PSA! Throw Away That Old Makeup

Think about this, even though it may gross you out when you do – how long has your makeup been sitting in your makeup bag or box? If you’re like most women, you probably have no clue.

Well, that makeup might be older than it should be, and it could be time to throw that crap out. How long can you keep your makeup?

  • Mascara only lasts about three months
  • Pencil eyeliner lasts for roughly two years, but liquid/gel eyeliner only lasts three months
  • Lip gloss should really be tossed after about 18 months
  • Lipstick and lip liner is only good about a year
  • Blush, eye shadow and bronzers that are powder can last up to two years, but creamed stuff? That should go after a year
  • Oil-free foundation and concealers – toss after a year

Another way to know it’s time to get rid of your makeup is if you have recently had any kind of infections, if it smells funny or looks different, or if it suddenly feels weird on your skin. Throw it away because it is not needed and you are in need of some new makeup products such as the eyelash serum from Xlash, these products are needed to make your skin clean and flawless and serum will enhance lash growth, there is no point in applying old makeup to your face. There is no shame in throwing away old makeup. There are two very good reasons for this, one is that it gets rid of old makeup. Secondly, it gives you the perfect excuse to replenish your stock with new makeup items. There are so many new items that you can pick from, that sometimes it can be hard to figure out which is the right one for you. For example, you might struggle as to which Chanel foundation you will use.

Is it time for you to toss some of your makeup? Not doing so could lead your skin to become irritated, or worse infected. It could also just look cakey or not cover your face very well.

Going forward you may want to add a label to your new makeup to know how old it is. You can add a little piece of painters tape or a sticker to the bottom of your make up containers, and mark with a Sharpie the date you opened them. This can help you determine whether or not it’s time to let it go.

Source for image above


Could Your Customer Testimonials Be a Blog Post?

I want to feature YOU in a future Bloggy Friends Spotlight

One of the things I’m asked all the time is “Where can I get more blogging content for my business blog?” Well, you may already have some blogging content gold in your inbox right now! They’re your customer testimonials!

Are you a travel agent? Perhaps you had a client go on a trip that completely knocked their socks off and they sent you a glowing e-mail about how awesome you and your business are. Why not use that testimonial to share the trip with your potential and current customers? Who knows? It could yield additional bookings for that same experience.

Maybe you’re a hair stylist who made someone’s day because you did their hair just perfectly for their wedding day. That should be featured! Bonus points if you get permission from the client to share the images of how awesome their hair looked!

Pro tip: Always ask permission before sharing images and/or words your clients give you

Another example could be a personal trainer or nutritionist who helped their clients get to their goal weight. These amazing results should be shared to inspire new people to sign with you.

I’m sure you’re starting to see the point I’m trying to make – testimonials as blog content not only show off how awesome you and your business are, they also:

  1. Show people real results that they too can have if they work with you
  2. Give you a way to showcase products and services that people might not even realize you offer
  3. Provide you with content that practically writes itself

How can you get some glowing testimonials?

Ask for them! Every time you work with a client, ask for feedback. Sure, the reviews they give you may not always be awesome, but getting feedback never hurt anyone. You want to make your business better don’t you? Consider any type of feedback a win-win.

– If they love you BOOM instant blog content

–  If they didn’t love you BOOM opportunity to grow and improve

You’re welcome!

Mixing testimonials in with your current blog content calendar can give you a reprieve when you’ve got writer’s block, and it could also inspire additional content topics. And just like that, your business blog got a little better.


Bloggy Friends Chime In – 30 Conference MUST Haves

It’s Blog Conference Season, and that means lots of packing and traveling. I’m going to Food Wine Conference, BlogHer17 and FL Blog Conference, so I asked my fellow bloggy friends to chime in on their MUST haves to survive and thrive at a blogging conference. Below is what they had to say.

1. Business Cards. One of the bloggers took this a step further and said you should bring business cards with your photo on it. I personally don’t have my photo on my cards, but I can certainly appreciate the appeal

2. Comfortable shoes. Another blogger said sneakers. I often wear sneakers for the bulk of the conference and flat dress shoes for the after parties.

3. Battery packs – hell yeah! You can’t always get to an outlet, so having back up batteries is a great way to keep your phone working in the meantime.

