Bitter Sweet Christmas – Dealing With Difficult Emotions

Christmas can be a difficult time of the year for many people. High expectations, memories and fatigue can bring problems for anyone’s inner child.

Christmas can be a very difficult time of year. Conscious of a media generated image of an “ideal family Christmas,” our aspirations are high, and if we fail to realise our hopes and expectations at this most highly pressured time of the year, the disappointment can be enormous.

Not everyone will have had a good year. Some people will have suffered loss and disappointment. Christmas seems to bring all our feelings into sharp focus, bad ones as well as good ones, and this can make for a very volatile emotional mix. Combine this with the pressures of organising Christmas, the shopping, the cooking and maintaining peace and goodwill within the immediate family, not to mention financial constraints, and it’s hardly surprising that Christmas can be a time of great stress, as well as one of great happiness.

Christmas Memories: Not Always Happy Ones

Christmas time is such a benchmark of each year that we cannot help but remember Christmases past as we prepare for the Christmas which is about to arrive.

Memories of loved ones who are no longer with us are bound to affect us as we prepare for the festivities. Somehow, feeling sad at Christmas time (when all around you are full of Christmas spirit) is worse than feeling sad when no one is expecting you to be particularly cheerful. Being emotionally out of tune with friends and family can be especially difficult, as you strive not to be a wet blanket and cast a gloom on the festivities of others.

If this is how you feel this Christmas, be kind to yourself. Take time out to grieve, to remember those who you may have lost recently. Give yourself permission to explore your feelings of love and loss without feeling guilty, because by taking time to acknowledge your feelings, even in the midst of all the Christmas turmoil, you will help yourself to move on.

Christmas can be a wonderful time for taking stock, for planning ahead, for rest, renewal and preparation for the new year ahead. Loss and sadness are part of life, just as happiness and celebration are also. Give yourself some leeway to feel whatever you’re feeling, even if it is Christmas.

Christmas and the Inner Child

Christmas is a time of year which is very child-driven, but whilst we are rushing around buying expensive presents and huge quantities of food, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that sometimes, perhaps a child would like a few minutes quiet time, rather than being bundled into the car for yet another awful shopping trip. Less rushing around in search of that perfect sheet of wrapping paper or the last punnet of cranberries in the Western world and a little more time spent reading a story, playing a game or even doing some Christmas cooking can be therapeutic for parents and children alike.

Christmas really only is one day in the year, and whilst adults can be driven by the spirit of their own inner child, seeking to make up for disappointments and things forgotten in Christmases long ago, children (especially little ones) can end up being bewildered by the disruption of their routine, the influx of people and an excess of new experiences.

Tend to your inner child as and when you can, as well as to the reality of little ones who may need boiled eggs and bath time on a regular basis at this time of year to keep them happy and grounded.

The Christmas Row

At Christmas, we tend to spend an awful lot of times with our families, undistracted by work, friends or any of the things that make up our normal comfort zones. Disrupted routines, extra pressures, difficult memories and unrealistic expectations can all conspire to add to the volatility of the Christmas mix.

Try to avoid the Christmas row by a little judicious time management. Make sure to incorporate a few healthy walks into the Christmas timetable. Don’t try to cram too many family festivities into too little time, but try to spread events out over the holiday so that everyone can pace themselves and no one ends up tired and emotional too often.

Peace and Goodwill to All Men

All the above is counsel of perfection. The reality is that we all have good Christmases and bad Christmases, and these seem to generate at random, no matter how much or how little effort we put into them.

Remember, when it comes to Christmas, the rules are, there are no rules – make merry in whatever way feels right for you. In a week’s time, it will be a whole new year and a whole new adventure to embark upon.

Best Options For Relieving Headaches

Do you have constant headaches? Did you know that many headaches are food related? Well, it’s true. The foods that you eat can have direct body and mind relations and effects. It’s been shown in studies that if you eat food that you do not care for or food that is forced, it can cause headaches in certain individuals, but when that same person eats food that they enjoy, the headaches are gone. Specific foods have certain ingredients that can trigger headaches.

Most individuals take food for granted and are unaware of how certain foods can effect their body. Take hypoglycemia for example. This condition is connected with low blood sugar, and is quite common in diabetic patients. Having low blood sugar can cause you to have constant headaches.

