, and that you work on your meditations every day.

  1. Find a quiet area.

Before you begin, it’s important for you to find a safe and quiet environment for your Reiki sessions. This will help you achieve inner peace before you start your session. Limiting the distractions in the area will improve the mental results of the Reiki meditation. If you feel completely comfortable in the environment you are in, you will be able to fall into a relaxed state quickly.

  1. Activate your inner energy.

Close your eyes, and imagine the energy that is flowing inside of you. Allow that energy to flow to your hands, and imagine it as healing energy that you’ve accessed. Give yourself that power of inner healing.

  1. Begin the initial hand positions.

As you focus on the energy flowing to your hands, begin taking slow, deep breaths. During each hand position, it is recommended that you hold the position for two minutes.

  1. Place hands in prayer position.

Bring your hands together into a prayer position, and imagine the healing energies flowing between the two hands. As you carry on through each position, focus on taking slow, deep breaths.

  1. Place both hands on the top of your head.

Bring both hands to the top of your head. If you feel comfortable enough, close your eyes. It will help you concentrate and calm your mind. Imagine the energy’s healing properties flowing to your mind, and alleviating the pressure you may feel there.

  1. Gently move your hands to cover your eyes.

Now bring your hands forward and slowly cover your eyes. Each hand should be covering its respective eye. Remember to hold for around two minutes, and take deep breaths.

  1. Lay your right hand carefully on your throat, and rest the other above your heart.

Bring your right hand to your throat. Make sure it is gently resting on your throat, in a way that is most comfortable to you. Take your right hand and place it on your heart. Focus on your heart beat as you breathe in and out. Let the energy flow through your hands and your upper body, and imagine the stress on your body being lifted.

  1. Move both hands to your upper stomach, then lower stomach.

This one could count as two steps, but it is simple to understand. Take your hands and place them on your upper stomach, right below your chest. After two minutes, bring them down to your lower stomach.

  1. Reach your hands up and rest them on your shoulders.

Bring your hands back up and place them on top of your shoulders. Make sure to avoid grabbing your shoulders. Your hands should just rest gently on your shoulders. If you are feeling any tension or pains in that area, focus on the flow of healing energy inside of you, and let it find its way to that specific area, from your hands to your shoulders.

  1. Move hands down and place them on your hips.

Finally, slowly bring your hands down to your waist, then place them on your hips. Hold the stance for the allotted time, all while taking special focus to your deep breaths.

  1. Determine your next step.

If you are still feeling deeply overwhelmed and stressed out, you could consider repeating the steps again. But if you are feeling like you’ve been able to bring yourself to a calmer state, you can take a few more deep breaths, and conclude the meditation.

The setup of steps above is a general idea of a self-administered Reiki session. The goal is to focus on points of stress and tension throughout your mind and body. In order to utilize the healing Reiki energies, you have to learn what spots and methods work best for you.

After enough sessions and practice, you will be able to find your problem areas easily. It will take time to get to that place, especially if you embark on your Reiki journey all by yourself.

Reiki is also a good method to use in order to meditate and work on your own personal growth. If you start your day with a simple Reiki session, live by the Reiki principles during your day, and end it with another Reiki session, you will find that your mental health has improved and as you are lifted from the burdens of your stress and anxiety, life will become much more pleasant for you to experience.

Working with a Reiki Master for Better Mental Health

A Reiki master serves as a bridge between you and natural life force energy. In order to find a reliable and efficient Reiki master, you could try looking up Reiki therapists in your area.

A safer bet would be to go through your local hospital, yoga studios, or health stores. They may be able to guide you towards someone who will work best for you. To know whether or not you are receiving the right kind of session for Reiki, here’s an idea of what an in-person session may look like:

To begin, you might be asked to focus on your breathing, and work to take deep breaths. You may lie on a massage table, or the Reiki master will have a place for you to sit or stand.

It’s usually up to wherever you will feel the most comfortable. Next, the Reiki practitioner will place their hands, palm down, on or directly above different areas of your body. The areas will be where the practitioner feels your mind and body most needs healing energies.

During this, you may feel different sensations or pulses throughout your body. However, for some, you may not feel any difference. It does not mean that the Reiki practices are not working.

The most important focus for you should be on your breathing, and opening yourself up to the flow of energy. There should be no massaging, or pressure utilized during these sessions.

It’s about gentle touch, and sometimes there is no touch needed at all. A Reiki session should last anywhere from a half an hour to an hour, depending on your experience and comfort with the process.

After the session is finished, you and the Reiki master should both take a moment to thank each other and the energy for the exchange and connection you had. If you have a Reiki master that doesn’t work in person, you will find that it is similar to self-administered Reiki.

But it may be much easier because you will have a guide who has more knowledge on different practices and properties that will work best for you. If there are specific issues that you are concerned about, and want to relieve the tension or stress in those areas, you can discuss that with your Reiki master.

Although they will probably be able to sense those areas during the session, it does not hurt to make sure you are getting the right treatment for the stresses you struggle with. No matter what, having someone to guide you through the process will be the best way for you to learn.

If you are interested in becoming a Reiki master yourself, it’s best to learn through another Reiki master and become an apprentice. They may be able to open your eyes to new methods and practices that will bring you a new sense of peace that you had not known before.

Understanding Your Chakras When Utilizing Therapeutic Reiki

Reiki is a useful tool when it comes to opening up your chakras. As you practice Reiki sessions frequently, you will be able to open up the heart chakra, the chakras you find located in your palms.

As the energy flows from your palms to other stress points on your body, you will be able to open up the flow of spiritual energy. Reiki prepares your mind for spirit. This will help to clear your mind and memory, opening up your sights to the spiritual world.

If you are looking to heal and energize your chakras, you can focus your Reiki meditation specifically on that one goal. It will give you several places for the healing energies to flow to, which may help you organize your practices.

How to Make Money in a Gig Economy

Many people want to know how to make more money so that they can save enough for a vacation, pay their monthly bills or pay off their debt faster. It could even be to save for retirement.

Whatever your reason, a side hustle might be just the thing that you need to achieve your financial goals. More and more businesses are closing their doors because of health reasons.

This also means that many are wondering how to make more money without having to seek employment in person. The solution to this dilemma? The gig economy. This started out as a small trend that has exploded into fulltime careers for many individuals.

What Is a Gig?

The gig economy is an employment market that is defined by the high ratio of freelance work or short-term contracts in contrast to permanent and traditional jobs. The whole idea of the gig economy is for one to earn more money or extra money with part time jobs and freelance work.

The best part about this is that you can pursue the kinds of gigs you want at a time that works best for you. The flexibility of the gig economy not only allows you to schedule your own work, but to also dictate how much you want to do or how little.

With the awesome technological power that comes with the Internet, there are many short-term gigs that one can complete for the clients who hire them. Gigs have become more frequent as technology permits users to connect linearly with people who are willing to hire them for a project based on their expertise, time availability and skills.

Short-term gigs or side hustles have now become a legitimate means of earning income if you don’t have a job and act as a supplement income for those who already have a career.

Here are some facts that may sway your opinion about choosing gig work if you’ve been skeptical about its legitimacy:

Over 37 percent of American adults (that’s roughly over a third of adults) have at least one side gig that they are engaged in. So, yes, it is more common than you think.

Almost 40 percent of those who have side gigs use the earning received from it to afford their daily living expenses. This means that side gigs are necessary for a budget that breaks even.

They may not be extremely lucrative for part-timers, as the average monthly earnings for side gig workers is $690, and most side gig earners earn $210 or less. But it all depends on what type of gig you choose and how much you want to charge and work.

You’re in complete control of your hours and commitment to the gig work available, so if you need to earn more, you can simply accept more jobs to earn the amount you need for whatever purpose you choose.

Who Would Be the Best Candidates for Gig Careers?

Gig careers are great for men and women of all ages. From college kids who need to earn money while in school to senior citizens looking to supplement their retirement or social security funds – gigs can help.

If you’re someone who has a hectic schedule that makes it hard to get hired by traditional employers, such as a college student with scattered classes, then gig work can allow you to earn between classes or on off hours.

Moms and dads who have kids they want to spend more time with may find gig work an attractive option to a traditional employer. Instead of having to ask a boss for permission to take off and care for your child, you’ll be the one in charge of when you work and when you don’t.

Senior citizens who either hate the idea of retirement and want to maintain a career – or those who need more money but who can’t work in a traditional workforce, will love the idea of using gigs to earn the money they need or want to fund their lifestyle.

People who love doing gigs might be creative people. They love putting their writing or artistic skills to good use. They might be laborers who don’t want to have to expend a lot of mental energy on a job.

Some people love the idea of listening to a podcast or music while delivering groceries or restaurant meals. Introverts love gig work because they don’t have to show up every day to a room full of coworkers and clients.

Extroverts love gig work because it gives them the opportunity to meet people. Uber or Lyft drivers get to meet new people, chit chat and see new places as they drive. But introverts can work from the privacy of their own home and only deal with clients via email or messages.

Start as a Side Hustle and Build a Fulltime Career

When it comes to working in the gig economy, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider, from skills and hourly rates to time management and the other important little details.

This is a business you can start out doing here and there as time allows, and snowball it into a fulltime career if you want to. But you need to know a few ins and outs of how to start and expand your gig work.

In the beginning, you may not know exactly how much time and effort a gig takes. Or you may need to master certain skills, tools or even learn the right route to take. As you gain experience, you’ll become faster and more capable of delivering for your clients, and this can help you build repeat business in the future.

Before you begin, there are some important things to consider. Number one is to choose the right side gig. One may be a dream and one a living nightmare to you, depending on an array of components, such as skills, goals, and personality.

Ask others performing certain gigs (as well as those buying them) what they think about the service – if their needs are being met, any mishaps they have to endure, etc. Spend at least a couple of days to take a good look at the gig and all of the advantages and disadvantages associated with it.

This is to ensure that you make the right choice. Choosing the wrong one may discourage you from ever trying this line of work again. For example, if you think rideshare driving might be right for you, but you read about the extensive wear and tear on your car, you might think twice.

However, if you take out time at the beginning to research all about it before you choose it, you might as well be saving yourself a whole lot of headaches. Look at forums and social media to see what others are talking about regarding what they experience.

Second, take a look at the type of side gig that you have chosen to pursue. If you are going to be launching an actual gig business by yourself, then you should consider registering as an S Corporation or an LLC (Limited Liability Company).

However, before you rush in and do all the paperwork, you should try speaking with a lawyer to understand whether it’s necessary or not. If you’re just working off of a third party platform for part-time pay, you may not need to.

You also want to prepare for taxes. The last thing you might think about when you start a side hustle is that you need to pay taxes on those earnings. However, this should be one of the first items on your list because you don’t want to be hit with an unexpected tax bill at the end of the year.

When preparing for your gig tax, make sure that your personal bank account is kept separate from your business bank account. This ensures that your finances do not get mixed up and you can report expenses correctly.

Another thing to do is to get a certified accountant and speak to them about how you can prepare yourself for the tax season – and how much you should be setting aside. Speaking to a certified public accountant will help you figure out whether or not you are breaking even with your side gig or whether you are losing profit with it.

While gig work may not provide the same degree of job security as traditional employment, there are many different ways to earn on your own, so you’re not restricted to just one method of work.

Some other gigs might require you to develop the necessary skills you need in order for you to gain more profitable work in the future. While you may not need it for ridesharing or food delivery, you may need to gain experience writing or creating graphics before you do those kinds of gigs.

What to Know About Working with a Gig Platform

There are various online or app platforms for on-demand work, such as DoorDash, Fiverr, Upwork, Uber, and other freelance jobs. With the power of the Internet backing it up, the gig economy is able to connect side gig searchers directly with individuals and companies that need their skills without them having to go through the conventional offline means of dealing with certification and applications.