4. Cardigan/sweater – ohmigosh yes! Even in Florida when it’s 90 degrees, you bring a sweater because of how frequently conference rooms are FREEZING!!! BRRRR!!!

5. Phone charger – yep, for when you finally CAN plug it in!

6. Pen and pad of paper or notebook. I personally love Caitlyn Connolly’s method of note taking at conferences – she takes notes in the front of her notebook, and makes to-do lists based on aha moments at the conference in the back of the book. How cool is that? I totally have started using that idea for classes and seminars I attend.

One blogger suggested using notebooks with a hardcover back so that you can keep taking notes even while standing up. This is a great idea because some sessions get so full you won’t be able to sit to take notes!

7. Courage – YES! Some people are massive introverts, and talking to strangers all day can be hard. But, bloggy friends, you’ve got this! We’re all here to work together towards the common goal of boosting our personal brands.

8. A sense of humor – a few bloggers offered this as a must have and I whole-heartedly agree. In fact, you should have a sense of humor with EVERYTHING you attend. It’s like Van Wilder said, “You shouldn’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.”

9. A willingness to learn – I confess I struggle with this one sometimes. I have a bad habit of feeling like I’ve heard many lessons before. However, I’m going to try to take in the lessons anyway at this year’s conferences because as Marie Forleo says, just because you have heard it all before doesn’t mean you’re implementing anything. And, you might hear it a different way this time that makes the knowledge-bombs finally click!

10. Your brand pitch perfected – I loved this answer! As we meet with new brands and potential clients, we must be able to spill our pitch at a moment’s notice. It could be the difference between walking away from a conference with an additional client, or walking away empty handed.

11. Slippers for the hotel room after walking on your feet all day long – Um, yes! I’ve been known to tote fuzzy socks too!

12. Your phone – Definitely. How are you going to be live on social and keep up with the picture taking without your pocket computer? Don’t you know how much sponsors LOVE when we Tweet, Instagram and Facebook live and tag them?

13. Freedom to be me – Absolutely. You have to bring the internal sense of freedom to be yourself. No one can give you permission to do that, and if you fake being something else, people will see right through it. Besides, if people don’t like you for you, that’s alright. Many conferences attract a WIDE variety of bloggers. This means that SOMEONE there will be your perfect bloggy friend. I promise.

14) A pair of slippers that fits in your bag – Yep! I love this too. I’ve seen more and more women toting foldable shoes in their purses at conferences when the “sensible shoes” and high heels become too much to wear!

15) A list of companies you want to connect with. This is GOLD! I love this answer because it gives you a game plan of attack in the craziness of a conference. Most conferences list their sponsors ahead of time, so this arms you with the knowledge you need of who will be on site that you might be able to chat up and/or work for or partner with.

16) Backpack to hold stuff – Yep, I’ve been known to carry a backpack in lieu of a purse many times for the sake of saving my back and shoulders. Though these days, I roll around a collapsible cart so that I don’t have to carry anything at all.

17) Water and your own refillable water bottle – Sadly, water sitting around in conference rooms can get pretty gross. And then, we drink it. That’s why I agree 110% with this conference must have.

18) Gum/mints – fresh breath and less likelihood that you’ll cough in the middle of a session – I’d call this conference must have a win-win!

19) Focus on why you are there and the goals for the conference – I love that my bloggy friends included so many mindset must haves in this list. Don’t you?

20) Wall charger and a long charging cable – it’s no secret that large conferences mean long distances between seats and wall outlets. Longer cords might help you sit while charging.

21) Positive attitude, a smile and confidence – Yes, yes and yes!

22) One blogger said she brings gifts for her acquaintances – I have personally done this at a conference before. It’s a fabulous way to connect/reconnect with bloggy friends or to show someone you’ve never met before that you care.

23) Travel-sized wipes – Yep, and I’ll add to this with Hand Sanitizer. You’ll be shaking a lot of hands and getting a lot of contact with people you don’t know, so it is best to be clean and safe.

24) A lumi light for better selfies – I don’t think I’d call this a must have, but if you have the money for this, more power to you! Then again, fashion bloggers – I would EXPECT them to have these!!

25) Business casual clothes – you have to be comfortable at a conference. Don’t dress up too much.

