Thinking I Should Use This for Clients Questioning My Prices

Invoicing has me like...

When people ask me why it costs so much for me to write an article for them, I think I should start sending them this parable I found:

The Graybeard engineer retired and a few weeks later the Big Machine broke down, which was essential to the company’s revenue.  The Manager couldn’t get the machine to work again so the company called in Graybeard as an independent consultant.

Graybeard agrees. He walks into the factory, takes a look at the Big Machine, grabs a sledge hammer, and whacks the machine once whereupon the machine starts right up. Graybeard leaves and the company is making money again.

The next day Manager receives a bill from Graybeard for $5,000. Manager is furious at the price and refuses to pay. Graybeard assures him that it’s a fair price. Manager retorts that if it’s a fair price Graybeard won’t mind itemizing the bill. Graybeard agrees that this is a fair request and complies.

The new, itemized bill reads….

Hammer:  $5

Knowing where to hit the machine with hammer: $4995

yea…it’s kind of like that only my itemized bill would read something more like this…

Article delivery…. $5

Time, energy, sweat, blood, ugly crying, research, so much brain power (including thinking about your article while I’m watching Blue Bloods and cooking dinner), not being able to sleep because I’m thinking of a better way to write paragraph two, finally typing it up then scrapping it because it could’ve been better, rewriting and then finally submitting since it’s deadline and I have no more time and must simply give you this masterpiece I could have poured my heart and soul over longer…… $245 (or some other number depending on the project you hired me for, but you get the idea LOL!)

Doing What I’m Supposed to Be Doing – Following the Signs from the Universe

Famous Ashley Grant - Ghost Writer

A note on paying attention to the signs in your life regarding your online businesses. Are you paying attention to the signs from the Universe and what they are telling you?

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but when a potential client asked me for advice this morning I was pretty excited at how confident I was in offering my responses. The funny thing is my advice would be somewhat self-serving in that it would translate to a WHOLE bunch of work for me, but that wasn’t even in my thought process as I was uttering my thoughts to her.

I was just giving REAL advice that she could actually use to be successful and then it dawned on me just how much I LOVE helping people in my business. My goal in #ghostwriting for my clients has always been to make them look amazing to their audiences. I want them to sound so good delivering their messages and sell the crap out of their products and services. It’s been heavy on my heart lately about how much I just want all of my clients to have everything they ever dreamed of!!!! I get all warm and fuzzy every time they have a big win because I feel like I was part of it.

Towards the middle of last year I was honestly doubting whether or not I wanted to continue on the ghost writing path and was letting my vanity get the better of me that I should release more things under my byline. I even considered abandoning my business nearly completely to develop a course and focus 90% on building and selling things with my name, but since releasing that thought into the universe I’ve been amazed at how EVERY. SINGLE. SIGN has been pointing me right back to what I’m already doing.

I’m supposed to be ghostwriting for now. This is my current purpose and mission. I’m here to give my clients the voice they don’t even realize they already have. I have been sent more clients in the past six months than I ever thought possible and it just has become abundantly clear to me that before I try to push too much on releasing things with my name I’ve got a lot more to do for others. I’ve also to do  a lot more growing, a lot more writing, a lot more learning.

Photo credit
Photo credit

I still want to release a course of my own some day, I want to write a bunch of books under my own name and do some fun stuff with Youtube, but for now I’m going to pay attention to the signs from the Universe. They have not steered me wrong yet, and when I really hone in on them I’m paid back in great success.

So, now that you have read all this I want you to seriously think about what signs are in your life. What is the Universe telling you about your business? Are you on the right path? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Big love to all of you, my fellow webpreneurs. I hope that each of you have crazy, sexy, insane successes and more wins than you know what do with. Sending out all the feels and positive vibes to every single one of you. xoxo

Dear Universe,

I’m sorry I was letting my vanity getting the better of me and not paying attention to the signs you were sending me abouthow to be more successful. I’m listening now.

I’m ready to make more money and be happier than ever before.

I welcome abundance and success into my life. It’s my time and I’m ready for the next step. ‪#‎BringIt‬!