Monitoring your blood sugar level helps a great deal but when you feel dizzy or weak, you can simply take drink a glass of a sweet beverage such as orange juice to give you immediate relief. Many foods that provide you with simple carbohydrates can also raise your blood sugar back to normal and get you feeling better once again.

Another major cause of headaches are related to caffeine withdrawal. For those who drink many glasses of coffee, tea or caffeinated soda, each and every day, you body may be addicted to the caffeine in these beverages.

When you go a day without your caffeinated beverage, you may experience headaches in between. These headaches may become constant if you don’t cut down on how much caffeine you take in daily. Although caffeine can give you energy, it is usually temporary and the following results are usually fatigue and loss of energy. When cutting down on the amount of caffeine you drink, do it slowly and the headaches will eventually subside.

Some foods can cause headaches in certain people. Foods such as old cheese and yeast extracts have been known to induce headaches. Also, red wine as it contains a substance known as Tyramine that causes your head to throb. A deficiency in the enzyme oxidase can cause chronic headaches.

Avoiding these types of foods and substances can cause the decrease in headaches and eventually make them leave all together. Consuming natural foods is the best way to avoiding getting headaches in the first place. Avoiding foods that contain additives and artificial flavors can be very beneficial.

Allergies is another main cause of headaches. Getting medication to help with your allergies can really make a world of difference. There are many known causes of headaches but knowing what triggers them can help decrease them and give you more effective relief. Instead of taking headache medication on a daily basis, find out what is causing your chronic headaches and try to fix it.

Benefits Of Cardio On An Empty Stomach

Doing cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach helps burn more fat. So skip breakfast and watch the fat melt off.

Many athletes and trainers have long debated the question of whether doing cardio on an empty stomach is beneficial to fat loss. The answer is yes. A study published in Muscle & Fitness Hers compared the effects of meal timing on the amount of fat and carbohydrates burned and have found that athletes who perform cardio on an empty stomach do get a fat-burning boost.

Research on Morning Cardio

The study compared two groups of people. One group did not eat before performing cardiovascular exercise. The other group ate a pre-workout meal. Researchers found that the former group burned more fat during their workout than the group who did eat before exercising. This proves that doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning gives athletes and those trying to lose weight a significant advantage when it comes to burning off fat.

Why Cardio on an Empty Stomach Works

In the early morning, levels of muscle and liver glycogen are lower because of overnight fasting. This depleted amount of glycogen and lowered blood sugar levels are the ideal factors for burning fat instead of carbohydrates. Glycogen is reserved carbohydrates and the body’s primary source of energy. So when these levels are low, the body moves on to the secondary source of energy, which is fat.

Morning cardio on an empty stomach is also beneficial because of the afterburn effect. After a cardio session, exercisers will continue to burn fat because of an elevated metabolism that continues throughout the day. Doing cardio at night will only cause an elevated metabolism until the time an athlete goes to sleep, when the metabolism rate drops significantly.

Not to be diminished is the mental benefit morning cardio provides. Starting the day by tackling a difficult task, like vigorous activity, provides a feeling of accomplishment that can help exercisers stay positive and motivated to continue their healthy lifestyle throughout the rest of the day.

Eating Before Training

There are some people, who, despite the proven benefits, just cannot stomach a training session without having some fuel in them. Don’t despair. The study showed that the group that had the pre-workout meal did continue to burn more fat than the fasting group two hours after the end of their exercise session. So upfront fat burn isn’t as great, but long-term fat burn is better for those that do eat before training.

Another option for those who can’t do cardio on an empty stomach is to do cardio after weight training. Lifting weights burns carbs so the body will then have low stores of glycogen at the end of a weight training session. Doing cardio at this point mimics morning cardio on an empty stomach because the body will eat through the depleted glycogen as energy and then move on to fat as the reserve energy source.

Affordable Thanksgiving Dinners

There are several ways not to break the budget on Thanksgiving Day but most of them take work and time. Yet if you have more of this than money, then decide to really celebrate the day the old fashioned day! At least this is the one way of saving money while enjoying the day. Your biggest expense is a turkey and it is reasonably priced.