Working on a platform, keep in mind that you operate at the mercy of their rules. If you want payment up front, but they only require funds in escrow, you have to abide by that. Or, if they require certain customer service elements, you must deliver on their regulations, so make sure you know what they are asking of you before you sign up and agree to anything.

When working on a gig platform, your success or failure may be dependent upon what those who have hired you have to say about your performance. Your reviews and ratings will often determine whether or not you are able to maintain a consistent flow of income on that site or app.

These platforms allow sellers and buyers to exchange their services and payment at a faster rate. The gig economy is fast becoming a deeply rooted and significant part of the overall workforce economy.

So, if you have the right skills and develop an excellent work ethic, you can start earning and making a living just by working gigs and being a stellar provider. Also, if you are able to develop healthy relationships and a good rapport with some particular clients and customers, you could end enjoying full-time earnings.

With that said, let’s take a look at the gigs that you can start doing now to start earning ASAP. If you are talented in a field or you have the skills that allow you to earn a living at a traditional job, you can decide to sell your expertise online.

Here are examples of a few fields where you can put your talents and skills to work without leaving the comfort of your home…

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing can also include editing, proofreading, and translating, if you are proficient in those areas. It’s also important to note that freelance writing is one of the most popular ways of earning extra money in the gig economy, so if you have the skill to convey a message, consider this option strongly.

On some platforms, a skilled freelance writer can earn anywhere from $10 to $250 per hour. This is dependent upon the type of writing that they specialize in, their qualifications and also, their portfolio.

Freelance writing include a range of specialized types of writing, such as medical writing, technical writing, academic writing, and legal writing – and more entertaining types of writing, such as informational content and blog posts or even fiction!

Another amazing thing about freelance writing is that, most of the time, it requires nothing more than a strong Internet connection and a gadget with a word processing software.

This means that you can make use of your laptop, desktop or even your smartphone. Also, you can earn money as a freelance writer from anywhere in the world as long as you are online and you have a computer or a smartphone.

Are you fluent in multiple languages? You can earn a living with that skill through the freelance gig of translating. There are not many multilingual people in the gig economy, so a freelance translator can earn steady money from gigs.

Also, if you are fluent in an in-demand and difficult-to-learn language, such as Japanese or Mandarin Chinese, you have a whole lot of opportunities open to you. Zip Recruiter assents that a freelance translator can earn up to $29 per hour as average pay.


Coding, otherwise known as computer programming, includes several popular programming languages, such as Java, SQL, and Python to name a few. The difficulty it takes to learn coding can ensure that a freelance programmer earns a high rate.

According to Career Karma, a freelance programmer can earn up to $60 as an average hourly wage. You can find work on gig sites or launch your own site to accept on-demand projects from individuals and companies who need your skills.


Another popular job in the gig economy is the ridesharing service. This service allows users to transform their cars into taxis. Some popular ridesharing services include Uber and Lyft, and they are more convenient and cheaper than traditional taxis.

For this, all you have to do is own a smartphone and a car and go through some compulsory background check and application processing (depending on the service) to become familiar with the rules and regulations of the company.

There is flexibility in work hours and one can earn an average hourly wage of about $15 to $25, depending on the location. It’s possible to sign up with more than one company to earn from, too.


Not every restaurant has delivery options. However, with the gig economy and its option of food delivery, a lot of restaurants can now offer home deliveries using these third party platforms.

A list of food deliveries are Postmates, Uber Eats and DoorDash. These platforms operate like the ridesharing services and let you earn cash for delivering food to customers.


Upwork is arguably the largest freelancing job structure on the Internet and offers a wide array of fields for gigs. So if you are a writer, designer, sales marketer, legal service provider, business analyst, data scientist, brand expert, translator, or other freelancer, you can use Upwork to earn money.

The platform takes a cut of all earning as a service fee. When you earn up to $500 of lifetime billings, they apply a fee of 20 percent. When it’s $500.01 to $10,000, it’s 10 percent fee, and when it is over $10,000, the fee is reduced to 5 percent.


Fiverr gives you the variety of having writers, artists and programmers all on the same site. The site also offers you the option of add-ons, which lets you charge more when you complete additional tasks for each job.

Like Upwork, Fiverr also uses a customized profile and portfolio and takes a 20% fee on all jobs completed. This is a good starting point for the newbies in the freelancing gig economy.

How to Succeed as a Gig Worker

There are several apps and gigs that you can use to earn some cash, but not everyone will succeed. You want to consider several things before you get started so that you’re able to maximize your earnings.

First and foremost, you never want to take on a gig that you’re unsure you can complete, either due to your schedule or desired skills or talent. It’s better to pass up an opportunity than to accept a gig, fail with it, and ruin your reviews and ratings.

You also want to make sure that you carefully abide by all of the customer or client’s requests. If they hire you to write a report and give you an outline, don’t stray from it to do something else.

Whenever possible, go the extra mile for your customers. You may have seen rideshare drivers who have snacks and phone chargers in their care for customers. This creates a nice experience and ensures they get tipped well and receive a nice rating for future work.

But even if you’re doing something else, such as freelance writing or graphics, you can go above and beyond and throw in something extra to seal the deal that you’ll be the one they come to in the future for more work.

If the gig is something where you can be chosen specifically, like ghostwriting, then ensuring your customers’ happiness will translate into more work via word of mouth recommendations.

If you’re someone who is currently sitting at a job you hate – or worse, unemployed and in desperate need of money – then you need to look at gig work as a solution to your problem.

With gigs, you can create a listing and have money deposited into your account within hours – or even minutes. Of course, there are no guarantees, either. Sometimes there’s a bit of a lag between when you create a profile and when you get hired.

So you don’t want to walk out on a steady paying job before you’ve started building momentum with your side hustle. If you’re in a situation where you want to leave your 9-5 job, then start doing gigs in your off hours.

Learn the ropes and gain a favorable rating. This gives you time to ensure you’re happy with that type of work, too. Then, you can submit your two weeks’ notice to your employer once you’ve gained your footing as a reliable gig worker.

In time, you might decide to move from a platform offering gigs to the creation of your own business entity dealing directly with customers and clients and cutting out the middleman altogether!

Supplies You Need for a Wilderness Survival Bug Out Bag

Few of us have experienced having to flee our homes in the middle of the night and wandering into the wilderness because of an invading army, a natural disaster, or civil unrest.

However, no one is immune to catastrophic events – we’ve simply been lucky enough to live in a period of world history that has been relatively innocuous. If you had to flee your home at a moment’s notice, what would you take with you?  

If you don’t have a bug out bag, then you might grab a gym bag, throw in a few clothes, a few toiletry items, perhaps some food from the pantry, and then be out the door with a mishmash of items.

You would direct your family to do something similar. Once you left the house, how long could you survive with a few t-shirts, toothpaste, and a couple of nutrition bars?  Where would you sleep?  

What would you drink?  What would you eat? How would you stay warm? How would you get your news about the events that caused you to flee?  The more you think about it, the more you may realize that you would be wholly unprepared to support and protect yourself and your family as soon as you left the comfort of your home.

This is a scary thought. What’s the solution?  Preparing a wilderness “bug out bag” (a bag that is pre-packed with survival supplies that you could grab and go when events required you to leave suddenly) would be a pretty good start.

Start with a Durable Bug Out Bag That Can Handle the Elements

So where do you get a bug out bag and what makes one better than another? A search for a “bug out bag” on Amazon gives some immediate options ranging in price from $40 to $700.

So how do you know what makes one bug out bag better than another and which is best for the wilderness over an urban bug out bag? Let’s start with the bag itself. The bag must be hardy, durable, and weatherproof.

It wouldn’t make much sense to have a bag that was going to rip the first time it got caught on a tree branch. Additionally, if the bag isn’t weatherproof, the contents of your bag may be damaged and rendered useless if you encounter rain or snow.

You should have a bag for each family member, which is properly sized. You wouldn’t want to ask your ten-year daughter to lug around the same sized bag as yours. Comfort matters.

Ask an infantry service member, if you have to carry around a bag of your supplies for days on end, the last thing you want is a bag that sits uncomfortably on your shoulders. Forty pounds will quickly feel like 80 pounds with an improperly sized or designed bag.

Above all, don’t skimp on the quality of the bag. The last thing that you want is to be stuck with a bag where the zipper sticks, the straps break, or the bottom tears. At the risk of sounding too dramatic, it’s recommended that you select a dark color, such as black or dark green, in the event, that you desire not to be seen as you are bugging out.

The Ability to Purify Water

A bug out bag is a survival bag. Think about that. The purpose of this bag is to keep you breathing in a scenario that may threaten your life. The bug out bag is not designed for you to pack with your family photos, your lucky t-shirt from high school, or your favorite books.

The contents of this bag are all about protecting your life. The very first thing that you should be thinking about is water. The lack of clean drinking water in the wilderness will threaten your survival in a matter of days.

Surviving the ordeal that you have found yourself in will require a clear mind and a strong body – neither of which is possible if you’re dehydrated. Unfortunately and obviously, water is heavy.

How much water do you need?  A common estimate is one gallon per person per day. One-half gallon for drinking and the other half gallon for cooking and sanitation. At a minimum, you will need one liter a day just to replace the liquid that is lost through urination, perspiration, and exhaling.

Let’s assume you are a family of five, and let us further assume that you want to ensure you have enough water for one week. At one gallon per day per person, that’s 35 gallons of water.

A gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds, so 35 gallons of water weighs 290.5 pounds. This isn’t feasible to carry as you evacuate your house under the cover of darkness at two o’clock in the morning and head for the wilderness.

Therefore, your bug out bag must contain the tools required for you to purify water that you find in creeks, ponds, lakes, or even puddles. Don’t let the pristine appearance of water found in the wild deceive you.

Non-treated water contains microscopic pathogens that can cause illness, diarrhea, or stomachaches. Your bug out bag must contain a solution to the problem of purifying water.

You have three options. The first is boiling water, but that requires starting and maintaining a fire. Although doing so isn’t rocket science, it is time consuming or potentially challenging and complex – and the existence of a fire and smoke may even put you in danger, depending on what it is you’re bugging out from.

The other two options are filtration and purification tabs. Filters generally come in one of two forms – a straw or a squeezable filter. The benefit of the straw filter is its simplicity – you literally drink through the straw.

The disadvantage is that its lifespan is significantly less than the squeezable filter. Another option is the use of purification tablets, which most commonly contain chlorine dioxide.

If you have the ability to purify water, you will be hydrated. This is a great step towards ensuring your survival.

Readymade, Easy to Cook and the Ability to Source Food

Your second wilderness bug out bag focus will be food. The good news is that the human body can survive for quite some time without food. Although it is obviously unethical to experiment on humans to see how long they can survive without food, most experts agree that a hydrated individual can go greater than two weeks without food.

This is based on the observations of hunger strike participants. However, hunger strike participants are typically not exerting themselves by traveling in the wild in the face of existential danger.

Therefore, food is required to keep your energy levels high and your mental acuity sharp. You have three options: ready-made food, easy-to-cook food, and sourcing your own food from the wild.

In all likelihood, your bug out journey will not be measured in weeks or months, but rather days. Therefore, your objective is to keep moving as much as possible so you can get from point A (danger) to point B (safety) in the shortest period of time.

Therefore, it is advisable to equip your bug out bag with readymade food to minimize the amount of time you are preparing foods. You have some viable options in the readymade food department.

Freeze-dried or dehydrated pouches make a good addition to your bug out bag. However, some people have undesired intestinal effects from these. It’s recommended that you try a pouch or two from the comfort of your home prior to packing your bug out bag.

