5 Things I Learned from Charlotte Baker

Charlotte Baker and Famous Ashley Grant

On Monday, April, 6, 2015 I visited the University of Tampa for an event called Today’s Entrepreneurial Women featuring Charlotte Baker of Digital Hands. During the sit down Dr. Rebecca White of the Sykes College of Business emceed a Q&A about how Charlotte got her start in business and the obstacles she faced along the way. Here are 5 things I learned from the talk:

Hire to your weaknesses, not to your strengths– Now, I’m nowhere near ready to hire help, but when I do I fully intend on hiring assistants that are smarter than me. This way I am constantly learning from the people that work for me.

Things don’t always work out the way you think it will- When Digital Hands was just an idea Charlotte and her team raised a lot of capital with the intent of building the company one way and when the deal went south they launched the company privately- their way.

Efforts don’t count, results do- I personally loved this quote. In a world where we give our kids As for effort and trophies for showing up it was a breath of fresh air for someone to tell it like it is in the real world.

Mentors are a great way to soak up knowledge- I’ve been searching for a mentor that lives the life I want to lead and I just signed up to take a course by a woman who is the embodiment of where I want to be in my life and in my business- here’s hoping she will grow into the mentor I have been seeking!

Ask for help when you need it- you can’t do it all- I love that Charlotte spoke about outsourcing tasks she can’t get to. I definitely hope to expand my business to the point that I hire on virtual assistants to handle the tasks I don’t particularly enjoy.

Now, in truth- I kind of felt like this event spoke more to the corporate entrepreneurial spirit than the small business owner, but nonetheless I enjoyed attending. The people I sat with were great fun to hang out with and the free wine didn’t hurt. LOL

Two of the gals I sat with are small business owners and I totally think ya’ll should look them up.

Nicole Carver

Do you ever wish you had a clone or at least someone to help you take a
few things off your plate? If so then allow me to virtually introduce
you to Nicole Carver of Carver Concierge. She helps busy people by customizing personal assistance services to meet their lifestyle needs. Check her out here-> http://www.carverconcierge.com/

Carrie Stiles 
Carrie has the low down on how to heal your skin. Check out her awesome website for a world of knowledge at  -> http://www.theskinlifecoach.com   