26) MacBook Air/ipad/tablet – enough said

27) Business purse

28) My own coffee or tea – LOVE! Call us snobby if you like, but it’s better to bring the things you want to drink, than overpay for hotel beverages!

29) Snacks like trail mix or granola bars – agreed. Sometimes there’s no good snacks to choose from, or worse – no snacks at all!

30) An extension cord and power strip – I like the idea of a power strip so much, I might add it to my packing list going forward!

Now, I want to hear from you. Do you agree with my bloggy friends? Did we miss anything? What are YOUR conference MUST HAVES? Leave a comment below, and tell me about it.

HUGE thanks to the following bloggers who helped make this post possible:

Michelle Snow of
Tracy Shaw of
Amy Freeman Courage of
Kristin Alongi of
Pickett Krayniy of
Tiffany Haywood of
Danay Escanaverino of
Marian Kicklighter of
Edith Tapia of
Maggie Lamarre of
Krayl Funch of
Tia Smith of
Denise Mestanza-Taylor of
Andrea Wolloff of
Heather Bridges Montgomery of
Caitlyn Connolly of
Liza Tolisano Ford of
Erica Acevedo of
Cricket Plunkett of
Caroline Williams of
Betty Ann Besa-Quirino of
Betsy Cohen of
Nancie McDermott of
Bess Auer of
Emerald Barnes of


#B4MH May is Mental Health Awareness Month – Bloggers for Mental Health Awareness

On December 27, 2016 my father died by his own hand. There is no doubt in my mind he suffered from mental illness. But, because of the stigma that clouds the minds of so many even today, he feared seeking help for this illness because he worried what other people would think of him. He was a very proud man, and he couldn’t cope with the idea that folks would “talk” if they learned he went to a mental health professional to get help.

I don’t talk much publicly about the sadness that plagued me before I left home. I rarely discuss how terrified I was of my father, or that I feared from the age of 9 he would take his own life. And, even writing this post, I know there are some people that will be annoyed, bothered, and/or possibly pissed off at me for writing about this. I can’t care about that anymore though. Why? Because the stigma associated with mental health and discussing mental health issues is shocking! And, by speaking up, perhaps things can change.

If my father had not been so damn afraid of how people would view him, I think he could have relinquished his pride just enough to seek help. I think my life and the lives of my other family members could have been better, more peaceful. And yes, I think he might be alive today.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255

Available 24 hours everyday

There Is No Shame In Seeking Help

I am in therapy. I see a therapist once a week, and I have since January of this year. Before my father’s death, I saw one online because I just needed an unbiased person to listen to me, and help me cope with issues I was dealing with. I’m not ashamed of this. I understand the importance of working through my crap so that I don’t go down the deep dark path of depression that ultimately led to my father killing himself. So if you or someone you know decides to use services such as mental health facilities in Lexington or other locations, don’t belittle them, don’t think less of them, commend their strength instead, it’s more than likely they’re in need of someone to do that also.

Please know that NO – I do not have suicidal ideation, but I did have a dark period where I thought about it. No, I do NOT condone what my father did, but as much as it hurts me, I understand it. I can see how a person can go down the rabbit hole of sadness, and get down so deep that they can’t see the light anymore. I can actually understand how easy it might have been to go to such a dark place that you feel the only way out is death.

And, that’s why I want to shout from the rooftops that the second you feel yourself going into a place of despair -CALL SOMEONE! GET HELP! YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO FACE PAIN ALONE!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255

Available 24 hours everyday

You may be wondering, why speak up now? Because I didn’t have the courage to before. I too was wrapped up in the fear of what others would say. My dad’s death jolted me, and made me see so clearly how different things could have been. I wish I could go back and tell him I was seeing a therapist, and that I was working with people that were helping me so that maybe he would feel he had permission to as well.

I wish I hadn’t bought into the stigma of working with mental health professionals meaning you were crazy when I was a child. Since growing up, I have come to realize that this could not be further from the truth, and, in fact, there are some wonderful mental health facilities out there that help people to live healthy and rewarding lives. Looking back I can see several moments where I could have stood up and said something if I hadn’t been so scared. But, I can’t go back. What’s done is done.