If you are going to have stomach problems, you want to know so that you can try a different brand or type. Military MREs and Cliff Bars are another option. They won’t win any gourmet food awards, but they are calorie-dense, physically small, and easy to pack.

Lastly, you could always pack items that are readily available in your home – such as peanut butter, canned meats, and nuts. If you opt to cook food, your bug out bag should contain food that is calorically dense, easy to pack, and easy to cook.

Pasta, rice, and ramen noodles are the fail-safe options using these criteria. Keep in mind that this option will require that you pack something to cook the food in. Ensure that your bug out bag includes a pot or pan.  

The bigger the better, as you don’t really sacrifice space in your bag because you can fill the pot with other supplies. Most bug out bags contain enough readymade or easy-to-cook food to last three days.  

Therefore, you will want to ensure that you have at least 10 meals per person per bag.  The more, the better, but 10 meals should be the minimum in your bug out bag. On the off-chance that your journey outpaces your food supply, you will have to source your food from the wild.

You all need to know how to hunt and gather food. You would be wise to ensure that your bug out bag includes a fishing tackle, paracord, and a pistol or knife. If you have access to a pond or a lake, fishing is likely your best option for sourcing food.

If you are forced to hunt, not only do you have to be a really good shot, but you will also have to have the stomach to dress, prepare, and eat small animals such as squirrels and rabbits.

Gathering berries and plants sounds like an option because of their ease and availability, depending on the time of year in colder climates. However, unless you are a survivalist expert, the chances of you knowing which berries are edible and which are poisonous are slim.

You don’t want to experiment to find out. If you think you could not bring yourself to fish or hunt, consider packing a small book that classifies berries and plants in your location for edibility and nutritional value.

Fire Building and Cooking Gear

Your bug out bag must include gear that allows you to build a fire. Boiling water can be done for drinking water and cooking, but you may also need a fire to keep you warm. To build a fire, you need a flame and something to burn.

For the flame, keep it simple – lighters and matches are a good place to start. However, they may not serve you well in inclement weather (although you can find stormproof matches), so it’s recommended that you have a Ferro rod striker.

The Ferro rod is challenging to use, but it lasts forever. Additionally, you can include a solar-powered spark lighter, which can be easily obtained online and packed into your wilderness bug out bag.

As for fuel, you will be surrounded by fuel in the form of sticks and logs. However, it can be difficult to get these sources to catch fire, and attempting to do so can burn through a lot of matches and fuel in your lighter.

Therefore, you will need some tinder. An old survivalist trick is to pack cotton balls coated in Vaseline, which makes for excellent tinder. Alternatively, you can use a tinder cloth, dryer lint, or waterproof fire sticks.

You’ll want some cooking gear to use with your fire. While a stainless steel pot or pan can be used, if you’re not on foot, and instead using a 4-wheeler or other vehicle, you might be able to take something more formidable, like cast iron pots to use over the fire.

You want to make sure you remember to pack a spoon to stir with, a spatula, knife, and other things you’d normally use for cooking. Don’t forget to pack a camping messware kit that has a plate, cup and utensils for everyone to use when it’s time to eat.

You may also want to consider investing in a foldable solar cooker for the times when a fire is not a possibility. These come in a variety of sizes, or you can learn how to make one yourself.

Shelter Options for Extreme Heat or Cold

Keeping yourself protected from the elements will serve not only to keep you comfortable, but can also be necessary to keep you alive. Exposure to extreme temperatures can be life-threatening, so you must ensure that you have a plan for sheltering and sleeping.

When preparing your wilderness bug out bag with shelter supplies, your efforts should focus on warmth, protection from the elements, and comfort. Unfortunately, bedding and shelter supplies tend to take up a lot of space and space is a precious commodity when preparing a bug out bag.

You must be wise in selecting your bedding shelter supplies. In regards to warmth, look for a blanket or sleeping bag that breathes, retains heat but not moisture. However, most that are on the market will only protect you down to a temperature of 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Therefore, it’s recommended that you supplement your primary blanket or sleeping bag with a pack of Mylar blankets also called emergency or survival blankets. These disposal blankets are very thin, but allow you to retain 90 percent of your body heat, which will ward off hypothermia and frostbite in extremely cold conditions.

Additionally, they reflect heat to prevent you from heatstroke in extremely hot environments. Lastly, it’s recommended that you also pack a wool blanket. The wool blanket can be used as a bottom layer of bedding, another layer of warmth, a makeshift tent, or a cape or poncho.

Most survivalists don’t recommend including a tent in your bug out bag due to their size, but again – if you’re using a vehicle or capable of attaching it and carrying it using MOLLE, you can do that.      

First Aid and Communication Supplies

Although you might hope that your situation is not made worse by an injury, hope is not a plan. Include a first aid supply kit in your bug out bag to assist you in responding to insect or animal bites, cuts, burns, wounds, or sickness.  

Although there are many readymade kits on the market, you should take care to ensure that your kit contains items to prevent or treat the most likely situations and ailments you may encounter.

Consider supplying your kit with OTC medications such ibuprofen/aspirin for general pain relief, antihistamine in the case of an allergic reaction, and Pepto Bismal to combat diarrhea in the case of drinking contaminated water, or a bad reaction to your modified diet.

Don’t forget to include any medicines that you are prescribed. Your wilderness bug out journey is not the time for a preventative medical emergency or withdrawal symptoms. Equip your bag with bandages of various sizes, disinfectants such as rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, adhesive tape, gauze rolls for potential burns or cuts, ace bandages, a suture kit, and antibiotic ointment to allow you to respond to cuts and injuries.

Don’t forget to include small tools that may be necessary to support your first-aid efforts – such as scissors, a magnifying glass, tweezers for splinters, splints, headlamps, thermometers, and tourniquets.
Lastly, you should ensure that your bug out bag includes resources to allow you to communicate or at least receive information from the outside world during your transit to a safe location.

A solar-powered charger will help to ensure that you have the use of your cell phone for the duration of your transit. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will have cell phone service – even with a fully charged phone.

Therefore, an emergency hand crank radio may prove essential to receive information such as weather and news. If you really want to be prepared, consider including a HAM radio.

Whereas a typical radio only receives AM/FM frequencies, a HAM radio allows you to receive and transmit on virtually every frequency such as CB (Citizens’ Band) and VHF, which may prove useful in communicating with other individuals bugging out in the area.

This guidance is not all-inclusive. You must take into account your home’s location, which will determine the variables that are most likely to impact you in a forced emergency and determine what situations, climates, and terrain you should prepare for.

Although no one can prepare for every possible scenario, a properly prepared wilderness bug out bag can significantly increase your chances of survival should the worst-case scenario unexpectedly force you out of your home without the luxury of ample preparation time.

6 Steps for a Successful Product Launch

There are many men and women of all ages who choose to pursue the entrepreneurial lifestyle by starting an online business they can call their own. This is not an easy task, but it is very rewarding in terms of both personal satisfaction as well as the unlimited income you stand to bring in.

One of the various business models that you can implement is that of a digital info product creator. As a vendor who sells information, you have to take the necessary steps to not only ensure the quality of your product, but the integrity of your launch.

While it may seem daunting at first, the product launch process is actually very easy as long as you understand what steps need to be taken along the way. There are six primary areas that you will need to address from beginning to end.

Step 1: Be Smart with Your Product Creation Process

There are many people who will advise you to take as many shortcuts as possible so that you can have a product launch as quickly as you can. What you have to remember is that this is your one and only time to make a first impression as a quality vendor of digital information

Customers have seen and spent money with those who don’t take time and care in creating their products, and to be honest, they are sick of them. Unless you want to be labeled a scammer, and unable to earn a good living with your talent for teaching people solutions to their problems, you need to take your time and create a product that you will be proud of and that customers will enjoy.

Start by brainstorming something that isn’t already being done well in the marketplace. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done before, but that you bring something new to the table or different that your target audience will appreciate.

It may be a different media format, a different slant, or new and updated information. Check to see what is already being sold. If everyone has done eBooks, then you may try your hand at a video course.

For example, you may see lots of different eBooks that teach traffic generation. But you could come along and create a video course that shows them over the shoulder what to do in a step-by-step manner and have a hit on your hands.

You never want to concern yourself about the size of the product or necessarily what you will charge for it in the very beginning. During the planning stages, you want to think about how to thoroughly and precisely solve the problems that your target audience is experiencing so that they walk away feeling relief and satisfaction.

Once you come up with ideas, which you can base on forum chatter, blog post comments, social media engagement, keyword research, and more, you can outline your product so that you make sure nothing has been missed along the way.

You don’t want to have to go back later and fill in the gaps if you accidentally forget something. When you create your product, you want to deliver a high quality item to your audience.

That means that it is well written. It needs to be in English and written by someone who is fluent if you are outsourcing it to someone else. You want to take time to review the finished product and make sure that it is grammatically correct and that there are no spelling errors or typos.

You also want to make sure that the information itself is correct so that you don’t misguide anyone who buys from you. If you outsource a product about paid advertising on Facebook to a freelance service provider who knows nothing about it, they may put information in there that is not correct.

If you are creating a video product or some other media format, you want to take the same care as you would with text and go over the information, check for the quality of the visuals and sound and make sure that there are no glitches when the buyer downloads and engages in the product.

Step 2: Create Two Kinds of Copy

You can have the best product on the marketplace, but if your sales copy lacks the ability to convert visitors into buyers, or looks very amateurish in nature, you will fail to have the kind of successful launch you were hoping for.

You have to learn how to improve your copywriting skills over time. But in the meantime, if you are new to this aspect of online business operations, there are some things that can help you get by.

You will be creating two different kinds of copy. The first is your front end product copy. This is the most important one because it determines whether or not your visitor becomes a buyer or clicks out and leaves.

You want them to at least purchase the front end product so that you have the opportunity to present a one-time offer upgrade (or several). The first thing you may want to do is go to your fellow competitors and create a swipe file of the kinds of slants, tone and topics that are discussed by others.

You will never want to copy what they have done, but it’s important that you learn from other people’s success. Almost every good online entrepreneur has a swipe file of things like headlines, storylines, bullet points, etc.

You want to create a template of the layout you intend to use for your front end sales copy. For example, you might lead with one or two headlines and sub headlines followed by a video presentation if you want to create a hybrid media format sales letter.

After that, you will launch into your storyline, which can either be about your journey or that of your customers. Ideally, it will be both so that you can showcase your passion for the niche topic and expertise as well as show empathy for your visitor and what they’re going through.

You will need to have the details of the product spelled out for them so that they know exactly what they are buying and aren’t left in the dark about it. You can do this through the use of bulletpoints as well as storyline copy.

Another thing you want to have sprinkled on the sales page are testimonials from people that you have given a review copy to and who can vouch for the quality of the product.

It’s always best if you can include their picture, name, and brand or website so that everyone knows it’s legitimate. Towards the end of your sales copy template, you will need to have a strong call to action that tells the visitor exactly what they need to do next and why.

This will be followed by the buy button, which you get the code for from the platform that you are selling it through. After that, you will include your signature as well as your post scripts, which sum up the offer and the urgency they need to know about.

The second kind of copy, which will be for the one time offer upgrade(s), is positioned a bit differently because you are talking to someone who has already proven that they have a buyer’s mindset.

They will not be taken to this page unless they have already purchased the front end. Therefore, they are in a buying mood. You just have to convince them that the upgrade offer is both relevant and necessary to their original purchase.

You don’t want to make it sound as if the front end product will not work without them purchasing the upgrade, but you do want to highlight its many benefits and make it irresistible.

Make sure that you are using a professional page builder for your sales letters and that you have either created or outsourced the creation of professional graphics that will represent your digital info product.

If you are not good at this skill, give it to someone else who can do it for under $20, because many visitors will see an amateur digital graphic and relate it to the quality of your info product.

