Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 8

Day 8 is a treasure hunt. The idea behind the treasure hunt is that what you look for expands. So, for the first part of the day’s exercise, you’re supposed to look for money all around you. The goal is to see just how abundant the Universe is. Then, the second part is a brainstorming exercise.

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Eight Discoveries

I’ve done the treasure hunt exercise many times, and always to pretty positive results. I know this world is filled with money, and abundance that goes beyond money. I am so grateful and thankful now that money surrounds me, money is everywhere, and money effortlessly flows into my life all day, every day.

My heart’s deep desire is to earn $10,000 profit every single month or more, consistently. And, I believe that it’s possible for that to be my reality, even though I don’t know how right now. I have decided that this amount of money will be my new normal.

How can I earn more money? Kathrin wants us to brainstorm a list of just 10 ways today. When I’ve done this exercise in the past the challenge was to get 50 ways on the page. I always stumble around item 30. It feels difficult sometimes to come up with a bunch of ways to make money. BUT! I LOVE how expansive I feel when I complete this exercise. It feels so secure to know that there are so many ways to make money, even with things like online gambling on slot online. Not only can you earn money, but it’s a fun way to do it!

Therefore, here are my 10 ideas to create more money in my life today:

  1. I could sell the rest of my jewelry
  2. Package all the content I’ve ever created and sell it as PLR for niche sites and business owners to use as their own content
  3. Package all the content I have created or acquired under miscellaneous subjects and release short eBooks for sale
  4. Sign new ghostwriting clients to create content for them
  5. Sell more copies of my course on how to start a ghostwriting business
  6. Ask my current clients for an increased per word rate
  7. Start an Etsy type store and sell my crafts online
  8. Start offering photography sessions again
  9. Create packages for my ghostwriting clients that includes more than just the ghostwritten blog posts to increase the amount I earn with each transaction – add social media, image curation, and scheduling their blog posts.
  10. Sell my car and start bicycling everywhere, and ubering when I need to go a further distance. Not a good idea in the long run, and I wouldn’t actually do this – but would certainly yield instant income.


Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 7

Day 7 is all about detoxing from the negativity in your life. Oooh this is a good one, because it’s something I struggle with BIG TIME

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Seven Discoveries

Kathrin encourages us to take time off from the negativity in our lives that isn’t serving us. So, I unfollowed pages that bring me down, and I unfriended and/or unfollowed people that constantly post sad or maddening things.

I already have been on a negativity detox honestly. I’ve not watched the news in a couple of years now. In fact, when people bring up stories that are trending in the media, I’m typically lost because I have no idea what is going on in the world.

On one hand, I worry sometimes that I’m becoming too ignorant. On the other, I’m happier avoiding all the sadness. I’m becoming quite protective of my heart and emotions.

Crazy thing though – the more I cut out negativity, the more it hurts when I come upon it. My husband says I look for the negative too much, and the truth is I expect bad things far too often. But, I’m working on it because I don’t want that to be my reality any more.

I want positivity, joy, happiness, and calm. And that’s okay. So, I’ll keep living in as much bliss as possible, and try to avoid my old ways of seeking out negativity. Gimme all the positive vibes please. They are so much more pleasurable after all.

What negative things are in your life that you can control, and cut out? It sure is interesting to ponder this and then start removing the darkness from your life. It’s actually becoming a new addiction for me. And, I love it!

Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 6

Day 6 is about letting go of the how… it’s not your job to figure out how the money you desire will come into your life

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Six Discoveries

For day 6, the challenge was to completely detach yourself from the how you will call in your desires…

Too often we get so hung up in “how will I acquire my dream income?” And that causes us to never get the money at all.

Would you ever doubt whether or not your order at a restaurant was coming to you? No. As such you should expect the Universe has taken your order of achieving an extra $1,000, and is working on moving all things through time and space to make that money come to you quickly and easily.

The idea of letting go of the how, is that money you desire can come from completely unexpected way. You might never anticipate the random way that an additional $1,000 can come into your life.

Kathrin’s way of detaching yourself from the how? Finding something fun to do. She suggested thinking about 5 things that make you happy when you spend time doing them, and then doing the 1 thing that sticks out the most to you.

Given the fact that most of the things on my list are things I currently can not do for one reason or another – I chose playing with my dogs, watching a movie, and eating a seriously delicious meal.

Now – I know this was 3 things, but sooooooooooo many things are enjoyable to me. And, this just felt like the perfect set of activities to distract me from what I want so I could focus completely on having fun.