I couldn’t save my father’s life. Perhaps in all honesty, even if I HAD spoken up, I never could have saved his life. But either way, now that my mouth is open, I’ll never stop myself from saying this again – If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental illness, even if you just suspect it – INTERVENE! DO SOMETHING! SAY SOMETHING! GET HELP!

Resources for Mental Health Assistance

Here in Tampa, if you are in crisis, you can call 2-1-1 to be directly connected to the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay. If you’re outside of Tampa Bay, 2-1-1 will still connect you to someone local who can help. As per United Way’s website “2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps people across North America find the local resources they need.” You can also check out as a starting point for additional or other help.

Above is the last family photo of me, my sister, my mom and my dad as far as I know. This was their 30th wedding anniversary. I threw a surprise party for them. What people don’t see in the photo is that there was a lot of sadness, anger and heartbreak behind the smiles in this image. In fact, most people have no idea when others are in pain.

We put on brave faces and go into the world harboring our pain, suffering in silence. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We all deserve to be happy. We all deserve to have help for our mental struggles. We don’t have to face the sadness alone. Again, I implore you – If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental illness, even if you just suspect it – INTERVENE! DO SOMETHING! SAY SOMETHING! GET HELP!

This post was written as part of Bloggers for Mental Health Awareness. Brittany from Clumps of Mascara got a bunch of us bloggers together and inspired us to take a stand and help normalize mental health concerns, illnesses, and discussion.

Please, please, pleeeeease keep spreading the word. Share this post with the hashtags #BloggersForMentalHealth or #B4MH to help spread the message anywhere and everywhere across the net. By speaking up and making it “okay” to talk about, perhaps we can save lives, and make countless others a little easier.


My First Time – Getting a Chocolate Pedicure

This article first appeared in the Tampa Bay Times. It has been slightly updated and I’m posting it here for my blog readers to enjoy.

I have gotten pedicures before, and I’ve done things like a foot soak detox before, which I thoroughly enjoyed, as this is said to remove the harmful toxins from the body, allowing my body to feel a lot healthier. But after a friend of mine recommended I checked out a process known as a chocolate pedicure, I had to skip my traditional one and try it. It had been a rough week so being pampered sounded good to me.

It turns out there are several benefits to using chocolate for pampering. First, there are antioxidants in chocolate. Second, cocoa butter, a key ingredient in several types of chocolate, is a great skin moisturizer. Lastly, and in my opinion, most importantly, just the smell of chocolate has been proven to release endorphins which are a mood booster.

I had mine done at a Spa in New Tampa that has since closed it’s doors. However, I did learn the Spa Evangeline offers a similar pedicure! Theirs is called the Dulce Delight

Here are the details on Spa Evangeline’s Dulce Delight:

Inspired by Chocolate Pi’s Salted Caramel signature dessert. A coffee salt exfoliant of Arabica bean extract energizes, exfoliates, and soothes dry skin. A full body dark chocolate mask is applied, and wrapped in a cocoon for better absorption & detoxification. Shower off, and a Sweet Cream body milk massage seals the deal. A sampling of salted caramel to conclude.
Also available as a hand and foot treatment.
120 minutes

I would strongly recommend doing a massage and a pedicure. By the end of the day you will smell like a dessert, and feel like a million bucks!

How my pedicure went down:

My pedicure began with a warm chocolate foot bath. The aroma of the chocolate and the bubbles of the jets in the foot bath melted all of my leftover stress away within minutes. Just as I was beginning to feel the calm come over me I was presented with a chocolate martini. Delicious. Its smooth texture went down like chocolate milk, and in the bottom of the glass was a piece of chocolate for me to munch on while my pedicurist scrubbed my feet. (I highly recommend grabbing a chocolate martini at Edge if you get your treatment at Spa Evangeline. Their drinks are delicious!!!)

My pedicurist used a cocoa scrub to wash and exfoliate my tootsies, and then it was time for my mask. I never had a mask on my feet before, but it was extremely moisturizing and felt so nice. The mask was, of course, infused with chocolate.

Following the mask my feet were massaged with chocolate oil. After that my toes were dried and nail polish was applied. My feet have never felt so good. My treatment delighted my senses to say the least.