Step 3: Implement These Technical Launch Set Up Steps

When it comes to the technical aspect of creating your own product launch, there are a few simple tasks you need to complete. In addition to the sales pages that you will be creating to convert visitors into buyers, you will also need to create two additional pages.

The download page is where you will house the link to the product that the customer just purchased. You can use this space as a way to promote other products that you have for sale and as a promo spot for top affiliates that you wish to recruit, allowing them to have an image linked to one of their offers.

You can also remind people about the rest of the products that are in your funnel in case they declined to purchase them the first time around. Your JV (joint venture) page is the other page that you will need to have set up for your launch.

This is where your prospective affiliates will gather all of the information they need in order to promote your product. They will go here to find out where to grab their links, to see what all is in the funnel and how it is priced, any contest details, and of course the date and time that the launch takes place.

When you are ready with all of your pages, you will go to a site such as Warrior Plus and create a product listing for each of the items in your funnel. Next, you will create an offer that will connect each of those items in the funnel.

When your product is complete, you can upload the files to the site and connect it all to your email autoresponder list. You can also share the link to the JV page and recruit affiliates from the platform.

When everything is set up properly, you want to perform a test purchase to ensure that the customer will have a positive experience from the time they click the buy button to the moment when they download the product from you.

Step 4: Go to the Effort of Recruiting Affiliates

When your JV page is in place, and your product is complete, you will want to begin recruiting affiliates for your launch. This is an important step because affiliates have the power to provide more than half if not almost all of your revenue, depending on who you recruit and what your own list is in comparison.

You can’t just create a JV page and expect all applicable affiliates to show up & up to promote you. If you have a little money to spend, then you may want to hire an affiliate project manager to help you with this task.

But it’s also something that you can do on your own if you prefer to do that. First, you want to create a listing on MunchEye, which is where many marketers list their upcoming product launches for affiliates to consider.

In addition to other similar sites, forums that allow launch listings, and groups on social media that do the same, you will want to announce your upcoming launch to your affiliate list if you have one.

If not, begin contacting prospective affiliates directly. You can do this via private message on social media or in email. In addition to the link to your JV page, make sure you send them a review copy for consideration and mention any additional perks you’re willing to give them, such as a bump in commission.

Step 5: Use These Traffic Generation Ideas to Ramp Up Sales

When your launch goes live, you will want to give it every chance at success possible. Start by notifying your list of subscribers about the fact that the product has gone live. The sooner you can get an influx of traffic and sales, the higher the possibility that you will land on the overall bestseller list within the platform.

Not only do some consumers shop from this list, but it will bring your product to the attention of many top affiliates who see that your sales page is converting, and they will take a look at your listing for a possible promotion.

Another thing you want to do is announce your product launch on social media sites. Facebook is the most common for digital info products, but it’s not the only one. While you might make a text and image post for Facebook, you can also create a YouTube video and use strategic hashtags that help your video get found.

Many people want to know about organic traffic solutions for a launch, but there are also paid options. For example, you can purchase a solo ad that will be emailed out to a fellow marketers list with a promotion to your product launch inside.

Step 6: Make the Most of Your Launch Momentum

When your launch is nearing its end, you don’t want to lose the momentum you have built up. Now is the time to immediately let your current affiliates and customers know what you have planned in the near future.

If you have just sold them a course about generating traffic on social media sites, and your upcoming product is about building a list, make sure you have your JV page ready for that sale early so that you can immediately send it to affiliates and let them begin preparing their bonus or promo.

At this time, you can also promote something related to what you have just sold. Make sure that it is a product that complements your own and doesn’t compete with it, because that would confuse your audience.

As soon as you have new buyers on your list, begin the nurturing process so that they are shown immediate value for being a subscriber. Surprise them with unannounced freebies that they were not expecting.

Get More Done By Working in Time Blocks

If you’re like many people, you find that you have a lot on your to-do list and it often leads to a struggle to get everything done. There is one habit that you can develop that can help you achieve more in your day – learning how to work in time blocks.

This is a time management habit where you separate the projects and tasks that you have to work on into dedicated blocks of times so that you get it done. Instead of sitting there feeling overwhelmed with your time management, you’ll be zeroing in on a very specific strategy that helps you end your day with fewer items left on your list.

Why Time Blocks Are More Effective

Time blocks are effective because they cut out procrastination and other wastes of time. They’re more effective for you to use to be able to get work done. You won’t have to sit for prolonged periods of time wondering what you should work on next, or for how long.

For example, if you have to go to the dentist, you may have the habit of writing off the rest of the afternoon as being unusable. But if you’ve divided your afternoon into time blocks, you’ll be able to see the trip to the dentist only used two of those time blocks.

That might leave you three more time blocks you can utilize to build your business or get things done rather than just wasting them. Time blocks are also motivating. If you sit down and think you have to work for several hours, you can get overwhelmed because you start to think about all that you have to get done as a whole.

You end up just wanting to play a game online or do something else. But if you have a time block where you say “I’m only working on this for half an hour or fifteen minutes,” then suddenly it doesn’t feel so overwhelming and you’re more productive.

When you use time blocking as a strategy, it’s effective because you have to look at what you need to get done and choose what to prioritize over something that’s less important.

Time blocking can help you to concentrate on your work for a specific amount of time. Not only does this increase your focus, but it also cuts out distractions. Sometimes, it can be tempting to go over a project or task repeatedly before taking action on it.

Having a time block only gives you a limited amount of time, so you’re more likely to get it done rather than continually going over a step or the entire project. Setting up time blocks is effective because it gives you a map for what you should be doing.

This helps to end productivity lags due to not knowing what to work on or what steps need to be completed during your day. This enables you to reach more of the goals that you set – not only for your business life, but for your personal life as well.

Time blocks are set up so that you work on one thing at a time during your block. This can prevent you from trying to work on several things at once, which splits your concentration and can limit your ability to get stuff done.

It’s a common thing for people who are busy to say that they don’t have enough time. However, once you set up your day by dividing it into time blocks, you’ll realize just how much time you truly do have to get things done and how much time you may have been wasting.

What Type of Time Blocks Do You Need?

Before you can set up your time blocks, you’ll need to know what type works best for you. To figure that out, you need to know how much time it takes for you to be productive.

It won’t be the same for everyone. Some people find that they’re most productive if they set up their time blocks so that they work for 25 minutes but then break for 5. If that’s the same for you, then an ideal time block would have to be a total of 30 minutes.

But if you’re someone who has difficulty concentrating, then a 15 time block might be what works the best for you. Some people need to sit down and really immerse themselves in the work in order to be productive.

For people like that, having an hour time block that lets them work longer would probably be the best. Keep in mind that your time blocking management system can change over time.

For example, maybe initially, you needed the block where you got to work for an hour at a time. But something is going on in your personal life that you can’t change right now.

So you can shorten that hour block into two half hour ones or four fifteen minute ones.

The key is to make the time blocking work for you – but it’s not something that has to be set in stone. You may find that there’s some trial and error when you first get started.

Set it up how you prefer it in the beginning but later, you’ll be able to look back at your schedule to see where your time went.

This might show you that you only needed half an hour for a task you routinely do that you always thought took you forty-five minutes. You can then adjust your schedule going forward to reflect the time difference.

Or, if you’re someone who likes to have some built in time to go back over your work just to double check it, then you can leave the extra minutes in that block. When you set up your time blocks, it’s helpful if you color code them.

You can choose whatever colors that you like but you want to have two different colors so that your home or personal time blocks are different from the ones dedicated to your work.

So for example, you could use green for anything associated with work and you can use various shades of green. You can have different colors for things like grocery shopping, bill paying, doctor or dental visits, running errands and more.

There are easy to use online apps that will allow you to easily add, take away or modify your time blocks. One of the great things about time blocking is that at the end of the day or week when you look back, you’ll be able to see how much you actually got done.

You’ll also be able to tell at a glance if you have time to do something that crops up – or not – like if someone asks you to go out for lunch or do them a favor and run an errand for them.

How to Use Your Time Blocks

The thing about time is that you either use it or it slips away from you. By setting up time blocks, you’re making the most out of all your days. Start by setting up your evergreen or automated time blocks.

These are the things that usually won’t change. For example, you might have things like: take a shower, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, take your kid to school in your first of the morning time blocks because these are things that you’re going to have to do.

So you could start your daily time block with whatever it takes you to get ready for your day. Next, you’ll want to know what your work is that you need to get done that day and you’ll block that time off.

If you run your own business, or you get to work from home, you can usually decide what your hours are going to be. You’ll want to choose the time of day where you’re the most productive and it can be helpful to know that this is one of your strengths.

For example, you might do really good at graphic design in the morning, so you know to save morning time blocks for tasks involving that. But if you’re dragging in the afternoons, it might be harder to work on graphic design – so you might want to consider saving that for checking email, participating on social media, and other things instead.

It’s okay to block off similar tasks into back to back or even in one time block. For example, you might have three or four meetings that you have to attend either in person or virtually.

It’s okay to schedule those around each other. So you could schedule a meeting at one. If you know it should only take about fifteen minutes, you’ll still want to build a time buffer.

So you would block out from 1 to 1:30 for that meeting and then from 1:30 to 2:00 for the next one and so on. Even if you know a meeting or task should only take a specific amount of time and you’re good at controlling meetings or tasks to stay on point, you can’t control interruptions.

So you do need to have a plan that takes that into consideration. It can be helpful to check your schedule at the start of each week to see how many time blocks you have for work and then subtract time blocks for things not associated with work.

What’s left over will show you how much time you truly have to accomplish your work or build your business. A great thing about time blocking is that this habit can also show you at a glance when your life is out of balance.

If you check your schedule and you see a ton of blocks that are dedicated to work and only a few for relaxation or family time, you can see that there’s a problem. Seeing this can help you to prioritize what’s important to you.

What If You Don’t Have Enough Time Blocks?

The question that always comes up when dealing with time management is what to do when you don’t have enough time to create the number of time blocks you need in order to get everything done.

You might feel that you work so much and that you’re so busy in your personal as well as your professional life that you don’t have enough time to even do what must be done – let alone what you want to do.

If you feel that you don’t have enough time blocks, the problem isn’t really a lack of time. It’s that you’re not managing it well. There are always signs that this could be an issue.

If you don’t get out of bed when the alarm goes off or you don’t even bother to set one, that can steal time.

You might stay up too late so you sleep in and end up missing the most productive part of your day. Or, you don’t get enough sleep and you’re too tired to really be effective, so it takes you twice as long to get your tasks done.

You might think that the problem is that you don’t have enough time blocks because you’re so busy multitasking. But research has shown that multitasking actually slows you down.

It causes a lack of focus as well as a loss of quality work. Not having enough time could mean that you’re just not accurately dividing your time in a way that’s productive. You might be someone who flies by the seat of your pants, so your time blocks aren’t tight enough.

If you’re giving yourself too much time to goof off or procrastinate, then you have to really push it to get stuff done. It’s not that you don’t have enough time, it’s that you wasted time.

Sometimes people don’t feel they have enough time blocks because they lack organization. Their personal or professional life is a mess. If they needed a folder on their computer, it could turn into an hour long search because they have too much junk on their computer and nothing is saved or labeled correctly.

Chaos is always a stealer of time. A lack of prioritizing is also a reason why some people feel they don’t have enough time. It’s not that you don’t – it’s that you may be giving time to things that are simply not that important.

For example, it might be important that you spend time exercising, but it’s not important that you spend forty-five minutes gabbing with the neighbor. To spend time wisely, you have to first understand what it’s worth and what it truly costs you when you waste it.

Not feeling that you have enough time blocks could also be a problem if you’re someone who’s easily distracted. You might be working hard on whatever you’ve scheduled during a time block, but then you notice a new game online.

