Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 9

Day 9 is about affirmations. The one that Kathrin uses is “Money is all around me. I find money everywhere. It flows effortless into my life on a daily basis.” Them she gave us  more than 20 additional affirmations we can use to feel more abundant. Our money babe action of the day was to choose 3 of the ones she gave us to commit to and affirm our money truth with.

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Nine Discoveries

Rather than tell you the ones I’m committing to from her list, I’m sharing the affirmations I repeat to myself as often as I feel I need them.

  • I have a wildly popular podcast, Youtube Channel and blog!
  • My courses and books are bestselling digital products jam packed with value that is helpful to those who consume them
  • I can afford to give money to worthy causes every month!
  • Every month I can spend time learning, and I can afford to pay for the classes and conferences I want to go to.
  • I make 6 figures or more PROFIT easily, and quickly every year
  • I am making more money every day!
  • I am a money magnet
  • Money comes to me quickly and easily
  • Everything is going to be alright
  • More money is heading to me even as I speak
  • $10,000 a month in PROFIT or more is my norm
  • I’m comfortable with large amounts of money
  • I deserve wealth and abundance
  • I have plenty of time to do my work
  • I am creatively making money with my knowledge and experience
  • I am financially FREE!!!
  • I am strong
  • I am innovative
  • People need my services and my ideas
  • Clients come to me ready, willing, and able to pay
  • My bank accounts are growing rapidly
  • My income increases daily
  • I can afford everything and anything I want
  • I serve, so I deserve

I hope these affirmations inspire you to come up with some of your own.

And, I read the coolest idea for boosting your manifesting game. It said to record your affirmations on your phone from a place of “I am” and having the things you want in the present tense. Supposedly hearing your affirmations repeated to yourself in your own voice frequently, makes your mind more willing to believe it.