Nothing wrong with that…right?!?

Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 4 and 5

Day 4 and 5 – I’m combining two days and I’m even behind a couple of days because of some crazy that occurred in my life.

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Four Discoveries

Day four is all about one of the most critical elements in the Law of Attraction – gratitude. Kathrin was brilliant in her explanation of why we must show that we’re thankful for our current gifts. She compared it with the analogy of receiving a present that you didn’t show gratitude for, and made the point that when a gift giver notices this, they are less likely to want to send you more gifts. Made perfect sense to me and I LOVED it!

So…today’s challenge was to write a list of 25 things we’re thankful for…

My gratitude list

“Gratitude is the holy grail of the high vibration energy that you can put out into the Universe” – Kathrin Zenkina

  1. I woke up today! Not everyone did, but today I was given another day of life. Another chance for my dreams to come true. Another day to make smarter choices! Thank you!!!
  2. I have a husband who loves me. That in and of itself means someone loves and cares for me, and is always on my side no matter what.
  3. My dogs- they fill me with such an immense amount of joy!!!
  4. The meal I’m eating right now. I’m thankful I had the money to buy it. I’m grateful it tastes good, and that someone else prepared it for me.
  5. My eyesight. My lasik eye surgery is still going strong and allows me to see without glasses or contacts. LOVE!
  6. My ability to walk.
  7. I’m thankful for the ability to write this gratitude list.
  8. I can hear the conversations around me, and the music that’s playing.
  9. I’m grateful for my phone, and my computer, and of course – the internet which affords me so many wonderful things.
  10. I’m glad I have clean clothes to wear, lots of choices for outfits and a way to wash and dry my clothes at home.
  11. I’m so thankful to have clean air to breathe.
  12. I’m thankful for my jewelry – especially the sentimental pieces.
  13. I’m so thankful for indoor plumbing. I’m remembering several moments when I was in Thailand and had to pay to pee and wash my hands. Oy! Crazy experience!
  14. I’m thankful for free drink refills and kids meals.
  15. I’m thankful my husband waits on me as I rest when things go wrong
  16. I’m grateful for free will – I know this one might sound strange, but I know in some countries the idea of not doing what you want to do is normal. That would be a prison for me, and I’m grateful for the freedom to make my own choices
  17. Amazon and Netflix – how awesome is it that we can be entertained so easily?!?
  18. I’m thankful to have a job that requires no pants, and no commute!
  19. So glad I’m creative!!!
  20. Excited to be going to Italy in 2019!
  21. I’m thankful for arts and crafts supplies.
  22. Incredibly grateful for doctors and therapists.
  23. Grateful for the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay for getting me through tough times!
  24. I’m grateful to live in the United States with central heating and air!
  25. I’m also thankful for all of my friends and family.

Day Five Discoveries

Day five is all about the fact that money needs a purpose. Kathrin challenged us to really think about what we would do with the money if we could manifest an extra $1,000 this month. I journaled about this, and took it further intending my purpose for what I would do with the $100,000 that I will manifest by December 31, 2019.

I’m not 100% ready to make those intentions public, but writing it all out was certainly inspiring for me. It made me so excited thinking about how I will use the money that I WILL manifest! I am loving this work, and I’m getting pretty addicted to this stuff I once considered a little Woo Woo. I’m embracing my inner woo-woo wholeheartedly and LOVING it!

Until tomorrow…may your hearts be full and your inner most desires be met!

Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 3

Day 3 is all about the feels! I was supposed to have this done by this morning, but a luncheon thwarted my plans. Perhaps it was silly to think I could commit to every day at breakfast, but at least I’m still actually doing the days, right?

So, I’ll continue my commitment to doing one of these posts every day, regardless of the time I’m able to get it done.

And again, I’m thinking really hard about making all of my challenges public. It feels so exciting putting all of my hopes and dreams out to the Universe in this manner. It’s like I’m shouting from the virtual rooftops what I want, and that I expect the Universe to deliver! WOOT!

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Three Discoveries

For day 3, the challenge was to list the feelings that I would have if I had an extra $1,000 right now. The idea is to get in tune with the feels related to having what you want now, not the feelings you would have if it’s on its way. If money is just energy, you have to get into the energetic feeling of already having it now so that it can more easily flow to you.