Or a new email pops up. Or a social media notification appears and the next thing you know, you’ve wasted nearly an hour chasing something other than the task you’d set out to do.

Time Blocking Mistakes to Watch Out For

Time blocking is a system that can improve your life and help you to be less stressed while being more productive. However, you do want to be careful that you avoid some of the most common mistakes that people make when using this type of system.

It’s a mistake to not know the amount of time you have to give to your scheduled tasks. You might think that you can accomplish 15 things during your day when you can actually only get 10 done.

So right off the bat, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Then once you fail, you’ll start to feel like you have too much to do and that leads to overwhelm. Most people commonly write a longer to-do list than they can realistically follow.

It’s a mistake to be too rigid. There will be things outside of your control that will disrupt your time. Some of these things you can quickly deal with and get back on track – like your kid interrupting you.

But others will claim the entire time block. What you need to make sure you do is not to have a now or never mindset. Just adjust and get back on track. It’s okay to go back to your time blocks and create a slot to make up for the time you lost.

It’s a mistake not to write out what you have to do and give that task a number based on its level of importance. For example, it’s important to do the things that bring peace to your home life or keep your home running.

It may not be as important to get that room painted right now. It’s a mistake not to align your time blocks with your goals. If one of your goals is to lose weight, then your time blocks should reflect that you’re scheduled to go to the gym or to get in a workout.

It’s a mistake to let distractions frustrate you to the point that you give up. If you’ve had a problem in the past with stuff getting to you, then block out time for that. You could give yourself ten or fifteen minutes a day and just label it as “blow off steam” and go do whatever gives you some time to chill out.

It’s a mistake to let procrastination continue. Everyone has something they procrastinate at. But if a task is put off continually, then it can become a big deal in whatever area of your life it’s in – whether it’s relationships, finances, health, home repair, etc.

By blocking in the stuff you normally procrastinate at, it will help you get it done. It’s a mistake to be too busy. You can’t always go full speed ahead without taking some time off.

Being too busy in life can take a toll on every part of your life – especially your health – so when you’re creating your time management system, make sure that you’re also a priority.

First, divide your blocks up into work and home time blocks. Then go through each area of that division and block off time for specific projects or tasks. For example, you might have time set aside for creating blog content, networking in your niche, conducting research, etc.

For your home life, you might have time set aside for forming bonds with your loved ones – both spouse and children. You may want to dedicated an hour a day to self-care, where you meditate or do some at-home spa tasks.

Stay organized and be flexible with your time blocks. If you set up a system and refuse to budge from it, you’ll become frustrated. Likewise, don’t allow yourself to constantly have too much leeway to the point where you’re not using the strategy properly.

Find that sweet spot that allows you to benefit from the use of time blocks, without making it end up a bigger burden than you felt before. Don’t try to copy someone else’s exact time blocking schedule.

You may have different priorities, skills, tools and talents that allow you to do something faster than another individual who is lacking those things. And if you’re single with no kids, you might have a different work-life balance than someone married with children, too.

17 Homestead Tips for Living Off the Grid

Living off the grid means you’re using your own resources to give you what you need such as food, water, shelter, warmth and electricity. You’re don’t rely on the local power company to keep the lights on.

This is important for a variety of SHTF situations, from mild and temporary weather grid closures to major catastrophes we all hope to avoid. Once you’re ready to make the move to so that you can live off the grid, then it’s time to put that daily life into practice on a homestead that can be self-sufficient.

1. Pick the Right Location for Off-Grid Living

Where you plan to live off the grid matters a great deal. You need to have a place that can easily sustain your way of life. That means you’ll need enough land to support livestock if you’re going to raise animals such as chickens, cows, horses, etc.

You don’t have to have a lot of land but if you want to be completely self-sufficient, you might want to find plots that have at least 2-3 acres. You’ll ideally want one with its own water source as well as proper placement so you can use wind or solar energy options.

You also have to consider unexpected things when choosing a location. For example, if you have a family member in ill health, you’ll need faster access to medical care than someone who’s healthy would.

Once you have your location, you’ll need to build a shelter if there isn’t one already on the land. You can have a solar-optimized house built and one that has many green alternative customizations that assist you with off-grid living.

2. Take Waste Removal Into Consideration

When you’re living off the grid, you have to think about two types of waste – household garbage and personal needs. When you’re living on the grid, you can use the bathroom, flush and never think twice about the waste – unless of course there’s a problem with your toilet or sewer system.

But once you’re living off the grid, you have to plan for the waste removal yourself since you won’t be tied into any city services. There are various options you can choose.
One thing that’s popular when homesteading is to use a composting toilet.

You can also install your own septic system. For household garbage, you have to make sure that you don’t have a lot of it. That means recycling and not using plastic. Compost your kitchen food scraps.

This is great for adding rich nutrients to your garden, which will also come in handy in the event that the grid goes down and grocery stores have limited, if any, food sources for consumers.

3. Don’t Rely on One Power Source

If the power grid goes down, people who don’t live off the grid won’t be able to use any of their electrical appliances or gadgets. They’ve relied solely on one power source and when it’s gone, they’re at the mercy of the situation.

Don’t be like that. Some people decide to homestead and then choose a natural power source such as solar power. This is a great energy source, but it’s not infallible. There are factors that can impact the amount of solar power you have.

That’s why you need a backup plan in case that source of power isn’t working for you or you end up having a need for more power use. One of the backup sources that you can use is a wind power system.

This can be used to produce the electric needs for your homestead in addition to solar power. Living off the grid means that you rely on yourself when there’s an issue with power, so you want to make sure you have that covered.

Think about your heat source, too. Many people who live off the grid use a wood furnace to heat their homes. Take a look at your current power usage and figure out alternatives for each one.

It might be a solar cooker, a generator (solar or gas, although that might be limited at any given time), wind or natural irrigation for your garden, and more. It takes a bit of planning, but in the end, you won’t be reliant on an electric company for your survival.

4. Consider Your Communication Methods

When you’re considering communication methods that don’t rely on the grid, you’ll want to look at the cost, how durable the method is and how well it performs. You don’t want to have a situation where you need to communicate with someone on or off your land and not be able to.

Have a satellite phone if you’ve chosen not to use cell phones. You can use walkie-talkies for communicating with family members if you’re spread out across your land. You can also use a ham radio as a communication tool.

You can also use a CB radio for communication needs. If you just need to be able to listen to important survival news, you can use solar or hand crank radios that allow you to do that.

5. Have a Good Water Source

Many people are at the mercy of their electric company to receive water in their homes. But if you want to be independent of that, it might mean that you need to dig a well on your property.

Since pumps need electricity to work, you’ll need a source to power it if you have a pump – or you can use something like a sleeve bucket. You can also draw water from a source such as a stream – or, if you live on land that has mountainous areas with a small waterfall, you can use that.

You just have to make sure you decontaminate the water. Collecting rainwater is another tip you’ll want to stick with when living off the grid. You can collect rainwater in rain barrels or other containers.

This water can be used for watering livestock, watering a garden, bathing, washing clothes, and if decontaminated, it can be used for drinking and cooking. You can easily stockpile products to cleanse the water you need that won’t take up a lot of space.

6. Grow or Produce Your Own Fruits and Vegetable

Shopping at the grocery store is convenient, but it’s also expensive and the quality of the food items that you get are not always the best. Aside from those evergreen issues, if the grid goes down, you’re in very real danger of losing the convenience of grocery store food supplies anyway.

It’s better to make sure that you manage your food supply yourself. You can eat cheaper and healthier by living off the grid and growing or producing your own food. You won’t get all those unnatural ingredients or foods with GMO.

This allows you to be self-sufficient so that in the event the grocery stores can’t keep up with the demand for food, you don’t have to worry about feeding yourself or your family.
Grow things like beans and potatoes, corn, carrots, tomatoes, squash and fruits.

But you’ll also want to grow your herbs for flavoring and health – like parsley, basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano and more. If you don’t already know how to can food items or dry herbs so that they last longer, then you’ll want to learn how to do that so you can stock up your pantry.

7. Create a Plan for Winter Food Storage

Obviously, you won’t be able to grow certain foods in your garden during the winter months. But since you still want to make sure that you’re self-sufficient, you’ll need a way to supply food.

The best way to do that is to put aside the food that you’re going to need to eat when you’re unable to grow it. Create a plan for how much food it’s going to take to get through the winter.

You’ll need to count every member of your family and then add a little more in the event that you need something extra. With a grid-down event, you may want some meals that have self-heating elements, such as MREs (meals ready to eat).

Make sure you also have ample supplies to cook and warm up foods you’ve stockpiled – including wood, charcoal, and other cooking measures. Having warm meals will not only satisfy your hunger, but also provide comfort during a SHTF event.

8. Have the Correct Resources for Food Prep

One thing that many people who live off the grid do is they become minimalists. While that’s a good thing not to be weighed down by having so many things, there are some resources you do need to make sure you have.

You can’t prepare or put away the food supply you’re going to need if you don’t have the proper means to do so. You’ll need things to use during the fermentation process. You’ll need to have larger pots than you would use during your normal everyday cooking – preferably cast iron so that you can cook over an open flame.

You need to have a way to freeze dry or can the food items. If you want to make dried food items, then you’ll need a way to dehydrate the foods naturally without an electronic gadget.  

It’s not enough to prepare early on before you go off the grid. These are things you have to learn how to do for years to come with an off-grid homestead. You want to be able to prepare food for long-term storage safely and that includes the utensils and cooking elements as well as the packaging to keep it safe from rodents or bacteria.

9. Discover Natural Plant Life

When you’re living off the grid, you need to be able to identify the plants around your homestead. There are many plants growing wild that can be used for food or as herbal remedies for health ailments.

You don’t just want to wing it, though – since many plants have nasty side effects when ingested or can even be deadly. Before you use anything, learn what it is and how it can be used.

There are books, and classes offered that can teach you what you need to know. You can even hire a guide in the area where your homestead will be located and have them teach you what’s edible or what can be used for health purposes.

You can even grow these items on your property under the guise of a survival garden that is camouflaged from prying eyes. To them, it will simply appear to be wild plant life – but you and your family will know it’s a rich source of nutrition and health.

10. Raise Livestock

When you have a garden, you can grow plenty of fruits and vegetables. You can grow some that give you protein, but when it comes to your meat supply, you’re going to want to either hunt meat or raise livestock.

Hunting can be a hit or miss situation. Sometimes, you might be able to bring in the meat – but if you don’t, then you do without if you don’t already have a supply. That’s why it’s a good thing to raise the meat yourself.

You can raise pigs for meat, and you can also raise cows. From cows, you can also get your fresh milk supply. Chickens can be used for their eggs as well as for the meat. If you raise goats, you can get meat or milk.

Turkeys can be raised and used for meat throughout the year and not just on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Some people who live off the grid also raise ducks and sheep or rabbits for meat.

Make sure when raising animals that you educate yourself about how to properly take care of them. They need plenty of room and fresh supplies, and you want to be able to ensure they are healthy.

11. Go Natural with Your Cleaning Supplies

When you’re going off the grid, you want to switch the items that you use every day for more natural items. That means that you shouldn’t buy detergent, dishwashing liquid, and cleaning supplies like you did before you decided to live off the grid.

You want to be self-sustaining, which means you need to be able to produce your own cleaning resources. There are a lot of things that are natural and can be used to clean just as well as the options you can buy at the grocery store.

For example, you can grow and use lemons to clean many different things. This fruit can be used to clean soap scum out of a bathtub. But it can also be used to clean mirrors.