When I got home my husband asked me if I had baked brownies. The scent was strong, and made us both hungry, but I was more interested in continuing my tranquil state than cooking. I felt so good from a day of chocolaty indulgence that I already wanted to book another one.
Chocolate Pedicure
Where to get it: Get a similar one at Spa Evangeline
Located at The Epicurean Hotel across from Bern’s Steakhouse

1203 South Howard Avenue
Tampa, FL 33606

Cost: $85 for the 60-minute experience as of February 2017.

Three things I learned
1. Chocolate contains 300 different compounds, some of which can have a significant impact on one’s health and beauty.
2. Chocolate re-mineralizes and energizes the skin.
3. For some people the scent of chocolate has a psychological effect of relaxing your mind and therefore relaxing your body.

Would I do it again? Yes! It was so relaxing and luxurious. I look forward to the day when I can afford one every week!

The My First Time was a column about me trying new things in Tampa Bay. I’m reviving it here on my blog! Got a suggestion for something I can try? I’d love for you to hit me up in the DMs on Twitter

Have you every wondered what a chocolate pedicure would feel like? This post is about my first time having one.

Berries and Bubbles Martini – The Perfect Valentine’s Cocktail

berries and bubbles martini - ocean prime - valentine's day drink
Today, I’m sharing a delicious cocktail that is perfect for Valentine’s Day! This romantic love potion is called the Berries and Bubbles martini. You can grab one at Ocean Prime like I did, or try your hand at making one yourself with the recipe below. The image above is by me and the recipe below is from the About Guide to Phoenix.

Yield: 1 serving


– 1¼ oz. Belvedere Citrus
– ¾ oz. Crème de Cassis
– 1½ oz. home made sour
– 1 oz. Domaine Chandon Brut

1. Combine Belvedere Citrus, Crème de Cassis and sour in mixing tin
2. Add ice, shake vigorously and strain into chilled martini glass containing a spoonful of marinated blackberries and a piece of dry ice
3. Finish cocktail with Domaine Chandon Brut float.

The bubbles and smoke in the one pictured above are caused by a small sliver of dry ice that was added to the glass just before pouring the drink in. However, if you can’t get your hands on dry ice, the drink is still yummy without it. You just won’t get the smokey bubbly effect…

The Weird Trick My Husband Taught Me to Help Me Cope with My Dad’s Suicide

On December 27, 2016, my father (pictured above) took his own life. This photo is more than 13 years old, but it’s how I’m choosing to remember my dad – with a smile and seemingly happy. The photos of him in recent years are sad, much like his own mind was. About three years after this photo was taken, he lost his job – a job that he had worked like hell to keep for nearly two decades. A job that despite his illnesses, he kept and continued to work hard at regardless of pain he might have had that day.

Doctors told him that his illnesses were stress related – a diagnosis I’ve been dealing with myself since I first went off to college. Dis-ease, the body’s state of dis – ease can cause it to become ill, and I think that is where my dad’s ailments originated.  Looking back, dad was never happy. He was always stressed. Unfortunately, I take a lot of that after him.

When my husband learned that my dad took his own life, he told me he was instantly scared for me. He confessed that it broke his heart watching me act a lot like my father – always stressed, always looking at the negative, always in a state of dis-ease. This state I’ve allowed myself into for so many years has caused weight gain in me, tension in my relationships, struggle in my business, and so much more.

I’m raising money to help my mom with the bills dad left behind. Please help if you can here. Thank you so much!

My husband said point blank that his fear was I could just as easily go down a path of sadness, depression and ultimately some form of suicide if I didn’t course correct starting immediately. I think part of the reason I’m so shaken by my dad’s choice to end his life is because I know deep down just how right my husband is that if left unchecked, my patterns could go down a very dark path. In fact, they have in the past. I don’t talk about how dark I’ve gone, but those times scared the hell out of me.

One night after my father’s passing, my husband and I got to talking about my negativity, stress and depression. During our talk, he taught me a trick that is helping me not only to cope with my dad’s death, but also is helping me to be genuinely happier. It’s only been about two weeks since my husband taught me this trick, however, it’s wild to me that it’s helping me as much as it is. Because it’s helping me, I’m sharing it with you. It’s so simple, but has had an unimaginable effect on me.