The rest of the food will not break the bank, especially if you make your pies from scratch, bake your own rolls and buy canned vegetables instead of the frozen packages or fresh.

Another way is to use what you have. Decorate with whatever you have on hand without rushing out and purchasing table cloths and napkins and center pieces simply because you are the host for this year’s feast. If your family is large, and it is at your place, then ask them each to bring food.

You fill in with what they don’t bring and everyone should have a good day and no one will have to do without for the next week or so until the next payday. If you still have one. If you don’t then certainly all you need to donate is your time and your table. Have them bring the food, of the bulk of it.

If you are without work and have no money, don’t hesitate to sign up for a Thanksgiving basket. With the chicken or turkey, potatoes, apples, oranges, cranberry sauce and other Thanksgiving items you should have no problem feeing your family well on Thanksgiving. This is a day to be grateful and no one is go hungry, or should go hungry at anytime, but especially at this time of year.

First, before you panic, look around you and see what you have that you can cook up into a delectable dinner table. If you live in the country and garden, your are the lucky ones. You probably have shelves of canned goods and a freezer stashed full of vegetables and corn on the cob and all kinds of food.

You don’t need my advice, but probably you could spare some of your stash for that family or two down the road that are out of work. Think about it. Yet, if you are the rural poor but have knowhow and can cook well then get to work planning a wonderful feast for your family.

If you have flour and jars of canned apples, but are not able to make pie dough from scratch, ask a friend to give you a hand. It’s not impossible. If that is out of the question, then settle for a casserole of stewed apples. It’s the apples that are so tasty and no one will mind that the crust is missing.

Use what you have, but use it in a delectable and tasty and creative way. If you nave kale or mustard greens and turnips growing in your garden, then you are in luck. Treat them as the finest vegetable, as indeed they are. Kale is about the healthiest antioxidant vegetable you can serve. I

Imagine this: A steaming dish of kale cooked with chopped onion and oil and a bit of that frozen Italian hot sausage from your freezer throw in for flavor, plus a dash of pepper and salt. To dress it up, boil a couple of eggs and slice them and arrange them around the bowl. Just innovate and your dinner will be the greatest ever.

Adopting A Pet For Your Small Child

Finding the right family pet for a small child can be a labor of love. Work with your child to find the ideal pet to adopt for your family and enjoy the results everyday.

Owning a pet can be a wonderful experience for a child. Caring for an animal can teach a child responsibility, compassion, empathy and other life long important values. Walking a dog can inculcate healthy exercise habits. Teaching a parrot to speak can help a child learn patience. Picking out produce for a bunny rabbit can help a child develop healthy eating patterns.

Once you’ve decided a pet is a good idea, many questions arise. What kind of pet best suits your family? How old should your child be when she gets her first pet? What’s the best place to acquire an animal for adoption? Should you go to the local animal shelter? Or seek out a reputable breeder?

Current Living Conditions

The answer to these questions depends on many factors. As the child’s caregiver, you will ultimately be responsible for the animal in question. Before answering, think about your current living conditions. Do you live in a house? A condo? Do you have a backyard? Is someone home during the day? Do you want to breed the animal? Are you physically active? Or more sedentary?

Many experts do not recommend pets for children younger than six. Six is a very good age for a child to have his first pet. Six year olds can easily learn to take care of an animal. Most six year olds can quickly learn to follow simple pet care instructions. Children often love the feeling they get from being trusted with, “big girl” tasks.

Hamsters, Gerbils and Mice

A good pet for a younger child is a small rodent. Diminutive furry animals like hamsters, gerbils, mice and rats can provide your little girl with hours of entertainment and fun. Have your child come with you so you can pick out a pet together. Buying a petite rodent will not put much of a dent in your budget. Most pet stores will sell all you need to get started for under $25. Consider buying more than one so they can keep each other company. Make sure that the rodents are the same sex or they may fight when one animal goes into heat. Brother or sister pairs make very good pets.

The Selection Process

When you go to the pet store ask if you can handle the animal. A good pet store will let you hold the animal before you make that decision. Look for an animal that has no sign of sickness. A hamster’s eyes should be clear. A gerbil’s fur should be soft and shiny. Healthy animals are less likely to disappoint your child and more likely to make good pets.