For me, if I had an extra  $1,000 right now I’d be calmer and relieved.  I’d feel a little more free, and a little more happy. And, I’d feel excited about what I’m going to do with the money.

You’re supposed to then repeat these feelings to get energetically aligned so the Universe can give you the money! To get into these happy feelings I’m going to visualize the money in my bank account and just feel calm, relieved, happy, free and excited.

Money Prayers

Along with this 21 day challenge, I’m also reading Catherine Ponder’s The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. And, in her book she has these awesome money prayers that have been helping me feel more prosperous. Below are a few I’d like to share with you if you too want to feel a little more prosperous right now.

  • There is gold dust in the air – for me. Through definite, deliberate prosperous thinking, I now begin assimilating that gold dust. And even now I am beginning to experience gold dust results.
  • Divine Love expressing through me now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete. (Yes, I know this one may be more about love than money, but when I feel loved, I make more money. Maybe it’s because it boosts my confidence and helps me feel less afraid to pitch potential clients – whatever it is – I’ll take all the love feels)
  • I release, loose, let go and let God.
  • I am the rich child of a loving Father. All that the Father has is mine to share and to experience. Diving Intelligence is now showing me how to claim my own God-given wealth, health and happiness. Divine Intelligence is even now opening the way for my immediate blessings. I have faith that all that is mine by divine right now comes to me in rich abundance. My rich blessings do not interfere with anyone else’s good, since God’s rich substance is unlimited and everywhere for all to use. There is no delay! That which is not for my highest good now fades from me and I no longer desire it. My God-given desires are richly fulfilled now in God’s own wonderful way.
  • Declare: I give thanks for the immediate, complete, divine fulfillment of these desires. This or something better comes forth with perfect timing, according to God’s rich good for me.
  • I am now activated by Divine Intelligence, motivated by Divine Love and guided by Divine Power into my right work, which I perform in a perfect way for perfect pay. The divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite concrete experiences, leading to perfect health, happiness, success and prosperity.

Aren’t those just awesome?!? I’m loving getting into my inner woo-woo spiritual side. Some how, some way, this WILL be the year that everything changes for me. My deepest desires are becoming realities, even as I type this now. SOOOOOOOO excited, and feeling so good! Until tomorrow…may your hearts be full and your inner most desires be met!

Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 2

Day 2 – Man oh man! Didn’t expect to cry as much as I did in today’s challenge, but wowza! I feel amazing right now!

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Two Discoveries

For day 2, the challenge was all about forgiveness. The idea is that you should completely forgive yourself, and everyone and everything from your past that has been negative until now.

Master manifestor Joe Vitale has this amazing practice he does called Ho’oponopono, and I first heard about this practice from Denise Duffield Thomas in her Money Bootcamp. The practice goes like this:

Think about every person who has wronged you and say OUT LOUD:

  • I’m sorry
  • I forgive you
  • Thank you and
  • I love you

For what I consider obvious reasons I’m not going to share my full forgiveness list publicly. However, I do want to acknowledge how much lighter I feel after doing just 30 minutes of forgiveness work. Things that I thought didn’t bother me anymore, came up unexpectedly during this exercise.

I cried a lot more than I planned, but when I was finished I felt so much love and happiness towards myself and everyone on my list. I hope that now I can truly move on from the things that were on my list. Letting them go feels freeing.

I definitely want to work more on forgiveness. I know that by forgiving others and myself I can clear the space in my heart and in my mind that I need to bring my goals and dreams into realities. I want to be clear of negativity as much as possible.

If you’re reading this right now, I love you. I’m sending you love and positive vibes and the hope that all of your dreams come true. I’m rooting for you and I want to see you succeed. here’s to our manifestation of everything we’ve ever wanted!

Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge – Day 1

Alright, here is DAY 1!!! I’m so excited to unleash my inner money babe. I’m thinking I might just publicly do all my personal development stuffs here on my blog. Big dreams require big action after all. Am I right? So…going forward as I’m working through courses and challenges and stuffs…I’m just going to lay it all out and uplevel my whole LIFE! WOOHOO

Grab the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day One Discoveries!

for Day One, Manifestation Babe wanted us to start clearing out the crap. As with many manifestation readings and videos I’ve encountered, decluttering is a great way to clear the space for the new.

She told us to start with just our wallet and the space we spend the most time in. She recognizes we can’t do our entire homes in one day. Thank goodness!