You can clean your entire bathroom with lemon – even your toilet. Lemon juice has antibacterial properties that effectively kill certain germs and inhibit bacterial growth. If you use lemons to clean your kitchen countertops, it can whiten stains.

Baking soda can be used to clean, freshen and whiten clothes. It can also be used to clean the shower, and even your outdoor grill. Plus, baking soda can also be used to brush your teeth.

Many people also employ the use of vinegar for cleaning agents. When living off the grid, you can learn how to use lye to make your own soaps and even scent them with naturally grown plants like lavender.

12. Put Money Aside in Savings

This might sound like a strange tip when it comes to homesteading, but it’s a mistake not to save money when you’re living off the grid. Before you started homesteading, you had expenses for your lifestyle.

Once you move off grid, those expenses can be higher than you think if you have to repair something. For example, repairing a septic system can be very costly. The amount of firewood you may need to use if you rely on a woodstove or wood furnace can be more costly than you realize.

If you’re raising livestock, there will be the cost of veterinarian care – and when it comes time to use the livestock for meat, there will be the cost of the butcher if you don’t do it yourself.

It can cost a few hundred dollars to have a cow prepped for your meat supply. If you’re using equipment such as a tractor and it breaks down, it can be expensive to repair or replace.

So the money you’re saving paying for your electric, water and sewer can go toward saving for these issues instead. Make sure you have multiple reliable contacts for these problems, too so that you’re not stuck during an emergency.

13. Get and Stay Physically Fit

Life off the grid is more physical than life on the grid. You won’t have the same conveniences that you have now. Plus, you’ll have to do chores you’re not used to.
For example, you may be hauling wood in and out of the cabin.

You might be wringing out laundry and hanging it on a line. You might be milking a cow, gathering eggs and tending to pigs. If you’re not physically fit, you run the risk of developing an injury – not to mention being exhausted in the beginning.

For example, people who aren’t physically fit tend to struggle with arm and back strength, both of which are needed for life off the grid. You may want to begin strength training and embracing a lifestyle of regular cardio before you make the final move to an off-grid homestead.

14. Learn Before You Leap

If you don’t know how to do something, learn about it first so that you avoid common mistakes that can be expensive. For example, some people build a chicken coop without knowing how large it should be.

They don’t know how to build it to protect the chickens from predators and end up losing some of their flock. If you’re going to do any project on your homestead, make sure you know what’s involved before you jump into it.

It’s better to spend some time up front learning than trying to fix mistakes afterward. Instead of focusing only on saving money or buying materials quick, make sure you take durability into consideration first and foremost because these items should be lasting you a long time.

15. Knowing First Aid Is Imperative

Living off the grid may put you too far away from medical care. You need to know the basics of first aid training. This means that you should know how to splint a broken bone, how to treat someone for minor injuries as well as injuries.

In the event that there’s a big emergency, you need to know how to handle lifesaving measures such as CPR. You’ll want to be well-stocked with supplies for everything from a minor cut to a major surgical situation.

Spend time learning these procedures for survival situations and invest in books you can learn from and have on hand in case the gird goes down and hospitals and doctors’ offices are unable to see patients.

Make sure your entire family learns these first aid measures for off-grid living. It may be you who is suffering and in need of someone to help, and if you’re out in the field tending to a fence or cow, your teenaged child might be the only one who can help you.

16. Keep the Right Tools on Hand

You’ll want to keep commonly used tools on hand around your homestead. This includes items such as an axe for cutting down small trees or cutting up firewood. You’ll also want to make sure you have shovels, hammers, pliers, a handsaw or two, hoes, a wheelbarrow, a post hole digger, screw drivers, wrenches, a multipurpose knife, and supplies for repairing fencing.

You’ll want to replace any of your electric tools, such as drills – with those that have to be done by hand. Learn how to safely use them, too. Don’t forget things that will help sustain the life of the tools, such as sharpeners or oils to keep them in good shape.

17. Join a Local Homestead Support Group

Having people that you can turn to for answers to questions can an invaluable resource. You might want to know how to get started with a beekeeping project on your homestead and be able to connect with someone who knows exactly how to set it up.

But having a homestead support group can also be a great way to swap – not just ideas and information – but supplies as well. For example, you might not need all the eggs that your hens lay and can trade them for something you need from another homesteader.

Many homesteaders form communities and buy property next door to one another so that there is safety in numbers and resources to rely on. You can also trade knowledge with one another.

How to Raise a Family of Survival Preppers

If you are practicing the strategy of survival prepping, it’s important that you understand this is not a one person tactic. If you have a spouse and children, this is something you need the entire family in on.

Not only does it help you achieve your goals of prepping faster when everyone is on board, but it also delivers peace of mind and greater effectiveness when your children are raised to understand how survival works.

Nothing is more jarring than having a major survival event occur and being the only one in the room who knows what to do, or how. By raising your family to be involved in your survival prepper plans, you will be arming them with the knowledge they need to whether any terrible situation in a worst case scenario.

There are 10 things you can do to cultivate a survival mindset among your entire family. These are done without using fear. Instead, you will be teaching your loved ones these lessons by using an empowering tone and action plan.

Begin Teaching Your Kids Survival Fundamentals

One of the most basic things you will need to do in order to prepare your family for survival situations is begin teaching the most fundamental skills they will need to survive.

You never know if you will be there to help them, so it’s imperative that you help them learn how to do this on their own. Because it is the most important resource, you will want to start by teaching your children and spouse how to find or create clean water from and unclean source.

For example, you will want to teach them the difference between a running water source and a stagnant one, and explain to them the dangers that they cannot see. Show them how to use water purifying products and also how to boil water to disinfect it.

You will also want to teach your family how to find food if they are without the proper resources that you have been storing over time. There may be an instance where they have to bug out of the area and our unable to take their bug out bag with them.

They need to know how to forage off of the land as well as how to trap small animals or gather other food to keep them alive. If there is a possibility that they will not be in your local area, then you want to teach them how to source plants, and that’s that are edible in whatever location they may be in.

After you teach them about food and water, you will want to go over the basics of setting up a shelter using both the products that you have purchased, such as a tent, and also creating one from what is found in nature.

Buy Survival Products That Are Right for Their Age and Size

If you are getting your family involved in the survival process, it’s important that you shop smart when you are stocking up on supplies and choose items that are a good fit for their age and size.

Younger children may not be able to carry the same kind of load than an older child or adult can. They may have less energy then you, and will be unable to carry as much weight.

When you are packing their bug out bag, make sure you are including age appropriate items that will help them with both their physical and mental needs. For example, if your child has a small stuffed animal that is extremely important to them, it may be something you can fit in the bag to offer support in a stressful situation.

You want to put items in their bug out bag that they will know how to use on their own. Again, there is always a possibility that you will not be with them at some point. They need the essentials as well as items that will make survival easy on them.

Create Plans and Practice Implementing Them

One thing you want to do with your family in order to give them peace of mind with all survival situations is to create plans for each possible event. You have to practice what to do, and not just talk about it.

Make sure that you have a plan for everyone to meet at a certain spot. Make a contingency plan in case the family is unable to meet at home. This is especially important if you have teenagers who are driving and may not be with the family when an event unfolds.

You want to teach your family how to analyze whether or not an area is safe to enter. Have several different backup plans and make sure everyone knows in which order they are to adhere to them.

Practicing these plans is something that should be done periodically, but not on a regular basis. For example, you don’t want to teach then what to do in the event of a wildfire every single weekend.

A better way to schedule the practice of your survival plans is to look for news that discusses the possibility of something happening, such as a hurricane forming off the coast.

Try to make the experience exciting and fun for your family, and don’t base it on fear or get angry and lecture them if they forget a step. They are more likely to remember it if it is an enjoyable situation, even if you are discussing something serious.

Get Them in Physical Shape for Survival

It’s important that you help your family get in physical shape for survival situations. This is not something where you need to harp on a young teenager to lose weight, and destroy their self-confidence.

Instead, make it about the physical tasks that they will be required to do in the event of an emergency, such as having to walk from one place to another if there is no possibility to fill the car with gas.

You can get your family on a regular walking schedule, which is even more effective if you do it outdoors in case of a bug out situation. You can also help them learn how to hike in other settings, such as the wilderness, and you can start them on a strength training regimen.

Prepare Their Mind for Survival

Besides helping your family prepare their body for survival, you also want to help them ready their mindset. The stress of a survival situation unfolding can be a heavy burden on all ages, but especially on children who feel very vulnerable.

It’s important that you talk to your kids and let them know that just because you are preparing for certain situations, doesn’t mean that they are inevitable. You want them to feel empowered and brave, rather than terrified and shy of confronting the situation.

Your children will likely pick up on your attitude about survival preparations. Make sure that you are not ranting about what’s in the news and instilling fear in their mind. You may be blowing off steam, but to your child, it will seem like the end of the world.

Teach Them How to Use First Aid Products and Strategies

Every survival prepper needs to know how to use a variety of first aid products. It may end up being you that is hurt, and you will need your family to help treat your medical issues.

Again, there also may be a situation where your loved ones are separated from you and they will need to know how to use the first aid kit that is in their bug out bag. Take time to go through it and teach them how to use each item in it.

They will need to know things like how to dress wounds so that they don’t get infected, how to deal with rashes or pain from the sting of an insect, and even more serious things such as how to perform CPR and save a life.

Take Them to Different Survival Settings

To prepare your family for survival, you have to understand that it won’t always take place within the four walls of your home. It may occur elsewhere, such as if your house is destroyed or the area is uninhabitable.

If you have to bug out to another location, you don’t want it to be an unfamiliar and stressful situation for your family. You need to get them familiar with how to live in nature, or at least survive in it temporarily.

This will include things like learning how to forage for food, teaching them about wild animals that they may encounter (as well as how to protect themselves from them), and how to safely start a fire for both warmth and cooking purposes.

You can go on simple camping trips to various locations so that they can begin to see what it would be like to sleep in a tent or under a tarp. They need to be familiar with what it sounds like to sleep under the stars, and how it feels when you do not have the convenience of a heater or air conditioner to regulate your body temperature.

Get Your Children Trained in Self Defense

In a survival situation, you will often encounter many unsavory characters. Whether they are trying to steal your supplies, or simply bringing chaos to the community, you want your children and spouse to know how to protect themselves.

There are many different forms of self-defense that you can teach children from a young age. There are also martial arts that are great self-defense classes for women. Make sure everyone is trained to the best of their ability, but also teach them what to do in the event of an attack.

It’s always best to evacuate a situation as opposed to standing your ground and fighting someone about something. But you also have some inevitable situations where fighting is your only option, so they need to know what to do if faced with that situation.

For example, if a dangerous situation occurs, you don’t want to have to tell your family what to do in front of the attacker. It should already be decided that the children stand back out of the way, but the entire family should gang up on the individual if necessary.

Let Kids Know How to Alleviate Stress in Survival Situations

Because of the stress of a survival situation, even if it’s simply the grid going down temporarily, you want to teach your kids how to combat stress on their own. There are many ways for children to learn how to self soothe that are healthy.

First, it helps for children to keep their mind occupied by doing tasks rather than sitting there fretting about an event. You can keep them involved in helping around the house or campsite so that they feel useful.

Another thing you can do to help teach your child how to alleviate stress is to make sure that you have some age appropriate books that they would enjoy. A book is a great way to become immersed in a different storyline than the one they are currently living.

If they are unable to read, then you can read to them. You can also become adept at having them learn how to make up stories of their own to keep themselves entertained and keep their mind on something else.

It’s important that you pack some sort of entertainment in the bug out bag for your children to keep stress at bay. The toys don’t have to be large or heavy, but they can go a long way in helping your child stay calm in the midst of chaos.

There are so many different games your family can play that do not require you carrying any type of supplies or toys. For example, you can tell your child a Riddle that they have to figure out, or play I Spy with them.