Once you’ve settled on a choice make sure your child understands all that is involved in taking care of pet. Help the child feed the pet and make sure that the pet has the right water as well as an exercise wheel in good running order.

Work with your young child to introduce her to the joy’s of pet ownership and help her kindle a life long love of animals.

Christmas Gifts On A Budget

Make, buy or barter your way to a thrifty holiday season.

Homemade coupons

Give the gift of your time with some creative coupons that your friend or relative can “cash in” later. For kids to give to parents or grandparents:
One car wash, One hour of weeding in the garden, One afternoon organizing old photographs
For parents to give to kids:
One afternoon at the beach, One trip to the museum, One hour of board games
For adults to give to each other:
One backrub, One homemade dinner of your choice, One game of tennis
Cheap, Cool T-shirts
New printing technology and innovative T-shirt retailers combine to provide inexpensive, individualized tees for every niche imaginable.

Use kids’ artwork

Grandparents, uncles and aunts can’t get enough of charming gifts from children’s artwork. FamilyFun magazine has a wonderful selection of ideas. Creating a personalized notepad featuring a child’s drawing on every page is an easy and inexpensive gift that brings pleasure to the recipient throughout the year.

Scour thrift stores for books and small toys

Get gently used books for pennies on the dollar at thrift stores, garage sales and public libraries. Nothing beats watching the look of delight on a child’s face as they open a box teeming with new stories for her to read.

Likewise, stuff a container with knick knacks and small toys gathered throughout the year and wrap it in a festive paper. Don’t be surprised if the cheap plastic playthings gets more attention than the new Xbox.

Buy ornaments in January for next year’s gifts

Christmas ornaments are the perfect gifts for your PTA buddies or kids’ teachers. Wait until after the holidays and find them at least half off their original price. Don’t forget where you stashed them when next Christmas comes around!

Make sane sale purchases
Try to resist buying an item to give in the future just because it’s on sale. You may never find the perfect mate for that Spongebob tie.

Inexpensive art

The Internet offers great suppliers of affordable wall art for the new homeowner or college student.

Christmas Gifts From The Heart

It’s that time of year when most of us are racking our brains trying to think of ideas for Christmas presents. It’s just too easy to buy something quick and be done with it, but it will be remembered as just that. Truly memorable gifts that last for months or years are ones that come from the heart. And, for those people who truly matter in your life, isn’t that what you want, to be thought of fondly and to bring a smile to their face?

Here are several examples of heartfelt gifts:

For the elderly: The elderly would rather receive something that they could use, a handmade afghan or warm blanket, or perhaps some warm bedclothes, robe, or socks. Of course, a photo album with updated pictures of the family is always welcomed.

For women:

They always say that “a diamond is a woman’s best friend”. Jewelry is always a good bet with women. Forget the iron or skillet, the ramifications won’t be pretty. Think about the interests or hobbies that the individual is involved with. Is this perhaps a single parent? The gift of time may be just what she would treasure if she can take some time for herself away from her children or obligations.

For men:

When asked what they remembered and treasured most about previous Christmas gifts, it was the gifts such as their first gun as a youth, or a bicycle that they rode for years. What connection is there between you and the man to be gifted that is unique to only the two of you. Siblings can recreate a favorable memorable time from their childhood with memorabilia, or find objects that remind them of family traditions.

For children:

The list to Santa will most likely be the latest plastic toys from China. Some of those have value in relating to their friends. It’s also time to begin to build childhood memories that last a lifetime. A handmade baby blanket or quilt with their name embroidered on it, or perhaps a personalized picture book with the child as the main character will be forever cherished. Older children remember bicycles, trains, and musical instruments as well.

For teenagers:

Technological gifts usually head their Christmas list with the ultimate gift of independence with their first car. That may be too steep for most budgets; instead, give the gift of teaching them how to drive safely and responsibly. Of course, only if you have the ability to do so in a calm manner!

Christmas time is all about feeling. Finding the right gift that lasts for a long time in the hearts of others is about your connection to them.

Christmas Gifts For The Person Who Has Everything

Buying for that special someone who has everything is a very challenging task but it can be done! Add in a little creativity and you’ve got a special gift.