Love always,
Famous Ashley Grant


My Latest Adventure- PUPPIES!

PicMonkey Collage- our new dogsOn Sunday November 8, 2015 my family of two became a family of four! My husband J and I, after years of wanting furbabies got not one, but TWO puppies. This came after visiting a friend who had adopted their havanese puppies, they were so cute and I loved seeing them. My husband and I decided right there to take the leap and start looking into getting our own furbabies, and not long after we found them! They are Chihuahua/ Pomeranian mixes, they are both boys and their names are Baileys (the tan one) and Kahlua (the white and brown one). We were initially going to just get one, but when we saw these little guys our hearts just melted. Getting two was the best thing for us too because they play together and keep each other entertained for hours while we work, do chores and do other things.

20151110_092523Baileys is rambunctious, exploratory, an instigator and the more troublesome of the two. LoL! And yet, when he sticks his little tongue out and smiles I just fall in love with him all over again. He initially was having the most trouble with potty training, but he is becoming the faster learner of the two. We’re training with puppy pads and each day he is having less and less misses and non-puppy pad eliminations as some puppy sites have called it.

20151110_092307Kahlua is the more affectionate one and definitely craves attention like no dog I’ve ever met. He started out as the one that caught on to the potty training quickly, but now we’re having more trouble with him than Baileys. Getting the training done for puppies can sometimes be so hard, especially with two! Still, they both are pretty smart and are enjoying toys, playing and running a lot.

Speaking of toys… I didn’t like that toys at Petsmart cost like $10 a piece so I made the boys this:

20151115_172231Best part? This one was FREE! I received a couple of free t-shirts at events and they didn’t fit me. So, I cut them into strips and macrame’d them together and the boys love playing tug of war with it and each other. You can grab the free instructions for how to do this simple knot here. They used string in the post, but I used strips of t-shirts to make it doggie appropriate 🙂 I’m thinking I’m going to make more of these for Christmas presents for the dog lovers in my life because I get a lot of free t-shirts from various events! Perhaps next time I’ll film how to make it and post it on this page!

I also made them ornaments with their pawprints, but they aren’t done yet. I still need to paint them! Needless to say, I’m loving my furbabies!!! I’ll post more about them as time goes on I’m sure, but for now I’ll leave you with this adorable pic I snapped of them with bandannas (they ripped them off not 30 seconds after this pic was taken):


Leaving the 9 to 5 Life – A Year Later

heading to Thailand November 2014

Wow, looking at the calendar I just realized that it’s officially been more than a year since I left the nine to five life for good! Last year about this time I was hustling hard and getting ready for my first vacation in almost five years because I not only made enough money to quit my nine to five for good in less than nine months, I made enough money to travel to Thailand for a much needed two week getaway!

Today, more than a year later my freelance writing business is busier than I ever could have imagined. In business as a freelance writer since 2007, blogging since 2009, brief stints at random nine to fives all the while, but then 2014 presented me with the most profitable opportunity I’ve had to date – ghost blogging! Because of it, this is the longest I’ve been without a nine to five and I don’t EVER want to go back! The best part? Thanks to the business redesign I’ve set up and the referral systems I have in place, I won’t ever have to!!!

I’ve still got a lot to learn, I’m still growing my client base and I’ve got a lot more work to do, but it’s awesome to know that how much I make each year, heck each day, is determined by my hustle instead of what some HR person determines I’m worth per hour.

Soon, I’ll be launching a course to teach how I went from begging for more work to having more clients than I sometimes know what to do with. I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned and am still learning! More details coming!!! Stay tuned 🙂

Welcome to Famous Ashley Grant 2.0

Ashley Grant Headshots

I’ve been fooling around on the internet for quite some time now and slowly but surely I’m learning a thing or two. Slowly, but surely, I’m still working to move all of my projects here so that people can see what I’m up to and follow along on my “get internet famous” experiment. My goal? To be a financially independent writer and photographer on my terms. How will this goal play out? Time will tell…stay tuned as I add all the awesomeness I possibly can fit on this website!

Bubblegum Vodka!