Now that I’ve cleaned out my wallet I feel a little bit better. Then again, I also was a little bit annoyed because I realized that I had coupons in my wallet that I forgot about and let expire. But I guess that just proves that I need to clean out my wallet a little more frequently. I have considered just buying a whole new wallet for a fresh start to prevent the whole build-up of useless gift cards and coupons. I had been looking at some Louis Vuitton Fake wallets…they look stunning! I haven’t splurged as of yet, but I think it would be a great way to start fresh once again.

I did make a few other discoveries hiding in my wallet that made me excited. I found a couple of gift cards that I can use to go out to eat with my husband, and I found 4 free movie tickets that we can use for a couple of date nights. So now we just need to schedule some nights out with each other, which I do confess I’m looking forward to. I just LOVE spending time out with my hubby!

I handle most of my finances from my home office. Now that I’ve cleaned that area out, it does feel a little bit more organized. I feel like the spot is a little less chaotic. but, it also looks really bare. Haha!

I guess that’s to be expected whenever you clean an area out. I do want to clean out the rest of my apartment as well. I definitely want to organize my entire living space as well, and give everything a place where it goes . Nothing frustrates me more then not being able to find what I’m looking for what I’m looking for it.

The main area that I spend the most time in is my home office. The other space that I spend time in is my living room. And, I did clean a lot of the crap out that was in the living room too, but again I seriously need to declutter a lot more.

I definitely feel lighter, happier, and able to breathe easier when my space is clean and clutter-free. However the thing that frustrates me is the difficulty in maintaining the cleanliness. I find what generally happens is I spend a bunch of time cleaning, and then I don’t stick to putting everything back where it belongs.

What I would definitely like to have happen in my “Rich Babe” mind, is to clean my entire space and then manifest enough money to hire a housekeeper. That way someone else will be responsible for putting everything away and I can just focus I’m doing the things that I actually want to do.

Of course, I’m pretty sure I’m getting ahead of myself. Therefore, I’ll just focus on these 21 days first and see where they take me.


I’m Going to do the Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge

I’ve decided that I’m Going to do the Manifestation Babe 21 Day Money Challenge! As a means of holding myself accountable I’m going to post all of my workbook stuffs here – public. YIKES! I’m nervous about doing this, but I figure, what the hell? You gotta be bold with the Universe right? So, I’m putting all of this OUT THERE so my dreams can come true! Today is Day 0 and Day 1, but to prevent these posts from getting insanely long, I’m just going to load one day worth of work per post. Without further adieu…here are my day zero answers to the kickASH work book. Oh, and if you want to get the book and follow along with me, it’s called Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: Uplevel Your Money Mindset and Manifest $1,000 in 21 Days

Day Zero – Pre Challenge Questions!

1. Why are you here? What inspired you to start this journey?

What inspired me to start this journey is the fact that I’m frustrated with my current financial situation. Every single time that I start to get into a positive mindset and believe that things are going to change, I go right back into my old way of thinking, my old way of acting, and I sabotage myself every step of the way.


2. What are you ready to shift when it comes to your finances?

I’m ready to shift my beliefs about how many has to be difficult. I’m ready to step into the flow and find the path of least resistance.


3. What is it that made you say “enough is enough?”

For me, the reality is that I’m not getting any younger, and I don’t want to be facing another year, facing another January and still looking at the same numbers. I want to start seeing my debts go down, and my income and net worth go up.


4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to radically transforming your money story over the next 21 days?

I feel like I am 100% committed to changing and transforming my money story over the next 21 days. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit, and I would sure like to make earning more income my new habit for 2019.


5. How would it feel to manifest an extra $1,000 within the next 21 day period?

It would feel amazing! Bringing in more money and setting the foundation to believe in myself and believe that more income is possible would be even more amazing


6. What would you do with the money and why?

To be honest I would use it to pay down my debts. I really want this year to finally be the year that I start getting closer to or even finally becoming being debt-free. I know that having unleveraged debt feels very imprisoning. I want to feel free, and I truly believe the only way for that to happen is for me to finally get my unleveraged debt number to 0.


7. When do you plan to sit down, open up each lesson, and do the necessary work required? Commitment is key here! Give an exact time of day.

I think for me the best thing would be to commit to doing it as soon as I finish eating breakfast everyday. I think it would be the best way to start off my day because then I would be thinking about the shift necessary to get into a positive money mindset. And what better way to start each day and to be in a positive money mindset? So yes, I’ll commit to doing it every day right after I eat breakfast.