In today’s market, there isn’t anything you can’t buy. Be a little creative and keep in mind that person’s interests and you can give a great gift this holiday season.

Gifts for men

Sports related items are the first to come to mind with most men. Be a little imaginative when purchasing that sports item. In many stores you can find mini gift card stockings with his team logos on them. Instead of a gift card, purchase lottery tickets to stuff inside. For the fisherman buy an inexpensive tackle box and fill it full of candies and nuts. If he’s a hunter, a camo hat or insulated lunch box can be filled with little sausages and jerky to make sure he never gets hungry out in the woods. A golfer will always enjoy his favorite sports team on balls, tees, and covers for his golf clubs.

Don’t forget with almost any hobby or interest he almost always keeps that hand towel handy. So get some inexpensive towels and a small amount of fabric with his favorite team or other interest imprinted on it and add a border or top off the towels with a simple stitch to add a nice addition to a bland towel. Every guy loves to eat and grill out. Make a gift basket out of tongs, oven gloves, barbacue sauce, etc, in nice coordinating colors.

Gifts for women

Women are so much easier than men. There are so many perfumes, body lotion kits, scarves, slipper socks, and inexpensive jewelry out there. You can almost walk into any store and find something fairly quickly. You can hardly go wrong with any kitchen item. Most people who have it all also have old things that need replacing.

If you want to get a little more creative get them a scrapbook album and fill it with pages full of pictures you have of their family or friends. Handmade ornaments can be easy to make and become a very treasured gift that they will remember every holiday. A gift that keeps giving is a subscription to one of their favorite magazines. For a bingo player, buy a bag or basket and fill it with bingo daubers. Most gals love baskets so fill them with bath things, candies, wine, flower seed packets, or any assortment of their favorite things. Anything you can find that showcases their family will definitely be a winner, as a woman’s life is centered around that family.

Presents for kids

Children are easy, teens a little harder but they are the most fun to shop for during the holiday season. Hitting the thrift store early in the season is a great idea for kids who have everything. A small jewelry box with plenty of inexpensive jewelry will definitely be a hit for any tiny princess. For a little girl find a cute purse and fill it with small toys or different types of candy. For a little boy, do the same with a small toolbox. Matchbox cars put into an appealing container makes a “can’t go wrong” gift for any boy.

Every child likes to get tons of toys for the holidays. Interesting and funny books may not be the favorite now but they will come to appreciate them later. Add in a stuffed animal or doll and it’s a winner. Teenagers love to shop, so let them. Buy gift cards from their favorite stores and slip them into nice little fingernail kits or a packet of baseball cards. It’s a win-win for the teen in your life.

If you keep your eyes open and be a little creative you will find there are plenty of things out there that the hard to buy for person doesn’t have and will enjoy.

How To Avoid Winter Weight Gain

We all dread winter. Especially, when we live in an area where the winters are bitter cold with ice and snow.

Today is one of those days in Michigan, when it drizzles constantly, the sky is cloudy, and it feels cold all over. I would just love to sit in my computer and do nothing else but write, drink hot tea and snack on some cheese and crackers. If I do that all winter long, I am going to regret it when next spring comes, since I was able to adjust to some good eating habits that I have so successfully kept for the past 8 months

So what are we supposed to do in the winter months and avoid weight gain? There are quite a few options. Joining the gym is one. But not all of us have the luxury of joining a gym. Working out at home is another option. Preparing good healthy meals and drinks also helps in maintaining a steady weight and not gaining it in the winter months.

There are quite a few tapes and cd’s in the market that will help keep you motivated to stay active. Sometimes we get bored of the same routine over and over again, but once you start exercising you feel much better.

Exercise gives more energy, battles depression and increases endorphins in our bodies that we lack in the winter months due to no sun. Walking in the winter months is also a good exercise. Even if it is bitterly cold outside, the cold weather boosts up your metabolism and helps keep your weight in control. It’s not so bad to go for a walk when it’s sunny after a snowfall. Just make sure you dress very warm.

Let’s not forget the holidays. Along with winter we have Thanksgiving and Christmas and the abundance of parties, food and drinks. How can you avoid gaining weight when the holiday season is so short and packed with so many parties; and yet on the other hand you want to enjoy it?

