This Year I Turn 30

This year I turn 30, and at first I was freaking out about this. There are so many things I haven’t done yet. I had this long list of things I wanted to do by 30 and I even started thinking about ways to force them into happening by August 14 just so I could say I did them on time…but I’m done freaking out. I decided I am letting go of my regrets about things I didn’t accomplish. Instead I am just going to keep working on my goals and stop worrying about my age.

Forcing myself to get these things done by 30 at this point would take some of the thrill out of a few of the items on my list. The funny thing is, as I approach the big 3 0 some of the items on my list aren’t as important to me anymore. In fact, some of the items were on there because I thought I HAD to do them by 30, but now I realize- there’s no rush.

My main goal for this year is to be debt free. Having this weight lifted will be a wonderful feeling and I’m looking forward to how free my hubby and I will feel after we pay off that last amount of money we owe. I have a plan to make this happen and I’m going to just stay as positive and as optimistic as possible this year, regardless of the fact that I’ll be leaving my twenties behind…

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