#ThirstyThursday #TipsyBartender #BubblegumVodka

Today’s Thirsty Thursday post was inspired by the amazing Youtube Channel: Tipsy Bartender. If you have not checked out that channel, read this post first (duh!) and then go check it out. Guys who like hot chicks mixin dranks while shaking their booties will probably like this channel and girls will enjoy making fun of said hot chicks because we are mean jealous beaches. hahaha

Have a drink you want me to try or a product you want me to review? 

Contact me HERE! I’m PR friendly 😉

Anywho- the drank!

So, I wanted to try: 

Tipsy Bartender’s Bubblegum Vodka

watch his original video HERE!

To make the vodka you will need:

– 10 pieces of Bubblegum. I used Super Bubble because that stuff is delicious

–  6 oz (180 ml) Vodka

Mason Jar or some other jar (I used a cleaned out spaghetti jar because recycling is how I roll)

How to:

1. Cut 10 pieces of gum and add them to a jar.

2. Pour in 6 oz. of plain vodka

3. Seal and let it sit for a couple of days

4. Strain the gum out and THERE YOU HAVE IT- Bubblegum Vodka 🙂

Now to make the cocktail that Tipsy Bartender made in the video you will need:

– The bubblegum Vodka

Charms Blowpops (But I’m lame and totally forgot to buy these)

– Lemon Lime Soda such as 7-Up.

How to:

1. Fill glass with ice. I used an 8 oz. wine glass because I’m classy like that…

2. Pour in about 1.5 oz of the bubblegum vodka

3. Pour in about 2.5 oz 7-Up– to fill the glass my drink ended up being a little closer to 2 oz of vodka and 4 oz of 7-Up

4. Garnish with an unwrapped Charms Blowpops– But, again I’m lame and totally forgot to buy these so to improvised I took 3 pieces of bubble gum and put them on a skewer on top of the glass for the photo

5. Stir with the garnish and DRINK!

So, what did I think of the Bubblegum Vodka? It was REALLY Bubblegummy just like the chick in the video says. Then, when adding it to the 7-Up soda it still tasted just like drinking bubblegum!

I would drink it again, but I would have to be in the mood for something that sweet to really enjoy it. It would be interesting to see what other drinks could be made with this vodka.

Okay- so…now for a little bit more about the man behind the brand! Skyy John, the internationally famous host of the Internet’s top bartending show “Tipsy Bartender,” has spent the last ten years bartending at one of the hottest and trendiest spots in Los Angeles, as well as hopping around the globe mixing incredible cocktails….aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he wrote a kick ass book! Check out “I’m having a girl over” by Skyy John today!

This post may contain a link to an affiliate. See my disclosure policy for more information. 

What I Learned from Almost Six Months of Temping

#IQuit #ScrewtheNinetoFive

Friday, September, 26, 2014, was my last day working at my 9 to 5 temp job. I worked there just under six months (179 days if you care to count). In a way- temping brought me back to life. I don’t talk about it much but in 2013 I was slumping into a bit of a depression. In 2014 I was starting to come out of that depression because I started a fun new gig and was forming plans for more new gigs, but my lack of income was still plaguing me.

In February I signed up with a local temp agency and in March I got a call that I would be a receptionist for a furniture dealer in Tampa. Interestingly enough as soon as I started working there I began getting call backs for my true passion- writing and photography. Then, about 3 months into working there I got lucky enough to fly to California for a blogging conference and make even more connections for more possible gigs. Before I knew it I was getting so many calls to write and take pictures that I found myself struggling to get up in the mornings because I was staying up late working on my real job. The final clue that it was time to leave my temp job came when I got offered a writing gig that would basically replace my temp job income…so of course- I took it! Now, I’m a little scared because I was starting to get used to a steady check but I’m hopeful that more good things are coming and that I won’t ever have to go back to a nine to five style job ever again.

Okay- so that is the back story and now, here are a few things I learned from almost six months of temping:

1. Change can be a good thing. Just the act of forcing myself out of the house brought so much more pep to my step. I may be able to work from home again- but I’m trying not to. Instead I’m working in coffee houses, the library, my husband’s office, anywhere with Wi-Fi honestly. I’ve learned that I just get too lazy and unproductive when I’m at home.