When invited to a party, it’s best to eat something before arriving. A small snack or even a small meal will help stave off hunger for a while, so you won’t binge on the snacks. While at the party, stay away from snacks loaded with calories. It’s best to eat a few veggies and some cheese and crackers. They are healthy and will fill you up so you won’t feel hungry. As for drinks, the best way is to either drink water, or a glass of wine. Mixed drinks pack up the calories. With all the sugar in them, they will make you hungrier and crave more food.

So you survived the holiday season, but you still have a couple of winter months before spring arrives. How do you eat healthy when there is not an abundance of fresh vegetables? It’s easy to prepare meals that are warm and healthy.

Frozen vegetables keep their vitamins more so than canned. A heated bag of frozen veggies, along with some roasted chicken, or fish and you have a warm meal to keep you satisfied. Another good option is legumes, like white beans and lentils. There are recipes that you can make with these that will keep you warm and satisfied.

The most important thing to keeping the weight off during the winter months is being active. No matter how many vegetables, or how many times you watch what you eat, if you are not active, you will gain the weight. So stay fit, and stay healthy.

Christmas Gift Ideas For Mom

Mom will like anything you give her, but here are some Christmas gift ideas that will make your favorite woman happy.

Unless your mom is a gourmet chef, I would steer clear of the pots and pans department. I think that moms really like any kind of jewelry, clothing, or anything made by their children or grandchildren. I would also discourage you from buying vacuum cleaners even if they are robotic. Give that to your dad, instead. Here are other Christmas gift ideas.

Jewelry – Easy Christmas Gift Ideas for Mom

Any kind of pearl jewelry is good. I don’t know about your family, but I think that some of those jewelry items with fake birthstones are a bit tacky…though if you look for something simple, it might be nice. Do ask yourself if Grace Kelly would wear it…and if you don’t know who that is, and why would you…just remember that simpler is better, when you are buying something of this caliber.

Pearls for Mom Bracelet: This says “mom” on it, but the writing is tiny, so it’s not gaudy. I like this and I would wear this. Well, remember that your mother will wear anything you buy for her, or make for her, because it’s from you.

Beaded Edge Mother’s Hand Stamped Necklace: This is also cool because it’s funky and hand stamped. I like it as shown without Swarovski crystals, which don’t really look good with silver or pewter. If everyone is pitching in for the $45.00 and you can’t fit all of the names, you could use nicknames or initials. This is cute and can be worn daily.

Sterling Silver Family Heart Locket: Most of the time, I think that jewelry without names or words is the most classic and, therefore, preferable to jewelry with verbage. However, if you want to give your mom anything that says, “Mom we love you,” you will make her tear up with happiness, and I will give you my blessing. This is a nice locket for all of the things that your mother has done, or tried to do, for you.

Travel Accessories

If your mom is a traveler, you can find quite a few inexpensive things that she will love.

Rick Steves Books: No matter how many times you’ve been to Europe, you will learn something new from the Rick Steves’ guidebooks. I don’t know how people do Europe without them. He gives so many tips that are exactly what you need to know. And, if your mom has never been to Europe, you should save up and send her someday.

Danielle Cosmetic Bags: These are becoming harder to find but if you google around for Danielle Makeup Case White, you may find it. They are well-made of a nice see-through mesh. You know it’s the right thing if it has a little airplane pull on the zipper. Get it in any shape or size that you can find because these unassuming little bags are exactly right in all of the sizes. I’ve used them for years and they last forever.

The Danielle makeup bags that I’m talking about are cheap, so you might want to toss a little blusher from the drugstore into it. And, if you can’t find the travel cases with the little airplanes, any kind of makeup case is always helpful for mom to have. Even if she isn’t traveling much in this economy, she can always use it to stash her stuff in the car.

New Mom

Ed Hardy Diaper Bag: If mom has little ones, you can get her a groovin’ Ed Hardy Bag. For a less expensive alternative, try Sourpuss or Jaminga. Look around online because there are rocking cool diaper bags everywhere.

I really have to assure you that you needn’t stress over a present for your mom. Mothers are usually so overlooked that they are thrilled to receive anything.