Have Your Kids Tested for Allergies in Case of a Bug Out Scenario

In the event of a survival situation, you may have to bug out in the outdoors, which can often cause certain family members to feel as if they are becoming sick. The reality is, they are allergic to some of the local plant life.

Because you will be consuming nuts, or possibly having to be around insects such as bees, you want to make sure that the allergy issue is not serious enough for you to have to carry an Epi pen for them.

If your child is found to have certain local allergies to plant life, it may be helpful for you to invest in a supply of local, pure honey. Have your child begin taking one tablespoon of this per day, and it should help their body acclimate to the local levels of pollen and other irritants.

Raising a family of preppers it can be both a fun and rewarding journey. When everyone is involved, you will see more getting done towards your goal of being fully prepared for any and all survival situations.

Get them involved in every decision, both small and large. If you’re shopping and want to pick up a couple of extra items for the food storage, have them help pick them out using you for extra guidance.

Even if you are shopping for a plot of land for a homestead, take them with you and let them voice their opinion about the land, even if you are the final decision maker. They need to feel empowered about this issue, and having a voice will do that.

Manifest What You Want in 2022

Manifest What You Want in 2022

How can you manifest what you want in 2022? Start with reading this post!

Manifest What You Want in 2022

Daydreaming is what people do when they let their mind wander about something they want. But this can’t make the things you want just appear in your life. You have to know how to manifest them, and you can do that by using the law of attraction.

Some people mistakenly believe that merely wishing or hoping for something to happen is all that is needed to make their dreams come true. The law of attraction does focus on putting your wishes out into universe, but it’s much more than that.

You do have to take action on bringing your vision to life. It’s important to know how to create and manage your vision for the life you want and not just daydream in broad, or vague terms.

Come Up with a Vision

In order to manifest what you want, you have to first come up with your vision. You have to see yourself as having already achieved that vision. One real life example is about a famous actor who manifested the lifestyle that he wanted to have.

When he was struggling as an actor, he wrote a $10 million dollar check addressed to himself. He didn’t have anywhere close to that amount of money, but he put it out there in the universe as something that he wanted and began living life as the kind of person who deserved to earn that kind of paycheck.

Later, one of the movie deals he landed would pay him $10 million. That’s a lot of money and you might think that something like that isn’t possible for you. But when you use the law of attraction, you can manifest what you want to happen in your life.

There are different things that you can do to help with the vision you want to manifest. What some people do is they create a vision board. A vision board is just a board that’s made up of your dreams and goals.

It’s what you want the universe to bring into your life. It doesn’t matter what it is – if you dream it, you can manifest it. To create a vision board, you would just look for photos or images or even positive sayings that are a visual of what you want.

By having these items on your vision board, it keeps your focus on what you want to manifest. For example, you might be someone who wants to travel all over the world taking photographs of different places and cultures.

Your vision board might have images of these places around the world along with the pictures or sayings that related to traveling. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your vision board is somehow a magical way of bringing what you want into existence, because it’s not.

The way it works is by tapping into your subconscious mind. When you see what you want, your subconscious begins to picture what you have on your vision board as being not only what you want – but what can be.

The subconscious then begins to act as if it’s a given that it’ll happen for you, and this hones your focus for future action steps. When you see what you want on a daily basis, it causes you to start believing that your dreams have already come to pass.

You live in the belief that it’s a done deal and that’s the power of law of attraction, because seeing the vision board can form a connection between how you live now to how you’ll be living out in the future. You’ll begin to attract what you want.

Make Your Vision Clear

You want to have a specific vision. Just like the actor who wrote himself a $10 million dollar check, you need to know exactly what it is that you want. Because your vision board works based on the law of attraction, knowing what you truly want is part of the process so that you attract those specific things.

Some people think that they’re pretty clear about their vision, but deep down, they don’t really know what it is they want. They might feel one way, but actually want something different.

They may be afraid that it’s too big, too important and too unachievable to put it out there in the universe. The law of attraction won’t bring what you want if you don’t put it out there.

If you’re still trying to figure out what it is that you want, take a few minutes to think about your life. Think about what you would have or do if nothing was in the way to hold you back.

Then write down what that thing or those things are. These things relate to the life you want to have, so even if you think that it would take a lot of big changes and you don’t have the money, skills, or whatever, write it down anyway.

If there’s something that you truly want, you can manifest that. Your list doesn’t have to be perfect, and you can even change your mind later. Right now, all you’re doing is trying to get clear and specific on what it is that you do want.

Some people are afraid to say what it is they truly want because it seems impossible, or they’re embarrassed – but write it down anyway. Then take the list of things that you came up with for what you truly want in life and look it over.

You’ll find that some things that you wrote down jump out at you or pull at you stronger than the other things you listed. Your vision needs to be clear in whatever area of your life you want to manifest, but it’s okay to have several different parts of your life that you want to use law of attraction for.

For example, some people choose career and relationships. Others have money and weight loss. Some have all of the above. Once you’re clear on the vision you want for a specific part or several parts of your life, then you want to look at why these visions are important to you.

For example, you might have a vision for having more money – but if you look at why that’s important to you, you might realize that it’s because you want the money so that you can leave your job and move closer to your grandchildren.

When you know the reason behind what you want to manifest, it helps you to hone in on that and block out the things that you don’t want. After you’ve created your vision board, you want to make sure that you observe it often. This helps your subconscious mind to keep visualizing what you want.

Putting the Law of Attraction Into Practice

The law of attraction is energy that will work to bring what you really want, but that doesn’t mean that you can sit idly by and everything falls into your lap – because there are ways that you can sabotage the law of attraction.

You have to know how to make it work. What you believe can be an issue. When you believe something, the subconscious accepts this as your truth – whether it’s an actual fact or not.

These beliefs can limit the power of the law of attraction in your life. For example, you may have the belief, “Weight loss is too hard for me. I’ll never be able to lose weight.” With that belief, you’ve written out a “fact” that your subconscious mind picks up as the truth and then begins to live out.

You have to understand what it is you’re believing that prevents you from being able to accurately harness the power of law of attraction. These beliefs are self-sabotaging, so you need to get rid of them.

Understand that you are who you say you are. If you say to yourself that you’re lazy, then you’ll act that way. If you say to yourself that it’s no use trying to achieve something, then your behavior will live that out and your life trajectory won’t change.

You have to break up with the negative self-talk in order to bring about the positive changes of the law of attraction. If you don’t have faith in yourself, you’ll struggle to manifest whatever it is you want.

Too many people struggle to put the law of attraction into practice because they keep looking back. They turn their energy toward the hard things in life – toward the dreams that didn’t come true – toward the relationships that ended badly and toward all the ways they feel they fell short in living up to this point.

But you cannot keep your focus on the negative. You must focus on the positive and on what is yet to be. Turn your attention to what’s coming for you – toward what you want to achieve, what you want to come to pass.

Positive focus and energy attract positive things. Make your mental, social and work environment one where law of attraction can flourish. If you want to focus on what’s positive and achieve your vision, then there may be some things that you have to alter or get rid of.

If you want to be successful, you need to make sure that who you’re spending time with manifests success as well. Hanging out with those who focus on negativity or who accept and even wallow in failure creates a contagion effect.

You have to shake that off. Make sure the people you’re spending time with are focused on success. These should be people who help you want to strive for more. Cut out the negative things in your life.

Anything that makes you miserable or traps you in a cycle of negativity needs to go.
Bring positive people into your life who are also looking to use law of attraction to manifest their life goals. It’s easier to stay focused and positive when you’re around others who are the same.

Don’t Focus on Whatever Was Wrong

The law of attraction is something that can change your life. It has the power that can basically put things in motion for you. You want to surround yourself with positive life changing energy.

But sometimes, people expect the law of attraction to be as simple as speaking something and it comes to pass. It doesn’t happen that way, so then some people start to look at what went wrong, what they feel they did wrong and they start laying blame – which has a negative basis.

So if you’re focused on negative things and you’ve set yourself up with self-sabotaging behavior, then something could go wrong. When that happens, and many people start to blame themselves, this creates the wrong belief for the subconscious mind and that can easily turn into a “fact.”

They might begin with thinking thoughts like, “I’m such an idiot” and the problem with that is the blame has a negative energy that the mind picks up on and then the person’s actions follow suit.

You don’t want that. So instead of engaging in the negative blame game or putting attention on what went wrong, what you want to do is to accept that something went wrong, that there’s no blame to be had and begin again.

For example, you might be someone who spent several years stuck in a job that you hated. You didn’t earn nearly what your skills were worth. Your coworkers were lazy, and your boss was a jerk.

Yet you stayed and you might be beating yourself up and thinking that if you would have had more skills or education, you would have had a better job. But that’s a negative way of looking at it.

Maybe that awful job was one that paid the bills so you could help out your family. The key to law of attraction is not spending time dwelling on what went wrong in the past or what doesn’t go right at that moment.

You always want to redirect the focus to what’s positive and what you can manifest.
Change a negative to harness the positive energy by taking the lesson from that situation and leaving the bad behind.

For example, in that awful job, you probably learned perseverance. You learned patience and how to get along with unlikeable people. Think about how what you learned from your experience can help you in the future, not how it hurt you in the past or in the moment.

One thing you need to realize when something has been wrong or does go wrong is that in the moment that situation occurs, you don’t have the correct perspective. You only gain this type of perspective after a situation is over.

Your Manifestations Are Near

As the time for your manifestations to come to pass draws closer, you’re going to start to notice changes or events will take place that are a precursor to setting everything up.
If it suddenly seems like everything in your life has gotten worse all at once, that’s a sign from the universe that you’re in the preparation stage.

These seemingly tough situations could be occurring because the universe is getting you ready to handle the good that’s about to happen. You may notice that you’re having daydreams about the life you want to manifest.

These daydreams can feel so real as if you’re in the middle of the life. This happens when the universe is lining up what you feel with what’s about to come to pass. It means the manifestation is on the brink.

Some people start to develop the sense of surrealness. They feel that the success is already part of their lives and they’re about to hit the goal. You might find yourself feeling extremely happy.

You have no reasonable explanation for the high spirits that you’re in. You can’t put your finger on anything that’s happened that makes you feel this way. That’s because your subconscious knows everything is about to break wide open for you and the dreams you want are just about to manifest.

The happiness that’s waiting for you is starting to trickle out as the universe prepares to release it. You can start to feel these things because the subconscious mind knows it long before the conscious mind does.

You might notice that things in your life are running smoothly. Every day is filled with positive things and only good things are happening to you. It’s like everything you’ve worked for is suddenly lining up.

Other people may even begin to make comments about how “lucky” you are. When that happens, just know that the law of attraction is coming to fulfillment in your life. At the same time that all these good things are happening, you may notice that other areas of your life are going through changes that you didn’t see coming.

You might find that a relationship you treasured has splintered apart but you discover that you don’t feel bad about it. You don’t feel sad or grieve the loss of that relationship. The reason is the law of attraction works to bring in what’s good and positive while at the same time, the energy from it releases what’s bad and negative.

You may discover as you’re manifesting the life you want that your vision goes through changes. You no longer want something or you want something so different that you never even saw that coming.

That’s okay. You can manifest something new or more of something once you let go of what you thought you wanted and give it over to the universe. Be open to flexibility and change because your standards and desires will grow or morph over time.

With the law of attraction, it’s important that you do several things consistently. First, understand that negative self-talk will prevent you from allowing good things into your life, so erase it from your vocabulary.

Second, Be clear with your goals and revisit them on a regular basis so that your focus remains intact and you don’t sweep the goals to the side and start living on autopilot again.