2. Sleep is crucial for me. My husband can sleep two to four hours and then work an eight hour day, but I NEED a full eight hours or things get weird. I get overly emotional, spacey, extra A.D.D., it’s just no beuno!

3. I need to be around people. I think one of the best things about the temp job was being around people. As cheesy as this is going to sound, it took me being around people for six months to realize just how lonely I’ve let myself get. I’ve only been out of the job for over a week and I’ve already had a lunch with a fellow writer, scheduled a dinner with another and reached out to a blogging group to see if we can organize a get together. I think my need for being around people is part of why I haven’t let myself stay home to work even though I can…

4. I do best with a schedule and a to-do list. I never realized just how A.D.D. I am until I was forced to set priorities and schedule my assignments. It’s amazing how much work I can get done in limited increments and now that I have nothing but time I’m trying to force myself to continue sticking to a schedule. Somehow making up fake deadlines and appointments is helping me complete stuff that I need to get done.

5. I can’t stand a nine to five job. LOL! Okay, this one probably came off meaner than I meant for it to, but I’m a soooooooooooooo not a nine to five chick. Yes, I learned I need structure and scheduling, but I also realized just how much I need the flexibility to move appointments and assignments around for whatever reason. I love the freedom of being able to set my own hours and do what I want when I want as long as deadlines are met.

Photo courtesy of Hubspot

The Bonefish Grill Wild Orchid Hawaiian Martini Recipe


Recently my husband and I went out to our local Bonefish Grill. We were still celebrating my birthday because the freebie Bonefish gives you for your birthday doesn’t expire until like a month after your birthday!

Anyway- back to the reason you are really here- THE DRINK! I wanted to try something a little different and my eyes wandered down the menu and landed on the Wild Orchid Hawaiian Martini. I decided I had to order it and once it arrived it was even more delicious than the ingredients listed made it sound like it would be. SO YUM! 

The good news is with a little help from google, I found the recipe! Supposedly, it is the exact recipe, so here you go:

Bonefish Wild Orchid Hawaiian Martini


– 1.50 oz Cruzan Guava Rum
– 1.00 oz Zico Coconut Water
– 0.50 oz Monin Coco
– 0.25 oz Monin Desert Pear
– 0.50 oz Fresh Lime Juice
– 0.50 oz Pineapple Juice

Procedure: Combine all ingredients in a pint glass filled with ice. Shake 20x vigorously. Strain into frozen martini glass.

Garnish: An edible orchid floating on top.

Have you had this deliciousness in a glass? What did you think of it?  

Like this drink recipe? Check out a few of my others:

Apple Cider Martini:

Berries and Bubbles Martini:

Black Dahlia:

Wicked Green Ice:

Harvest Moon Martini:


30 Things I’ve Learned in 30 Years

30 is a big round number, and I was inspired to share 30 things I’ve learned in 30 years. Here’s what I’ve learned…do you have any ahas to share? Leave a comment below!