Whenever I am starting to think negative thoughts and/or going into a dark space in my mind, he told me to stop, take a deep breath, and run down a list of things I’m grateful for. He said I might feel silly, but until this trick gets ingrained in me, he suggested I say these things out loud. He said to always start with the most important thing to be grateful for, and in his eyes that’s the fact I’m alive. My go to mantra lately has been:

I’m alive. I have a loving husband. I have the cutest dogs. I had a yummy breakfast. I have a roof over my head. I have running water… And on and on I go until the negative thought escapes, or at least dissipates enough that I am no longer triggered by it.

And so, this is what I’ve been doing as many as 20-30 times a day as these horribly negative thoughts come into my head. I literally will take notice of the fact I’m feeling down, stop, take a deep breath, and begin my mantra….

I’m alive. I have a loving husband. I have the cutest dogs…

This simple trick is actually making me feel better than I have in years. It’s put a smile on my face many times, even in the midst of this tragedy. It’s not always the same words, but it does always start with “I’m alive and have a loving husband.” I will keep practicing this trick until it becomes second nature because I honestly want to live as happy of a life as possible for as many years as possible before my time here on earth is done.

I’m alive. I have a loving husband. I have the cutest dogs….

I do plan on visiting with a counselor. This is something that I’ve been asked many times since my dad left my family if I would do. Yes, I will. And, I do plan on joining a support group for additional help coping. But, for now…I’m choosing as much happiness as possible. This simple trick is helping me. I hope it helps you too.

Can you help me help my mom? Anything would be appreciated!

5 Ways to Prepare Your House for Winter

I can’t help but think of my family in Kentucky and Ohio in these winter months. As cold as it gets there I know my family members are always looking for ways to keep their houses warm. With that in mind, below are 5 ways to prepare your house for winter. While this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.

5 Ways to Prepare Your House for Winter

With winter setting in, you need to make sure that your home is operating at peak efficiency. By preparing early and making all the needed changes like getting Replacement Windows Austin to replace your old inefficient ones, the easier your winter will be. It is important that you take some time to think about what jobs need completing to your house when you have the chance, and no project is too big or too small. Even thinking about contacting someone similar to this Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Buffalo company who can come to remove any debris before the likelihood of facing a snow-filled winter which could cause unwanted damage to your gutters and your home will be a job well done. Changing your windows could also make a big impact as well. Not only will this help reduce your utility bills, but it will also ensure that you don’t have any other significant problems later on, such as a broken heater. To help maximize your planning, be sure to download free weather apps onto your smartphone, so you will know more about what’s going on outside so as to better adjust yourself inside. Here are five things you can do this winter:

  1. Check for Leaks: If you notice any cold air coming in where it shouldn’t be, then that can lead to some pretty major problems later on. Be sure to identify the exact source of the incoming air, and then seal it as best as possible. Usually, points of entry are around doorways or windows.
  1. Install a Programmable Thermostat: Unless you want to keep getting up to adjust the temperature, you will want to get a thermostat that has programmable options. This way you don’t have to worry about the house getting too hot or cold, nor do you have to worry about wasting energy. Be sure to keep your home at a lower temperature while you’re away.
  1. Check Your Heater: If months have passed since you last used the heater, it may be rusty and inefficient. This is where the help of professionals companies such as Universal HVAC in Portland (if you live in the area of Oregon) may be of assistance.
    Before the weather gets really bad, have someone come and inspect your unit to make sure that you aren’t throwing money away due to a poorly operating machine.
  1. Remove Icicles and Dams: After you have installed snow weather apps on your phone, be sure to check out when storms are coming in and plan accordingly. One of the biggest issues during winter is when icicles form and block water on your roof, causing damage. Stay on top of things and remove ice after it forms. Otherwise, you will be paying a hefty price later on. If you have damage to your roof, you most certainly will want to tend to that before Winter comes. Using a company specialising in roof installation austin will help to prevent any disasters from occurring in those cold months.
  1. Turn Off Outside Faucets: If you have a hose outside, it can freeze and damage your pipes. Make sure that you don’t have water running to any exterior faucets, as they can be a huge problem if they freeze up. Use the shut-off valve to prevent this issue.