And last, you need to be living life as if what you want to have happen has already occurred. Be the person who can earn a six figure salary. Be the happy person in a fulfilling relationship. Be the person who eats healthy – don’t wait until the universe delivers it because it may be waiting to see if you really believe in yourself.

Starting a Low Carb Diet for 2022

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Looking for advice for Starting a Low Carb Diet in the New Year? This post might help.

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Starting a Low Carb Diet – Advice and Tips

Getting healthy can be a goal any time of the year, but many people make a commitment to get fit and lose weight as a New Year’s resolution. If you have plans to start a diet soon, then one of the best ones to start is a low carb plan.

This is a diet that lowers the amount of carbohydrates you consume in your meals and snacks. You’ll still be eating normal foods, but in a way that takes off the excess weight. You can still eat many of your favorite foods, including steak, chicken, guacamole, and more – but you’ll prepare your meals so that the carb count is lowered in a way that helps you shed pounds more easily.

How to Start a Low Carb Diet

Dieting always starts with knowledge, no matter which plan you intend to follow. If you don’t know what you’re doing when trying to lose weight, then you will make mistakes that keep the pounds on.

Having the knowledge that you need can mean the difference between success and failure with your weight loss goals. To begin, you need to choose the type of low carb diet that you want to follow.

There are several – and they’re all good as long as they focus on eating healthy foods and don’t require you to eat in a manner that would negatively impact your health. Some low carb diets focus on limiting the carbs, and boosting the amount of protein that’s eaten.

The focus of these diets is on eliminating the unhealthy foods, and when faced with a choice of food items, you would choose the one that had the most nutritional value, but the lowest number of carbs.

Other low carb diets emphasize limiting the carbs, but not the fat. You can eat foods that are high in fat as long as it’s the good kind of fat, such as an avocado or olive oil. Some of what these diets call for followers to consume are foods like meat, vegetables and even dairy.

Foods that aren’t in a natural state should be avoided. That means you avoid or strictly limit any foods that were processed and ideally try to choose fresh foods over those in a can, or quick foods like TV dinners that can be cooked in the microwave.

The number of carbs you should get on any of these diets can range in number. It depends on which one you’re following. On Keto, you’re looking at a total of 20 net carbs or less, while some low carb plans call for anything under 100 grams daily.

Many of the lower carb diets are already well known, such as the Mediterranean Diet or Keto Diet. One of the easier plans focuses on the way that people in the Mediterranean eat because the diet is known to be beneficial to the body. This diet is low in carbs but has an emphasis on fish.

It also focuses more on oils like olive oil – the extra virgin variety. With this type of olive oil, it means that it hasn’t undergone any heat treatment and it hasn’t been treated with chemicals, either.

On this diet, followers can eat fruits and vegetables, and of course, the fish or seafood that the diet focuses on. If it’s a refined food, then it shouldn’t be eaten on this low carb diet.

That means, you wouldn’t eat things like refined grains. No matter what the refined grain is in, you wouldn’t eat it. Some pastas contain refined grains, so you would have to study labels and ingredients to be able to avoid this.

You would also need to avoid processed foods, especially meats and any food where sugar was added to it. Your food choices would be more along the line of the ones that are found in nature, which don’t contain any additives.

Things You Need for a Low Carb Diet

You can start a low carb diet without buying anything other than the foods that you need to eat on the diet. However, there are certain steps you can take and things that you can buy that can make it more helpful to you.

These things can increase your chances of success on the diet. If you’re someone whose pantry is filled with processed foods and you have a store of sugary snacks, you really do need to clean out your pantry and your refrigerator.

If you eat sugar or salt, it can set off more cravings for those foods. After you’ve been eating healthy on a low carb diet for a bit of time, your cravings will subside. You’ll feel better and your cravings will start to be for those healthy foods once your body is used to eating sugar-free and low sodium.

Most people mess up when trying to eat low carb by forgetting that they may need a new way of cooking. Their meal plans may have consisted heavily of high carb comfort foods, like breaded and fried chicken.

Any food can be made low carb. But you’ll need to know how to do that. That’s why you should get cookbooks or invest in some meal planning software that can help you plan meals that are better for your body.

You need structure when dieting. That means you should have a plan. If you try to just wing it, you’ll more than likely fall right back into your old eating habits. Look around your kitchen and identify the gadgets that might sabotage your diet.

It might be an electric fryer that you put a lot of oil in to cook chicken nuggets or fries. Having it in your kitchen could tempt you. So either pack it away in your attic or get rid of it.

Invest in appliances that will help you eat low carb. You may want to buy an instant pot and a blender. These tools can prepare a meal or a vegetables and berries drink quickly.

Another item you may want to get should be a spiralizer. This gadget can be used to create low carb vegetable noodles, which you can use in your diet in the place of high carb pasta.

This way, you don’t have to give up eating pasta dishes. Finally, use a meal planner to plan out all your meals and your snacks. It can help you to not only know what you’re going to eat, but to create your shopping list and snack ideas in advance so you have something to grab to eat when you feel too hungry to wait for a meal.

Understanding the Number of Carbs You’re Consuming

When it comes to low carb dieting, you might have heard the term macros before. This comes from the word macronutrient. All it means is the types of nutrients you consume on a low carb diet.

Macros focuses on your carbs, proteins and the fats that you eat. Any low carb diet that says you need to be aware of the number of macros you’re getting just means you need to know how many grams you’re getting in each of those three main categories.

The number of macros involved in your carbs is going to depend on the number of carbs you’re aiming for in whatever low carb diet you’re following. Not all of the low carb diets are going to have the same number of carbs suggested.

There are some low carb diets that call for a higher amount of grams because they take into consideration external factors that may call for more grams. For example, if you’re involved in a heavy exercise routine, you may need to have a higher carb count than someone who’s only exercising moderately or not at all.

So, it would still be considered low carb even though you were eating more. You might be someone who doesn’t like the idea of taking the weight off quickly, which is what can happen with a low carb diet.

So you might aim to have 100 grams a day. This would lead to weight loss from healthy eating and can also be coupled with heavy exercise. If you want to choose to follow a low carb diet that only calls for 50 grams, then you can still lose weight in a steady manner.

However, many people want to take the weight off faster than that. They lower their carbs to where it’s around or under the 20-50 gram mark. You can do that and still eat healthy.

Your focus would be more on meat, along with berry fruits and vegetables as well as healthy fats. You can still have high fat dairy on a 50 gram low carb diet. Just keep in mind that if you are more physically active, the lower amount of grams may not be suitable for you.

You’ll have to pay attention to how your body reacts. Anyone who’s eating low carb should study the glycemic index. This index can quickly show you how many carbs are in the foods that you plan to eat.

Paying attention to this is an easy way to be able to track your grams to keep you from going over or under. In addition to that, knowing the glycemic index of a food can determine how that food will impact your glucose level.

You’ll want to know this if you have a medical condition such as diabetes, but you’ll also want to know it because it can help you determine if you need to watch for a crash after exercising if you plan your meals around your physical activity.

Some low carb diets consist of eating less than 50 grams consistently for the purpose of entering ketosis. There are test strips you may want to purchase to determine whether or not your body has entered ketosis.

Following the Ketogenic Low Carb Diet

The main gist of eating the keto way is to get your body to the point that it enters ketosis. When you go into ketosis, it means that your glucose levels are lowered. But it also means that your body stops using carbs for the fuel that it needs.

Instead, it’s using ketones to be able to function. Ketones occur in reaction to the fatty acids your body gives in response to the lowered number of carbs you take in. One of the reasons that many people choose to follow the keto diet is because it’s a quick way to shed pounds.

But it also helps the body drop fat. People who are on the diet see a lot of health benefits associated with the weight loss. These are things like lowered blood pressure, lowered cholesterol levels and lower glucose levels.

Normally, your meals will consist of a lot of protein and a lot of healthy fat. You can have fish and other seafood, too. You can also have dairy products like cheese. You can have vegetables and certain fruits that are low in carbs (mainly from the berry family).

You have to watch this, because some vegetables and fruits are higher in carbs. For example, sweet potatoes and corn are both higher than other vegetables in carbs. So are some fruits, such as bananas.

You’ll want to pay close attention because the number of carbs that you would want to take in should be as little as 20 or under for each day. There are some well know eating plans, like the Atkins 20, that you can follow to guide you so that you stick to that amount.

The keto low carb diet does focus on healthy eating by avoiding foods that are unhealthy and lead to weight gain. Remember that not all keto diets are the same. Some keto diets don’t focus on total carbs, but are instead based on net carbs.

This means it’s the carb tally of whatever you’re eating, but you subtract however many grams of fiber and sugar alcohol that is in the food. The reason for this is because fiber doesn’t cause your body to react with the same food response that a true carb does, since you don’t digest it.

Because you’re eating such a low amount of carbs, you will lose weight following the keto under 20 plan, even if you’re not taking part in any type of exercise. Because of the lowered amount of carbs, what many dieters do to maintain success is they break their eating up so that every couple of hours, they’re eating something.

If the thought of tracking your carbs, net carbs and macros seems like a lot of work, there are numerous fitness apps you can download that can help you easily keep up with everything.

Dealing with Sugar Cravings

Everyone has or will deal with a sugar craving. When you start following a diet, those cravings can sometimes seem to intensify. There’s a good reason why that happens.

When you consume sugar, the body releases some feel good hormones.

They make you happy and calm and this endorphin rush can be addicting. It’s no wonder why people struggle to break the sugar habit. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no hope for dealing with sugar cravings.

You can successfully overcome them so that they don’t make you miserable or wreck your diet goals. A sugar craving can hit when you’re bored, but you may not necessarily have a true hunger for it.

You just want that taste because your body has been conditioned to have it. So what you can do instead is when the craving hits, chew a piece of sugar free gum. You’ll still get that sweet taste even though there’s no actual sugar in the ingredients.

This will fool your body and satisfy the craving. Sometimes, though, not even chewing a piece of gum can quiet the craving. That’s when you need to give in. But that doesn’t mean you necessarily give your body the kind of sugar that not only fuels the craving but can lead to weight gain as well.

Instead, you give it something natural. Have some fruit instead. The natural sugar that’s found in low carb fruits like berries can help end the sugar craving and break a sugar habit as well.

Plus, you’ll get more nutritional value and health benefits from eating the fruit. Not all the fruit that you eat has to be fresh either. Having some fresh fruit might be more difficult if you’re on the go.

If that’s the case, you can have something like a low carb Greek yogurt drink that you make at home. You’ll get the sweet taste without the high carb content and it’ll be enough to end the sugar craving.

It might surprise you, but on a low carb diet, even one like keto, you can have dark chocolate. If the chocolate is 90% cocoa, it’s usually lower in carbs than chocolate such as milk chocolate.

You can find many dark chocolate bars that have just a few net carbs. You can also eat a snack bar. There are several varieties of snack bars that are low carb, low sugar and keto friendly that can help deal with any sugar cravings.

Sometimes having a sugar free mint can help to end any cravings that you might have.

There are times, though when no matter what you do, that sugar craving may feel like it’s relentless.

If that’s the case, then what you need to do is get busy doing something else. When you engage your mind or body in an activity, this helps you to stop focusing on the craving. You can do something like take your dog out for a walk, go to the gym or work on a project that makes you use both hands.

There are also many wonderful keto fat bombs you can make to satisfy your cravings. Some of them resemble delicious chocolate mousse or peanut butter cups, and you can’t tell much of a difference when it’s made from sugar substitutes.

Getting on a low carb diet may make you feel a bit lethargic in the very beginning. But a few days later, the energy returns and you feel better than ever and capable of committing to this way of life for the long haul.

You’ll be pleased knowing you can eat most of your favorite foods, and continue dropping pounds quickly and easily. You can adjust your carb count whenever you see the scale stall to help you shake off a plateau.