Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 8

Day 8 is a treasure hunt. The idea behind the treasure hunt is that what you look for expands. So, for the first part of the day’s exercise, you’re supposed to look for money all around you. The goal is to see just how abundant the Universe is. Then, the second part is a brainstorming exercise.

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Eight Discoveries

I’ve done the treasure hunt exercise many times, and always to pretty positive results. I know this world is filled with money, and abundance that goes beyond money. I am so grateful and thankful now that money surrounds me, money is everywhere, and money effortlessly flows into my life all day, every day.

My heart’s deep desire is to earn $10,000 profit every single month or more, consistently. And, I believe that it’s possible for that to be my reality, even though I don’t know how right now. I have decided that this amount of money will be my new normal.

How can I earn more money? Kathrin wants us to brainstorm a list of just 10 ways today. When I’ve done this exercise in the past the challenge was to get 50 ways on the page. I always stumble around item 30. It feels difficult sometimes to come up with a bunch of ways to make money. BUT! I LOVE how expansive I feel when I complete this exercise. It feels so secure to know that there are so many ways to make money, even with things like online gambling on slot online. Not only can you earn money, but it’s a fun way to do it!

Therefore, here are my 10 ideas to create more money in my life today:

  1. I could sell the rest of my jewelry
  2. Package all the content I’ve ever created and sell it as PLR for niche sites and business owners to use as their own content
  3. Package all the content I have created or acquired under miscellaneous subjects and release short eBooks for sale
  4. Sign new ghostwriting clients to create content for them
  5. Sell more copies of my course on how to start a ghostwriting business
  6. Ask my current clients for an increased per word rate
  7. Start an Etsy type store and sell my crafts online
  8. Start offering photography sessions again
  9. Create packages for my ghostwriting clients that includes more than just the ghostwritten blog posts to increase the amount I earn with each transaction – add social media, image curation, and scheduling their blog posts.
  10. Sell my car and start bicycling everywhere, and ubering when I need to go a further distance. Not a good idea in the long run, and I wouldn’t actually do this – but would certainly yield instant income.