I know when I’m in Kentucky during the winter months I want the places I’m staying to be as warm as possible. This Florida girl can barely handle the cold. Here’s a picture of just one tactic I used to stay warm when I was in Kentucky in January of this year:

What do you to keep warm in the winter? Leave a comment and tell me about it!

Blog Post Ideas for Salons

I decided I want to start sharing blog post ideas for a variety of businesses. Something about just keeping these ideas in my head is starting to make me feel as though I could explode. I often will see a business owner, and hear him/her complain about how to engage with potential customers. What immediately starts happening is my mind begins racing with all kinds of ideas that they could use to blog about and share in their newsletters, on their website, possible even transform into an eBook or eCourse….this is just how my creative mind works. James Altucher said that ideas are like a muscle that needs to be worked out. If you don’t use it you lose it, so he recommends writing a list of 10 ideas a day.

Is your salon blog stale? Here are some great blog post ideas for salon owners

With that in mind, I’m going to flex my idea muscles even more. Who knows? This could turn into a fun and exciting eBook or pamphlet for my ghostwriting clients! Without further ado…here is my first set of ideas- Blog Post ideas for Salons

  1. About your salon – when did you open, where did you open, why did you open, and who do you run it with?
  2. Spotlight on your staff, or even one spotlight per staff member. What a great way to encourage your staff members sharing your website on their own social media pages! Many people love to have their moment in the spotlight. And, most folks enjoy recognition from their employers.
  3. The services you offer. Often times, I see a mundane list of services offered on a salon’s website. What I mean by mundane is it just lists the name of the service and the price. I want to know more. What will I enjoy during the service? For example, don’t say wash, cut and style. Instead, tell me about how my service will begin with a luxurious shampooing and a consultation with my stylist about the right cut for my face. Then, after my hair is nice and clean, I’ll be whisked away to my chair where my hair will be magically transformed and finished off with a wonderful blow dry and styling. Example two – if your salon gives pedicures, explain how important pampering is for our tootsies. Tell me about the foot massage I’ll enjoy, and why proper foot care is so important.
  4. Milestone events. Tell your readers about your anniversaries! Share lessons learned after 500 haircuts. Explain how grateful you are for serving your 100th customer in your new location. Share the joyous news of your new spouse of baby on the way. People crave relationships and love working with those they feel they have a connection with.
  5. What sets you apart from your competitors? Why should someone visit you instead of the guy down the road? What special extras do you offer that would make someone feel appreciated as a customer?
  6. Share your specials! Is it your salon’s anniversary? Celebrate with a sale on all of your products. Or, perhaps you could have an open house party and write about that. Then, after the party do a follow-up post and share the images from the night.
  7. Top 10 cuts for a round face, or top 12 styles for your wedding. There is a reason lists are so popular on blogs – the public eats them up!
  8. Quick styles for date night. You could even do a video tutorial on your blog for easy styles people can do at home. Now, I know what you might be thinking – I want them to come IN to my salon. That’s great, but building a relationship with your readers is what will make them loyal customers. Show you’re the expert on hair care!
  9. Hair care tips. I love this one because personally, after I get a hair cut, I love learning how to keep my hair looking as healthy as it did when I got it done. I want to know how to make it shinier and more vibrant. Your customers might want the same!
  10. My final idea that I’ll post today is a round up post of your favorite styling tools. What are your must haves? A flat iron? A curling iron? Combs or brushes? Bonus idea – mention styling tools that you are selling in your shop. Or, if you aren’t selling tools in your shop, get an Amazon Affiliate account and link to the tools there to earn a commission.

There you have it folks – my first post of blog post ideas. I enjoyed doing this post so much that I’m definitely going to be doing a LOT more of them. Do you have an industry you want me to post about? Leave me a comment below and tell me about it!

Who is the Ghostblogging Business in a Weekend Course for?

It’s for people who:

  • The ghostblogging business in a weekend course is for the happy writerlove to write
  • want to start their own business
  • have at least some writing experience (blogging, newspaper, magazines, etc…)

It’s not for people who:The ghostblogging business in a weekend course is not for people who hate writing!


  • hate writing more than anything
  • can’t string two sentences together to save their life
  • don’t want to start a business
  • lack discipline and organization




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