1. There is good and bad in the world. Being with like minded
individuals can either lead to progress or destruction. Make sure you
are in the productive group.
2. Not everyone is out to get you even when it feels like the world is against you.
3. Everyone is dealing with problems and your issue may not be as bad as
theirs. The nicest home can be filled with the most troubles.
4. You can’t trust everyone you meet, but keep close the people that you can.
5. You can forgive everyone that hurts you, but you should never forget.
With that said, it should be noted that revenge is not always sweet.
Sometimes it’s actually really bitter.
6. What’s right is not always popular; what’s popular is not always
right. (all sources I found said this quote is by Albert Einstein)
7. Being the cool kid may not be all its cracked up to be. The amount of upkeep to always be trendy, have the
perfect clothes, perfect hair and coolest gadgets just sounds
exhausting. I’d rather get that extra hour of sleep than have every hair
in place thank you!
8. A smile burns more calories than a frown and it looks better too. A bonus: smiling while unhappy somehow makes it hurt less.
9. Some people are innately evil and should be avoided like the plague.
There really are some people who will beg, borrow and steal their way to
the top and don’t care who they have to step on to get their. As soon
as you realize who they are, pluck them out of your life!
10. Always look out for number 1, but don’t step in number 2 either. (movie line from Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield)
11. When you stop looking for mister right you find him. I didn’t see my
husband Jeremy coming but am so glad his path crossed mine.
12. Speaking before thinking has massive consequences but when the heart kicks in, the head shuts down.
13. I didn’t need to take as many math classes as I did. My calculator
really can solve all my math problems. P.S. love the tip calculator on
my phone!
14. Someone will always be bigger, better, stronger, smarter than me.
All I should really focus on is being the best I can be and following my
15. I didn’t gain weight overnight and can’t expect to lose it overnight.
16. Living a healthy lifestyle is imperative and eating crap makes me
feel like crap. Note to self-must find ways to get cheaper healthier
food 🙂
17. The best job in the world is one that you love, can make money at
and are actually qualified to do. When it stops being fun its time to
change it.
18. Money is not the only key to happiness but it sure feels better to
cry in a car with air conditioning than one without…especially in the
Florida heat. Nonetheless, I’d rather be broke and happy than rich and
19. Dogs are better than cats for some people and I prefer dogs. No hate
mail please-its my preference and what I learned about me!
20. Sharing is caring except when it comes to my toothbrush. Mom also
always said never share my drinks, my makeup or my hairbrush.
21. Karma is a bitch sometimes but she can be sweet too. Do unto others as you want done to you.
22. One red sock can ruin an entire load of white clothes but pink is one of my favorite colors.
23. If at first you don’t succeed destroy all evidence you tried. Never give up, never surrender.
24. Being an adult is fun but responsibility blows sometimes!
25. I should have stopped wishing I was older and enjoyed every minute
of the present. Too often I look forward to stuff in the future and
neglect the wonderful moments of now.
26. Wine is fine but liquor is quicker; either way hangovers suck!
27. Everything happens for a reason and we may never know what that
reason is. Some things in life have to be accepted and this is one of
28. You don’t always have to know how something works to believe in
it…For example, I don’t know how electricity works but I use it and I
do know this- A man can cook with electricity and electricity can also
cook the man (lesson learned from Bob Proctor)
29. I do not have all the things I want today, but I have everything I
need and for that I’m grateful! There is always, ALWAYS, something to be
grateful for!
30…. The one I learned this year that has become my new mantra is: You haven’t actually failed until you stop breathing!!! I LOVE this lesson! I’m taking it to heart because I have been bummed over not being where I want to be in my career yet and have felt a little like a failure but you know what- as long as there is breath in my lungs and a beat in my heart that means I have another day to work towards making my dreams come true. So, I have not failed! I have just found ways that don’t work and I will continue working towards my goals until I can’t anymore!

Also check out Celebrites I Share My Birthday With!!!

Where I found the picture at the top of this post

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My First Beignet…and My Second and Third?


I’ve been wanting to try a beignet ever since first hearing about them on the Girls Next Door (don’t judge me!). The girls were in New Orleans for Mardi Gras- Kendra and Bridget were sick and Holly bought them coffee and beignets in attempt to bring them both back to life. I hadn’t heard of beignets before that episode actually- I know. I need to get out more. Well, today I got my chance to try beignets because one of the gals I work with has a dad who apparently loves cooking and has a killer recipe for these powdered sugar covered fluffy concoctions. Above is a photo she took after her dad made a batch and this morning she brought some into the office.

The best way I can describe a beignet now that I’ve finally eaten one is an airy pastry coated in crack powdered sugar. Just don’t call it a doughnut!!!

These little bastards are good and I confess one wasn’t enough so I had a second. The second one was just as good as the first. I would definitely be willing to stuff my face with them again if given the chance. Apparently they are best when made fresh though. I went back for a third about a half an hour later and it wasn’t as good.

Too impatient to wait on a trip to New Orleans or for someone to bring you some to try? Here’s a recipe to make your own at home.

This post contains links to an affiliate. See my disclosure policy for more information.